Space Marine chapter creation

alright, Veeky Forums want to roll up another chapter?

start with 1d10 for the reason why we were made.

Other urls found in this thread:

Rolled 10 (1d10)

Fuck, it let's go to this rodeo again.

We're on a CRUSADE motherfuckers!

1d100 for when we were founded.

Rolled 49 (1d100)

ah, the 37th millennium. we're not green, but we don't have the same prestige as being an older chapter.

So, who's going to be our daddy? 1d100, or you could just tell me which one you want?

Rolled 79 (1d100)

Please be something other than dork angels and smurfs.

>Traitor Legion or unknown

Well well well, are we a snowflake?
Want to elaborate or leave it mysterious?

I prefer the mystery honestly. We can always drop hints, maybe even contradictory ones. There might be factions within the Chapter who support different origin stories.

alright then, 1d10 for gene seed purity.

Rolled 8 (1d10)

Rolled 6 (1d10)

looks like we're altered stock
>Altered Stock - Gene-seed is altered and some implants are deficient - roll on Gene-Seed Deficiencies table

so then, 1d10 for demeanor

Rolled 6 (1d10)

See, But Don't Be Seen - Run onto the battlefield in colourful armour screaming like a maniac? *BLAM* No.

ok, that works.

now, another 1d10 for mutations

Rolled 5 (1d10)

Disturbing Voice - Ranges from speaking like a creaking floorboard to having a deep, booming voice.

well, sounds like we're going to be boogie men or something.

Should we roll a flaw just for the hell of it, or do you want to skip it since we didn't roll up flawed on the gene seed table?

>Should we roll a flaw just for the hell of it, or do you want to skip it since we didn't roll up flawed on the gene seed table?

I think we're good without one.

Skip it, for now.

alright then, 1d100 for chapter's hero.

Rolled 100 (1d100)

A specialist of your choice (Librarian, Chaplain, Techmarine, driver, pilot, etc).

well well, aren't we lucky.

go ahead, make a choice. then remember to roll 1d100 for what deed he did.

Space Marine biker

Rolled 84 (1d100)

>then remember to roll 1d100 for what deed he did.

anything aside from being a biker? Rank, profession?

The figure led an action against an Eldar craftworld, boarding it and inflicting grievous casualties before withdrawing.

He and his Chapter are especially hated by the pernicious Eldar, for whom the event is still fresh and raw.

we pwned some Eldar and they be mad, bro.

2d100 for homeworld and terrain.

Rolled 18, 24 = 42 (2d100)

I say hold off on it until we know more about these guys.

jungle hive world. man, those are really common for some reason.

1d10 to see how we rule our homeworld.

>anything aside from being a biker? Rank, profession?

I guess he could have finished his career as a Captain on a bike. Maybe his great deed was done while he was still a Sergeant.

Also I like the idea, if you're up for it, of modifying the Eldar result slightly so it was based planet-side on a Maiden World, fighting against Biel-Tan (or maybe Saim Hann) and the local Exodites who were trying to remove the human population. While I like the idea of a guy racing through the vaulted corridors of a craftworld on a bike, blasting up Eldar liek crazy all the way, a hit and run campaign planetside seems more in keeping with the See, But Don't Be Seen thing.

Rolled 8 (1d10)

I dunno man. Stealth. Weird genes. Weird voice. Sweaty got jungle/concrete jungle home world?

Sounds like predators to me.

sure, that sounds ok.

Distant rule - "You see that castle up there? It's inhabited by the mighty sky-warriors of Emp-rar. Sometimes they come and steal our children."

aw, pretty generic.

1d10 for combat doctrine.

I swear, if it's terror, I'm flipping a table

Also, 1d10 for our adherence to the Codex.

Rolled 9, 2 = 11 (2d10)

Rolled 3 (1d10)

so, apparently, we're codex adherent, but we're into shock and awe.

or, if we want to go in the order of the tables from 1d4chan, we're of Unique organization with ranged combat as our doctrine.

in either case, what's our chapter beliefs? 1d100

Rolled 17 (1d100)

Revere the Primarch - "Our Spiritual Liege is better than yours!"

1d10 for chapter strength

Rolled 4 (1d10)

Holding for over strength

nope, we're under the mark. must have gotten roughed up and we're seeking new recruits.

now 2d100 for friends and foes.


Wait, who do we revere then?

we could go the route of the Blood Ravens and make it an Unknown Primarch.

Or, we could simply pick a primarch. Some Traitor gene seed chapters think they belong to one legion or another.

or, we know exactly which traitor legion we belonged to, and keep it secret.

the choice is yours. We'll probably flesh it out more at the end.

So, how about those 2d100s?

Rolled 45, 22 = 67 (2d100)

so, we got Cogboys for allies,

>The Orks (alternatively, you may select a particular Waaagh! or Warboss)
and of course it'd be friggin' orks.

alright, so, unless anyone wants to choose between

>so, apparently, we're codex adherent, but we're into shock and awe.

>or, if we want to go in the order of the tables from 1d4chan, we're of Unique organization with ranged combat as our doctrine.

we'll finish the rolling portion of this chapter.

Why not Unique organization and Terror tactics?

well, not terror tactics, because we didn't roll that at all.

but if you guys want, we could jumble unique org with shock/awe, since I messed up the roll order there.

if so, we'll have to roll 1d100 for which specialty unit we can't field and another 1d100 for what special equipment we got.

Unless, you know, you don't want to be down a particular unit and just want to make some really uniquely fluffed organization

Rolled 47, 66 = 113 (2d100)

for results

well, we just lost our Devestators,

but we gained ourselves some trusty war steeds as a result.

Want to roll for what animal we got?

Not sure how, but okay, I guess

Should probably be our last roll. Too many is bad for the thread

there's an entire table for this, man.

first of which is 1d100 for what environment they come from.
Unless, you'd rather just fluff it our right now without the rolling?

Rolled 39 (1d100)

I think we should go for the bare minimum rolls. We know its at least quadruped, and we know its similar in size to a horse, but probably much much stronger

Ice - "Vast glaciers and ice form the mainstay of the creature's home."

1d10 for what it eats.

Rolled 7 (1d10)

Scavenger - "Feasts only on dead animals or things that inexplicably end up in it's mouth by accident. Doesn't mean it won't strike back."

1d10 for reproduction method

Rolled 8 (1d10)

Don't know if this one is so necessary

Allogamy/Autogamy - "Normal reproduction between two species with an egg and sperm."

it's something to take into account.

Alright, last 1d10 for senses.

Rolled 10 (1d10)

6th sense, damn.

we got ourselves some kickass mounts.

What are they, exactly?

and on another note, how shall we fluff this chapter and what name shall we give it?

Can we get a summary of all the chapter rolls first?

>We're a Crusading force!
>Founded in M37
>Our primarch is unknown to us, or a traitor
>We are of Altered gene stock
>We prefer to See, but not be Seen
>We've got a disturbing voice as a mutation
>We got a chapter hero (Up in the air as to who he is, since we rolled 100)
>Pwned some Eldar here
>We come from a Hive World that is predominantly Jungle
>We have Distant Rule over our homeworld
>after a mix up, we're essentially going with Unique organization
>and Shock and Awe tactics
>We worship our primarch (whoever the hell he is)
>We're friends with the Admech
>And foes with the Orks (not sure which ones just yet, or just in general)
>We're out Devestators, though,
>But at least we got these war mounts who have a sixth sense

>don't know who the primarch is
>revere him

How the hell do you want this to play out? We could choose a traitor primarch, I guess, and they hold the tragedy of his fall in great esteem amongst their chapter as a fable, or have him in a vulkan like scenario, where except he was one of the unnamed primarchs, and all the chapter has is long lost whispers of tales of his deeds, believing he'll come back and make the chapter great again.

Those are my ideas

the possibilities thus far are:
A) We don't know who he is, but revere him as the Unknown Primarch (a la Blood Ravens)
B) We know who he is, and he's a traitor
C) He's one of the missing primarchs.

I like the idea of traitor gene seed and casting his descent into chaos as a tragic lesson, but I'm not sure if that angle has been to death or not.

How many chapters have come from the missing primarchs?

well, let's make it one of the unnamed primarchs then, just to spice it up a bit.

We'll call him the Lost Father, due to not knowing which primarch he is.

I guess altered genestock would just be the the unknown primarch genestock. Disturbing voice could be called "the lost voice" or something. Fuck, if you wanted to get out there, maybe disturbing voice is that they all have the same exact voice

I've got this for names


you know, for a chapter name, how about Hammerheads?

They're fucking Nazgûl Marines


Rolled 84, 51 = 135 (2d100)

>steel marauders


>Dark Riders
>Order of the Horseman
>Riders of Ruin
>Lion Lancers
>Shadow Wraiths
>Doom Riders

>Their steeds look like giant rotting horses
>>Or giant bipedal bats
>>Or fuzzy centipedes
>>Or Rhemoraz

>The marines all wear cloaks
>>or ghillie suits
>>or flayed hides

>The marines all speak in a hoarse whisper that you feel more than hear
>>the marines don't speak at all, only screech and howl in battle. This makes regular communication...difficult

>These guys are pretty spooky

Dark Riders sound pretty cool

Wearing cloaks, from the hides of really nasty beasts.

Steeds should probably be some kind of angry bear thing

Have some sort of feral howl that they use (probably from their underhive days)

but communicate in a tone that really creeps the shit out of people

I won't let this shit die, I swear to god. I like where this is going far too much.

Obviously I want to go for far 2 spooky Ring Wraith marines, but I could see wild raiders riding giant ice spiders, or noble savage types.

Cloaks are a definite then. And a Nazgûl shriek.

As for their steed I think it's best if its something unsettling and dangerous. Whatever it is it should be something that lives at the poles, or maybe we have a tilted axis like Uranus and have an icy "equator", that invades the rest of the planet during the summer or something.

Our relationship with the AdMech shouldn't be the main focus, just that they owe us one after saving their ass from a Waagh. I've noticed that alot of homebrew stuff uses relations with the AdMech as a reason to have Leviathan dreads and volkite weapons to every marine. Which is bad.

steeds can be a kind of land whale/seal thing that has legs. Pretty big, amphibious, has great strength, and with aforementioned 6th sense, great at detecting dangers and threats

That's not really threatening. Or creepy.

And from our tactics that mobility wouldn't really suit or needs.

I'm seriously feeling some sort of dead horse looking thing or a bug, a la DnD with Ice Worms and Remorhaz or however you spell it.

what the hell are these?

If we go necrosteed, no matter what flavour of animal, we can spin the 6th sense as some spooky ability, but if we go insectoid or avain/rodent we have antennae/whiskers or something like that

just make it some sort of saurian species that's adapted for the cold.

Nasty, with lots of teeth. sharp ones.

Infinite nightmare fuel

That's actually a really good idea. How codex divergent are we again? Because we can have our badasses be determined by how dangerous their mount is, and have a few common types from the jungle, but the real badasses go tame something from the poles.

Maybe we should just have two or three types of mount to cut down on flakery.

What do you think? I'm just saying the animals I am because I'm also taking into acount modelling

have some that are ice bred and jungle bred

We're crusaders, so we'll likely be more focused on charging and assault, so riding these badboys into battle is probably our style. While we're probably divided into companies, we're deployed as one chapter to overwhelm our enemies.

Usually, the whole chapter (barring some support personnel, who usually rotate duties with those on the front lines) participate in crusading battles.

After the battle, they go looking for candidates and induct them as scouts. When they graduate, they can choose to go into tactical or assault classes

Also, that hero of ours rode a dino to fuck up the eldar.

Bedtime bump

>have some that are ice bred and jungle bred
I think it works better if neophytes have to go out and tame one.

If we go with the whole nazgûl theme we could have spooky riders messing up things behind enemy lines, or something alluding to the nazgûl in the Shire

sounds about right.

Well i don't think every marine should gave a mount

Only assault marines, then?

well, perhaps not every marine, but certainly quite a few, especially since some of them need to charge with these things

what kind of marines are used to lead charges on assault bikes? Because those are the marines that you'd probably use on these things.

Yeah, I think the mounts could be one of those "you can upgrade your squad with Fel Beasts for 50pts" or wargear given to characters.

But for the sake of discussion, can we settle on a name?

What I mean is any marine can have one.

The rub is he just has to get one. We can talk about the specifics later, I want to get the easy stuff out of the way now

I'm going with Dark Riders

I'm kinda partial to Doom Riders.

Or maybe Outriders?

isn't there already a character called Doom Rider? I don't want our chapter being confused with him.

How do you even do a jungle hive world? Is the jungle entirely made of toxic waste-influenced mutant trees and fungus? Or is it perhaps a really small and efficient hive with emissions low enough that the planet can have a functioning ecosystem, even if it's on a separate continent?

I always assumed that there were hive cities dotting the place, with the areas around them being jungle.

That, and they had good emission/recycling of waste to prevent corrupting and polluting the environment

So Dark Riders?

yeah, basically.

we got a rather large proportion of riders, and those beasts are really good at dodging hits, so we're good getting up in the enemy's face and bashing them in.

The surfer marines. Their world was 90 per cent ocean and they had one hobby, seafood and surfing, they are also masters at aquatic combat and they also reside in the segmentum solar. they also use supposedly ancient words like dude and rad.

they also consort with xenos sometimes

>the angry marines hate them because they are "heretical faggots"
>pretty marines think they're uniforms are drab
>reasonable marines think they are unpractical
>and the rest of the imperium hates them