Kaladesh is a plane of artificers, and where there are artificers, there are artifacts. And where there are artifacts...

Kaladesh is a plane of artificers, and where there are artificers, there are artifacts. And where there are artifacts, there's typically Affinity getting directly or indirectly buffed.

SO, ITT, we try to come up with mechanics for Kaladesh that DON'T buff Affinity.

Ultra Bonus Points if they're still good for existing non-affinity artifact decks or help create new ones entirely.

I'm just waiting on that UR artificer legend

Whenever it gets printed

not enough shit on the sidewalks

Modern Affinity is more a Metalcraft deck than it is an Affinity deck if you name it based on mechanics.

Frankly any cheap yet strong artifact is a buff to the deck just by existing since it keeps your Mox Opals and Etched Champions online

HAHA! I understood that meme! That was a good one, gentlesir.

Remember that one time recently when Wizards printed that one legend type everyone was wanting?

what's wrong with Ulrich? Seems like a fine werewolf to me.

No, Anonymous.

Not even in jest. Ulrich a shit and I'm still mad.

Thank you for restating why I created this thread. Any suggestions on how to instead NOT do that?

What kind of mechanics could be made for this set that fit Kaladesh but either competes with, or avoids interacting with, metalcraft and arcbound ravager?

Something that caused synergy between artificers themselves rather than their creations? Like a cooperative crafting sort of thing?

Something that also reduced the number of artifacts available in return for effect? Having to exile them or discard them instead of getting them on the field to power your metalcraft or available for sacrifice into +1/+1s maybe? Equipment that fuse 2 or 3 into a single artifact creature Meld style, so that they only count as one artifact (think Kaldra minus the token creation and subsequent equipping)?

C'mon, I know I'm not half as creative as I've seen you all get before. I wanna see what you all can come up with.

Speaking of Metalcraft I hope they bring it back. It seems like a pretty alright mechanic to make a return in another artifact heavy plane.

It's repeatable removal on a reasonable-sized body for a not entirely astronomical mana cost. I'm sure he's not a cutthroat competitive type card, but he doesn't seem like shit. (I will admit, the time I first-picked him I never drew him.)

confirmed no returning mechanics other than evergreen

Though MaRo says there WILL be one that had been a "longstanding design issue" that he had been trying to solve for over 7 years, which would make it something originally mean for Esper.

So that's p hype.

I'm thinking of an ability called Flash of Genius. It would be a card effect found ONLY on coloured spells that is identical to metalcraft, but the condition is met by revealing 3 artifacts in your hand, rather than having 3 artifacts on the field.

Since Affinity is a deck that likes to play all its spells at once, it has no use for cards that need you to hold back on playing all your 0-drops

>Gift of the Skies
>costs 1UR
>"Counter target spell. Flash of Genius: draw a card"

Something like the new Daretti (old Daretti never forghetti)? Call it scavenge

Scavenge [cost] sacrifice an artifact: this creature gets [ability]

It's because everybody wanted a werewolf legendary for EDH and he's shit for EDH. He does nothing for the werewolf tribe, doesn't help them transform, doesn't keep them transformed, doesn't even give them a tiny buff. It's like saying you're making a dragon tribal deck and using Rorix Bladewing. It's like, why even bother?

I pulled Ulrich once in a draft format and he was a complete blowout every time he hit the field.

I never pinned him as a card advantage card but he absolutely is. Simply passing the turn with him on the field is a free removal spell that threw the game in my favor every time

Maybe it's Last Strike
I know that was one he like that a rule guy kept shooting down.

You know what the worst part about Ulrich is? WotC already has the perfect werewolf lord for EDH players; it's called Geier Reach Bandit.

Only problem is, it's not a legendary.

>Kamigawa hand mechanic 2.0
Pls no, EMN draft is enough torture for one year.

At least it doesn't improve affinity :^)

What he said was:"You haven’t seen any of the (named) Kaladesh mechanics before."

He might mean mechanics as in the people who repair and build things. This is MaRo we're talking about. He has been known to occasionally doublespeak.


yeah, why isn't he a legendary anyways?

Geier Reach Bandit is a she, user


Scavenge already exists as a mechanic. IT would have to be called Weld or Salvage.

well, we know there are rebels against the consulate. haven't had any of those in a while.

They could have a mechanic involving recruiting maybe?

They're either bringing back affinity or modular
My vote is affinity though, it was a much more egregious offender and MaRo said that they're bringing back an old mechanic that took years to get back into RnD and the time frame about fits for Affinity

>Equipment that fuse 2 or 3 into a single equipment Meld style, so that they only count as one artifact

>It's called Weld


Say it with me: CONTRAPTIONS

The old mechanic had not been implemented. Also affinity is like a 9 on the storm scale, which means it'd take a miracle to get it printed.


MARO confirmed multiple times on his blog that it's not contraptions and that he feels contraptions would be a bad vorthos fit for kaladesh because no goblins.

Well, yeah. I also don't think we'll ever see something that assembles contraptions.

Doesn't really fit OP's request, but how about Morbid for artifacts, called like Scavenge or something?

Values of X where X is the ammount of skin colours among permanents you controll

what races we even have in kaladesh?
Humans, beasts and constructs?

What if experience counters is the "E" mechanic that Mark Rosewater said was pulled from Mirrodin?

They've been done, so no.

His blog said we saw the mechanic in one other design.

Red gets Shatter back.

Wait a second, how long ago did MaRo say that the mechanic was made and used?

It has never been used or mentioned.

All of the mechanics in Kaladesh will be new "never seen before" mechanics.

said that we saw it once. Can I have a link to the post on his blog?

He's said we've never seen it before.
Illiteracy made people think he sai it's been seen before.

Got it. I had a thought about what it might have been if it was thought up a while back and used experimentally.

"nasanfer asked: Mark, if all the mechanics in Kaladesh are new, we are not going to see Mechanic E in Kaladesh (as we have seen it in Esper) or it doesn't count as "seen mechanic"???

You all have never seen Mechanic E."

""I tried using it as part of Esper in Shards of Alara."" But WE THE PEOPLE have never seen it.

Mmmm... devoid/(multi-)colored artifacts matter?

>no goblins
Im going to kill my first jew today. Thats a fucking crime and I wont stand for it

Prepare for +1/+1 counters on megakicker, megameld and megaheroic :^)

EDH should just get away with the legendary requirement already.

Wouldn't something like a devour mechanic but specifying artifacts work against affinity? It's the only thing I can't think of that runs counter to affinity.

Artifacts/Creatures that have two effects: the effect they grant when played, and a second 'Improved' effect that is superior/different from the first.

The second effect can only be unlocked by having an Improvement Counter placed on it, and you can only get Improvement counters from certain Artificer creatures entering the battlefield or casting certain spells.

Aka "Put an improvement counter on up to one permanent. Discard a card, draw a card."

That's the worst parts of MegaMorph and Kicker smooshed together.

>(In fact, it's shown up in at least one other design.)
Okay, now I see where I misread.


Thank you for the very hearty laugh.

>What kind of mechanics could be made for this set that fit Kaladesh but either competes with, or avoids interacting with, metalcraft and arcbound ravager?
>avoids interacting with, metalcraft and arcbound ravager?


>Morbid for artifacts, called like Scavenge or something?

T1 Super Eggs modern deck?


>I cant read

I find it far more amusing to speculate about the new land cycle due in this set.

I expect enemy dual lands (to balance out the absence of painlands) either:

Enemy Fetchlands: To give a final push to landfall just before it rotates, or

Enemy Fastlands: To balance out the rate of untapped/tapped dual lands in standard.

>Enemy Fetchlands: To give a final push to landfall just before it rotates, or
/Unlikely with fetchable duals in standard

Enemy fastlands are a safe bet

KTK - BFZ had this very scenario.

Flooded Strand into Prairie Stream or Sunken Hollow.

>Intuit Artifact: Whenever you search your library for an Artifact, [generic benefit effect]
Shitty name, probably abusable, but new and expandable.

>Salvage X: When casting this card, you may sacrifice any number of artifacts you control. Reduce this card's casting cost by their combined CMC, to a minimum cost of X.
Interacts weirdly with Affinity.

Also R and not RG.

>tfw you thought that Investigate was the "test run" for assembling contraptions
>it probably was but we're still not going to see them for the next 3 blocks at least because no way in hell they're putting two artifact focused blocks in standard at the same time

That's terrible.