So, which one do I open first?

So, which one do I open first?


Open the Atarka.


all guaranteed duds

Nothing too great
Atarka next.

Did you pick that up at target? I pulled a second Atarka World Render and General Tazri. Nothing notable fron the BGZ pack (unsurprisingly). Lots of thrills for 12 bucks.

congrats op, objectively the worst fullart plains in the set. Good work

Yep, got it for about 11 from my employee discount.
Nothing exciting in the atarka
Bfz or origins?


Madman. ALso origins

Origins! You already did oath before battle, so why the crap not?


Oh no, a black person on kaladesh.
How am I supposed to care about it now?

I'm stupid with more than just money it seems.

Nice, gobbo pile driver.

A very helpful user suggested that I open the atarka.

Finally, I got autistic fish.

And a Plated Crusher and quads. Good work.

Walkers are always good quints man.


Quads, user. But they are 5s.

Nigga, that one is sharing top spot with the Noah Bradley one in the new BFZ full arts.

Not every plains needs to shine fucking gold.

Quints, quads, what's the difference kappa

I pulled a Deathrite Shaman and a Foil Undead Sidisi from one of these things