Religion Risk

This is a new map with special rules for religion. Select a name, color, starting location and a religion.

Catholic players should post in this format:
>Movement: I want to do this.
>Papacy: I vote for this player.
>Crusade: I want the crusader state to do this.

Reinforcement has been nerfed. Orthodox players now have the equivalent of a +10 bonus to defense.
People also complained about Jew magic, but that stays the same. Beware of early game rushes.

In addition to adding religion to the game, I have also rebalanced the map by redistributing cities, resources and territories. Compare to the source map to see how many alterations have been made.

Jimmy's Land
dark blue

>Maurecia a Cute

Crusader Empire


trip updated

want to be friends pal

The Great Empire
Also, where's the regular religious risk guy?

Shore lmao. giv south swiss tho and corse.

Going mobile


Yes Jimmy?


le alert elf man updates trip

is mup soon?


Am non existent lmao.
Roll to Fill Italy

Send an Army to England and take london and fortify the london


light Blue

Take all of Judea
Vote for myself as the Pope
Start Crusader State in Constantinople


Where am I? lmaooooooo

Fill Iberia

too bad friend I have already occupied london


Hope about we choose that the lowest roll becomes the pope that round for now? Would make the voting a lot easier.

OP, am I on the map?


Albert request the OP allow him be protestant to balance things without conversion few fee for this first mup...

Take Gdansk then Warsaw

Is this cause you rolled lowest?

fill france
OP I should have london i rolled a larger roll and he rolled a smaller roll

Reinforce London, defend, then attack the Frogs and drive them from my beloved kingdom. Spills to take Birmingham and Cardiff, then Calais

Keep doing a similar thing

Take Barcelona and Andorra region
Then take the rest of Iberian cities

Fill North Italy
Ey Jimbo, wanna be buds?

gtfo out of calais

of course friend


fill france for jimmy aim for cities

Take the rest of north Italy then spill to the south

Take Iberian cities

NAP or Alliance bud?

op take the wheat and nantes

Peace now bro
You get France, I take Amsterdam. There is nothing to be gained in early aggression.
Take Amsterdam, then fill Leeds and Birmingham. Spills to reinforce Glasgow
OP I see you tried to simplify a lot of the rules from the map I made.

Alliance friendo

I stripped it down to the bare essence. Each religion has a distinct personality and play style.

>The Great One

take minsk, then riga, spill berlin

Deal buddy

hey this is the guy you got the map from. Hey
Protestant alliance?

Take the lands around Moscow.

For sure friend.

Crusader Empire is open to be taken over by a new player.

Take Birmingham Leeds and Glasgow. Spills to Brussels.

fill the area of nothern france and focus on southern french cities

Rolling to finish the north and take the South, going in the direction of Naples. Spill to Sardinia and Corsica

take riga, spill for berlin

leave me brussels friend so i can have somewhere to go

Expand myself southwards.

Take western potato. Then move towards eastern potato.

Also, can I get my fortifications now? And will they cover the coast line?

OP, you have the rules so alliances are more for feels than actual gameplay, right?

Take Portugal

>Dark Red

Orthodox Bloc? No attacking other Orthodox nations?


I Will hold the gates of Europe. Just don't stab me in the back.


Take Saint Petersburg.

Of course.
Expand southwards as usual.

Take Corsica and Sardinia, Finish off Naples, Take Slovenia with spills
I won't. I'm gonna take Dalmatia

take Berlin and spill hamburg

fill that last part of northern france and move into southern france

Could I have Monaco?

Move towards Cluj-Napoca,
I plan to take the wheat in Ukraine to secure my frontiers. Please take this into account with expansion plans.

im giving you corsica do u mind if i have it?

Take Leeds and Glasgow, spill Brussels, up to the Jimmyland border.

Take Portu

Sure. Want to partition Switzerland along language borders?


Fill Portugal
Why the fuck did you post two?

if i can roll this turn then fill Egypt

thats fine!

I wasn't added onto the first one

I question your need for Ukrainian wheat given the number of cities in your area. I am open for discussion, but Ukrainian is traditionally Russian.

Cleon is Pope by default.

Go west. Expand west.

send an army and take istanbul
take eastern france

Take Ljubljana and the rest of Slovenia, then fill Croatia. If I have enough left, spill to Bosnia

defend if attacked
fill Egypt

Take Saint Petersburg then head south towards Ukraine.

Take Brussels, spills to Luxembourg

take Dresden, Wroclaw, and Prague

Fill in Romania, use spill to move to Chisnau
Very well, I will respect the traditional borders. But I ask for Odesa to ensure a smooth border.

Spills to attack Jimmy's Land at Calais. Head for Paris.



First Pogrom m8.

Reinforce Gilbralter take unoccupied French cities