That friend who dips game pieces in thematic perfumes

>That friend who dips game pieces in thematic perfumes

>Otyugh encounter

But seriously, I don't believe this is a common problem. You probably made that up.

I'll take "Shit that's never happened" for 200, Alex.

you forgot the sage

Sage would actually be a pretty good aromatic to use in a temple encounter...

But yeah, nobody actually does this, more than once or twice anyway.


Summer cannot end soon enough.

As long as it isn't too strong, that actually sounds like a clever idea.

>people taking this seriously

Summer needs to end desu

What kind of scent would you use for a Goblin pirate? Sandalwood?

Eat some raw meat and then let rip a disgusting sick-fart onto it while you're stricken with food poisoning. That's what goblins smell like.

I use a toffee tin as a bitz box and it smells lovely everytime I open it. The scents starting to fade now though :(

Then add a bit of seawater

>That friend who brings a katana to his games and commits ritual suicide every time one of his characters dies

Summer never ends.

Except for Usenet, summer was a time of solace before the Eternal September, much as the school year is a time of solace for us now.

Veeky Forums was a marginally, but distinctly better place with visible sageing.

Scratch your asshole after not showering for a few days. Rub the model with that.
Don't worry a quick wash of the hands should clean the smell right off

Because morons spamming "SAGE!!!11" every time they didn't like something really improved the quality of threads.

Better than people who don't use coasters

Enjoy your ruptured liver.

You know, even if this is probably greentext shitposting, I will give you credit for originality.

Do you mean people believing that OPs story is true or people actually considering putting perfume on game pieces?

I think the game piece perfume might work in some situations. Like how they spray new car scent on used cars. I think some smells could be used one game pieces as a marketing tool.

>That friend who puts her feet on the table


It's okay for qt asian grills.

>that friend who slaps you every time you roll badly for "negative reinforcement"

Is it possible to suddenly develop a fetish?

Are we talking like their gaming pieces or their own girly bits? Or boy bits we're not judging.

That's not what negative reinforcement even means.

I put it in quotes for a reason.

>That friend who brings a katana to his games and commits ritual suicide every time he slashes my dog


Please, for the love of the Emperor, never let them run a Nurgle campaign for Black Crusade.

that's actually a really cool idea.

you get a saving throw, but yes.
(those are really cute feet)

If you fail your save vs. /d/, then yes.

I... kind of want to try this.

Blackleaf on 'roids?

did they dieded

cruising for a bruising, I've been banned for less

>that PC who is actually playing GTA on a tablet, watching a video on a laptop, and playing a soccer app on his phone whenever we're out of combat, and whenever it isn't his turn in combat.

I wish I was joking.

>Not discussing it with the player
>Not kicking such people out if it didn't work
I guess you should commit sudoku

I got that reference, user
I remember that thread

>Play Valhallan Ice Warriors
>Every piece smells like cosmoline and vodka

I need to do this.

>Only play in sub-freezing temperatures
>refer to opponents as "running dogs"
>only smile when something unpleasant happens

>slashing a dog with a katana
a katana should only be weilded against honorable foes like samurai or ninja

Back in the days of Soviet Union there used to be a brand of perfumes Дyх Mocквы ("Spirit of Moscow"), it was very strong and of questionable quality, but universally considered great luxury across the Union. I'm not sure if they are still made (and I would not dare open a bottle that prevailed from the day they were made originally) but if you want your commander or commissar to stand out, I suggest approximating the Spirit

>not honorable

China pls go


In what universe? Ninja were spies who used deception and disguise to accomplish their goals. That goes against the very concept of honor.

You expect someone to actually know their history and not the romantic version bullshit weeaboos eat up?