Retro Fantasy Art Part 2: Musiał Edition
























Last one before sleep. Tomorrow I will try to post more before work and some more after work

And this is Ciri before grim-dark went wild

This one is highly innacurate though, she fell down in the desert from like 50 meters int he air.
Anyway, thanks for posting some good Witcher stuff, try to not get so triggered though

I adore this one.

- B-but grandma, those monsters look scary
- Shut up Sven and stay still!



>using the trigger meme invented by tumblr

fuck off and die.

Is that two juxtaposed scenes, a giant, or a tiny girl?

I think it's perspective. The 'camera' is located very close to the man pouring a cup, while the girl is further away.

>try to not get so triggered though
Wait, what?






>using the trigger meme invented by tumblr

fuck off and die.

>Moving idiotic shitposting from one thread to another

>everyone who disagrees with me is shitposting

who invented this meme, and why

Your reply

nice /s4s/ meme dude

disagreeing is not shitposting
shitposting is shitposting
idiotic shitposting is shitposting and idiocy
moving idiotic shitposting from one thread to another is dedicating yourself to idiocy and shitposting on a level that is beyond sad

I can only shake my head and ignore your shame from now on.

>LITERALLY everyone who disagrees with me is shitpost

you need to fuck off back to /ink/ or /utg/ or whatever other shit idiot post-2007 neo-liberal homo brainwashing camp you crawled out of, you millennial wretch, you parasite, you fuckin communist fairy faggot ass worm

Wow it is rare to see this much stupid and butthurt in one post.

Wow it is rare to see so many /v/ memes in one post

Either post retro art or both get lost.


>103 works of Musiał
You are doing God's work, user.

Please continue, if you still have some more. Anything from Crystals of Time? Or Sword and Sorcery?

Keep this flowing, nerds!


Speaking of, if these are from 70 onward, where can I find the earlier ones? They weren't posted in the previous thread, did i miss another one or what?

They were posted. Not exactly all numbers, but only few are missing

When you're done getting all these together, user, could you please put them in an imgur album for one-click download? Since the Witcher tabletop RPG is probably never going to make it into the English-speaking market, a look at its old-school art is the closest we may get.

>art so boring it looks like straight out of a college textbook

no wonder fantasy roleplay was fucking dying until Blizzard saved it

Sure, will do, but not with my crappy home net connection.
About the game - Veeky Forums tried to translate it last year if I'm correct. They've managed to get all the crunch, but not the fluff

Here is your (you)

Not in the last thread at least? Got a link?

The thread wasn't even archived yet:

OK so what I thought was the previous thread had another afterwards. No idea how I missed it. Searched for retro and everything. I apologize for my retardation.

I can do it, just tell me when the Musiał dump ends. Or is it already over?

I will have some more after returning home. I'm currently still at work. In about 2 hours I should start posting.

That ponty shield is a weapon that has a name or its just a weird shild?

It's a weird shield, but it's obviously based on Indian pata sword




Ok, got another 50 and that will probably all... from Witcher. Maybe, but just maybe, I will be able to get something out of Crystals of Time, but I dobut I will be able to get decent scan of it.



When you min-max too much








OK, just mark the end of the dump and I'll gather and imgur them later. I have some old Magia i Miecz scans so I might add the KC art too, I'll have to check if the scan quality's decent.




Thanks, OP! I would also like to know what that user meant about being triggered.
















Forgot to clean the midde...