Horus Heresy General /hhg/

Утюг Boинoв Edition
You diet Imperial Fists really need to calm down Sub-Edition
The IWfags have awaken from their hibernation apparently. One user wanted to know what was best for a IW/WE list, we got ourselves an improved version of the general image, one ALfag got horrible bolters, the IWfags went full Slavic, discussion on axes(that didn't end horribly), tank designs, and the calibers of bolters was made, and one NLfag posted pics of his game plus much more in the last thread Red Book Links:
sys.Veeky Forums.org/derefer?url=http%3A%2F%2Fwww2.zippyshare.com%2Fv%2Fs15Jqk1t%2Ffile.html
sys.Veeky Forums.org/derefer?url=https%3A%2F%2Fmega.nz%2F%23!Jx1UGCTI!vMJN89z7p8tiEC7YOAj477g6RxDtJ7culVLF3q3godg
HH Book 6 - Retribution PDF:
mediafire.com/download/8aqx9j3a8erqv8d/The_Horus_Heresy_Book_6_-_Retribution.pdf or
sys.Veeky Forums.org/derefer?url=https%3A%2F%2Fkat.cr%2Fthe-horus-heresy-book-6-retribution-pdf-t12199249.html
HHG FAQ - pastebin.com/iUqNrrA8
Official HH 7th Edition Errata (Updated January 2016) - forgeworld.co.uk/resources/fw_site/fw_pdfs/Horus_Heresy/Horus_Heresy_7th_Edition.pdf
Other official downloads: forgeworld.co.uk/Downloads#horusheresy
HH Rules:
Age of Darkness Army List: mediafire.com/download/f0c2pnieoijyrqk/Legiones Astartes Age of Darkness Army List.pdf
Mechanicum Taghmata Army List: mega.nz/#!LFwTjQ7B!mF0eVOY8P1MPT0a-QSXypXo_ZfskhYynD41PrkaTbD8
30k/40k Rules: mega.nz/#F!pFgm0RKR!J06C1gVYcjzNGsF8YNLsjQ!EVh0GZZS
30k/40k Rules and more (torrents): kat.cr/usearch/"Forge World" heresy user:epistolary/
30k Black Library: mega.nz/#F!0RlxDZQC!qAu9BaubWa3KeihJRmOcsg
Strawpoll links: strawpoll.me/10558764

Other urls found in this thread:


>You diet Imperial Fists really need to calm down Sub-Edition

>The IWfags have awaken from their hibernation apparently.
We have awoken, and we are bitter!

Being featured that many times on the summary ashames me, but it's a good thing my summerfagging time will end soon.
>We have awoken, and we are bitter!
I'm hungry (no, I'm not Hungry user)

Still, what do you think about pic related. Are those guys dwarves or something?
I can't find an official source for space marine heights, I don't even know where the 8 foot figure comes from.

Looks like Dorn's one of the shorter Primarchs while Rowboat and Sang are on the moderately taller side.

Black Library retardation as always, a being thats actually 9 feet would mean that a 6 foot person would reach their ribcages and not their waistlines.

Heт, тoвapищ! I am the Iron Warrior that hungers.

Now to think of what to eat! Maybe potato.

Oooor (and the source of my question), T6 Primarchs are usually the same size, and are but a head taller than marines...
...which makes me wonder how tall marines are if someone a head taller than them would be twice the size of a regular man.
Or it could be like this.
Personally, I think marines would be like 7.5 ft high, and Primarchs about 8-8.5 ft or so.
And then there's Magnus and the Emperor.

It was a fun vid, huh.
I made another no-eating 24 hours cycle. I won't follow your example anymore.

>It was a fun vid, huh.
What video?

>I made another no-eating 24 hours cycle. I won't follow your example anymore.
Good, because I usually eat at least once a day! Lunch is optional, and usually sleep in too much for breakfast.

So are you really a red army soldier or something? Kek.

>You diet Imperial Fists

Iron Warriors. It's what I'm calling them as a test. If they sperg out they fail.

That's hilarious! Potato is truly of greatest utility. Can into drink, into food, and into weapon! Glorious!

>So are you really a red army soldier or something? Kek.
Heт. Am /k/omrade slavaboo. Who is coincidentally teaching himself Russian.

The 8 foot figure probably comes from the height chart that erroneously shows the Marine as 8 feet tall. I say erroneously, because the chart shows ground level as 1 foot instead of 0, so he's actually 7 feet tall. There are corrected versions of the image that show the Marine as 7 feet tall.

Aside from this the only concrete number I know of is the Deathwatch core rules, which states that the average Marine is 2.1 meters tall while wearing armor, which is about 6'10".

We don't do tests, user. We don't even take test for shooting. If you want to pass test stick yourself into a pain glove or something
>Heт. Am /k/omrade slavaboo. Who is coincidentally teaching himself Russian.
I...I'm out of words here. The potato thing I thought so specific, yet you suggested it right off the bat.
Here, have yet more IW slavs.
Pretty much.
>I know of is the Deathwatch core rules
So, it's stated in that new DW supplement, then?

Oh my sides.

Should have clarified, it's in the Deathwatch core book for 40kRPG.

The same entry for SM height/weight also states that Space Marines rarely vary a whole lot in terms of height, but that there are exceptions.

Brother what is this'1?!
Oh, thanks then.

Theres that one Chapter Master who's like 10 feet tall though

That Maximus Gainz dude?

FIrst out of four flyers Complete:)

>I'm out of words here. The potato thing I thought so specific, yet you suggested it right off the bat.
>Here, have yet more IW slavs.
You think potato is joke? Potato is glorious. Can be eaten many ways! Mashed, fried, baked, pancake, and more!

Silas Alberec is unfortunately not Chapter Master, but he is Primarch sized! He was Ogryn sized BEFORE, becoming and Astartes, however.

>Personally, I think marines would be like 7.5 ft high, and Primarchs about 8-8.5 ft or so.

Marines are 7ft, primarchs are probably 8-8.5ft and the bigger ones 9-10ft. Those people should really be about to Sanguinius ribcage.

The red looks more weathered irl but my phone camera cant pick it up.

I think it's probably a bunch of metaphors for an EC finding a new weapon to master on his quest for perfection, something that I'm probably going to get banned for(most likely), or porn writing that might be better than the average BL book.

>mfw Ground level is 1ft high
Now I understand this whole confusion. I agree with you.
Don't think I'm a stranger to potato. My mother always uses potato...well, in everything. But I always saw it as a side-food, even though mashed potato with cheese is delicious.
Thanks for reminding me the secrets of the potato, friendo.

Mm. Is of no problem, comrade! Cheese and potato is best combination!

potato and bacon/egg

>I think it's probably a bunch of metaphors for an EC finding a new weapon to master on his quest for perfection
Cute. Pic related here that I found is now my headcannon for the Vodian Sceptre.
>something that I'm probably going to get banned for
Huh? Why?

With cheese! Is of best for sure!

Also, that namefile. Nice.
I shall try this tomorrow. Which is today, for me.

>Huh? Why?
Being a little paranoid I guess.
>Cute. Pic related here that I found is now my headcannon for the Vodian Sceptre.
I saw it more as a hammer or staff, but oh dear what a name.
>Also, that namefile. Nice.

>Who is coincidentally teaching himself Russian.
How, by the way? Rosetta Stone?

This, Rosetta Stone, an American Enlgish/Russian dictionary, and the internet.

2500pts Word Bearers

450: Lorgar, Transfigured

160: Legion Centurion-Chaplain, Artificer Armour, Retractor Field, Jump Pack, Burning Lore, Metla Bombs
155: Legion Centurion-Chaplain, Artificer Armour, Retractor Field, Jump Pack, Burning Lore

140: Apothecary x2, Both have a Jump Pack and Power Sword
395: Gal Vorbak x10 (+5), Power Mace 1x, Power Axe x1, Martyr with Artificer Armour and Power Fist
60: Legion Rapier Weapons Battery x1, Quad Mortar x1 (Frag Shells)

373: Legion Assault Squad 20x (+10), 4x Power Weapon, Sergeant with Power Fist, Combat Shield, and Artificer Armour
355: Legion Assault Squad 20x (+10), 4x Power Weapon, Sergeant with Power Axe

205: Legion Sicaran Battle Tank, Sponson Lascannons
205: Legion Sicaran Battle Tank, Sponson Lascannons

315 HQ
450 LOW

Lorgar joins Gal Vorbak, they levitate towards enemy. Him granting Crusader, combined with their Rage, makes them just Rend and kill everything they hit.
Chaplains and Apothecaries join each Assault Squad, and Chappys now grant Fear. These are my blender units with mass PW-S. Since they Chappys have Burning Lore, will likely role on Biomancy, maybe Telepathy if needed.
Quad Mortar is for killing blobs and backfield units, and its just an awesome model.
Sicarans are my main Anti-tank and double as my AA.

Army is really fast and lots of fear in it. Also, lots of warp charges available for me too. Ideas or issues?

Looks decent, you will have problems with landraiders and other AV14 though, as well as medusae, phosphex rapiers and Typhons killing you from across the board. I would say drop the mace and axe from the vorbak and hand out more meltabombs/artificer armour/similar goodies

Caestus Assault Ram to carry Breachers in my IF Armored Breakthrough list. If I get this thing then I can remove the Knight and no longer be Knight user. I know crunchwise Breachers + Caestus isn't competitive, but is it badass/fluffy/etc?


>is personal opinion badass/fluffy/etc
No, it will never be badass, fluffy or anything else. You will be forever Knightanon. Want to know why? Because you cannot manage to make your own mind up about anything without the approval of /hhg/, since you ask for confirmation every single time. Just make something, play with it, and learn, rather than constantly questing for approval. It's time to stop posting

It's 2.5k and you have only three units. I wonder how you'll deal with stuff deepstriking near your Sicarans.
I'm sorry bro, but what says is true. Also, asking for fluffyness of IF breachers in a Caestus? Come on pal, you must be better than that.
Come on, pick yourself up.

Thanks on the tip!
AV14 I think is a universal issue in 40k.
Lorgar is S8 with ability to Smash, Martyr is S10, and Sicarans pack Lascannons and main weapon is S7 rending.
Hopefully most of the army will hit combat by Turn2, so Phosphex Rapiers and Medusa won't have long to hit me.
I could lose the Quad Mortar to easily make more room for upgrades, and even give the Chaplins a Power Fist each.

As suggested in the other thread, someone suggested dropping the Gal Vorbak to 5 and getting them an Anvillus Drop Pod. That way they can also hit Turn2 and dont need to depend on Lorgar to Levitate them over (and more protection/faster). If I do that, then easy to add more upgrades. Means Lorgar will then have to Fly himself.

That is my big issue. 2x20 Assault Squad, 2x Sicarans and 1x10 Gal Vorbak. Not many units.
Lorgar maybe should be left out then for 3k pts matches? That right there gives me lots more room.
I rarely see people play WB here, so not sure what a 'decent list' looks like. My FLGS is pretty green to 30k, lots of proxies or small pts games only.

>Lorgar maybe should be left out then for 3k pts matches? That right there gives me lots more room.
It could very much be a good idea, dude. Two Zealot Fear Fnp 20-man Assault squads and the Vorbak gals are darn powerful by themselves.

Moreover, if you look closely, you're not using any of Lorgar's boosts to his army:
>Use Lorgar's Ld, Immunity to Fear, +1 to assault score.
Doesn't matter, Zealots.
>+1 to Charge distance
Kek, everyone deep strikes, and 80% of your army has jump packs.

However, if what you want is to use Lorgar in a game, then this army is quite well done. Maybe leave it at 15 men per squad? It's not like WBs need to outnumber the enemy.

you are so mad I love it.

>>Not stated whether top or side represent primary detachment
You don't need to.
Two cases:
>IM primary detachment with AL allies.
The IM trust their superhuman allies, so they respect any decision they do. If they say they're holding that point, that's what they're going to do.
>AL main detachment with IM allies
The mortals have their uses, but they won't be able to keep toe to toe with us.

Buddy, it is the truth. But I have faith. The Knight user can yet be redeemed.

When people talk about Thudd guns this is what they mean right

Yup. Quad launchers. They have a lot of different munitions available, though.

дa, тoвapищ ! Я вoин Кхopн !

I don't know how to use my Cyrillic keyboard on my laptop, so I had to guess what the poster said.

Aye, 'tis a Thudd gun! A shame both it and the Medusa come with MKIV crewmen. I myself just stick with frag rounds for Ironfire.

I don't know anything you guys are saying, and not even google can translate it.
I don't even know the name of this edition. WHat the hell is a Boinob?

>I myself just stick with frag rounds for Ironfire
Tell me of your experience with them. I don't want to be the faggot that brings 12 phosphex rapiers to the table...but the temptation is real.
Faggot within.

I am Khorne warrior!

Also the edition name is Iron Warrior edition.

I'm unsure of what his poster says, but it's approximately
>I want you for Khorn!
Or something like that. I dunno, don't know too much Russian, I was more inferring and using Google translate for that bit.

So... wait. Is this Clan Morrugal? Dark Angels? Early proto-Flesh Tearers? Don't get me wrong, I LOVE what you've done with it, I'm just confused who that scheme would represent in 30k since there's so many alternate paint schemes now.

Eh, not much to say other than I don't like Phosphex and the other rounds just don't seem worth it.

I've also never played because no LGS within 90 miles.

Looking at the symbol on the side, those are user's Blackshields.

Also, being an IW is about having honor and besieging your foes with great efficiency. Phosphex is for destroyers, the Death Guard, the Night Lords, and for whenever the situation is dire even for our legion. Take note of those listed, for they are known for their lack of honor.

And phosphex is for losers anyways.

Wolf Guard Ranulf was explicitly stated as being "larger in girth and mightier of arm than even Leman Russ" in Codex Space Wolves.

I appreciate that.
I've never ran a LoW, even in 40k.
The more I saw of him, the less I realized he contributed beyond Psychic capacity.
So much Zealot is great in this army.

If I scrap him, should I add what? I assume a Kharybdis Assault Claw for Gal Vorbak delivery? I know they Deep Strike, but they will get shot to pieces that turn, a Drop Pod is much safer. Maybe a Contemptor Mortis w/ 2 Kheres or a Xiphon Pattern Interceptor? Or, instead run 5 Gal Vorbak in an Anvillus Drop Pod and that gives me another Heavy Support Spot for a flyer like a Fire Raptor?

>He was Ogryn sized BEFORE, becoming and Astartes, however.
They become astartes so early in life, it's doubtful that the full impact of their normal genetics would be apparent that far before adulthood (i.e. before or around puberty).

I think bacon is excluded by default; it always automatically wins "best combination" challenges no matter what it's with (including itself).

It's actually canon, iirc, but I can't find where it's stated. Either way, he is canonically a giant among giants. He's WS6 and S10.

>Phosphex is for destroyers
The Iron Warriors are the breakers or worlds! And the DA's Dreadwing pretty much invented the use of horrible weapons on the battlefield.

>Take note of those listed, for they are known for their lack of honor.
"Honour is an abstract concept entailing a perceived quality of worthiness and respectability that affects both the social standing and the self-evaluation of an individual or corporate body "
Aren't the IW the most self-deprecating legion? They know themselves to be expendable, and are very paranoid.

Actually the IW are pretty big on honor. Before Perty found them, back when they were the Corpsegrinders, they sustained massive casualties due to them feeling as if a retreat equaled defeat. Even after Perty found them, they were still pretty honor based, though nowhere near as much as the Corpsegrinders of course.

And people say "Deader than Horus", user, but that doesn't make it any true.
>If I scrap him, should I add what? I assume a Kharybdis Assault Claw for Gal Vorbak delivery?
Mainly for safety and transportation, but how about a Storm Eagle? It can serve as a flying antitank platform as well.
...and it can mishap and kill everybody too, I guess. But power demands sacrifice! And it's cheaper than a Kharybdis! You know you want it :^)
As for your AA options...I don't feel safe without 2 Deredeos.
But I'm paranoid and bitter, so that's expected of me.

>they sustained massive casualties due to them feeling as if a retreat equaled defeat
I think they call that "Stubborness", user.
The true general knows when a piece of terrain's blood price is worth spending, and when the butcher’s bill is sheer folly to pay.
If you tell me you don't agree with it, user, I will call you a liar.

>tfw no Dreadnought MotL
FW I need to be able to run a Bitter Grandpa list plz.

I don't disagree, but iirc the listed reason was that anything that could resemble defeat they took as a stain upon their honor.

>FW I need to be able to run a Bitter Grandpa list plz.
If you're going to be bitter, then at least do it right.
Furthermore, the Salamanders have a super resilient dread, who can brink IW Narik Dreygur as a slave, and you don't need to run a RoW to bring bucketloads of Cortus dreads and Leviathans, which are the only dreads worth running now.
And the IW is the only legion that can bring 4 Deredeos on its own.

Enough spoonfeeding. You're not the best user you could be.

Hmm. Well, I could agree with that. And the IW love to hear the shells' "BOOM" rather than the phosphex's "FIZZZZ"

A Storm Eagle honestly always has looked underwhelming to me. I've never faced 1, but never really liked it. I assume run w/ TL-MM and Lascannons, and AC for 285pts. Kharybdis is only 235.
2 Deredeos! Wow. At 2500pts too? Thats alot of very dedicated AA.
Unless I drop a Sicaran, cant really add much anti-flyer unless its a Flyer.

>for they are known for their lack of honor.
Who cares about honor when you get shit done.

But user, what if I wish only to bring Dreadnoughts in all my Force Org slots, not including FA or LoW? And their Nursing Home Repair Man and Head Nurse?

Stubborness is Dorn's dogs weakness, not the IW.

>2 Deredeos! Wow. At 2500pts too? Thats alot of very dedicated AA.
No, they're dedicated anti-armour units that can also reliably target incoming flyers, but they wouldn't fit in your list anyway.
I was thinking of the Storm Eagle with lascannons, costing only 250 pts (and maybe remove the lone rapier)...but yeah, a Kharybdis wouldn't be a target as the Storm Eagle would be, I guess.
Each killed dread now gives a VP to the enemy upon its death. Are you willing to pay such a price?!
Stubbornes as a tabletop rule is only a bonus, but IRL it borders stupidity.
And remember both the IW and the IF share the same weakness rule:

>And the IW is the only legion that can bring 4 Deredeos on its own.
Eh, I don't really care for Deredeos that much. They are good but leviathans are oftentimes better.
>Better at CC (duh)
>Better at murdering light vehicles (dual storm cannons)
>Arguably better AT if you can get close (6 str 9 melta vs 2 str 10 shots)
>Cam be taken in talons
>Harder to kill
>Much better anti-infantry (dual storm cannons with phosphex dischargers)

I mean doritos are cheaper and better for anti-air but for general purpose combat I would probably prefer the leviathan since it is much more versatile and you don't have to sacrifice multiple HS slots for more than one (unless you want 4 or more in which case dear god that's excessive). Plus leviathans seem much more Iron Warrior than doritos.

>Are you willing to pay such a price!?
If it means Bitter Grandpas then yes.

Now just give me my Dread MotL.

>Who cares about honor when you get shit done.
Also this.
But fuck those NL cowards. A lack of honour doesn't mean you cannot be brave.

>Bitter Grandpas


I think of Doritos mostly as direct-fire artillery rather than walking tanks, and Leviathans as pain in the ass^2 that can both deepstrike where the enemy didn't expect it, and it's quite difficult to remove...but I shall consider your words.

>I think of Doritos mostly as direct-fire artillery rather than walking tanks, and Leviathans as pain in the ass^2 that can both deepstrike where the enemy didn't expect it, and it's quite difficult to remove...but I shall consider your words.
Honestly I would just love to make a list focused around 4 leviathans each with dual storm cannons bonus points if you give them tit autocannons as Blood Angels
>48 str 7 AP 3 sunder shots at BS 5 per turn

>>IM primary detachment with AL allies.
Who are IM??

I imagine that would be Imperial Militia.

>>Bitter Grandpas
>Hey, Brother, what do you think of these Imperial Fists?
>Terrible! I hate off-the-wall comedy!

Imperial Militia and Warp Cults.

Imperial Militia. Showed up in book 4 or 5, don't remember which. Pretty much the Imperial Army but shittier. Also really neat because you can field anything from Ogryn able to wrestle with primarchs (strength and toughness 6) armed with power axes and CCWs to infantry blobs with a total of 200 attacks to power armoured infantry with bolters for super cheap.

They also get sponsons and Multilas on everything.

Oddly enough, they do not have Sponson MMs.

Hey pal, thanks for the assistance so far.
What about this version, packs alot more anti-tank and anti-flyer. Only 5 Gal Vorbak, but is lots shootier now. I own the FW Contemptor w/ 2 Kheres already, so really want to use it.

160: Legion Centurion-Chaplain, Artificer Armour, Retractor Field, Jump Pack, Burning Lore, Melta Bombs
160: Legion Centurion-Chaplain, Artificer Armour, Retractor Field, Jump Pack, Burning Lore, Melta Bombs

140: Apothecary x2, Both have a Jump Pack and Power Sword
235: Gal Vorbak x5, Power Mace 1x, Martyr with Artificer Armour and Power Fist
60: Legion Rapier Weapons Battery x1, Quad Mortar x1 (Frag Shells)
180: Contemptor-Mortis Dreadnought, Two Kheres Pattern Assault cannons

298: Legion Assault Squad x15 (+5), 3x Power Weapon, Sergeant with Power Fist, Combat Shield, and Artificer Armour
298: Legion Assault Squad x15 (+5), 3x Power Weapon, Sergeant with Power Fist, Combat Shield, and Artificer Armour

115: Anvillus Dreadclaw
220: Xiphon Pattern Interceptor, Ground Tracking Auguries, Chaff Launchers

205: Legion Sicaran Battle Tank, Sponson Lascannons
205: Legion Sicaran Battle Tank, Sponson Lascannons
220: Deredo Pattern Dreadnought, Aiolos Missile Launcher

320 HQ
335 FA

Well they mention that his armor had to be custom made and extra-massive for him, and that's still on display "in the Hall of Heroes, towering over all who look upon it".

Working on 22 of these lads, including 2 sergeants and an apothecary.Just need to shave down 40+ more shoulders to match and they're ready for priming. BaC is so good for fodder.

>Mixing armor marks
I play a traitor legion, and even I draw the line at this heresy.

Gotta love Ophion, can't wait for FW to make a mini one day. Until then, I'm working on my own.

Mixing armour marks is fun and gives the miniatures a more unique look, nothing wrong with that.

What mix? It's just MKIV with reinforced helmets. Nothing mixed about it. Someone left the trims off their shoulders. Those are gaudy and pointless anyway, for pansy pussy pop 3rd legion, not industrial metal 4th.

Speaking of armor marks, what's everyone's favorite?

I can't decide between MkII and MkIII for my IW. On one hand, I think MkIII looks really awesome and something that legitimately would protect you from a whole lot of things. On the other hand, I've seen some nicely painted MkII and I'm starting to love it as well. Plus the IW upgrade set is MkII, but those torsos are pure trash I'd probably still use them at least once though.. I'll use either the Tigrus bolter with MkIII or the Phobos with MkII.

After looking at all of them I'm new and looked at what Mk to get for AL I decided I liked MkII the most. There's something comfily oldschool about them.

1. I hope you got Phobos for them.
2. I really want to see them.

you will repent for your sins

Fuck you guy, bet you've not even been into the hobby for five whole years yet.

Haven't gotten them yet. I have the 2000pt list I want to build, but I'm also going to build a 2000pt force of Solar Auxilia.
I posted about this earlier in the thread
It'll take me a while to get them and am busy converting Exodus+Alpharius , and longer to paint them all (I'm phenomenally bad at painting).
They'll be my 30k armies, while occasionally being played in 40k alone, together, or allied with 40k AdMech.
I'll get Phobos pattern bolters though, now that you mentioned them.

>Haven't gotten them yet
Ah, alright then.

>Going to build a 2000 point SA list
Build your AL first.

>Convert Exodus and Omegon
Build your AL first. Their models might be out by then.

>Going to get the Phobos bolters.
Good! I feel as if MkII has to have that pattern. It just looks perfect with it.

Been playing since the very first space hulk back in the early 90s but I am sorry you are insecure familia, keep your chin up tiger.

>claims to have played space hulk
>doesn't even mix armour marks like FW intended

The smell of Axe body spray is overwhelming!!