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Strapped in and ready for blast off

Submarine trip to the trenches,AHOY!

will 20 tokens get me a ticket aboard?


I have had nothing but losses on this shitcoin, while BTC has mooned

Selling my bags on a little bit of high now. I hope you are happy Ark shills


Give me your argument. Why will Ark moon?

no u god damn mongoloid.
Someone hit the 10000-Roll and now you have to wait 24 hours to roll again.

Good goy, there is no place for you in the elite.

Tbh that graph was pretty solid for the past month. Shaping up for a trend reversal and seemed like a real floor was formed.
Until bitcoin took a shit on alts chest last night and now it’s looks terrible but there’s no denying it’s way oversold and undervalued.

I guess seeing how quickly it recovers over the next few days will be the real test but surely btc can’t continue this run forever

>buy high sell low

I'm am an Arkie and I am proud. I stand behind my decisions and I will see you noArk fags from my telescope on jupiter.

Mobile wallet hype

I'll just shit on your orbit while I pass you faggot.

490 ARK


strapped in motherfuckers

Let me guess you invested in LINK

How hard am I going to make it?

Then the LORD said to Noah, "Enter the ark, you and all your household, for you alone I have seen to be righteous before Me in this time."

Forgot pic related


*breathes in*


you fell for all the memes,


Some arklets with ~200 ark got very lucky and won the jackpot which emptied the daily allocation.

I just bumped up the daily limit so people can roll some more.

TFW only 1000 ARK. I needs to be at $150 to make me more then $1K a month

isnt the logo supposed to be blue? hmmmm...

I'm up 100% on those memes though.

why haven't I had a payout from biz_classic since fucking august and why is my payment share so low as a legacy supporter?
The fuck is going on?


how come I cant see the value in USD?

because its worthless

'cause you can't cash out anyway

Love you user.

wtf is the point of Req, isn't suppose to be some kind of payment network? Link is pointless because oracles can't be decentralized.

Because you're pulling info from a market that values things in USDT.

mfw i got my first non-shit roll ever right before the faucet turned down

> :(

>wtf is the point of Req, isn't suppose to be some kind of payment network?
>Link is pointless because oracles can't be decentralized.

Why are you not voting? You would get x3

Damn son, refuted.

As someone who held ark back when "ACES" was hyped on here as the next moon ticket i gotta say that ark is nothing but THE WORST shitcoin meme shilled on here.

biz_classic discord is a bunch of edgy underage polacks who spout nazi memes 24/7 and spam "accumulate" threads on here on a daily basis

this coin is only good for pnd groups and daytrading for buying during every new 24h low and then selling at the next mini pump done by whales


Based Chang, as always. Eventually i'll stop being an Arklet at 173.

Litearlly if you weren't lazy brainlet you'd read their white papers and realize how retarded your previous comment was.

Buy Ark. Buy in for 12000 sats. It'll slowly dump, prepare your orders. Stoploss: 8000 sats

just reached the 10K club. Am I going to make it?

Daaaaaaaamn, double refuted!


Imma poor student who threw his first money into crypto 2 weeks ago. Only invested 65€ into it, ergo no 50 ARK.

Btw do you only need 50 ARK split into two wallets (means a voting power of 25 ARK each) or do biz_classic requires me to have 50 ARK in each wallet?

so what is the ideal ark plan? buy, wallet, vote and get arkies daily?


I will buy into ark once it hits 10k sats in a few days :)

Aren't ALL the proceeds outside of the 95-96% profit sharing from biz_private meant to fund the faucet? Did voter payouts go down or has the full proceeds from private been limited daily to increase profitability?

Asking for a delegate of mine.

The remaining 4-5% gets sent to classic. That usually amounts to ~16-18 Ark. People who voted before private got into forging are grandfathered into 96%. Newcomers at 95%.

We usually keep a surplus of ~50 ark on the faucet in case we need to bump up the limit because of lucky rolls (like today), and for promotions like our 2x rewards+30 minute cooldown Thanksgiving promo. That surplus came from donations so private voters aren't getting paid less to fund this, no.

You only need one wallet with 50ark. Are you under the impression that you have to vote for classic and private for some reason? If so, that is not the case, and private is only for holders of 20k or more.


Ark is currently ten cent cheaper by ETH than BTC on binance guys.

back at 50 cents i staked around 200 ark to biz then eventually biz classic all i did was send in my vote. Haven gotten one thing. maybe im too normy tier for ark but i aint gotten shit.

No too late. Bots I imagine. I managed to buy in at least

131/1930 here, strapped in

bulltrap, back to 24k in 3, 2, 1

>someone sold their ark for 18k yesterday

how the fuck do these people even live with themselves

almost sold at 27k lets see how hight we will go before droping 24

The faucet hasn't sent my Ark to my wallet. According to the page I have enough for it to send. What gives?

Way cheaper in ETH pairing on Binance again guys. Watch both

Anyone who sells Ark (unless it's a small fraction of their holdings to gamble on day trading to accumulate more Ark) before late 2018 deserves to stay poor.

Ahhhh I c. I thought they'd use biz_classic plebs to vote one ark for private aswell to just boost it (for greed reasons i supposed). Thanks for the headsup on that, user, and have a nice day! :)

Address? Faucet payments are sent daily at around midnight eastern US.

If you're a voter the faucet winnings just get added to your forging reward share.

You only need to vote for classic.

I've been considering day trading 1/4 of my stack for a while. Where should I set my sell /buy orders?

Not a voter, don't have enough in Ark yet

Address is:


just got on the ARK train, but i don't have over 50. I think i just registered for the biz_classic, but the way i understand it is that I won't get 3x until i have 50 ark? will i have to register or will they know when i get >50 ARK?

According to the explorer, you are a voter so you're subject to the 1.1 minimum before payouts are sent. Non-voting faucet users have a minimum of 0.2.

I know it's confusing but we have different minimums due to the relatively high tx fee of 0.1 ark. We plan on making voter and faucet minimums the same once the tx fees are reduced in the next core update.

this wall was dumped on within 5 minutes.

they instantly jknow whats on your wallet

France using it for gay cash.

Everything gay is mainstream

ARK will be mainstream

wall down here comes 24k

if you ask this just dont

Ah apologies I do remember voting once.

yep managed to sell on it last seconds

pump the ark maybe?

5 ark here, i'm ready for my 1000€ ark price.

>1000€ ark price
Deluded Arkie. You have to wait for $10k before selling.


do you have the 10K one?

400 ark. Give me more


>not just using smartbridge to directly pay for goods and services with ARK while living off your staking dividends

Thats how dumb poor people stay poor

this is actually my endgame

my endgame is to for ARK to replace my wallet

you mean your bank


yes, wallet + bank.

Oh shit guise ARK is finished

wow! digits confirmed. Selling everything

Ark is not going to moon yet. It's not a shitcoin that hypes shit up and speculate. It's going to slowly creep up till one day everyone of the fudster are going to buy high and then we moon. Wait 6 more months

Who /Mazda3/ here with their comfy ARK stash?

Down 40% from my purchase yesterday


Trips confirm