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Galaxy confirmed to going to its final days. End Times confirmed!

Who else is abandoning their regular marines for Deathwatch?

>i2 orks

You guys legit just made me more confused.

Speaking about Orks, the battle where Calgar stood alone against an entire Ork WAAAAAGH! just got its own novel.

Buy it now and read some Ork bashing goodness!

That kind of fluff texts has been part of the lore since 4th edition.

Do we even know what the rules actually are?

I am considering it, though.

>girls playing 40k


>ZFR Horizon Accelerator Engine
good to know that firewall ended how literally everyone thought it was going to

>Hive Fleet Behemoth
Of all the retcons, I still don't like this one. Kraken and Leviathan were the ones splintering. Behemoth got annihilated, which is why the tyranids changed tactics for their later invasions.

I'm not sure they'll be able to top overkill's booklet for fluff, but I'll still probably buy this book.

chinks and their bootleg casts

Yes, we do.

To those talking about the Grav chute deployment last thread, models failing the dangerous terrain doesn't cause the squad to be wiped, it just means those models die. The squad is only wiped if you scatter into a location where you can't deploy the squad. If your way of doing it was the right way, no-one would ever fucking do it.

You are just retarded. Kill your self.

Because you are a dumb-ass.

You try to drop, as if deep striking. You then roll to scatter, as usual. If you scatter, you immediately (IE before deploying) roll for dangerous terrain.

If any of the models die, the entire unit is gone.

If not, you deploy as normal as if deep striking.

yes this is the way I play it as well

>deploy unit as if deep striking
>roll scatter
>if hit, they land safely
>if scatter, immediately roll dangerous terrain for every member of the squad
>deploy remainder on the scatter location
>if any of those models cannot be deployed, the unit is destroyed (instead of rolling for deep-strike mishap)

>good to know that firewall ended how literally everyone thought it was going to

The ZFR engines were invented in SSE and were upgraded a little prior to the TSE. The text is talking about the events of Warzone Damocles, Kauyon, and Mont'ka.

>Of all the retcons, I still don't like this one. Kraken and Leviathan were the ones splintering. Behemoth got annihilated, which is why the tyranids changed tactics for their later invasions.

I am sure there something in the old fluff that says some splinters of behemoth survived...

Going by what we have now, the recent lore says the splinters of Behemoth fled to warp or sped into far space before the Imperials caught them. Behemoth made appearances in 990+ 41K in the Daemonkin dex.

This is good for anyone who liked that Hive Fleets color scheme. Why do you want to limit diversity? You a bigot or something?

Isn't failing to deploy not being able to place a model in coherency?
If there's no model to deploy because it died in the scatter then it can't fail to deploy, right?

This seems most logical.
I'll just play it like this.

>To those talking about the Grav chute deployment last thread, models failing the dangerous terrain doesn't cause the squad to be wiped, it just means those models die.
Nice houserules, but we prefer playing by the rules, and not shit up the FAQs from GW by asking retarded questions.

I mean, it is a lot less punishing, and not really OP, so I'd likely allow you to do if this way, similar to the Ork fandex we allow our Ork friends to play with.

But don't pretend like this is how the rule is written or intended to be used.

>deploy remainder
Which you can't, because the text straight up says that if you cannot deploy the whole unit, it is removed.

Just ignore them. They are either trolling, shitposting, or straight up retarded. You wont win this one, you'll just waste a fuckton of space on discussing with people less intelligent than rocks.

>The ZFR engines were invented in SSE and were upgraded a little prior to the TSE.
oh, alrighty

>I am sure there something in the old fluff that says some splinters of behemoth survived...
nah, in old fluff they thought the tyranids were completely destroyed. That's why kraken came as such a surprise.

It's not just logical. It's RAW. "Cannot be deployed" isn't arbitrary wording in this scenario.

Yes, and seeing as dead models are no longer part of a unit, you deploy the entire unit, no matter how many models it has left. No mention is made to the unit having to be at full strength.

Except that part you underlined at no point says that a model that dies to a dangerous terrain test counts as not being able to be deployed.

Not that guy but:
There's no longer a model to deploy.
So it neither can or can't be deployed because it's no longer trying too.

>Tyranid ranged weapons
>Muzzle flare

Right, because they don't count. You can't "fail" to deploy something that (as far as the rules are concerned) does not exist.


In the art of Shield of Baal, there were Tyranids hanging humans heads on their weapons and backs as trophies. It looks like the nids are learning from this galaxy.

The whole point of the fucking rule is that it forces all units who use that kind of drop to take a dangerous terrain test, most likely killing at least 1 unit in the process. It's the whole fucking reason why a formation exists which allows you to do this drop but without scattering. It's not a "Lol, 50% chance your unit gets wiped out because one guy fell on his arse" It's supposed to be a light punishment for disembarking outside of normal parameters, with both a scatter AND a dangerous terrain test.

>Faggots bringing last thread's arguments to the next general.

I meant killing at least 1 model, I get them mixed up.

It's okay we figured it out.

better this than people biting at end times bait again

I wish we had some kind of identification, or the ability to filter just one post, and automatically hide any future posts from the same guy.

Fucking hate these retarded shitposters.

Regarding Deathwatch, do we have any rule leaks so far? Does it look good? I just got myself a ton of models, and I kinda want to make a Deathwatch type of army, but I am not sure how the rules look.

Most arguments span entire editions of the game, arguments about drop pods and how they act in terms of terrain and cover happened all the fucking time before the FAQ made them impassible Upon which it turned from arguing to complaining. Arguments are the one staple of 40k general. That and Ork memes.

>Charge an Ork unit
"I'm toughness 4 soo... you wounding on 4s?"
>M-my boys are strength 3...
"I'm sorry, what was that?
>My boys are STRENGTH 3

Saturday = Hobby Day

Are you playing a game this weekend?

Working on any models?

>tacticool stormies became Swiss Guard in space
>bling Deathwatch muhreenz became tacticool as fuck

I want off this ride!

They have strength D space marine captains, looks like eldar tier bullshit to me.

I'd be okay with that sort of thing. If they evolved other ways to demoralize their foes, they would mimic trophy taking too.

>mfw I never tell anymore my boyz are s3 and say they're s4
>mfw gotten away with it in tourneys

Underated toast

>lets turn tg into tumblr tier block everyone I don't like crap

Yeah, no.

>once per game
>one attack at S:D
>If it misses, he takes a S:D attack instead
What a brilliant plan, f a m

>Let's let people keep shitposting about obviously wrong rule interpretations for 20+ fucking posts

Yeah, no.

So 6 units of vets with 4 frag cannons in drop pods seems like a great idea...

Impact is fucking bullshit.

Yep, I remember when this one time d weapon which has a mostly 50-40% chance of killing its user was also a shooting attack that was given to an 35 point model but never killed its user... oh wait.


So would anyone complain about me using alternative colour schemes for my Deathwatch marines? I really don't want them to look like literally all other deathwatch marines ever.

>D flamers
>D blasts
>Long range D blasts
>large D blast
>small D blasts
> DDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD all day erryday

>one guy
>single target
>melee only
>can fuck his shit right up if he misses

nigga yo dumb

I'm using the rules to represent my Crimson fists sternguard...

>The guy asking about a confusing rule to him is the shitposter
>The guy calling people retarded left and right without pointing out why he thinks he is right and the others are not is NOT a shitposter
Oh ok, Mr Edgy

M8, i'm using them as my crack alpha legion infiltration squad so go for it

Don't reply. Ignore them. Hide the posts. Don't take the bait.

Yeah, people shitpost, it happens. But if you just let people block people they don't like, soon we just have little safe spaces where like-minded people can echo their opinions back and forth. I'll take a million carnacs over smelling my own farts all day long.

I would not complain but I would not approve, because deathwatch being spooky black space special forces is kind of their deal.

>large D blast
Wait what?

They have a single special character with a one use D melee attack that hits himself if he misses.

Heavy D scyths, though now i actual check, thy are only small blasts, so my bad.

Thousand Sons here. Librarians for everybody!

Hoorah for using the loyalist stuff to represent chaos!

>What is a lynx
> less then 300 point flying double firing shadowsword

>just eldar things

Forge world. Can't fire when flying. Gets 3 single shots or one large blast. 5 hp av11

Do we know if "Mission Tactics" is actually a Chapter Tactic?

Now that Ward's back, it's only a matter of time until Grey Knights get a new boost.

So in hopes of avoiding the shit that happened last time, what changes should be made to the shiny soldiers?

I'm mostly curious about how they could be fixed against Daemons, since they crumble against any of the slightest spammy shit.

it's its own special rule

>Forge world
>thinks thats a disadvantage

Oh you

That seems pretty in line with standard Eldar stuff.

Actually, it sounds a bit overpriced compared to the normal codex stuff. Might be better to take another wraithknight instead.


Most stores ban forgeworld so good luck convincing someone to let you play it.

It has a Primary weapon 2, large blast D weapon retard.

It is physically impossible to assemble an Onager with one hand. Fuck those things.

Where do you play?
Even most FLGS I've been too don't care unless the owner is super anal-retentive.

Of course this is my anecdotal evidence to your anecdotal evidence so what have you I guess.

>Playing at a store.
Worse than basement tier.

Yeah, but I'm left handed. I can't paint or anything for seven weeks.

teach me your ways, oh right-handed ones

>still lose all your games

More army versatility and formations m, ammo types being brought back maybe. It's not points costs as much as their inflexibility and the general issues with 6th/7th edition 40k that plagues them.

>Pickup brush with right hand
>fucking paint that shit

Boom, you are no longer a witch who writes in unnatural ways

>Now that Ward's back, it's only a matter of time until Grey Knights get a new boost.
Any proof he isn't just there for a Novel?
>So in hopes of avoiding the shit that happened last time, what changes should be made to the shiny soldiers?
Point drops on wargear and a better dreadknight model.

what happened to your hand?

I tore my muscles fapping for too long

Is the whole "FW is all OP" a meme?
The only FW model I have had any trouble with was the Fire Raptor but I have seen tons of other FW models and they look and play fine.

>Most stores
That is a pretty blanket statement 2/4 GWs I have visited were fine with it and even the ones that weren't it was the players there and not the store owner (but I am suure they helped that sentiment along)
Furthermore, all three FLGSs I go to are all fine with FW.

Are you Australian?

I'm actually not trying to be insulting or anything, I'm just curious because from what I understand is that there is a trend depending on the country as to where most people go to get wargaming done.
So in the States, and to a lesser degree in the UK, people go to stores since part of the draw is that the store sets up tables to get foot traffic and customers.
Whereas in Australia people usually go to their mate's house instead or rent out a space as a group every once in awhile as a big event.

So yeah, perspective is really interesting.

Broke my middle finger in two places, would've been okay to just be a splint but the disconnected bone pieces shifted. Had a few pins put in, get the cast off in 5-7 weeks.

I broke it by riding an intertube, it flipped and my finger got caught on a rope.

The omly thing so far that is stupidly op is the Ta'unar. Other then that the forgeworld team is pretty good about that kind of stuff. Also, you replied to a shitposter who memes about "stores banning forgeworld"

You mean like /pol/

just become ambidextrous, though it might happen a little since your more dominant hand is out of commission. basically you do all your hand movements backwards, try mirroring some actions and simple tasks like eating. i do it for my art and to appease that nagging thought at the back of my head about losing my right hand.

and what would you do to improve grey knights? i think they need some bigger guns and more general weapons. idk if that would help against burning skyhost + fateweaver + murderhorde (the fate of burninghorde?)

it's an old hold over. it's not so much they're OP but mostly unknown and hard to get. there's a couple of strong units but when marines have grav and eldar have D they're average

psycannon: AP3 Shred
psilencer: S1 AP2 Poison(4+)
nemesis force sword: Rending
nemesis falchions: to-hit rolls of 6 give another attack
nemesis hammer: S10 two-handed
psibolt ammo for everyone by default
psychic pilot as an upgrade for all vehicles
add a new unit that can do tankbusting at range

>Is the whole "FW is all OP" a meme?

This /40kg/ is off to a great start. Fucktards declaring themselves the authority when it comes to rules disputes, wanting to kill any discussion and labeling anyone who disagrees with them retards and shitposters. 'FW is op and not allowed in my store' meme. Orks in the middle of all this. Where will we head next, /40kg/?

Apparently low quality reaction gifs.

well since you've asked, let's just put those "end times" shitposts to bed


>Most stores ban forgeworld
I have literally never seen a store ban forgeworld.

In fact, most of them have fucking forgeworld models lying around, and some of them even sell it (At purchase price + Shipping + 10%, so fucking expensive, but they DO sell it)


>Where will we head next, /40kg/?

We've not resorted damage control by accusing others of being Carnac. We have, however, started taking bait despite acknowledging it as bait so we're well on our way there.



no forgeworld, space marines only, kill points mission setting

Come to the SW florida area if you want to get jv5 stocked.

Better then smug anime girls

The Ork player in our 40k Campaign controls 40% of the map.