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Wait, what are these for? Where do I get them?


mtg now has ghost rare

They will work in the same way that Zendikar Expeditions did

It's the kaladesh masterpiece peice series bud.



I was originally going to pass, but now I'm hyped as fuck.

Just pointing out you can see Hangarback Walker in the background of this. And possibly vice versa.

And there's the marketing ploy in action.

>Aether Vial
This really needed a more significant reprint, but having it on Kaladesh is kind of a flavor homerun.



Oh yea man, I'm losing my mind.



You realize there is nothing negative with this right? They aren't moving the good cards up a rarity, they are basically putting random $100 bills in a few packs.

Even if you don't care about these and don't want them, you greatly benefit, as people will buy boxes to open masterworks, dropping the prices of all other non-masterwork cards drastically.

This is basically making standard cheaper while also providing awesome pimp cards.


I like your view on things.

how likely is Sensei's Diving Top to appear in Aether Revolt?

I want this in on of my prerelease packs so badly.


Might not fit the flavour like jitte.

I don't think it will solely based on flavor, but bring that it's a artifact, then maybe



Then here come the gearhulks



I don't play as much as I used to, but why Hangarback Walker? I thought that pretty much only a standard card from about four sets ago

BTW, that one is my favorite.

To lower the overall expected value from the extra cards to keep the whole set in line with sets that don't have special super secret ghost rare bullshit.

Also, Hangarback Walker is a card that came from Kaladesh anyway.

I heard people use it in Vintage

And that is all of them, all gloriously beautiful, and most likely gonna be expensive as all hell.

My Ezuri EDH deck wins 75% of the time with hangerback walker so I have to buy one with fancy art.

Collectors are the cancer killing eternal formats.

I absolutely love that they are all entries into a huge science fair.

How will head judge Tezzeret decide who gets 1st place?

>tfw people getting hyped because super-mythic-ghostly-rare cards exist

95% of you won't see it. It's gonna be just like expeditions.


There are definitely better cards to print but hangarback does come from Kaladesh lore-wise. Plus it does see fringe play in modern Skred and some vintage deck.


Wait, so does this mean that sol ring. And all these other cards are back in standard?

Every set, every block, will have this stuff.
Ofc there'll be different cards, but there aren't that many super cards. So many of the same cards will come in different sets.

Were the expeditions legal in standard?


Tbh, I wasn't even sure if they were or not, just thought they looked cool

Forgot this one

And this one.

>my music when Masterpieces.

They're gorgeous.

And then suddenly...a random user suffered a sheer heart attack!

>if you get one in limited you are allowed to put it in your deck
>they only come in foil
>they are extremely rare; normal mythic is 1:8 booster packs, masterpieces will be 1:144 booster packs

This card seriously looks edible, I don't get why.

there any MtG packs that come with 12 boosters? If there are you just need to buy 12 of those and hope you get a Masterpiece you can sell for a whole heap of moolah.

And everyone + their mom will buy boxes, so there'll be more boxes opened than usually.
Kaladesh will be the best selling set ever, by a large margine.

must be the colours.

And unlike BFZ this actually looks like an interesting set without the masterpieces.

it's like caramel and mint

Holy fuck I can't wait to never have the luck to find one or the guts to buy one, fantastic artwork

I'm glad I'm not alone in this feeling

Seeing these boss cards actually might get me to come back to Magic for a little bit. God, I'm always terrible at this game.

>God, I'm always terrible at this game.
You wanna know how to be good at magic?

Don't build your deck to win. Build it to make your opponent lose.

You'll understand the difference one day.

>post yfw you pull a masterpiece and it's a gearhulk

At least then I won't be torn over wether to keep it or sell it.

But it's easy
>Does it cost more than the box and is not a Sword or Chrome Mox ?
Sell it

Ah, I get the idea there, most of it comes to which cards would be the most interesting way for me to do that.

It's one of those conundrums where I want to play the game for fun, but I'd also like to win enough to make playing worth the while. It feels like the two ideas are mutually exclusive without a severe investment in power cards.

Easy. He just gives it to mana crypt because it's absurdly powerful.

>That flavourtext
Why couldn't none of them have flavour text, would have made them 10x better


holy fuck i love the art on these so much,
i can't wait to see if i can pull a mox out of my ass or not now, its usually either i pull one or one of my friends get one.

>"You made a giant that waters the lawn?"

No user, it's clearly for controlling niggers

this is the most pimp sol ring ever and it is going to be HELLA expensive because EDH

I'm happy despite this, because I want Chandra.
>Jace, Vryn's Prodigy from an underselling set hikes to $800 because he's in every good Standard deck, a shit Modern deck, a shittier Legacy deck and some Vintage sideboard for trolling rights.
>Gideon, Ally of Zendikar, shows up in every good Standard deck, actually competitive Modern decks, some Legacy sideboard and every superfriends EDH ever. Remains at $20 because every box of BFZ got opened by junkies looking for fetchlands.

Well, guess I can get these to fill out my Lorwyn/Shadowmoor playsets a bit more. Painters Servant is... usable.... but the best uses I've seen for it have been 'in block'.

They should have thrown in 'mind stone' just to make people cry when they pull it.

If it were anything but this super secret foil mythic slot, like the same odds as a foil rare, I'd be hype. But as things stand it smacks too much of marketing to feel "genuine".

There is a negative. They have to keep the price point down on the rest of the set to equal it out. So you get less bombs just fom the point of development trying to cut costs.

... That's goddamn terrible advice. Not everyone wants to play Fuck You Control.

Buddy, did you not read the announcement?

EVERY STANDARD SET is going to have Masterpiece Series cards.

>They have to keep the price point down on the rest of the set

You don't understand how EV works.
These cards existing will by THEMSELVES push down the price of the rest of the set, because the value in the set should be concentrated in the prices of these artifacts, rather than the Standard playable bombs.

I prefer new sets to "fly off of the shelves" because they have good and interesting cards in them, not because packs contain a lottery ticket.

Sadly, people proved that they were willing to buy BFZ (the worst set in recent memory) in record numbers thanks to expeditions.

If this is the norm, then what incentive does WotC have to make well designed cards?

This is fucking awful

This, no more gimmicks to sell sets, no more crutches, make good cards and people will buy them without this lottery ticket bullshit

Go back and look at the rest of the Kaladesh spoilers. Remind yourself of how fucking hyped everyone was for this set BEFORE we knew about this shit.

Return to Innistrad was great and what is spoiled of Kaladesh looks a but better than decent. You retards are calling slippery slope on shit that hasn't even reared yet

Can't wait for that sick ass Cyclopean Mummy foil in Amonkhet.

They should have really left the border line on these cards. The obviously cut off parts on both sides of the frame are really jarring to look at. Otherwise most of these are 10/10, I'm definitely picking up Crucible and Sol Ring for my pimped out EDH deck.

But Kaladesh looks like a good set. Fun limited structure, some clearly powerful cards that might have meaning in eternal formats. Neat art, clear and mechanically interesting rules.
What more do you want? It might not be an Innistrad 1.0, but Inn2 wasn't terrible so this is definitely up from BFZ.

Looks like a mechon from xenoblade

Call me crazy, but I generally wait for the full spoiler before judging a set. We may have seen everything it has to offer already.

A bunch of other people have said it, but Kaladesh looks good so far, not KTK levels of good, but leagues above the shit that was BFZ.

A bunch of fun mechanics, a handful of powerful cards already, these masterworks are great icing. The only issue is that, with how much I draft I just know I'm going to have to play against a sol ring eventually, and I'll want to kill myself even if I'm the one playing it.

If the numbers for a good set with expeditions is the same as numbers for a bad set with expeditions then why would they bother putting effort into making the set when they can just put these ultra rare cards in them and have the same result?

Fair. Personally I think this ghost rare expeditions stuff is vulgar money-grabbing nonsense, and I'm worried about coming up against something atrocious like a sol ring or sword in limited.

>why would they bother putting effort into making the set

Despite recent evidence we can assume that there are people thinking about the state of Magic as a whole and its future. They have a clear acquisition plan, and I think some of this plan is to ... lubricate the secondary market with some additional value. This makes the idea of buying into a game which has a reputation for being expensive a little bit more interesting if there are hundred dollar notes in packs.

Man some kids are going to get ripped the fuck off.