The Official MTG Snowstorm/Lore Thread

Welcome to the MTG flake/lore thread!
Last Thread: Eeeeeeethuurrrrr

Writefagging last time: If you want ANYTHING to go in the repo, just summon me. Otherwise I will only put writefagging and sheets in the repo.

Also, I added the blank template to the ALL FLAKESHEETS folder. And the old snowsheets are under "Snowstorm sheets" > "1- ALL FLAKE SHEETS."

To summon me simply say
Unless that's too gay.

>Current Repository

Other urls found in this thread: [Fae]||subtype= [Fae]&color=|[G]

Posting a quick reminder to whoever is updating the repo now:

Ajani, you so based

Fun fact:

I've been keeping the repo update for my own sake, but recently my computer did a reset and lost all of my chrome presets. And I can't remember my login information. So I can't access my own repo.


Rest in peace, old Repo.

Hey, that's not a bad excuse for a Snowstorm 3 right there. Maybe have it coincide with Kaladesh? I know people have flakes that they would want to carry over, but you could toss all the inactive dead weight guilt-free. And maybe the impossible dream of a new OP collage could become a reality.

do we still have an accessible repo? 'cause if not then we WILL have to rebuild a new repo.

Oh yes. The one in the OP is mine, I believe, which still functions.

then eh. as far as I care, when I'm interested in a flake I find it in the repo. If I don't care about the flakes, I just scroll past them. The only reason I can see people wanting a new storm is because old flakes are clogging everything up, but the easiest way to get past that is to clog it up with your own shit. If people like it, they'll use it more. If they don't, they'll be very vocal about it.

It's basic language learning. You learned English right? You can tell the difference between "TEAR a piece of paper" and "Shed a TEAR", right? You just have to learn how "æ" is pronounced.

And "aether" doesn't help with telling you it's pronounced "ee-thur".

No it's "ee-thur". It's an old English word that people thought mystical shit was made out of. You can look it up on and they will pronounce it for you if you don't believe me.

Sure you mean greek, don't you.

The problem is that it looks like an A with a built in E after it.
It doesn't look like EA it looks like AE
TEAR a piece of paper vs Shed a TEAR" doesn't mean much when it looks more like ShantAE

Does it make me a cuck if I want to see Emrakul brutally corrupt my waifu before handing her back to me?

You're among friends.

>Not having a waifu that can be corrupted and slutted up.
It's like you hate fun. Who's your waifu?

I can be down for that, just without the two heads and the tentacles and the chanting...

>Not wanting to be tentacled.
The rest is okay to not like though, I guess.

Here's my flake, going for an Eastern European/ Ghostly theme.
It's ambiguous whether she's actually harbouring the spirit of her late sister, or whether it's all in her head.

Not greatly familiar with planeswalking and fairly new to the scene, I'll write up the Flake Plane for Reissgrad if there's interest, or if I think she'd ever go back home to raise some hell.

The next step from here is to fill out a Flake Bio page, but I'd love some comments.

Requiem Angel

I feel like at this level of autism, I might as well make a snowflake walker.

It's in.

I like the idea of Emrakul doing it just because she sincerely wants to improve your sex life.

>I THOUGHT YOU'D ESPECIALLY APPRECIATE THE insert your fetish here because Emrakul can read your mind.

I was a bit unsure at first but the part about her sister trying to hunt her down at the end took me by surprise, and in a good way. I am sold, iz gud.

*Note that it is the planeswalker who is new, I've been playing for a number of years now. Interesting to imagine how she'd duel using my various decks.

I will be filling out the spooky kink sheet also. Erotic asphyxiation.

I'd fuck her while leaving her red in the face.

Got a f-list?

Appreciate it chaps. I'll finish going through reading the flakes I recognise the names of in the repository.

I mean, I like tentacles as much as the next faggot. But Emrakul takes it too far.

When you get a chance, please.

This week got a little crazy for ol' Ice Age.

I'll get things moving again before the night is over.

I'm trying really, really hard to get back in.

Life is suffering.

One-in-three chance of being a new Vronak identity, and a rather carefully planned one at that.

I'll remain cautious.

Done, my man.

maybe we should start a NEW snowstorm and put NEW flakes in it

Thanks for putting in the updated writefagging! I'm still seeing the old sheet in there, though. Oh, and you can go ahead and trash the old version of that writefagging, by the way.

Hmm. Should be fixed now.

Perfect! New sheet's in. Thanks a bundle.

Made a card, obviously I'm not fantastic at costing or correct formatting, but I think a weaker plus ability and stronger minuses fits.

English is a multitude of adopted words and rules. Æther has been used in the English language for hundreds of years. So, yes I do indeed mean English.

Again, "aether" doesn't fix this so called problem.

But, why? We can just keep this storm and add new flakes to it.

>But, why? We can just keep this storm and add new flakes to it.

I really hate doing two flakes in one week. But, thanks to the Masterrace Series being spoiled literally a day after I post a flake, I'm going to post this one before someone beats me to the idea.

You act like a week's worth of adding won't clutter it anyhow.

It solves the "How the fuck do we translate this ugly outdated cookey letter to other languages problem.

>plays all five gearhulks

user...there's a difference between a week's worth of flakes, and about 6 months worth of flakes. It's a lot of flakes. My original repo was over 900 files. There's a lot of shit going on there, and it can be hellishly intimidating for a new person to get into.

And THERE'S the Vronak. I was wondering why his troll self was being so quiet

No it doesn't. As it being translated in any language is still literally "æther". It's not a word that has synonyms or translations.

>fat stack of Kaladesh goodstuff artifacts
>some are outside of colors

Less problematic:
>super awkward character art
>spelling needs work

They are constructs. Primarily not being cast but summoned through aether vial.

Meh. I've been around and maxes some posts. And done some behind the scenes posting with a couple of particular anons. Whatcha need of me?

What is spelled incorrectly?

One spell of each color yet he is red-blue, even when his personality doesn't fit the combination. This character is your laziest yet.

This is my only response to any post about this character.

I imagine that it has to do with characters and phonetics. Magic is printed in languages that don't use a Roman alphabet, so not using the version where the letters are spliced together would allow for you to spell it out using phonetic characters in those languages.

Not many to be honest, but the one that draws the eye is the blundered first line under the "What are they up to now?" section. "hoping"

Yeah, and to most languages that would be as stupid as leaving all the Japanese names in Kamigawa in Kanji.
It only makes sense to languages that use the roman alphabet, and even then it's outdated and dead so even a lot of those roman alphabet speakers are left with a stupid letter that doesn't have grammatical rules associated with it in the modern day.

You say it's your only comment on the character, yet your statement leave so many questions. How does he not for in Izzet colors? And again, artificers tend to get around mana usage in colors they don't use. Thus, aether vial.

Those languages tend to have characters for the word aether. Just like the Chinese Zodiac uses it.

Well shit. You're absolutely right. I didn't even catch that. Possibly due to my typing fast and autocorrect not finding it as a mistype.

I love how you tell him "flaws" in his character and leave off with "I won't explain my claims".

So, on to more interesting topics.

Do we have any updates from Ice Age yet?


Ah, right. Hope things are okay on his end.

my main concern is that you have him either inventing each of these things that are so rare that most CANON planeswalkers have never seen them, or have him having seen each of them, and understanding them from either a cursory glance or exceptionally small timeframe and understanding them well enough to summon a copy of them that can work. and if so many (all, let's be real here) of his spells and artifacts are from Kaladesh, why is his favourite plane New Phyrexia?
sum up: he doesn't have a specified power for why he has so many high-level artifacts or and understanding of such high-level artifacts beyond "he's been doing this since he was a kid," and his fave plane doesn't make sense given his spell sheet. Neither does his name, honestly.

also the jetpack. why does he have a jetpack, because it was in the picture? because if that's the case, you could have just NOT used a picture of The Rocketeer.

Alrighty. These artifacts aren't exactly specified in lore to be "rare". These are also Kaladeshi representations of these artifacts, meaning that multiple planes have created the same things. Possibly even hinting at Planeswalkers from Kaladesh have seen these artifacts, made their own, and entered them during various fairs.

His favorite plane being Mirrodin / New Phyrexia primarily due to it being heavily an artifact driven plane and having Darksteel upon it.

Why would he need some super power to have artifacts? Are you thinking he needs some kind of "analysis vision" to go with his mechanical genius?

What's wrong with his name? It has Indian origins. Just like most native Kaladeshi.

One, I like the Rocketeer. Fantastic movie and comics. Two, why do the Izzet's Wee Dragonauts fly around by shit strapped to their back? Anywho, this is the plane where these shenanigans are plausible. So, why not take advantage of their artifice / aether-esque steampunk style?

Nish, do not reply to him, it'll just feed him.

Different person, but I want to field a couple of things

"Analysis vision," isn't what's being discussed here. It's the idea that you need at least some level of familiarity with something in order to conjure up an aether copy of it, and you probably need some working knowledge of it if you want it to work/do the things that it is capable of.

The other thing is that you should leave Wee Dragonauts out of this because they are amazing and have nothing to do with the argument that you were responding to. They don't need your junk, they just want to float around on their powered up storm-kites.

This post just feeds me.

Feed Me. Feed Me, Seymour!

by virtue of being "Masterpieces," it's expected that these things would be rare. I can't walk down the street and buy a Von Gogh painting; I can buy a cheap knockoff, but even that's not something I can just come across on a midday walk.

if he likes New Phyrexia because it's heavily driven by artifacts and has darksteel, Kaladesh is his homeplane and is heavily artifact-driven. It also has the added bonus of not trying to kill him and/or carve his spark out of his still-living body.

I assume that if he's able to just summon these masterworks willy-nilly, he'd need to be able to comprehend how they work at the very least. That would take a long time for the gearhulks, and even longer for things like the Sol Ring or Mana Crypt. I mean hell, the original flavour for the Mox Opal implied that it was so rare it had never touched the surface of Mirrodin.

Devon is one of the whitest names I've ever heard. Rohan much less so, since it's actually a Hindi name, but it's also an Irish name. So still pretty white.

I was mostly questioning the jetpack because I wanted to know the "why" behind that particular picture. there's better ones of The Rocketeer.

not gonna get better if we don't talk to him about why his flakes are bad. by actually talking to him, we can say that at least we tried.

We've been trying for literally six months.

It doesn't work.

So, you're just bypassing the whole "these are Kaladesh creations" aspect of my comment. Okay. I'm not going to rebuttal. Just re-read that section of the post and you'll have your answer.

We have tried, multiple times.

>Point out that I'm a different user and only wanted to field a couple of things
>You get salty when I don't go after your whole post

Boy oh boy.

Well, that confirms it.

is Vronak. Sad but true.

Unfortunately not, I am a different user, will trip if need be.

I have been busy coming up with the foundation for Reissgrad (Plane).

Toying with the idea of a "Creature Types used in Combination" theme, for example a Pious Knight recieving a bonus if you have a Cleric, etc.

I'd also like to have Fae as a green, woodland sprite race, but I'm not sure if there's a precedent for fairies in that colour.

I think in the end it will come out looking something like a Westeros/Innistrad mashup..

See, but you putting on a trip doesn't matter unless the user posting as vronak also trips at the same time, which is unlikely, because he hates being able to be filtered.

Shit, I'll sell you a "Von Gogh" painting right now. Name your price.
You mean "van Gogh".

I think you are thinking of Devin.

Devon isn't afraid of dying. Hell, if he wasn't a Planeswalker, he'd have died during the time when his spark ignited. And he has a fascination of the living artifacts from Mirrodin / New Phyrexia.

And the masterworks are literally Kaladeshi artifacts. Meaning more than likely they were replicated by Planeswalkers and entered in their fairs. A plane that literally does this for their form of entertainment. So, Devon would have had the opportunity to study them.

There wasn't any that I saw more fitting in the representation of the Rocketeer without seeming too much of a period piece. If you'd like to present a better one, I'm more than willing to consider it.

I'm not salty user. Just pointing out that you skipped the wntire answer to your problem.

This is what.., the sixth person to be claimed as being me? Cute.

Keep trying to pull that rabbit out of a hat. Perhaps it'll turn your neckbeard into a real wizard beard.

Well I can't convince you one way or the other so I'm just going to carry on with Tereza, suspect or not.

Tereza can't be Vronak, look at the sheet. No ugly font, backstory makes sense, preferred spell-list isn't just "A bunch of controversial good shit."
She didn't even put Geist of Saint Taft as one of her favorite spells where as Vronak would with the excuse "My flake s the guy who trained him" or something equally as stupid.

I would not. I only had two flakes ever use legendary summons. Just two. And say what you want about me or my flakes, I think pure just jelly about how much attention I get. Even when it has nothing to do with my flakes. People just tend to throw shit storms my way for no reason. However great it is watching people bash my shit for no other reason than to try and irk me. It really just seems like a sad waste of their time and devotion.

That was inexplicably touching.
To be perfectly honest, I made the spell list before I made the character. I just love all those cards, and spirits in general. [Fae]||subtype= [Fae]&color=|[G]
Plenty of precedent for green fae.

Brilliant, thank you
How do most flakes begin/meet another walker?

Once she's a fair amount more fleshed out and is back on her feet somewhat after her ordeal, I think Tereza would definitely appreciate learning a thing or two about planeswalking from somewhere or other.

Currently doing some casual spirit raising on Innistrad.

As long as your walker's characterization is clear enough, just ask a writefag to include your walker in a story. It was a great joy of mine to see my character flourish by different people's pens, back during þe first snowstorm.

There's actually not a modern precedent for green fae. They've been put in blue for a while now. The green fae on that list are a lot older before it was decided they don't fit green color pie.
Put simply if it uses the old card frames, it might be too old to count without modern precedent. Sorry about that.

Though I don't feel like woodland sprites, small folk and slavic nature gods being in green is that much of a stretch, even without appearing in a modern set.

I suppose I can achieve what I'm aiming for using Spirits and Elementals.

It'd be best. Green doesn't get small things that can fly, so they went dryads and the like for green, and gave blue the trickster sprites.

>During each round, flakes will be assigned to random opponents in single-elimination tournament fashion.
>Flakes will be treated as though they are all neowalkers in order to create a balance of power.
>Flakes with meme-levels of power will be treated as though they weren’t.
>Flakes that directly contradict lore, especially by going against or interacting inappropriately with canon characters, will be disqualified.
>Flakes that are joke or troll flakes will be disqualified. The use of silver-bordered cards in a flake’s preferred spell list automatically disqualifies them.

>During the first round, all flakes will be placed into the roster randomly. Flakes that are disqualified will give their random opponents a bye for the round.
>During the first round, flakes will be revealed in smaller groups, noting disqualifications and asking the thread if they wish to disqualify anyone else.

>During each round, small groups of flake match-ups will be revealed
>Arguments will take place in the thread and votes will be taken from the polls over which flake is likely to prevail over the other.
>After each round, the flakes that move on will be re-randomized on the roster to make match-ups unpredictable.

>Match-Up rules will treat both competing flakes in a match as though they are both forced into conflict with the other, and neither is allowed to planeswalk away until a winner is determined. Flakes will be treated as though they start with zero assisting summons and will not have prepared for this encounter.

The following flakes move on to the next round:


The next match-ups are as follows:

>Argyle VS Akanta

>Veldren VS Nishal

>Sumarru VS Bluefingers

>Amund VS Salicia


Polls will be up sometime in the morning.

Depends on whether Sumarru is up against Bluefingers (he probably wins) or the demon (less clear), but it seems like either way their control stuff is a threat to his style.

Did your list become set at a certain point, or if a new walker is added, will it participate? It looks pretty fun, and if registry's already closed, I'll probably sit on it until next round

My list closed when I established the first round. This runs in an elimination tournament format, and began when it first seemed that we wouldn't be updating the repo anymore.

It basically exists to be a broad examination of every last flake that we'd made since the beginning of this snowstorm, while giving everyone a chance to participate in discussing and voting on hypothetical flake battles. Seemed like a good way to either give everyone closure or else to reinvigorate the threads again, since we were stagnating towards death at the time.

Feel free to join in on the discussions and whatnot, but I won't be adjusting the list to add any of the flakes that were miraculously made after it started.

Man, wouldn't it be cool if any of the match-ups in the Ice Age inspired some writefagging...

I had actually been writing a bit for Izari about how she encountered someone who tried to fight her. Since she won her round, I could potentially do something there.

I just feel weird using other flakes because I'm not their writer.

Pic related is a rough draft; I still have to figure out where to find images (a good fantasy booru, maybe? I was a guy in a full-head helm and tattered rags elsewise)

Is it too mary-sue?

Pic related is a rough draft. Can't find any good images for him, but yeah.

Kinda afraid it's a bit mary-sue, what with being a rare race and having a couple weaker Eldrazi as "signature spells".

If we do make a new snowstorm, I'll have my first 2 flakes ready for that.

Then post them here and now. Stop being a faggot.

They are not ready YET. I'm saying they probably will be whenever we do that thing.

If we ever do that. At this point, I'm thinking that we won't for a long, long time. And personally, I hope that we don't do it for a long time. A lot of the current flakes are just so great that I wouldn't want them lost to time itself.

Personally, my idea of a "new snowstorm" wouldn't necessarily exclude flakes created in an earlier storm. It would mostly be for the purpose of discarding dead weight and inactive flakes.

The thing is, the repo is fine as it is. What exactly is dead weight? No one looks at every single flake and if you're in the flake sheet section, you obviously know the name you are looking for. This, it's extremely easy to navigate.

Starting over just makes all the writefagging and flakes fall to the dark web from the use of a new repo.

Can moonfolk fly without the assistance of magic?

You're right. The repo is fine, but the OP collage has been begging for an update for a while now.

I'm fine with the OP collage getting revamped.

The original maintainer has decided not to update it, as other people have said that they would take over.

And never did. I think Gaia updated it, like, once.

Anyone volunteer to do it?

I don't see wings in Tamiyo's qt self, so I think they have to use magic to be able to mysteriously fly and levitate

I mean more like do they have that magic naturally and learn it just like we do walking, or do they need to learn it like normal wizards.