Spanish Stand User Quest #2

The year is 1936, and the Spanish Civil War has begun.Your name is José Quintana, and you´ve lived in the countryside for all your life, helping your family tend to the crops you´ve needed to survive, hiding your strange ability, the Stand [Iron Maiden], from everyone. Or so you thought, for the day in which you were to be drafted into the Republican army to fight the fascist forces, you fled, and were found by another Stand user by the name of Francisco Sánchez. You joined in his plans to stop this senseless war, and set out to find if the rumours of a falangist Stand user murdering Republic sympathisers in the Asturian city of Gijon were true. Upon arriving at the city, you were immediately assaulted by the enemy´s Stand, [A world without logos], whose ability is to make everything bland-looking and indistinguishable. After engaging him in melee range by surprise, he has lead you into a trap, and you´re now surrounded by his lackeys, armed with guns aimed at you.
You are in a very bad position, and your friend is too far to be able to assist you.
What do you do?
>Call out for help
>Attempt to use Iron Maiden´s magnetic powers to disarm the enemies (DC:14)
>Try to stop the bullets with your Stand (DC:20)
>Other: Write-in.
Twitter: @Dawngeongaming

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>call out for help

>Call out for help

Good to see ya, Dungeon.

I thought the thread had suffered from stillbirth, huh. goddamit if you had posted 5 minutes sooner i wouldn´t have started a LoL match

I just woke up, man, needed to shake the sleep out.

>Call out for help
In the heat of the moment, your first idea is to call out for someone to help you. You aren´t used to combat situations, much less to being aimed at with guns- and you know you can´t outspeed bullets-
"Francisco! Anyone!?" You cry out, fearing your death is imminent
"Wow, and here i thought you were going to be a man. Not so tough now that you don´t have the element of surprise, eh kid?" And to top it off, the enemy stand user is so god-dammned smug about it, too.
"I guess one more republican kid to the name of Antonio Ganzedo, huh? Such a shame, a Stand like yours could have proved a great help. Too bad you were so much of a bitch"
You ready your Stand. At least you´ll try to die fighting-
"[RAINBOW IN THE DARK]" You hear a familiar voice call out, as shining swords fall from the sky in all the colors of the rainbow. As the enemy stand user is gruesomely impaled by one, you look around, the illusion of his stand dispelled, to find none other than your uncle Santiago. He has a Stand?
"Long time no see José! I see you have joined our side in the fight, yes?"
Oh, right, your uncle is a republican soldier.
>[] Yes, i´m fighting for the republic now (lie)
>[] That´s not quite how it is, uncle...
>[] Other: Write-in?

that banner is totally wrong

how so? Another poster made it last thread.

>[]That's not quite how it is, uncle.

I just want this bloody war to end, uncle, and this man is one of the Franco's warmongering dogs.

Fucking goddammit, meant to put "one of Franco's"

Did I start running too early? Perhaps i should have started running around this hour? I can´t into timezones.
Anyways, writing.

You try to explain to your uncle that you just want to stop the war, and midway though your explanation, Francisco finds you and ends up explaining it to your uncle himself. He´s quite the charismatic fellow, but your uncle is not convinced.
"But if you want to end this war, nephew, you need to help the Republicans! We are the ones in the right, these goddamm fascists are trying to restore Spain to what it was like back in the Restauración! We´ve made so much progress in these years, if only these religious fuckers would stop trying to ruin everything-"
You probably aren´t going to get your uncle to agree with you on "just stopping the war", but you could try later on. Perhaps he will be more open to suggestions after a couple bottles of cider.
You ask your uncle if he knows anything about other Stand users nearby that might be causing trouble, and he looks at you straight in the eye.
"Ah, so you´re serious about this whole "fighting the fascists" thing eh? Well, I´ve heard that a group of really shady people have been messing around the caves in Altamira, but that´s the biggest lead i have. They say that people and animals have been reported found completely drained of blood"
Your uncle, once again, misunderstands what you´re actually trying to do- but he did give you a pretty good lead. You look over at Francisco, and he nods- This sounds like a Stand user causing havoc.
>[] Ask your uncle to come with you to Altamira to check out what´s going on there
>[] Go to Altamira with Francisco. Nobody else.
>[] Go somewhere else (where?)
>[] Other:Write-in?

I generally see more people taking part in quests later in the day, though this is coming from someone who doesn't take part in too many quests. Probably because a lot of people have classes or work right now still since it's 1:15 PM.
>[]Ask your uncle to come with you to Altamira to check out what's going on there

"Come on, uncle, I've got a feeling that if you want to stop the fascists, you'll want to be with us for this."

>1:15 PM
fuck me sideways, it´s 7 PM here.
...When would you suggest I run?.

Run whenever you feel comfortable, man. I'm looking at this from an East Coast American viewpoint and I always assume that a lot of fa/tg/uys are Americans. Try getting some more people like you from Europe who can hold down the fort and keep the thread going until the Americans finish with work and such, and just keep running when you feel comfortable because I doubt anyone wants you losing sleep over this.

Have you tried drumming up interest in the quest on /qst/ or in Veeky Forums's weekend quest thread (if that's still a thing)? Might be able to find more players able to come at this time if you do. Also, what time did you start yesterday?

Around 5-6 PM here, which is why i didn´t have a lot of people early on.
Welp, writing~

And I joined around the midpoint of the game yesterday. I guess the main thing to be concerned about is having only one or two people (like me right now) writing and making choices that will upset the people who come in later.

Might want to wait till 7:00 PM your time to start up.

You started at like 12 my time, which was priceless. Whelp here now.

You ask your uncle to come with you to Altamira, since it seems like he wants to stop the fascists- and there are sure to be plenty of fascists to kill there, if people are dying so far up in Republic territory.
"No, José. I had been trying to hunt down this man for weeks, and some of his lackeys may have escaped-This is my city, and i´m staying here to protect it. This is final, nephew. Besides, I´m sure you can deal with whatever´s at Altamira, eh?" He says, giving you a playful punch in the shoulder.
Seems he won´t be coming along to Altamira, then. You could´ve used a powerful Stand like his, specially since you´re pretty unnerved by the method of the killer- At least the guy in Gijon killed people "normally", but draining their blood? The guy must be a psychopath!
Nevertheless, Francisco assures you that his Stand´s ability would be a lot more useful in a place like Altamira than in a city, and after this scrape against your first real enemy, you feel like you´ve improved a bit. At least, enough to not run into the middle of enemy fire.
>You´ve gained +.5 Int. Your Stand´s precision has increased slightly thanks to you having slightly more experience using it.
Will you head to Altamira now, or make some extra preparations?
>[] Inquire around the town of what people might know about the happenings in Altamira.(roll 1d20)
>[] Head straight to Altamira- People could be killed in the time you´re wasting on preparations
>[] Buy some objects with the small ammount of money you have (what?)

>[] Inquire around the town of what people might know about the happenings in Altamira.(roll 1d20)

We need the full story.

>Inquire around the town

Also, give uncle a shoulder punch back because family punches are best punches.
Hi, Pervert-sensei.

Okay then, seems you want to inquire around town (and give your uncle a shoulder punch).
Tell me, what exactly are you expecting to find in Altamira?
Roll 1d20 for me, please.

Rolled 5 (1d20)

I have no fucking clue, More information about whats going on here?

Morning Dice. I hope you didn't skip STANDING today.

Rolled 8 (1d20)

All the vampires, all of them. Time for them to praise the sun and repent.

Nothing at all, OP, nothing at all~! :D

I didn't, sensei! However, I think my stand technique needs work with how my rolls are starting to look...

Now I want Kuro to be SWOLE Stand Hyuga.

Don´t you remember the guy saying "I might end up making a JoJo quest" in Naruto quests? Protip: I was the guy posting JoJo photos.
Okay then. 5 AND 8. Do you want to reroll?
Getting a good roll here might be more important than you think...

when you use the purple color for the bottom line in the spanish banner it's the republican banner

as you can imagine you cannot use the crown symbol in a republican banner, it's contradictory

>mfw i´m spanish and i didn´t notice.
I´m going to go with: Contradiciton between republic and crown-supporters because yadda yadda civil war?
Is that plausible?

Sure? I don't see why not. Worse case we gotta praise the sun harder.

Will it be 1 reroll via thread?

You will get your rerolls back after a long rest. Meaning by the time you get to Altamira you will have another reroll.

Alright, roll if you want to reroll.
if not i´ll just start writing.

Rolled 1 (1d20)

Re-roll please. ;;
Really, which ones did you do it in? For awhile, I dropped out of threads after Laze's Naruto quest ended so I might have missed. Does this mean SWOLE not!Hyuga?

Nigga, that's the actual tricolor of the Second Spanish Republic. There was a variant that didn't have the seal, but no one seemed to care much about the seal. Most of the controversies with it seemed to focus on purple seemingly being less important than the others.

Where's the rope when I need it for that roll?

Rolled 6 (1d20)


>The rolls are even worse
No hamon for you guys i guess

You try to ask around town to find out more about the strange murders in Altamira... but you find out nothing of interest. Most people seem to be focused on the war itself, and the few that do know about the murders don´t know much. You did get a strange fellow mentioning something stupid about "the sun" and "breathing techniques", but that´s nonsense. What could the sun have to do with a Stand that drains people dry of blood?
Francisco did manage to find out that some of the corpses weren't just drained of blood, but some had entire chunks of their body just cleanly removed, as if someone had just passed a hand through it like it was clay. You fear this Stand user-or users, if your worst fears are correct- might be a lot more powerful than you originally thought.
You decide to start travelling to Altamira, since there´s no more time to waste- not while innocent people are being killed in such a gruesome way.
You arrive at the caves in Altamira in the high hours of the night, 2 hours away from dawn, from the looks of the sky- but still dark as sin.
>[] Wait for daytime, standing guard. You could use an extra hour of rest, you guess.
>[] Enter directly and find out what´s going on in there.
>[] Other: Write-In?

>[] Enter directly and find out what´s going on in there.

>[]Wait for daytime, standing guard

Rest up, niggas, we're going vampire-hunting.

>Stands aren't named after Spanish Civil War music
It's like you don't want [No Pasarán] and [A las Barricadas] fighting [Cara al Sol]

Now I want this, even if I won't get the references.

shhh, not yet user.
Those are the soldier´s stands. If you had chosen a soldier character, you would have gotten those options.

We currently have a tie between entering and waiting for daytime.
If the tie´s not broken in 10 minutes i guess i´ll just roll a die.

If all these anonymous fuckers would vote, maybe we wouldn't have this problem. ;;

Rolled 1 (1d2)

oh well
>1) Going in,
>2) Waiting till sunrise.

You decide to go in. There´s no time to waste! You must find the Stand user post-haste, lest he kills more innocents!.

You make your way down the caves, filled with ancient paintings, using a torch you and Francisco made quickly from a bit of cloth you purchased in the city and some oil he was packing in his bag- he truly seems to have an awful lot of convenient things in it. You wonder if the bag itself is a Stand of some sort, you´ve certainly never seen inside it.

As you make your way down the cave, you hear a bloodcurling scream- It sounds like that of a young woman- and you pick up the pace, running the fastest you can. When you reach the end of the path, you see...

A gigantic, tan, half-naked man is standing on top of a makeshift throne, looking down with disgust at a couple of men who are- They´re devouring a woman!- In a second, noticing your presence, the gigantic man stares at you, his eyes seeming to pierce your very soul.
" My, my... What do we have here?" The man speaks, with a booming, deep voice. The blood-covered men look at you with a primal hunger in their eyes- and the gigantic man grabs one of them when he steps off the throne, his hand seemingly fusing with the man´s throat, and absorbing the rest of his body into it- Until there´s nothing else remaining of the abomination.
Looking around you, you also notice a couple of strange stone masks laying on the floor, probably having been used in strange rituals.
>[] RUN! (roll 1d20)
>[] Summon your Stand and try to find somehting metallic to use- maybe you should´ve bought some knives in Gijon...
>[] Grab one of the masks and run. (1d20)
>[] Other:Write-in?
I can´t into Veeky Forums today.

Dude... it´s a Pillar Man.

>[] Grab one of the masks and run. (1d20)

We don't have the muscle mass yet. Dear god. Also deleted last vote.

>[]Grab one of the masks and run

I thought it was vampires. I'm retarded, ignore me for that slip up. I was the stone masks and went 'it all makes sense'

Why do I feel like nobody had read
>but some had entire chunks of their body just cleanly removed, as if someone had just passed a hand through it like it was clay.
I´d like you to think about what you´re going to do with the mask, btw.
Will wait 4 mins before writing. Hoping i won´t randomly just have to go to dinner, but even that wouldn´t take long.

1 Pillar man, 3 vampires (originally 4).You´re going to run?

Rolled 4 (1d20)


This is fun, I don't want us to do TOO stupid a stunt and die.

Eh, you're right. There's no point to us grabbing a mask.


Rolled 16 (1d20)


tell you what, since taking the mask would be a higher DC, roll and if you meet the DC for the mask you´ll take the mask, otherwise you´ll just flee.

we could sell it to an exotic collector or things of that nature. Spooky bone masks are all the rage, espply to the Germans or well any collectors at this time.

you're STAND has gotten us a mask Dice. We must now become one with the gods.

DC for both taking the mask and running off met!
Time for the Joestar secret technique!

>Did it because vampire powers
>remembers that Jose just wants to end the war, not become ruler or anything
>why be a vampire
>now is stuck with mask
>Nothing to do with it now


Dice, we can become the Vampire hero. We use the powers to become the gods we need to end the war quickly and also defeat the clearly awakened Pillar man. Trust me, put the mask on.

we will forever guard spain from both internal and external threats.

But feeding on people though. If I remember correctly, don't the vampires in Jojo's canon have to feed to survive? I don't want Jose to be that way, man.

"Shit! FRANCISCO, RUN!" You say as you grab one of the mask in the ground (for further research later- and having less tools will probably result in less people being killed, you guess).

A loud "WRYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY" echoes across the cavern as the group of what you can only call "Vampires" chases behind you. Apparently, the tall, tan one thought you weren´t worth his time, which is a relief- you weren´t sure you would be able to escape from HIM.
As you reach the opening of the cave, you can see that it´s dawning- How long have you been on that cave?! As you run outside, you see the vampires chasing you bathed in the light of the sun- and their bodies turn to dust. It seems like the sun damages these fiends.

Now safe from the supernatural threat, you...
>[]Go to the nearest town. You need to get some supplies to deal with this
>[] Bail. There´s no way that you can deal with this right now.
>[] Other: Write-in?
You can definitely become a "good" vampire, if you want. I won´t stop you. However, bear in mind that you will have all the strenghts and weakensses of vampires.
There are ways for a Vampire to combat Pillar Men however, so you could use the strenght boost from it and deal with the Pillar Man sooner.

>[]Go to the nearest town. You need to get some supplies to deal with this

We just can't go into the sunlight right?

>[]Go to the nearest town.
Get some supplies that we think would be good for killing vampires. Also
>[]Other: Write-in?
Can we see if there's anyone who might know what the mask is?

You wouldn´t be able to walk into the sunlight without some clever planning- and you´d be weak to Hamon.
If someone knew about vampires, they would probably know about hamon or have fled the town by now.
You can probably find out some things about the mask, just not what it does.

Okay, seems we´re going to the nearest town and grabbing some supplies-
Writing! ~

Wait all we'd need to do is get the Red Stone of Aja and stick it into our stone-mask.

You decide that you need to get some supplies to deal with this- There´s no way in hell you´re going to be able to kill those... those "vampires" with just your Stand- So you decide to buy a couple of metallic knives to use your Stand with. Francisco uses his money to buy some more oil and other assorted tools- Stuff that could be used to start a fire. You know one of the vampires didn´t go out into the light and is still there- perhaps you could bait him into following you and then light him on fire using the oil? You aren´t quite sure how to deal with the stronger one, though- The man seems built like a stone pillar, being the most muscled person you´ve ever seen- and his strange ability seems to not be based on a Stand, you believe. Perhaps he´s some sort of "alpha vampire"?.

You also inquire about the masks around the town- And find out that one of the victim´s husbands had been seen wearing one the night before they both dissapeared. This story seems to repeat a couple of times, and the masks seem to have garnered a terrible reputation in the town. A couple of the people there tell you that they´re cursed, and that you´ll become a monster if you wear it.

Perhaps... it might be the key to attaining enough power to stop this war.
>[] Use the mask. You need all the power you can get.
>[] Don´t use the mask. Keep it, it might reveal some way to destroy vampires further down the line.
>[] Don´t use the mask. Destroy it.
>[] Other: Write-In?

>[] Don´t use the mask. Keep it, it might reveal some way to destroy vampires further down the line.

So we can learn Ripple and become a Vampire afterwords, still able to use Ripple. The amount of BS this series has is amazing.

You might be able to find a Red Stone of Aja... but you´ll have to find it before the pillar man himself does it.
This quest became a lot more battle tendency than i originally thought. I guess it´s the time period, huh?
But yes, the Red Stone of Aja would be able to make you even stronger, and remove the sunlight weakness. You could use it after becoming a vampire, though.

>[] Don't use the mask. Keep it, it might reveal some way to destroy vampires further down the line.

It's clear this isn't something we should use, especially if we'd become a monster like one of creatures in the cave. Best to keep it at most to research further into using to destroy the beasts.

Did the Red Stone remove the whole wanting to eat humans thing?

You wouldn´t be able to use the Ripple as a Vampire unless you find the Red Stone of Aja.
The method of destroying Pillar Men as a Vampire will be reveled if you go the Vampire Route- and it´ll be as effective as Hamon, but it will work pretty differently.
I will not spoil it, though.
but vampires are mini-pillar men after all. What do strong pillar men have that vampires don´t?

A sex drive?

Yes, finding the Red Stone of Aja will basically make you a vastly improved human. It will bring you to Pillar Men level-without the sun weakness.
Ha. Ha. Ha.
(i actually laughed)

Alright, so first we actually need to learn about the Stone. Then, we must become the eternal protector of Spain.

" The vampire Straizo, having previously learned the art of the Ripple as a human, could continue to use the breathing technique after turning into a vampire. " I'm on the wiki and confused. Thanks for clearing it up tho QM!

It and the Stone-mask pretty much would've finished off the Pillar mens whole 'god hood' stick, So if WE do it first... well, it'll be a fun time.

You decide to not use the mask- there´s much you don´t know about it yet, and you´d rather not become a feral vampire like the ones in the cave- but you keep it. Best to keep one´s options open in the future, and you might find a moment when you need the boost. You might also find a way to kill vampires via researching it.

You do notice that there´s a socket in the mask where something could fit- perhaps a gemstone? Maybe that´s the key for making vampires like the giant man in the cave?.

Regardless, you and Francisco head off to bed- it has been a pretty exhausting experience, and you doubt you´ll be as lucky next time.
--End updates--
If you do it first, you might find a Very angry Kars at your door during WW2. Or just single-handedly decide the war with your zombie army, and use it to fight Hitler´s cyborg army as the charismatic undead leader of Spain.

>Eternal war in France as Spanish undead along with British Commonwealth and American troops fight against the Nazis' literal war machine.
>Stand-off between Perfect Pillar Man Jose and Cybernetic Hitler.

Good run QM and that honestly sounds amazing. Allies vs Nazis Vs the Spanish horde.

Patton, Hitler, Kars and José Rippling, Standing and fighting in the midst of the entire conflict.

Dice ae must absorb the Hitler

We will absorb Hitler as soon as it's not only me and Salt voting and rolling and not just us and Dungeon discussing this stuff. :^|

You snoze you lose. WE WILL BECOME GOD'S

How do I archive threads? Some user archived the other thread, but i´ve never done it before.

Uh, not a clue. Fuck.

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