Will the civil unrest in Europe have an effect on Wargaming...

Will the civil unrest in Europe have an effect on Wargaming? Most RPGs are made in America but the traditional tabletop wargaming and historical minis is a mostly European hobby with the USA being a secondary market.

If civil unrest or even civil war breaks out in Europe how will GW function? If GW is caught up in it will it mess with the production of Warhammer and fuck with American stores due to the huge drop in revenue?

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Do yourself a favour and fap before posting. Clears the head wonderfully, it does.

Who needs games when you have the real thing? And 'muricans can come over and join the crusades


>European Veeky Forumsers concerned about their hobby
>/pol/ plz go!

Sorry some of us want to discuss more than just elf titties.

and you count political bullshit Veeky Forums discussion?

Wait, there's something other than elf titties? Oh! I got this one!
I'm requesting tiefling titties!


You don't count discussing the future of Games workshop to be Veeky Forums related?

Wargaming is a hobby for people with disposable income. If the civil unrest effects their disposable income, then it will have an effect on their gaming. If the civil unrest is largely a political tactic in increasingly conservative times, they'll just shitpost about sweden.

An user of excellent taste!

I got this


Probably not. People with the extra income to spend on miniatures don't (on average) live in the kinds of areas that are likely to experience serious problems. Historically, those with expendable income just move away from that kind of shit.

>Civil Unrest in Europe
Where do you guys get your news?

>Civil war
>these are the concerns of a real European I swear

You're not even half as subtle as you think.

I knew Veeky Forums was full of C U C K S this board will soon be taken over and youll see the new conservative leadership will ban your precious elf slave and memehammer 40k threads also Infinity discussion will be banned also becasue of those mudslime haqqislam faggots

>European Veeky Forumsers concerned about their hobby
No they aren't. This thread was made by someone who has no idea what he is talking about. Civil war in Europe what the fuck?


You know you can say cuck again, right?

I realize this will be very exciting news for you.

For some reason ypthe on!y thing ypour post made me wonder is if anyone else ever made a pun of Burqa Mice from Mars.
Thanks for the tangent.

>Civil war in Europe what the fuck?

We explicitly and clearly have the French PM stating that if the only anti-immigration party in France gains power, it means civil war. This is the second most important politician of the second most important country in Europe, not exactly a tinfoil wearing maniac. Yeah, civil war is indeed possible.



>If this thing that will probably never hapooens happens
>Then it MIGHT lead to...

And I'm sure his words are nothing at all to do with keeping his position but are a totally honest reelection of reality. No politician ever lied to keep their power....

Why are you feeding OP when you could be posting elf titties?

Fuck off have fun playing pretend I just made this thread so we could think about the logical outcome if a race war happens but I see your to busy jacking off to pictures and playing with your meme marines

>Not spewing hyperbole because of precious votes

No civil war really isn't possible. Riots? Maybe. But civil war? About as likely as a wall paid by Mexico.

Here, let's keep it Veeky Forums:
find the RaHoWa rulebook, shove it up your ass and fuck off.

>The migrant crisis isn't news
>Europe isn't seen a demographic shift away from white men who are the main demographic of Veeky Forums hobbies

and thats the way we like it

German Intelligence warned that a civil war was a distinct possibility as well, about a year ago. Things are only getting more extreme as far-right parties start rising to power in the wake of the terrible mismanagement of the immigrant crisis, the Socialist cumbuckets responsible don't want to give up power, they already cheated in Austria to try and prevent it. The cracks are also starting to show in the EU as a whole.

This is about the time historically where you'd expect people to start killing each other.

Don't be so paranoid. Nobody cares about Veeky Forums. Or, I could've said that two days ago before the American presidential frontrunner got so triggered by /pol/ that she had to give a speech on "internet racists" on national television.
Better to say that nobody cares about Veeky Forums. We're too small to censor. If anything they'll just rangeban Australia from the entire internet.

>I just made this thread so we could think about the logical outcome if a race war happens
Yes what an innocent non-/pol/ pursuit, mods get this man a medal!

People are pretty desensitized to riots in paris by now.

Which races are going to war this time?
I'm fucking sick of that cliche in fiction.
I mean come on people, it's the year 40,000!

desu at this point I wouldn't be surprised if there have been years where there were more days with strikes/manifestations/riots in Paris than days without.

>OP psyches himself up for an afternoon of hot /pol/ shitposting on the wrong board
>gets BTFOOTW instead
>y-you guys are fags!

Keep on trumpin', pumpkin

(you) might actually be the stupidest poster on Veeky Forums right now.


>Stormfags actually think this

>The End is Near
Said some lunatic since year dot.

>Then it MIGHT lead to...
>Implying this isn't incredibly strong country in Europe, the continent that STILL believes in the "war to end all wars" delusion

>No civil war really isn't possible
Yeah, who the hell does Valls think he is? Is he some kind of chuuni who unironically believes he has access to government secret info?

>Riots? Maybe.
Riots happened in 2005 because the Algerians worked themselves into poverty and are upset that intelligent white Frenchmen aren't poor. What the fuck do you think will happen when this volatile, unassimilatable and violent group is confronted with a government that actively hates them and wants them out? With high ranking politicians that literally called Arabs Frenchmen on paper only?

In Britain, where most Muslims are Pakis rather than Arabs and therefore likely less radical, a quarter support terrorist attacks.
Two thirds would not inform the police if they knew about an Islamist attack in planning.

That's 25% ADMITTED active enemies of the state and (assuming there's complete overlap, which isn't the case per se) 8% ADMITTED passive enemies of the state. Add the numbers who don't admit it, and now increase the numbers to compensate for the fact that Arab Muslims tend to be more radical, and as far as we know those numbers could be 35% and 20% respectively.

It's possible Valls isn't exaggerating, especially considering the 2005 riots were unprovoked. If they're capable of that without provocation, what do you think an explicit "fuck you" from the government will do? Perhaps farmer Jean and his inbred Breton family will be safe, but Paris and Marseille will burn.

man thats alot of numbers man

Sure, just like half USA population will leave the country if Trump get elected.

Why don't you do like your 12 year old friends and make a videos on youtube? There haven't been enough lately where the muslim states somehow unite into an evil caliphate and steamroll Yurup, only to be saved by the evil Russians and Chinese or something.

>Implying this isn't incredibly strong country in Europe
*strong language in Europe.

Op here

I saw this article bbc.co.uk/news/world-europe-37155060 and it made me wonder what the state of Wargaming in Europe would be if civil unrest did happen.

It wasn't supposed to start a /pol/ shit storm, it was a legit discussion

Wow, its like you didn't even read the post before you replied.

Now I don't feel so bad for blanking your autistic wall of text.

/pol/ and legit discussions dont mix

your like modern day word bearers

Warn me when John Biden says that.

And it's like you didn't read my response to that post, and how I explicitly mentioned we're facing more than "just riots".

But you haven't yet shown we are facing anything, beyond a quote from the French PM you misunderstood. So, why would I listen to someone who falsifies reality to fit his narrative?

Don't you have a thread about chemtrails to start on /x/?

>especially considering the 2005 riots were unprovoked.
Two guys died in totally obscure circumstances with the police involved. It is exactly what happens in the US monthly.

2005 riots were basically French Ferguson, except with less violence

What about this :

>OP tries to warn you retards about rising prices due to mudslimes
>Retards post shitty fantasy art and talk about other shit

man Veeky Forums sure is cucked I can see why you imagine your shitty imperial guardsmen or paladins so you could save some elf maiden