Can we talk about this guy?

Can we talk about this guy?
I've been following his twitter for awhile now, and from what I've seen his arguments are really solid and he really makes sense. He seems to be the smartest among the BCH lot(compared to jihan and the other retards)
Anyone left with the same impression?
If i ever buy BCash it'd be because of this guy.

Other urls found in this thread:


He's a faggot. Started rumors about himself that he was Satoshi. Top-tier douche nozzle.


Yes, just listening to his lectures puts some of the pieces together.

He's very intelligent and I love hearing his rhetoric.

Everyone who doesn't like him hasn't listened to him talk about anything or is too stupid to understand.

I'm not saying he is Satoshi but obviously he was involved to some extent and this is his passion.

Yeah, aside from the satoshi shit, you cant argue that he's smart as fuck

He's a moran and charlatan

Some weird little details that add up

>I can't design interfaces for shit
>I don't hold any shares in nChain but I'm a chief scientist and I don't need money?

>smart as fuck
>says he Satoshi

Explain to me why someone as smart as him would claim to be someone he's not? Unless he murdered Satoshi or he knwos Satoshi is not living, it would make zero sense to claim that when someone else could obviously come forward and shut him down. I agree that his interviews about this seem a little sketch but it makes sense that once he were to prove it 100% then the feds are coming after him.

The dude has $40,000,000,000 in bitcoin. That's not a bank transfer that the feds are going to notice.

Start pulling off his toes, maybe he'll transfer it real quick.

Sad reality we live in.

This man is going to make me rich. I have watched every nChain video. The things they do for BCH next year are going to make you jizz yourself. If you don't own any BCH you will hate yourself EOY 2018. Screencap this.

BTW I think he is probably Satoshi.

He stated there were three different people who created bitcoin and came up with it the other .two have died off so he is only remaking person involved in the making of bitcoin and now spends his time helping Bitcoin Cash the real bitcoin succeed

Check this cocksucker getting angry when caught up in his lie

>gets mad at pajeet

Eh, I watched it and he shouldn't be making such claims as a professional without being able to back them up even in argument.

Craig Wright was correct

This great one lol

How does bcc/bch do anything different than the other blocs out there that are faster? No better than xrp really. Love hard fork PnD groups shills are great.

omfg he actually writes secure 0-conf hahahahahahahah

fucking douchebag omgg

wow. this actually convinced me he is Satoshi

>we scale, we win

fuck yes

The ending talking about education convinced me too

instant 0-conf transactions are more secure than Visa or Paypal. The amount of effort it takes to double spend far outweighs the amount spent in normal purchases

You only need to wait for confirmation if you are dealing with large amounts of money. For normal commerce 0-conf is fine

You are a dumb nigger though so you wouldn't understand. It's okay when everyone is using BCH in commerce you will realize how dumb you were. Remember this moment.