Edgy Shit your GM/Players have tried to pull

> Party hears about some caster terrorizing the local Halflingsburg
> Go to investigate.
> Find sickly bastard trying to destroy the local Tavern with blood magic
> DM describes scars along the creep's arms and pale skin.
> OK.jpeg
> battle ensues, which we breeze through without a hitch.
> Creepo falls unconscious. Party paladin walks over to him and without hesitation cleaves the guys head off.
> DM pitches a fit because we killed a sociopath on a rampage instead of helping what was "obviously a depressed blood mage Cutter who was only lashing out at the halflings for being happy, and he wasn't."

Any of you had to deal with shit like this?

Other urls found in this thread:


>They're happy and I'm not, so I'm gonna wreck their shit and expect to be helped and not get killed

>Hellhole fantasy setting.
>We encounter a fallen angel (not necessarily evil), who is trying to build an army to invade Hell.
>His plan? Run around murdering the purest, goodest people he can find, because he has a ritual thingy that can flash-convert their souls into more fallen angels like himself.
>Paladin is aghast at this plan.
>Tries to talk the angel out of it.
>DM rules that he falls.

The fuck... how is a paladin who is most likely aligned with actual angels actually affected in attempting to help prevent a fallen angel cause their imminent deaths?

Because the paladin did something the bad gm didnt want

GMs do this all the time. They will actively try to find excuses to make a Paladin fall, moral dilemmas that have no correct answer because you'll be wrong no matter what you do

The Paladin code is not a rule book, it's a set of guidelines, doesn't mean you need to follow them, you simply must uphold the virtues of your God.

But when some fuckwit is trying to burn down a tavern for no reason, and you know he's insane, heads will come off.

The needs of the many out weigh the needs of the few, that's a Paladin.

>Be me
>Going through custom DM story
>DM picks me to be the target of his rage due to me being the only one who understands Paladin's
>Fight goes on within a local barracks due to disagreement of patrol's
>Step in to find out what's the whole fight really about
>Both of them want to spend time with their family, patrols last 5 hours
>Tell them ill take the first man's patrol, and then the second man's patrol, doing a 10 hour shift so they can spend time with family
>They say im a liar and attack me
>Try my hardest to calm them down
>Have no choice but to subdue them
>No lethal attacks, knock them out
>GM says I killed them by knocking them out
>Ask him how?
>" You just did, you hit them in the head with steel gauntlets, congratulations you're a fallen paladin now"
>Explain to him the paladin code
>He rants and raves on how thats not true and does the famous "IM the GM what I say goes" line
>Walk out of the Store, rest of the party more or less does the same

Yeesh. Glad I have a really good DM. He's one of the few that's actually good enough at Improv and understanding how a good story works that our campaign is a nice blend of player freedom and an overarching plot.

So your GM is a misanthrope. What else is new?

Because, according to our DM

>He actively attempted to hinder a force of good in the universe.

I.E., he's as edgy as coldsteel the hedgehog, and has a sense of morality from warhammer 40k. The cruel evil horrific method IS the best, and anything shrinking from that is blindness, not goodness.

Get the other players together and tell your DM that if he doesn't shape up and work with them, they'll dump him.

Oh, this was years ago, he's since apologized for it. But it's the edgiest phenomeon I've personally seen, so I tried to give a more immediate impression.

>One time, way back

just doesn't have the same impact.

He's still pretty edgy, but he's calmed down a bit about it.

>junior necromancer serving the BBEG captured the duke's daughter
>cut off her wrist and then raped her with her own animated hand
>cut out her tongue and sowed fingers in its place
>cut out her eyes and stitched up her orifices for us finding her
We just stopped coming to game sessions desu

That sounds like complete bullshit. Who the fuck attacks someone who tries to help you?
Also, you have to be a complete asshole if you declare your attacks as non-lethal and still kill them

That was so edgy I got internal bleeding now.


Admittedly, that does sound like the kind of shit a serial killer would do if he had access to magic.

But there is never a moral dilemma with no correct answer. Say a paladin is forced into a "kill the nun or the baby situation" there is an option which is morally better. Neither of the acts are particularly moral but if there is literally no way round it there is still a moral choice, because one act is still measurably worse than the other (in this case, killing a baby is probably worse than an adult, but it depends on the culture and paladin's moral code).

our party saved an attacked traveler/quest giver from bandits and That Guy said he wanted to rape her while she was still tied up. before the DM could kick him i asked if i could roll for initiative. DM said i auto won since That Guy was in the middle of taking off his armor and also denied him the armor bonus. proceeded to wreck him and give half his stuff to the quest giver. That Guy rage quit and after our paladin was finished laughing he had his character give mine an honorary paladin badge

The GM had a problem with me being a Paladin in the first place, he wanted a full blown bezerker like game and I just didn't feel like

I declared non-lethal attacks no weapons to simply knock them out, the GM being a fucking idiot simply said "you killed them too bad you fallen" in a stupid attempt to make me make another character of a fighter class.

The bullshit was this entire game being a "Im the DM what I say goes" deal.

I have a question: did he state his expectation for the game before you all started? Something along the lines of
>I would like this game to be gritty, with dark themes and various shades of neutral and evil, mostly the party should be made up of people with their own agendas and well beign in mind.

As a DM, I've done the non-lethal deaths before, but only in specific circumstances.
Like a player tried to knock and enemy out with a warhammer, got a lucky crit, and did enough damage that the guy would have hit negative his max HP

No he simply said before the game "I am doing a martial game, low fantasy low magic, however some magic is allowed cleric's persay."

I said I disliked the Cleric class and simply wanted to do a Paladin, or even a Cavalier he argued a bit saying "Paladins are trash" but gave in and said "As long as you know how to play it, it's fine" and then as you can tell, situation.

You know he didn't. The Bad GM never communicates their desires, instead, they just do their own thing and railroad players into it, assuming that they'll enjoy it as much as he does when he jacks off at night.

Anyone doing a non-lethal with a weapon needs to be slapped on the wrist hard, in reality, non-lethal should be bare hands, weapon's leave too many iffy points, like saying "I gently hit the man in the head with my 2 handed war hammer" And as you can tell, hilarity.

However I had only steel gauntlets on, and was doing my best to parry, rather than out right attack.

I can't help but see this kind of thing as being the fault of "total players choice no 'ralroads'"
shitty new GMs get told that they have to let their players do anything and everything they want, and so they do that and then try to '''steer''' the game back to what they want with the unpracticed subtlety of a semi truck.
If the GM had just gone "I want to play a Berserk-themed game; no divine classes, no nonlethal" then he'd get what he wanted, but nope gotta stay open ended.

well then you're a bad DM who reads too many of Veeky Forums's "overdone crits ;^)" threads. A crit is executing your attack flawlessly, getting exactly what you want; kill an NPC that they're trying to nonlethal on a critfail, not a success. Fuck for all it's flaws Numenera did this explicitly and well, making crits have built-in variability for changing them to debilitation.

Ever hear of a sap?

There are weapons specifically designed to knock people out.

>Paladins are trash
This should immediately tell you what kind of person one is, when you tell them that you'd like to play as something and they reply in this way.

I guess you learned the hard way.

And yeah, in that case he was bad: he should've said what genre of play he was aiming for instead of being a fuckhead.

Saw this one in another thread, guess this must have happened recently. Sorry you had to go through that.

OP it sounds a little like Columbine.

I have a setting in which drugged up chidren are used as a mixture between cannon fodder and super soldiers, the main characters of the setting (used to be a book idea, now they are major plot NPCs) are incestuous, cannibalistic, sadistic psychopaths but the whole setting is grimdark and the characters are meant to be the worst people but the only viable choice for the leadership of the broken nation.
It was supposed to make the reader (and, ultimately players) question the reasons for morality and the necessary qualities of a leadership, or that was the idea, I was an angsty teen at the time.

The bard critted blowing a battle horn she carried, which ended up sounding like a train horn.

The party, about 15 feet away, did not hear it. Or the group of orcs that raped her. Or her yelling for help.

Or the orcs leaving.

wow they must have had a lot of ranks in stealth.

Huh? HUH?

That left me confused. Are you saying that the GM was so shit that on top of, you know, ignoring basic logic, they also rape player characters under circumstances where it doesn't make sense?

I hope that GM never got to GM again. And got slapped the shit out of 'emselves.

So the PCs were basically the Suicide Squad??

I'm just curious, how do you "Crit" blowing a battle horn? If your goal is just make a lot of noise, I wouldn't even require a roll.

>party is walking through a street
>we see a little girl with a puppy walking across a busy street
>cleric goes to pick the girl up and help her cross
>Chaotic neutral rogue goes up and stabs the puppy right in front of the girl
>we ask why he did that
>rogue player ''My character hates dogs''
>paladin smites evil
>rogue player gets mad
>wizard gives the girl amnesia and we replace her puppy

> GM was a sick bastard who wanted to traumatize a Character/Player, or he had an Orc-Rape-Elf Magical Realm Trigger. Probably both.

So Spartan 4's?

wow, your rogue was a dick.

>New game
>Let my players know I want a good to neutral party
>The characters get hired by a girl claiming to be a noble to go save her dAD
>They do it
>Find out the girl and her dad were actually paupers, can't afford to pay
>One of the players literally points a sword at the old man and threatens him
>I go along with it for now
>They literally can't afford to pay if they wanted to
>Player tells me he's going to attack the old man intending to kill him
>Other player talks him down
>Later I remind my players that I don't want their characters acting evil
>He tries to argue that murdering some dude because his daughter owes him money is not an evil act
>We get into a huge debate which lasts well beyond the sessions end and into a facebook group chat later that night

I know evil and good can be subjective but fucking hell man.

Kek, what a crazy bastard. The necromancer, not the GM, 'cuz

I had a player once who knocked out a bathroom attendant so he could hide in the toilet, and keeped knocking him out every time he regained consciousness. I said after the third knock out he died.

Guy in OP's pic sounds more like he has a weird fetish as opposed to trying to be edgy.

You can always try your best to save both. Even if it results in them both dying, you don't become evil just for failing.


I hear a lot about this guy and see screenshots, but I've never actually seen his posts. Yet, the more I see, the more intrigued I am. Kind of like with Chris Chan.

Anyone have more of him?

Oh you sweet summer child.

He was a little piece of shit who only showed up in threads to start shit. Someone who knew him IRL posted about him once (can't find the link) and said he had, like, every single 3.5 book ever made and his computer wallpaper was casually just, art of elves being killed. He's shit.


His weird fetish is edgy as fuck.

he's got his trip on in the cap, just search it in your archive of preference.
But really most of what he did was barnyfag levels of thread derailing if anyone seemed to be having fun in the "wrong" way, eg: 'narrativist' (read: not hack-n-slash) games

>but I've never actually seen his posts
he got permabanned a long time ago, and this event was met with much joy

They blew the horn, DM ruled noone heard it.

They rolled a performance check and aced it. Noone heard it.

It was a shitty way to get one of us pregnant because none of us banged any hookers. Apparently Satan needed a baby as a vessel. I don't know, I stopped showing up after that session.

I know a guy who had literally two sets of every 3.5 book, I don't know why (He gave me a magic item compendium once for free though which was cool)

Then he was arrested at some point for child pornography.

Thank you anons, I will now proceed to ingest the cringe

Dear God this is such a bad idea

Have you... have you looked inside the book?

He also kept flipping his 'opinions' even in the very same thread.

>he had, like, every single 3.5 book ever made and his computer wallpaper was casually just, art of elves being killed.

Yeah, hardly any sticky pages at all :^)

Also I just remembered he browses Veeky Forums and will probably know who I am if he sees this.

Friendly Neighborhood Gurofag here! If you bring up your death'n'murder fetish unsolicited and outside of, I dunno, places dedicated for it, then you're probably being an edgy fuck, along with the standard social retardation of bringing up fetishes in such contexts.

Had that same situation happen in a game once. Ironically it happened again in a game I was DMing, the DM from the previous game being the one to deliver the killing blow. It worked out really well thematically, since the nearly-dead enemy had just knocked out one of his fellow party members.

>Party learns that the Not!Pope is a teenage girl chosen because of oracles
>I'm like "lol okay so she's a figurehead, that's cool"
>Immediately one guy decides she has to die because fedora+lolwimminz
>Starts platting more or less openly to kill the Popette
>Actually tells someone this
>Literally the next day gets V& by a bunch of See knights in black armor
>He goes on fedora rant about how the oppressive church must be brought down and how "we" will fight to the last man
>The rest of us basically say we have nothing to do with it, he's just crazy
>Screams bloody murder as the knights drag him off to the inquisition
>Hear from an NPC later that they burned him at the stake for plotting to assassinate the pontiff

Seriously, if you're going to get yourself killed, try not to drag the rest of us down with you, dude.

Damn he's still alive and out of jail? Must have gotten off light.

I honestly expected Rape to be in that green text somewhere.

Unfortunately, he's back:

His Tumblr is basically him screen-capping all his bullshit and jacking off while he laughs at how funny he actually is.

>Literally the next day gets V& by a bunch of See knights in black armor
I don't know why this made me laugh so much, but it did.

I love when this shit-flavored creamsicle thinks it's an acceptable tactic to use himself as a fucking source in an argument.

Not sure what happened since I stopped hanging out with him ages ago but I've seen him around recently so he either got away with it or only had a short sentence.

Is that player a gangster IRL? Because that soubds like some kind of organized crime morality.

what's his problem? what's wrong with Gygax? Gygax was a swell dude

Is there any actual truth to that? I'm under the impression that he was ip banned.

Seriously though, that is just pathetic.

I guess he was just too lazy to copy-paste or retype, also having a pic ususally increases amount of (you)s

I know the point must have been brought up at some point, but I think a lot of people would argue that knowingly deceiving people like that is evil.

Does using d&d 3.5 to try to play an modern era game where the setting is real life, more precisely our city and most of the actions will be made on our school counts?

PS; This was years ago, INB4, "you should have more than 18 years...."

Ha, I pissed off Virt

I'm assuming none of you knew that d20 modern existed or that any other game system with a setting in the present day existed.

I'd think it's arguable given she was trying to save her family. But killing people because they won't pay you is still evil regardless.

Oh, he's definitely back, probably had his ISP give him a new IP. I've seen trolling the /5eg/ threads with Dungeon World shit, lauding it as "Real Roleplaying." Also his tumblr is basically an archive of his latest Shitposts, which are quite recent.

He's a pathetic excuse for a human being.

>chaotic neutral rogue
>paladin smites evil
Not to excuse the rogue, but you are That Guys as well.
Randomly killing a puppy isn't an Evil act, any more than going out into the woods and murdering that pack of wolves.

Killing mindless animals is a Neutral act.

virt was, and still is, a contrarian little fuck even by Veeky Forums standards. He NEEDS to be argumentative or he can't be happy.

You're doing god's work comrade.

Does his shit get deleted fast? Have you gone on /qa/ or messaged the mods that he is ban evading?

It could be considered evil if there was no cause for it and you knew it would cause emotional distress to someone.

>You're doing god's work comrade.
It's not that hard, I assume, but intentionally pissing people off feels fun. Unintentionally pissing them off is much worse, though...

>Declare I want a neutral/good party
>Send the players through a quest, declare they won't get paid at the end because the quest giver lied
>Player gets mad that he doesn't get paid for his services, I shoot down every other option (like intimidating) so that he only has revenge left

Nah, you're being That GM mate.
I can't think of a single case of a character not being mad that he got lied on and didn't get paid for his work, unless he's some kind of lawful good - stupid "I don't care about the money" type.
>Tell players I want them to be good
>Throw ethical """dilemmas""" at them with only one available choice (since everything else would be "evil")

Yeah, and killing that pack of wolves would trigger some hippie druid too.
Still Neutral.
ESPECIALLY if his character had an actual reason to hate dogs.
I guess pest control is Chaotic Evil because PETA gets triggered.

I didn't stop him from doing it. But there's a difference between being mad at someone and wanting to murder their father, and I think you know that.

Also what's wrong with putting player's in difficult positions? It's not like I was tying their characters up by their testacles and saying "there is literally no escape haha get rekt make a new character" They just weren't getting paid for something.

Bit of an overreaction for good characters don't you think?

PETA kills dogs all the time and they're CE.

>I'm assuming none of you knew that d20 modern existed or that any other game system with a setting in the present day existed.
Actually the DM knew vampire the masquerade, d&d 3.0, Werewolf: The Apocalypse and (if I remember right) daemon system.
And we actually discovered, brought and played werewolf and vampire before playing d&d

Someone got him banned a while back for that one troll post about joining and ditching games at his LGS, but he probably just used a VPN or some other shit, because there's more posts after that

Child molesters rarely get murdered in prison now.

They go to insane lengths to not let them be singled out by the prison general population and there are so many of them now.

>A bunch of knights in black with sunglasses ride up in a black carriage, grab someone and drag him in, flashing their livery to the witnesses

>Child molester and someone who got caught with CP are the same thing
Moralfags are funny

You think Bubba and White Power Dave are going to differentiate?

Found the child molester.

Do you also consider stealing a neutral act? What about vandalism? Because, even if you're not willing to give a dog in itself any value, the guy destroyed someone else's property with no cause and no provocation.

Props to the rest of the party, making up for the rogue player's dickishness

Performance: Rape ?

One is awful and the other is a crime. Why aren't videos of people getting executed or assaulted illegal?

So you're saying it's perfectly morally acceptable for a guy walking down the street to sperg out and stab a dog to death for being within his field of vision?