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First for As-tau-tes.

So I heard you liked the Excoriators.

>Orks are a melee race!

Reminder that nids are the strongest race in the galaxy

Where do I go from here?
I have had some luck, especially since adding the Support Squadron for the added support

I really do love my Deathwing but they seem to be a unit that everyone plans for and deals with pretty easily.

Should I pick up more bikes, specifically a Ravenwing Command Squad and move my Terminator onto a bike to lead them?

Otherwise I can look into greenwing to have better board presence and an actual chance at the mission.

My meta normally plays at 2000pts so that is 500 I have to play with and I am okay with taking one of the HQs from my Deathwing out since they haven't been to great.

My opponents play Space Wolves, Necrons, KDK (used to be CSM) and Dark Eldar.


Interrogator-Chaplain (175pts)
>Terminator Armour, Auspex, Mace of Redemption, Storm Bolter

Librarian (130pts)
>Psyker Level 2, Terminator Armour, Foe Smiter, Force Axe


Deathwing Command Squad (275pts)
>1x Chainfist, Cyclone Missile Launcher, Deathwing Apothecary, Deathwing Company Banner, 5x Deathwing Terminators, 2x Thunder Hammer and Storm Shield

Deathwing Terminator Squad (300pts)
>1x Chainfist, Cyclone Missile Launcher, 6x Deathwing Terminators, 3x Thunder Hammer and Storm Shield

Ravenwing Attack Squadron (190pts)

Ravenwing Bike Squad
>2x Grav Gun, Combi-Grav, 3x Ravenwing Biker

Ravenwing Land Speeder
>Heavy Bolter, Typhoon Missile Launcher

Ravenwing Attack Squadron (185pts)

2 Ravenwing Attack Bikes
Ravenwing Land Speeder
>2 Multi-Meltas

Ravenwing Support Squadron (245pts)

Ravenwing Darkshroud
>Heavy Bolter
3 Ravenwing Land Speeders
>2 Heavy Bolters


My mate plays Tyranids and was talking about how Necrons should ally with them because they are led by a C'tan (which doesn't make sense since I think the Necrons fought AGAINST C'tan and enslave their shards (?))

Is this a conspiracy theory or is there proof to the assertion that a living C'tan is behind the Hive Mind?


There's a C'tan named "the endless swarm" so autists think that it's the hive mind, him or the Outsider. It's just a bs theory that comes from the autists that need to know every race's origin

Do you spend every waking moment browsing Veeky Forums and waiting for the new 40k general to drop so you can post this?

That was his post from last thread it only showed up now because I2

I have a bunch of Tzeentch demons and by that I mean horrors, LoC, a few Princes, and 3 metal screamers. I want to ally some Thousand Sons. Would it be better to run Sons as the main force and ally the demons? Maybe a joint CAD? What's more fluffy but still effective?

Never forget the Hunt brother, the Greenwing know nothing of our shame. It would be best to work with the Ravenwing in assuring victory.

Dropped the Interrogator Chaplain and brought one on a bike leading a Ravenwing Deathstar I assure you that they will get the job done.


Interrogator-Chaplain (160pts)
>Crozius Arcanum, Bolt Pistol, Mace of Redemption, Space Marine Bike


6x Black Knight in a Command Squad (290pts)
>Ravenwing Apothecary, Ravenwing Company Banner

Fast Attack

Ravenwing Darkshroud (80pts)
>Heavy Bolter

3-man Bike Squad (115pts)
>2 Grav Gun, Combi-Grav

With taking out your Termi-Chap you will be at 1970 after you add the above.
Keep the darkshroud withing 6" of any of the Command Squad to ensure your 2+ rerollable jink as well as bringing 6 TL plas guns that can rapid fire. Also they can't be overwatched if you start your charge within the bubble.

You also add another unit of Grav Bikers for a bit more spread and option to summon the Deathwing.

Basically it will add a threat to the table that is scarier and more durable than your terminators allowing them to actually do something.
I would also drop the Chain Fists as you have Thunder Hammers and Power Fists already. Not too sure about three TH/SS termis either, sounds like a lot of points for nothing.
When deepstriking Deathwing they can lay down some decent fire power with their TL on entry and the run/shoot or shoot/run option as they advance to cover or towards what they want to kill.

>thinking it's only one person.
You're almost as slow as an ork

Blurgh! Where is the Deathwatch codex?

I am a nurgle CSM/Daemon player and I feel it is more fluffy for my CSM to be the main force with their god protecting them and gifting them daemons as allies.
Sure they work together but a God has an endless supply of Daemons it seems and a finite amount of Traitor Astartes so Mono-God and Multi-God make more sense to me than Daemons/CSM opposed to CSM/Daemons.

Any new IA shit leaked? I heard poor Tau got another weak weapon for the big suit.

Taking my IC from the DW Command Squad would really weaken them but I see your point. I have heard enough times that Ravenwing Black Knights are the best unit in the codex.
Tactically it makes sense and it would be a nice unit to throw at my opponents.

How do they match up against TWC, Lychguard and Gorepack Bikers?

Having more spread to drop the DW is always a good option to me and I think I would prefer a specialist army opposed to traditional troops in tanks.

Thanks. If I drop the Chain Fists and find some more room I could squeeze in add a Heavy Bolter Attack Bike to my Grav Bikers for some extra wounds.

Hordes seem to be a problem. My Necron friend doesn't bring Wraiths but I got stuck smashing shitty warriors for three turns.

Black Knights shouldn't use as a dedicated melee unit like your other examples, they have hit and run and plasma weapons so you should abuse that fact.

>How do they match up against:
Not well but TWC are notorius melee monsters so shooting them with plasma will be good and they have hit and run if they can escape them. Generally don't want to charge into them though.

The Plasma will cut through their armor and with grim resolve they will use that plas if they get charged in BS2 Overwatch.

>Gorepack Bikers
Not overly sure, they are a prime target for flesh hound tarpitting but against actual chaos bikers they should decimate them

They are highly mobile AP2 platforms with a veteran stat line and rending +1S CCWs. With the Feel No Pain and Zealot they should eat through most MEQ units and certainly anything below them.

As said you want to be shooting them, preferably in Rapid Fire Range and using your speed to hit fragile and slow targets.

What are you working on Veeky Forums? Any games you've played recently or plan on playing soon?
And, in the spirit of deathwatch (and actual discussion that isn't related to the entire clusterfuck from last thread) what chapters are you planning on making your deathwatch army out of?
You are starting a deathwatch army, right user? You're not a filthy xeno lover, are you?

Orks came into Eternal Crusade today, and I made some webms of their gameplay, anyone interested?

>You're not a filthy xeno lover, are you?
i am
currently hopin to get some leftover deathwatch parts for base decoration and as trophies

My first squad will be the counterpart to the team in Overkill. Novamarine, Crimson Fist, Howling Griffon, Flesh Tearer and White Consul.

Wish they could deep strike without pods, though. I hate pods.

Sure, man


Alright, /40kg/, if you run/want to run a knight in your list, what did/would you name it?

Whenever I manage to scrounge some cash together for one, it'll accompany my Grey Knights and be named "Righteous Indignation".

Oki doki
Ork anti air featured in this one.

When I get my hands on a squad it's gonna be an Ultramarine, a Black Templar, a Blood Raven, an Imperial Fist and an Iron Hand

>Alright, /40kg/, if you run/want to run a knight in your list, what did/would you name it?
I just went with the obsidian knight. The color scheme looks cool, and the lore is neat, esspecially all the mystery surrounding it.







It seems okay, just inferior enough compared to the existing one that it's a no brainer which to pick.

I dunno, it's crappy for a scout Titan weapon, but it's not crappy for a 600 point model weapon.


>that walking animating
did orks figure out how to shit themselves

I hope they fix that animation. It looks way too goofy.



Finally, here is some footage of me driving a truk
I also got some footage of Eldar Swooping Hawk gameplay too.


More likely than old one - the original tyranids from rogue trader and the board games had a slight dinosaur look


And that's all folks.

That seems highly over powered.

I guess the people who made it are [s]space-clown faggots[/s] eldar players


>[s]space-clown faggots[/s]
Not sure if sarcasm or reddit user

Top kek, the Eldar are underpowered as fuck. Swooping hawks are basically worthless, as they can be shot out of the sky easily, their guns do piss poor damage, and their grenade packs are bugged and nearly impossible air while in flight.

The only reasons I win against the marines in the two webms I fight them, is because I have another Eldar player fighting against them as well. In the first one, it is the warlock, and in the second one, the Fire Dragon.

The Eldar guns do barely any damage (outside of shit like Fusion guns and Reaper/Tempest launchers) and Eldar die to just a couple of hits.

If anything, the devs favor chaos based on how fucking bullshit OP chaos has been for months.

impossible to aim while in flight*

But the CSM are made of fairy dust. You mean to tell me the fairy boys are OP? Oh that isn't fluffy at all. I'd slap them down with pic related and remind them of their place if I could.

>Top kek, the Eldar are underpowered as fuck.

This is a brave new day, a new glorious day.

If you see [s] text [/s] and think it means sarcasm, I've got news for you.

>the Eldar are underpowered as fuck

All is right with the world.

It really isn't.
The devs have shown time and time again their incapability of balancing that game, and now that the orks are released, and turn out to be basically reskinned, shitty marines, my hopes for the game are rather low.

The devs seem to blatantly favor marines, as they, and their chaos variants, are glaringly op in comparison to Orks and Eldar (orks came out just now, so them being unbalanced is understandable, but Eldar have been out for over a month, and have gotten more nerfs than buffs, despite the fact that they were underpowered even back when they were first added to the game.

At this rate, the game will turn into a shitty Marines vs spiky marines wankfest, because nobody wants to play xenos due to them being blatantly underpowered.
Of course, it may please retarded marine wankers like you, but the game will be dead before launch if this shit keeps up.

Black Spear Strike Force gives all your non-vehicle models Deep Strike, so Rejoice.

>Top kek, the Eldar are underpowered as fuck
So this game is a gift from God is what you're telling me?

What are some good models to represent Death Cult Assassins that aren't poorly sculpted magical realm like the old official models?

Deldar Wyches? AoS Witch Aelves?

Actually starting out in this hobby right now, and coming from the RPGs, I just can't not make Deathwatch my first army, especially given this incredible timing.

t. butthurt eldar WAAC fag who can't stand to see his waifus not win every single thing ever

t. guy who insists on playing as an Eldar in Deathwatch

t. dude who eats an ice cream cone with both hands

>unbalanced factions are a good thing if that faction is one I don't play myself.
What's wrong with you?

Someone post the DW rules pdf real quick?

I don't want an eldar to fuck me in the rump.

The best way to save 40k would be to have the Nids wipe out the Tau and the Eldar get consumed by Slannesh.

Dark Eldar aren't as bad as Eldar, which is really saying something.

Basically just get the Weeabo faggots out of 40k, this isn't the setting for you.

So I have 2k points of Grey Knights, and I purchased the renegade knight box set. Which knight would be best for support? I'm thinking the Crusader with battle cannon and Avenger farming cannon.

I'm also thinking of getting Skitarii and running 500 points of them, 1k of GK and the rest tied up in the Knight. Thoughts?

As far as how my GK are set up, I have BC Stern with 5 Termies, Draigo with the same, 10 PAGK, a Dreadnought, and 2 Dreadknights.

Too big to upload but just google "Deathwatch PDF" and click the first link (it should be in russian). There you go.

Fuck off retard.

>What's wrong with you?
The fact that eldar are always overpowered, in every single thing they are in. Them being underpowered is a long time coming.

Where did I say that them being Op was good either, you daft cunt?
Any faction being OP, or UP is BAD for a game.

Wah! I can't defend my opinion because it's based on nothing and I don't want someone to tell me I'm wrong on the internet!

does it? sweet

>have to take a dreadnought, land raider or plane

>wanting to delete factions out of 40k
>not full blown retard.

As I said, fuck off.

>Wanting to never move the story forward and continue to let their waifu be OP in absolutely everything.
>Not a tryhard WAAC-fag who's probably underaged

As I said, U mad.

But you recognize that they have been overpowered in litteraly everything else, right? And knowing that, you must surely be able to understand why people would find that refreshing, and not exactly care about the fact that they're nit getting something nice for once.
Right or wrong, the motivation is nonetheless understandable.

No, clearly a setting including something is wrong, because user doesn't want it there and it is not similar enough to the thing he likes to be included in his game.

I bet you run Netlists and don't even paint your army

A setting that includes something that ruins it for everyone who chooses to not play that specific thing IS wrong.

Not the RPG. I know there's a rules-only pdf that someone posted in the last thread.

Ah, sorry. Can't help you.

>thinking that 40k is a story that needs to move forward, instead of a setting for your dudes to take part in.
>wanting to remove factions that have been part of the setting since it's inception.

As I said before, full fucking retard.

That is god damn retarded reasoning and should be rightfully mocked. Because one faction was op in another game does in no way, make it ok to be up in another game.

Overpowered, and underpowered factions make for shitty games.
Also, unless you daft cunts didn't realize it, Orks are also underpowered as fuck. EC currently is just a marine wankfest.

Wrong faggot.

So do you also play Tau?

Also, do your parents know you're gay?

4plebs archive.

No, I don't play tau, because I dislike their aesthetics.
I play Eldar, Deldar, Harlequins, Admech/Skitarii, Tyranids, Orks and Necrons.

>Also, do your parents know you're gay?
What are you, 12?

Don't feed the baitposter and/or ass, just hide or report as appropriate and enjoy your life.

If you play all those factions, why do you have a need for Eldar to be the supreme and ultimate faction?

Probably just a poorly adjusted young adult 16-22

>a need for Eldar to be the supreme and ultimate faction?

This is the same as not being removed from the game, yep totally, seeking existence and functionality is totally a WAAC behavior.

Yeah, always report the WAAC-fags and eldar waifus.

New IG player here. Started my army before the start collecting came out and now its assembled and poorly painted.
Was wondering how it looked for a 500pt list.


Company Command Squad (205pts)
>Flak Armour, 3x Veteran w/ Plasma Gun, Company Commander, Master of Ordnance, Veteran w/ Medi-pack
>Heavy Bolter, Multi-laser


Veterans (155pts)
>6x Veteran w/ Lasgun, 3x Veteran w/ Meltagun, Veteran Sergeant w/Close Combat Weapon, Laspistol
>Heavy Bolter, Multi-laser

Veterans (140pts)
>6x Veteran w/ Lasgun, 3x Veteran w/ Flamers, Veteran Sergeant w/Close Combat Weapon, Laspistol
>Heavy Bolter, Multi-laser

Would I want the start collecting formation or is just buying Leman Russ a better route. I think may need longer range support and threats to distract from the chimeras.

Where did I say that I want the Eldar to be the ultimate and supreme faction?
On the topic of EC, I want the Eldar to be actually able to compete, instead of being literally worse at everything other than their running speed right now. I want them to be actual fast moving Glass cannons the devs said they intend them to be. Right now, they are just glass, that moves slightly faster than the other factions. Their guns do pisspoor damage.

Same goes for Orks, I want them to have their strenghts too, not just weaknesses. At the moment, both Eldar and orks only have weaknesses, and no strengths at all in EC.

On the topic of TT, I dislike how strong the Eldar are, because of the Waac faggots they attract, that give bad name to everyone who plays Eldar. I have been collecting those spesh elves for the better part of a decade because I like the way they look, not because of how powerful they are.

No, you were originally upset that Eldar were underpowered once ever instead of being way OP in literally everything else.

You were just so butthurt about your waifus that it's hard not to make fun of you.

Asking for balanced factions is too much, I doubt it will ever happen in EC. I wouldn't give the developers a chance after my hopes for open world died.

Is there a Chaos deathwatch? A squad made up of fallen Space marines under the watch of a couple of original Legionaires?

You're being trolled by a butthurt fanboy who in all likelihood is 16 and doesn't even play. Stop giving him (you)s, or he will derail the whole thread and it will go to shit like the last one.

Sorry, I just get really upset when people shit talk eldar.

Hey! Since there's still touches of animosity towards us, can you not mention you play Admech? We're trying not to look like WAAC asshats after the whole War Convo thing.

And you're not helping


Ta'unar railgun before October please.