EDH/Commander General

Herbert West edition

Old thread: RESOURCES:
>Official Site: Contains deck building rules and the current ban list.
>Deck List Site: You can search for decks that other people have made. Authors often have comments that explain their deck’s strategy and card choices.
>Another resource for commander discussion; they have an entire forum dedicated to discussing decks. People often make primers, which go into detail about how they built and play their deck.
>Statistically see what everyone else puts in their commander decks based on what is posted to the internet.
>Find out what lands you can add to your deck, sorted by category, based on a chosen Commander’s color identity.

>Official search site. Current for all sets.
>Unofficial, but has GOAT search interface

Other urls found in this thread:


Reanimator is the most fun EDH archetype, fight me.

Not as fun as general midrange goodstuff

Being versatile is more fun than getting blown out by gy hate

Nope, its card drawing

Azami player, eh

Best commander for a Bloodborne themed deck? I want it to be part werewolves and part eldrazi/horrors

Or I might just go for a straight up cosmic horror deck. In that case i might go with Wrexial.

I disagree. land ramp, followed by stax, then reanimator, followed closely by mid-range.

Theros Gods, born of a shadowy alternate realm and dreams, fit the Great Ones well enough.

Kruphix actually, if my posted picture wasn't already a big clue

Oh, have a decklist or anything? I like Kruphix as a card but I've no real idea what to do with him as a Commander.

Mine revolves more about card drawing, to the extent it's a semi-grouphug theme. That's about it.

Most of the time I win through combos, and have an answer for everything.


Most people build him for X spells or Eldrazis anyway.


The most fun Kruphix deck I've ever seen played Laboratory Maniac with X draw spells and Helix Pinnacle as its win conditions. Blue/Green draw cards, ramp mana, those are your strengths.

In my experience it's not very fun

Games slows down to a crawl, very reliant on top deck, nobody can cast spells

It's like you've played against my deck before

But this is EDH, where every archetype has the opportunity to be fun

You must be broken and reeducated

To be fair, I see that happen all the time with my friends who enjoy battlecruiser magic. It's not super hard to get into a stalemate with any kind of deck.

Never read that flavor before. Pretty good.

True, but that's why I'm not a fan of low power edh in general (mid power is great though) like precons vs precons is hella boring

Still though

Being in a topdeck stalemate is better than discarding for turn over and over after Armageddon + trinisphere

What is the difference between commander and all the other MTG threads? What is the buy in cost and how does a person do it?

Buy in is less than any other format

Just gotta find a playgroup

Tell me more detail my dude

Aside from basic Lands, you may only have one copy of each card in your deck and you're restricted by your commander's mana colors. So no need to buy 4 copies of x, and you can't even include y.

Kruphix sounds fun as fuck.

>counter Narset every time it's cast
>guy finally gets it to stick and give it haste
>Stifle the attack trigger
>tap Arcane Lighthouse
>Turn to Frog and Gut Shot on Narset

Izzet is the funnest color combo

Best commander is pic related

>HURR DURR Commander damage
we all know that's bullshit.

Singleton format, so maximum 1 of each card that's not a basic land, 100 card decks, usually like 35-40 lands

Generally you can pay $40 in an ultra low power playgroup, or $200 in a medium playgroup

Don't start that shit again

So -just to make sure I'm understanding correctly-, with Kruphix out you can just keep tapping for Mana and banking it (albeit as Colorless) turn to turn? Then cast ~30 mana worth of spells in one go.

what do you mean, Stating the truth?

I swing for 234,004,384,345,950,193 trampling damage.


I'm sorry you got blown out by a Godo

But you and I both know that commander damage makes a ton of decks and generals viable


Werewolves are hard to work with in EDH so I wouldn't recommend them. My vote goes to the mimeoplasm for cosmic horror. You can discard fatties with things like reckless scholar and wharf infiltrator and reanimate them.

When I think about it, it would be nice thematically if you could work in a daring sleuth with a neglected heirloom but those don't really play to the mimeoplasm's strengths.


Sac my spore frog

Who runs fog in EDH other than Angus Mackenzie turbofog though?

You'd be surprised. And people are stupid, someone tried to Fog a Fireball I cast for like 80 damage once

I used to run fog in my Derevi Bant goodstuff deck and literally everyone told me to take it out.

Goddamn I wanna build Kruphix again.

Pic related in newzuri, nobody deals damage ever again

Okay. Steal shit / clone shit deck.

Sakashima the Imposter or Lazav Dimir Mastermind?

In one hand I get access to more ETB and steal cards with mono blue, on the other hand I get graveyard shenanigans in Dimir at the cost of having to dedicate resource to mill subtheme.

Okay, yeah, Spike Weaver in Ezuri, yes, obvious synergy. I mean the ACTUAL card Fog.

I run moment's peace in all of my self mill decks. Has saved me countless times and allowed me to swing all out without fear of retaliation.

The surprise factor is pretty sweet too.

So basically you just ramp hard and draw excessively, hopefully having the answer to any particular board interaction in hand while shooting for Lab Maniac and Helix Pinnacle wincons?

Reaper King

You also get Dack's Duplicate and Altered Ego.

>Buy in is less than any other format
Excluding pauper

It's also politically grouphug, so the table doesn't focus you.

>I am not a threat

With buyback. On my turn I'll replay that land with my Crucible of Worlds.

Rubinia WUG
Or Merieke if you insist on WUB
Same thing hust different support color

Make yourself the less threat also by just stocking up mana on Kruphix, for later card drawing or saving your own boardstate with counterspells or answers. And wincons.

Remind me again why Gaea's Cradle is Commander legal and Tolarian Academy is not?

I run Constant Mists in my Kamahl, Fist of Krosa deck. I always keep mana up on other people's turns to stop wraths anyway, so nobody ever sees it coming.

WUB with things like Grave Betrayal.

>mill subtheme
Dont go all in on that. Kill spells and wheel effects will get you the fodder you want too. Lasav is one of my fav generals right now and the black is really worth it for all that sweet graveyard abuse.

Merieke. Take their stuff and carry a sac outlet.

Because green decks dont run alot of creatures and blue decks are nothing but artifacts you silly goose :^)

Because artifacts don't need haste to tap for mana the turn you cast them it's way easier to have explosive starts with academy than cradle.

The idea with Sakashima is to consistently bounce and abuse ETBs in the case of opponents not having any good beaters or usable effects. Seems too many colors would make the theme messy unless I'm missing something here

Once you ramp mana and draw your entire deck in one or subsequent turns, you can't go back

Lab Maniac + Thought Lash
Alchemist's Refuge + Doubling Cube + Helix Pinnacle

for the spiciest of Kruphix techs

The idea with Reaper King is that sometimes your opponents are shit and the best thing to copy is your own crap.

Makes sense. Any preference on Kruphix becoming a creature vs keeping him an enchantment?

I run spore frog in meren. People absolutely hate it.

What kind of fuckers are you copying to make him strong on the field? My meta has a fair few decks that are ETB heavy, alongside beaters who don't go to the graveyard

I just think that with so much artifact hate available that it would be easier to remove the artifacts cast with Tolarian Academy than Elf token ramp with Gaea's Cradle, but maybe I'm missing some other thing

Doesn't matter. Most of the game I'm so fixated on him being my mana bank that I forget he becomes a creature sometimes. Hence Elemental Resonance is another good card to enchant him with.

Only opponents that have bad experiences with Kruphix will actively try to destroy him, which is not impossible but not simple to do either. Though in my meta, even though my friends don't destroy or deal with him, you become an open target unless you got answers or defenses.

I think we're all in agreement: specialty/repeatable fogs ARE good. The original card FOG is not.

Ah, well, that makes sense for your group then. I have a good deal of heavy hitting Gruul and Naya, along with other big guys.

Popular targets have included Utvara Hellkite Grave Titan and Avacyn. My favorite clone with Lasav has been bouncing a Colossus of Akros, discarding it and making my copy Monstrous on my turn.

Before the commander tuck rule change, Unravel the Aether ruined my day. :(

good joke

also, comander damage is just a sorry excuse for weak cards to Try make a difference.

Commander damage is necessary. It means you don't just simply auto-lose to infinite lifegain combos. One reason of many.

Now Song of the Dryads and Darksteel Mutation still can ruin your commander.

>he can't deal with commander damage

And lignify

At least with Lignify, you can still turn your tree commander to chump block and kill itself to remove the aura if you don't have removal for it.

>It means you don't just simply auto-lose to infinite lifegain combos
it means your deck is too weak to have 200/200 creatures on the battlefield

I said: "TRY to make a difference"

>200/200 creatures
>Attacking into an essentially infinite life total

Okay, have fun with that.
Good luck with winning against that with combat damage alone outside of infinite token generation.

>he can't deal with 21 damage from a single creature

It's very fun to use these in Sigarda where you'll lock-down their commander and trigger like three different Enchantment Matters cards.

GOAT Gruul Commander, any objections?

Dont forget me guys

I agree

Gruul infect with xenagod at the helm, maximum salt engage

I am looking for some feedback on my current EDH deck as I always have. I am also looking for suggestions on my next build.

>Tasigur Stax: tappedout.net/mtg-decks/tasigurs-political-pleasure-palace/

>Macar stax using Liquimetal Coating and Karn.
>Rayne Mill
>Daxos of Meletis life gain.

I'm not THAT cruel. But I do have Savage Ventmaw and Aggravated Assault in my deck. Infinite combat phases and mana is fun, right?!

Aboslutely none
>that glorious moment when you cast Malignus, then Chandra's Ignition with Xenagod out

As a proud owner of a Sakashima and having seen Lazav, go with Shima. That bounce effect is nothing to sneeze at and the amount of THINGS in mono-blue for cloning/stealing/copying is nothing to sneeze at. Here's my list;


Mind, it hasn't been updated in a minute but it is pretty accurate.

I have also considered Greed and Frozen Aether for my Tasigur deck.

Educate me in the necessities of a Xenagod list.

Gotta wait till postcombat main phase for that to work though

>Mfw Im too much of a poorfag to buy Aggravated Assault for my Xenagod deck

>Big creatures with evasion
>Additional combat phases
Removal doesn't hurt either

Really, any card that can trigger another combat phase will work. Relentless Assault, Savage Beating (preferably entwined), World at War... shit, Hellkite Charger and Bear Umbra is probably cheaper but gets the job one too.

The big beaters are easy enough to throw in, just make sure you have the ramp to get there to. You want to get in fast and hard before they get the answers.

Extra combat phases work wonders in Xenagos too.

Dont forget the trample either. Making dudes big only to be chumped is a major waste.

EDHrec pretty much fills alot of the deck out for you, honestly. Just be mindful that a good bunch of cards in their are from the loads of werewolf decks listed under him.

No shit

Card Draw
Kalonian Hydra
Strionic Resonator
Kessig Wolf Run
Hellkite Tyrant
Kalonian Hydra
Card Draw
Balefire Dragon
Phyrexian Juggernaut
Card Draw

Right here with you fampai

Looks about right.

>group no longers wants to play tiny leaders cause my leaders were too "OP"
>it was just Ezuri and Jori En

So now I'm dismantling them, what's some good stuff for Jori En?

I forgot Giant Adephage and Drumhunter

and Ramp and Card Draw

Whaddya guys think about this guy in Commander? I want to try him in Xenagod, but I don't have a copy yet. The ability seems too lulzy to pass up though, even if he can be Bolted.

Damn, it feels good to be a gangsta.

There is so much psychology that goes into making this lord of war work. At first I just threw down group hug shit and hoped people would kill each other. That doesn't really work because people tend to think "Hmm, my tokens get +4/+0 when they attack anybody else. I'm going to attack gahiji so I'm not a threat."

The way you profit from the idiocy of war is by being patient. You play rattlesnake cards and wait for an ideal scapegoat to come along. You play a card or two and pay the arabs in arms to fight the soviets. Once you have profited from an entire table of attack steps directed at another player, that's when you assume your role as king. Begin your turn with untapped lands if you must. The plan is even more important than being able to play your eighth card without discarding. You must not blink until anybody that's a threat to you is dead.