What´s the strangest superpower you have seen in a superhero campaing?

What´s the strangest superpower you have seen in a superhero campaing?

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Inb4ball of arms man

A man who is part man and part skeleton.
A skeleton man.


Right so which part is the skeleton part?

well you see, user, through a very excruciating process, they replaced his entire skeletal system with bone

good lord, do you know how hard it is to break bone? He'll be indestructible

Sponge powers! It worked pretty well all things considered.

I once played with someone who had a super hero who had basic superman powers... in his hands alone. Invulnerable, super speed, from the wrists down.

>The same thing, but only in his benis
Tell me this exists as a doujin or something.

The skeleton part.

I've never seen him myself, but there was a character someone mentioned 'playing' that was effectively a super-powered meme.

They basically maxed out their presence and intimidation skill and took enough drawbacks to where they basically didn't exist.

But any time a crime was committed in their city, an evil doer would be forced to ask themselves or their companion "what if The Hammer finds out?" and from there they made an intimidation role which caused evil to stop what they were doing while crapping their pants.

I remember a guy mentioning that in a previous thread.

The problem at that point is that your character is no longer a character, but an effect

The strangest character I've ever seen was named "Big Fucking Gun Man". He was a manic depressive 30 year old with the ability to amplify the strength of anything he touched, but it could only be used once.

Pic related: It's his dog.
A pistol could fire its entire magazine at once but then it would break. A sword would magnify to twice it's length and sharpness but then snap in half after one slash.

The issue with this character came when he was touching anything other than a weapon. His computer mouse became a massive universal remote that exploded after clicking once.

BFGMan once tried to use a napkin to clean some water off of his date. It turned into a massive quilt and sucked all the moisture out of her body. He tripped once and grazed a gorilla at the zoo. It became sentient and began running away, screaming and crying, before exploding all over a class of children on a zoo field trip.


BFGMan liked to go to the bar with his friends Master Moisture, the Eternal Optimist, and Alcoholitron. He stumbled home alone one night and this guy tried to mug him, but BFGMan accidentally cut the mugger in half with a razor-sharp trash can lid.

I think it would work better as an NPC, effectively a recurring gag.

Wouldn't super lowering a trash bin lid just make is super huge? Or does intent play a part in thst power?
I mean, a desirable feature to be enhanced for lids is generally not sharpness.


That is not to far from what I built for a sadly short lived supers campaign.
Man at Arms was a man who could conjure arms from portals so long as no one was looking at where the portal would be. He usually used this to either pop arms out from his Coat of Arms and multi-fistfight people, or to surprise people with arms out of hidden alcoves/alleys/etc. It was kind of funny, because when I explained the general concept to the GM, he thought I meant arms as in guns, so he thought I was just a walking arsenal. He was really goddamn baffled the first time I went full hindu deity

post arms

i've seen this around, what's the point of pizza gal?

>I once played with someone who had a super hero who had basic superman powers... in his hands alone. Invulnerable, super speed, from the wrists down.
Quite the regular guy if you ask me

You mean like inside him?

Chronic man. He has the power to give people long term diseases and health problems. Is a super villain terrorizing the city? Well now he has cancer. There's a bank robber with a hostage? His wife is now infertile. Justice is always served.... eventually.


As someone with an intense fear of having any such health problems, I could imagine a setting where people hear about this justice cancer-giving man who inflicts unescapable pain to those he deems criminal and decadent.

Crime goes down to practically zero and everybody bows their head in fear of their biohazard of an overlord

...until a team of heroes from all walks of life come together to vanquish the power that terrorizes mankind.

Heh, fitting, I guess.
>Biohazard is watching you

One time I played as Cthulhu, defender of humanity [I did it before that video game did it]. I mostly fought aliens. I manifested as a cultist in a plain black robe, but any time trouble was afoot, I became the 250 feet tall god-priest of R'lyeh, to spread madness and justice among mankind!

One time I threw the ISS at someone. The PC I was closest to was described "Basically Master Chief, only a monkey". He had a banana mobile.

It was not a serious game.

A Fire blasting hero who could only bast it from his feet. He was competent compared and worked well with the girl with two Invisible body part at a time and the guy who controlled hair but couldn't grow it.