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I want to play a Hobgoblin Warpriest who wants to establish a kingdom for Hobgoblins so that they aren't persecuted. This kingdom is based off of Hobgoblin virtues (so martial prowess, strength, honor) and is basically the Holy Roman Empire but called the Holy Iron Kingdom.

Question: does this work in Golarion and in the Iron Gods AP?

Pic Related: Human wearing Warpriest of the Holy Iron Kingdom armor

also reposting. Still need help for pic related sexy female orc(challenge by gm)

rolled stats (not allocated) are 17,15,14,12,7,7

Ideas rejected-
shaman(unless a simple easy build idea is given)
magical girl vigilante.

Vigilante with sleeves of many garments?

gonna stay away from vigilante, don't think id be able to rp as one without proper practice

You are literally the BBEG of the next Adventure Path after Strange Aeons. You are the chosen one who will lead the Ironfang Invasion!

Dropped the ball, was meant for

>posting a new thread while the last one isn't in autosage
how does it feel to be scum?

Reposting from last night, looking to gather a few more opinions on my homebrew archetype for samurai.

If anyone has interest in playtesting, I'd greatly appreciate any hands-on feedback as well.

Does a vizier using handcannons count his BAB as his veilweaver level for the purposes of Deadly Aim?

The "two weapon attacks are standard actions instead of full attack actions" bit makes no sense. I would recommend rewording it as "as a standard action, a tamenishan may make a single attack with each of his wielded Katanas".

Someone wanna take a stab at helping me convert Tangrowth into a PC? Aspects wanted:

>High Hit Points
>Some form of healing over time (Regenerator ability / Ingrain move)
>DR or Natural Armor (Physical tank)
>Vine Like Arms (Power Whip)

>23 Pts. Cant drop any below 10 before racials
>Free Power Attack, Combat Expertise, Point Blank Shot, Vital Strike Line for anyone that wants them.
>2 traits can take a drawback for a 3rd

Really? Another evil aligned AP?
Is more in the way of "lest redeem hobgoblins as a race and stop the political clusterfuck that is Avistan"?

need tips for defeating a rogue npc that has greater invisibility
we are lvl 5

If i may weigh in on the "Akasha is shit" stuff. I agree many of the veils suck until they get binds, but i think each class is still very good anyway. They get some pretty crazy ass class features on top of the veils. I sincerely believe a second book of Akasha with more veils (and maybe some feats) in it would essentially fix all the problems, because its not that the subsystem or the classes themselves are broken and need remaking, its just that the "spell" equivalents are somewhat lackluster.

toss flour

Bags of flour, magic that lets you detect people without sight, Glitterdust, See invisibility, Invisibility purge, using aoe attacks.

Try and get blindsight, tremorsense, blindsense or scent to find out when the target is near you, then you can start chucking the bags of flour or magic. You could also use buckets of water or paint if flour is unvailable to you.

>Some veils, such as Loyal Paladin’s Spear of Light, allow the veilweaver to use their veilweaving level in place of their base attack bonus when determining their to-hit, the number of attacks they can make, the effects of feats like Power Attack, etc
sidebar on pg 66

See Invisibility, Glitterdust, throw flour arcross the room, fire blind aoe spells

greater invisibility stacked with dust of disappearance

Wait out the 2d6 round duration

Thank you user. I am making my first vizier (well the first one ill get to actually play) and I'm hoping to have fun fucking around with wands, but i want to be able to rely on hand cannons when damage is needed.

Also i picked the elephant dude race so im a kickass elephant mage doing 3d6+7 with +8 to hit at level four, a very good backup for when i dont have an appropriate wand or veil.

Glitterwave weapon
Limning Weapon
Swordmaster's Blindfold
Faerie Fire
Dust of Appearance
AoE spells such as Entangle

It is sneak attacking us for 30 damage per round

Fight fire with fire and make the room dark? Everyone has concealment and you cant sneak attack someone that has concealment against you.

I would not be surprised if the GM said he just has darkvision anyway if we tried that

Use obscuring mist, darkness, blur or something else to provide concealment so they cant use sneak attack, just their regular damage.
Do you have a cleric or Paladin? They could spam channel energy to try and keep you alive through the normal damage.

If you lack magical means of obscuring the target's sight or the person is capable of sneak attacking despite concealment, run away and lay a trap somewhere. The guy is invisible but there's still the chance he will fall for a pit trap and even if he doesn't you might be able to knock him off a ledge or into the pit or something if you can guess what square he is in and use magic or bull rush that square.

Smoke, fog or mist can accomplish similar things.

Readied Action: Grapple/grab on to whatever stabs you when it hits. Then hit back.

Or run down a corridor just wide enough for only one person and AoE blast it up

This. Obscuring Mist would be helpful. Also, try to use your environment. You could throw water down near you, and then when it splashes just take a swing with a readied action. That should be an attack with 50% miss chance.

I don't much care for the Spellslinger archetype for wizard. Has anyone ever found a good "Gunmage" class or archetype? Full or half caster doesn't matter much.

Your GM sounds like a dick

Hell's Rebels AP
We grappled him, he got out with total 30 Escape Artist

Whats your party comp?

I remember seeing someone post a cool Eldritch Archer Magus build with a one level dip in Spellslinger.

Barb BoltAce Rogue Cleric

Thanks for the advice.

Oh, shit. I forgot something. "May make an attack with each of his katanas at his highest BAB, taking the usual penalties for two weapon fighting"

Maybe clean up the wording a little, but these are the important rules.

What are some good 1st level spells to put in wands other than cure light wounds?

Oh? You remember any specifics?

Nobody? '_>'

I would say remove fear might be a good idea.If you can have ranger wands, endure element is also cool.

So, I plan on using a Combat Scabbard to play an Initiator with Thrashing Dragon and Mithra Current. However, I don't want to use any obviously weeb weapons, and I can't decide what a good weapon to use would be with my scabbard.

I was thinking originally to just use a Longsword, Gladius, or Rapier, but I also wanna try to consider what other weapons would be cool to use with a combat scabbard as well.


Consider using a Falcata, Bastard Sword, or Dueling Sword

Is pathfinder a good game?

Help me out here /pfg/.

So in the campaign I'm running, it seems to have become quite apparent that while one of the player's character's isn't exactly overpowered, but the gap between the strength of that one player and the rest is a bit far too wide. This issue has become troubling for planning encounters, as putting in monsters to counter this stronger PC would make life a lot more difficult for the rest of the party.

Any advice on how I can balance out encounters so they can be challenging for the whole party, yet not nigh impossible for the other PCs?

What about the bestoc?

Depends on your definition of "good"
Is it a balanced game? No
Is it smooth game? No
Is it a well designed game? No
Can you have fun with it, with good friends and a DM who knows what he's doing? Yes
Does it have a lot of support from both 1pp and 3pp? Yes
Can you do a lot with is? Kinda, some things will be much better than others, and there are trap options galore, but it a system that, with enough finagling can do many things.

Really the answer is: "No, but you can still have fun inspite of its crippling problems if you and your friends/DM know what you're doing and work hard to circumvent the problems

Though there is the fair argument that can be had that, if you have to do much, why not play another system all together. Really, it boils down to how comfortable you're group is with it

>Thrashing Dragon AND Mithral Current

Come on. Everyone's gonna roll their eyes anyway so just go with a katana.

Depends on the character in general and the overall party layout.
What you can do is either, build encounters with a broader arrange of challenges made to challenege each party member specifically
Give stuff to the other party members to bump them up to the other guy's level.

Again, the course of action depends HEAVILY on the current party composition, and how and why he's overshadowing the others.

I have gotten used to it and have gotten to the point where the system works okay for me.It takes some learning in order to know how you can do what you want to do, but it can be quite enjoyable.

For some reason, I enjoy it more than systems people tell me are supposedly better.

part 2: I want to take Leadership. Should I grab a Battle Scion Skald so that he can give me delicious Teamwork Feats and we can be bash brothers? And that he can sing tales of my exploits to other hobgoblins?

But the group has already had other guys who played either a full weeb Bushi, and a Cavalier who feat'd into Thrashing Dragon in other games. I want to at least be somewhat more interesting than the others without having to go full weeb.
Heck, I was even going to make the race either a Dwarf or Ulfen or similar to avoid being weeby

Not defined in-game, please provide an equivalent.

A dagger. Slot it into a scabbard sized for a longer weapon.

Nope. The only reason we play it is because it's the one we know/it's the one everyone else is playing. It's trash.

back with the cultist once again

>Talismans were made to be more reliable, they now have a cap on the max amount of talismans at any given time.
>First rituals were introduced
>Cult leader level lowered to 10.

I'd like feedback specificly on the rituals, if they're unbalanced/fun, and the talismans.
Feedback on the other stuff is great too.

Yes, you should.

Just toss it in the trash, bro.

user, go full weeb, but do it in a way no one does any more.
Model your dude after Ogami Itto from Lone Wolf and Cub. Dispense with anime bullshit, murder your way across the land on a deathwish to avenge a great wrong. Take stoicism and valor as your bond rather than hot blood and FRIENDSHIP.

Are there any dip friendly PF classes out there for a charisma strong bruiser?
I just want to try and round out my edges, but it seems like PF tries so hard to discourage any kind of dipping that I may as well just do what I have been and pray my team can carry me.

>Not defined in-game, please provide an equivalent.
It is, check the SRD. it was introduced in Melee Tactics Toolbox.

Its an Exotic One-handed, can be used 2handed as a Martial Weapon, when one-handed can benefit from Finesse, it does 2d4 damage and has a crit range of 18-20/x2

Paladin. Also Slayer is always a decent dip.

i think i got the idea of what i want to make in my head

Orc female witch: Olga, Chaotic good.

Str 16 (12+4)
Dex 7
Con 7
Int 15(17-2)
Wis 12 (15-2)
Cha 13 (15-2)

Fluff: O'lg'var was tasked with keeping a strange human prisoner one day as he was one who used tricksy words and O'lg'var was the smartest orc in the village and only female(albeit an ugly one). The human tried his tricksy wordplay with her however she was onto his tricks(that's what she thought.) Turns out that he was weaving spells on her to change her into the most beautiful orc around so she could be used as a decoy for the others. However this drained him of his energy. O'lg, not wanting to lose him and be punished by her tribe used her knowledge a the tribe witch to cook some food and brew a remedy for the prisoner. As the prisoner got better he thanked her, this was a weird feeling for o'lg as the others never thanked her. This fuzzy feeling in her heart for the gratitude she received changed o'lg. The wizard was about to undo the enchantments for O'lg as he now felt guilty for what he was about to unleash on her (full clan rapage is a no-no). However it was too late as the orcs realized what happened to o'lg they started to fight between theselves for the right to bed O'lg. A huge brawl overtook the entire village as none were spared from orc rage apart from O'lg'va. Even the human took an orc axe to the back while trying to protect her and undoing the spell. As O'lg rushed to the cauldron to fix a cure the human knew it was too late. He beckoned the witch to his side and asked a favour. To help others with her skill incooking/brewmaking and gave her a Human name as thanks: Olga. With that he passed away and Olga, wishing to fulfill his wishes packed her stuff and went off. Hoping to get more of that fuzzy feeling of gratitude.

Feedback? did i make the backstory too animu or somesuch?

Already a paladin. Will look at Slayer, tho.

What would you guys say is easier to run a sorcerer or a ley line guardian witch (basically a spontaneous casting witch).

Would you rather play as a psychic detective investigator or the new gravedigger investigator? I'm trying to decide on a strange aeons character.

What is the best class to use if I want to make a high-class escort? The type of girl noblemen want hanging off his arm or engaging with others on complicated matters of economy or state?

I'm inclined to say the Witch with Charisma as a secondary stat, but would Bard work better?

What about Hot Blood, Indignation, and repressed childhood trauma?

Come to think of it, Kikuchiyo was pretty damn anime compared to the rest of the party

Why not Sorcerer with the Imperious Bloodline?
But yeah, Bard might work best

inb4 Enchanting Courtesan

There are bard archetypes based on dance and I think one that's basically a geisha. There's also that prestige class with the orgasm poke.

Bard into enchanting courtesan

Like bloody clockwork.

awesome, alright. Thanks

No, because that is still done even now.
Do the stone cold samurai killer with no honor and a totally different level of what is humanity compared to others. Draw heavily from Buddhist thoughts of destiny.

The fuck?

What kind of Paladin are you playing? The second class in the gestalt should focus in on the type of character you want to portray.

bump as i would like some feedback

Yes. Don't bother listening to the trolls who say otherwise, using bizarre definitions of "good" and "bad" that only exist in their own minds.

My the BBEG in my current campaign has his "eye candy" girl whose actually a warpath Cloaked Wolf Inquisitor with a focus on Mithril Current and Steel Serpent and the Seduction Inquisition - she excels at looking like some common prostitute and then either killing her target or getting him to fall for her.

>pre-empting the people who launch legit grievances with the system
user, don't sit here and posture as though there are not problems with the game in it's fundamental levels.
I like Scion, but it is objectively a poorly made game.

I'd say Pathfinder is chaotic neutral at best.



There are problems. There are also problems with every game.

Pathfinder has tons of awesome pieces that work great together, including a lot of cool classes and races, and it's both fun and rewarding to run and play. It also did a lot of smart changes from 3.5 (like with most skills and bumping up the classes a little in the lower levels), and it is still backwards compatible with the enormous library of 3.5 stuff.

Yeah, it's got problems. It's still an amazing game though.

Yes, such bizarre definitions of good as "accomplishes the goal it set out to meet" or "balances its disparate options against each other" or "doesn't make fully half the classes feel useless when set against the other half" or "doesn't cram itself full of intentionally bad options to make grogs feel clever and good about themselves" or even "is fun". I'm curious how YOU define good.

Tell me about a character you really, really want to play that you have art for!

>There are problems.
Good that you admit it.
>There are also problems with every game.
Which doesn't make Pathfinder's problems less.
The rest of your post I could viciously debate you on, but it's a waste of time. already answered as best as it can be.

I'd go with bard, ideally a court bard if you want to stress the bitchy side of the girl. The lotus geisha is decent too, but more focused on enchantment spells. Vigilantes are also great because they come with an inbuilt social persona. Sorceress or oracle could also work,I am actually kinda partial to the idea of a ninja or a slayer masquerading as a courtesan.

This is my char and is her lore.

Before my first char ever died (barb) he got tg tfed into a buxom orc however before i could even try to rp i died (friggin spider swarm outta nowhere) So i want to try and rp a buxom orc and fail horribly at it, just sounds like too much fun to pass. However i am not 100% sure bout her lore and would like some feedback from pfg.

It easily provides an enjoyable experience thanks to its large body of material that allows you to play a wide variety of campaign styles, and with even basic understanding of the balance issues they're hardly a problem.

Player choices really matter, especially when designing their character, and rather than just refluffing a set of repetitive mechanics, there's a variety of subsytems for most classes that make each feel mechanically distinct. The core underlying philosophies that run beneath the game (like the division between arcane and divine, good/evil the 9 schools of magic, the barbarian totems, etc.) are either carried over from other great previous editions or are Paizo's own new inventions, and are mostly well designed and flavorful.

It's good because running it is a lot of fun, and putting in the effort to have a good game is very rewarding, since the mechanics of the game are quite tangible and based on a firm foundation, so the players decisions have weight.

I could go on, but really, there's no need to jerk a system, and I guess our preferences just differ. It's a big system, so there's a lot of interconnecting material that even just make reading through the books and adventures an interesting experience.

Oh god, vigilante with comfort and innocuous servant. All the animu.

>All the animu.

How many animes feature the maids getting fucked or willingly fucking another character?

Because last I checked the maids are either casually molested or ignored as untouchable eyecandy.

An escort is not necessarily a prostitute but more importantly I was thinking of those being used tactically for once (a top tier henchman is often used for recon or subterfuge and comfort just boosts rolls). Is it bad that I try to make NPCs work mechanically for what I'd have them do fluff-wise?

Poor scum here. Does anyone have a torrent link or download link for the first Strange Aeons book? Want to get my group started on this one, after our RotRL campaign.

>are either carried over from other great previous editions or
>well designed and flavorful
you've got to be kidding me.

Also, just because you "have fun" doesn't make it a good system, since you're conflating a personal opinion with an objective statement. Yes, its possible to have fun, but that's in spite of the system and its flaws and failings, not because of it.

Take for example: I enjoyed Final Fantasy XIII and XIII-2. I had fun playing them. However I have no delusions that its a good game, its got lots of problems and doesn't even come quite close. Its a poorly made game, yet I can admit that its bad and still have fun with it without either contradicting the other.
The same is extended to other things like Dirge of Cerberus, or reading Dominic Deegan. I enjoyed them, but I know that they really aren't that great and I accept that.

Just because you like something doesn't mean its good, just like just because something is bad doesn't mean its impossible to enjoy, or how just because something is good and a technical masterpiece doesn't mean you're obligated to like it.
You just have to be mature and self-critical enough to understand that the thing you like isn't all that good, and be comfortable enough in that fact that you don't let it bog down your enjoyment of it.

Its CG rebels fighting to defend Nirmathis last I heard. Crystal wouldn't run something focused on being Evil aligned. Would mean she has to write an Evil tranny and that ain't happening.

As I understand it, the escort has other talents that s/he can sell, so the NPC should either be a spellcaster or have plenty of social and/or investigation skills.

I would say that this covers every cha-based class except paladins... but come to think of it, paladins are pretty handy to have around all the time, barring all the inconveniences from the oath.

Quick question. My current character is a Promethean Alchemist/Polymath. I was thinking it might be interesting if my cute homunculus daughter was able to borrow my character's maneuvers and stances.

Would two Alchemist Discoveries be reasonable to do this, one to let it activate a stance I know and another to let it activate maneuvers out of my character's maneuver pool? Or should I tier the discoveries out and have it cost 4 or even more than that?

My GM is pretty cool and lenient with homebrew and 3pp, but I don't want to risk breaking the campaign or anything.

>an objective statement.

This is ridiculous. The things I care about the game are different from what you care about. I find the balance issues easily remedied, and value the variety of mechanics more. Having fun with any game is dealing with the things you disagree with (or in your words, in "spite of its flaws and failings), but playing the game to begin with means there are some things you do agree with. The system provides a number of benefits, hence why people bother with it, including diverse structures to built characters with based ultimately on a simple core mechanic.

If we were to weigh systems differently, say by diversity rather than balance, Pathfinder would be objectively a great game.

I don't really understand why you think I need to follow your criteria as to what makes a game good, because I don't believe that people are necessarily so stupid as to be able to enjoy things with absolutely no merits.

When playing pathfinder, I don't ignore its faults, nor do I agree with all the design decisions. But, I also will not ignore the good features of the system, and am quite willing to say that at the cost of certain aspects (balance being chief of them), the system instead enjoys mechanical depth because of an amazing amount of variety of features and abilities, with monsters in particular an excellent example of deeply explored design space. While some people can complain about massive statblocks and entries that span several pages, I consider that to be an exhibit of just how much people were willing to expand a monster's identity, to attempt to create it in an semi-organic fashion, all while trying to create unique experiences.

If the definition of a bad game is "game that has flaws", then all games are bad.
If the definition of a good game is "one that people enjoy," then Pathfinder falls under this criteria for many people. Ultimately, both definitions are still subjective, but that's what's ridiculous about claiming objective status.

Just play a synthesist summoner. Gets access to all of that shit without too much trouble.






Escorts are Cha=Int > Wis > Con.

The escort is different from a prostitute, as explained by an user better than myself;

>Depends. Some are cheap enough and others are richboy's allowance tier.
Depends on the quality. You can get some decent conversationalists who range from 7.5-9/10 but might not be as experience or a little overly experienced for $500-900ish. Or you can get 11/10's who will talk the finer points of business and maybe give your financial supporters tips on how to better run their company or business or actually hold their own in quantum physics talks for $5000-10,000. Almost all are clean and decent types and most have to be moderately intelligent in many aspects to be able to hold their own in any sort of company so that already puts them above most chicks you'd find then add the fact they're usually far more sexually capable than the average person and suddenly you can see why they're worth the money people happily pay for them.
Hell, most choose the job for the lifestyle whereas the cash is just the icing on the cake