1870 Risk

1870 Risk

Pick a faction. game launches once we have 4 players

For your roll to count:
>period appropriate Sig in name line
>1 line RP
>clear directions

William I takes his thrown in Prussia for the coming wars.
Hey bro... that pol thread was an attempt at compomise between pol and tg play... idk... i feel it failed but my eyes were watering at the end...
~William I

one of those /pol/ fags was all butt hurt cuz he couldn't steam roll like he used to. when you map build, you have to beta test to really find the kinks and bugs. but in doing this you will always get criticism and make a few enemies.

dont worry about it.

its so hard to get that many players on tg and pol demands quick updates... its just so hard...
>cries a bit inside...

yeah and that was the point... islam isnt great, but the game isnt good if you can just steamroll... hope we get rollers here.. this looks fun

wtf do we do then? some dude in the other bread asked if you were in the Risk Skype BTW... might be a good lead to getting more players

Lonesome Wyatt of France makes his presence known.

ayo m8. got you

hey bro, hows your map coming?
thanks for playing,
also i have been pitching your map for quick gameplay on pol as of late and actually OPd the other night, it was fun
i replied and havent heard back... will check into it. and idk we cant give up though

also did you see those last post last night...? after you left?

...no. good things or bad things???

Fatih the Conqueror begins his campaign in Turkey.

gotchu... which faction??


I finished it. I'm doing it now actually.



well i was george VI of england too... sorry to that but will not here today... i just wanted fun... and i was going to be fighting myself which seemed a bit bipolar and cool...

William orders his troops to keep a watchful eye on the borders for invaders and declares war on Saxony. We must bring them into the fold, seen our men to saxony to acquire their turf

loool no worries. some people are actually capable of playing 2 factions and not cheat.

Fatih The Conqueror orders an all time patrol on the western borders and takes Persia into his domain.

Denmark declares war on Sweden and Norway. It moves against Sweden first while its navy screens a Norwegian response.

yeah, we are different from the pol guys... the game is what matters, not whether you conquer the whole map... i loved it

the amount of sea creatures on this map is insufficient !

standing by for this roll then mupdating

please play bro,

also i gave wyatt a heads up in the other thread


there is already a Risk on Veeky Forums here:
imma torch this one and try again later tonight

thanks for trying bro, will be waiting

Lonesome Wyatt of France declares war on Belgium, and threatens Spain, for Barcelona is righteous French clay, he expands in Barcelona first.

m8, you still updating the Religions?
If you can send me the map, I can try wording some of those rules for it.

play as you will good friend
going back to the other thread to see if you posted there

TY bro

Sweet new rules, but can there be a Shia/Shiite/Sunni Islam so then Christians won't go into wars because one is catholic and the other's protestant, meanwhile the Muslims aren't as divided as them and expand?

this is a good idea
also need.... judaism i guess... kek put a banking rule or something. a loan of 5T from jew to another religion returns 6T in next round from the receiver...

Ah, yes. We should be able to trade T's or resources. That'd be fucking awesome.

anyone still around?

Haliax, you want to link in Wyatt's thread for rollers when its done?

I'm here.

fun game btw
enjoying the way things are going and the divisions and mending and all

Same. Looks like the catholics will win.

Yeah, I tried the poor thing bc it could create a bit to turmoil and divide people up some... This definitely the longest a game on that map has lasted that I have played.

This game was designed for multiple players. And I made the bonuses spread out. If there were 3 - 5 players playing, it'd take less than an hour to win because of the lack of wars and players. Whenever there is a lack of players, people just fill the area till there isn't much to fill, then they decide to attack. When there's players everywhere, you got war everywhere.

i always wanted to figure out a way that you could carry a map from thread to thread, each set of players contributing to the "history" of the thread.

I think GoB mighty be able to do this, but i'd rather it be real world...

That'd be pretty cool. Like an alternate history. You should do that beginning from 200 BC to a set year in which the official game ends.

right, Like Civ or Call to Power. You could start with a big world map, each thread has a set number of mupdates before it locks. you could do individual maps for regions.

That'd be sweet. I'd play the shit out of that.

hey just got back.
yeahagree. also i like the premade history maps a lot though... wan this thread to be played so bad

i can see that clearly now


So the first map would have to be PvE in some way, not that players wouldn't interact, but they'd have to expand their culture(s). as they grew, they'd start interacting with each other. over time, you'd have regional maps, and these would coalesce into global maps. alongside the gameplay, you'd be building a historical narrative.

I might do a GoB in a little bit as a test run. I'll let it run for [x] numberof posts, then pick it up again tomorrow.

That sounds fucking awesome, will there be official religions, cultures, and army invasions and shit if you end up making a map like that?

Dang it, got here a bit too late

In my mind, rollers would have to make them up for them to exist.

no one really bit for this map. i might do another later.

there is this game too.

... tfw you are proclaimed to be noone

Made-up religions? I'll get brainstorming.

We are the tribe of the highlands and we worship Frisbetarianism.

We are the tribe of Pholackus and we worship the one true God of darkness, Kek.

Frisbetarians have no god. We are true atheist. If the Frisbee flies on a roof top, do you pray to god it falls down or do you grab a latter and retrieve it youself---Frisbetarianism.

that one seems pretty full

c'mon, you know what i meant.

Yeah, but not just religions. cultures and tech too, maybe. the best part is, what may start out as a joke or something silly could morph into a Islam type cancer... i mean, religion.

i think it is telling that there were no atheist tribes that progressed technologically...

Anyone interested in GoB?

it will be over soon too, the catholics have kicked ass... what is the plan guys

me me me me

Every breath i take is in service to the Imperium.

If it is up to me, i wanna do this one (1870), Protestant Reformation, 30 years war, or GoB

>Anyone interested in GoB?

Is there a better map thn the one from the other day though?

Join the empire before you and the other catholics die, is my advice.
What about a Napoleonic Wars-themed map? Would be fucking sweet if you could be Napoleon, marching into the streets of Moscow.

Veeky Forums might be a haven, but not if we spam their board with risk threads.

Currently we have 3 of them up. i tried to torch mine, but i waited too long.

we might need to come up with an unspoken rule to have only one up at a time.

...so if you are gonna run one i will not.

GoB sounds epic right now.
>Reserving house Targaryan


i vote GoB

Agreed, I suppose. Still, shill mods on /pol/ might still ban us for global rule 3 even if we don't spam the board.


>that is the joke



The Pope serves under no empire and will not accept vassal states of his own

Let's get fucking autistic


i wish i had one ;_;

then thenthen



i legitimately laughed loud enough that kitty bolted.

I am down, but i will need help enforcing rules and clarifying disagreements

meh... read through it. too much work. let's do this one if we want a big map

I second this map

If we cannot come to consensus, imma pick one and launch when Wyatt's thread is concluded...

ok I'm down with that. I've OP'd before and it is a fucking ride if you can get more than 5 players who know what they're doing


The Iron Bank will have its due.

is everyone OK with this one?

Stark's of Winterfell

I mean I still like this one and and seem to like it too.

yeah, is still my pick

i will go with any of them at this point.... just start it up in a bit i guess.

...damn, that one is still going strong.




kill russia derrrrrrr!!!!!!


you still here?

We are fucked, the Pagans are way too OP and they've got us.

i wanted GoB... i am so sad right now...

I'm not a fan of fiction, unless it's historical fiction.

start catholic nations anonymously and take down the pagans?

and he started that thread after i told him not to and he has never tried the rules.... ruined the night