Want have a not- Sacred Band warriors in setting

>want have a not- Sacred Band warriors in setting
>if I introduce an army of faggots people would think it's a hamfisted SJW move and not a homage because most people are uneducated swine

how to do it in a convincing way? For some reason in a fantasy setting this whole idea sounds less realistic than it actually is.

I guess just play with real actual human beings you know and get on with instead of making up reactions for (you)s on an online imageboard.

>people would think it's a hamfisted SJW move and not a homage
I imagine that people assuming that has more to do with how you typically behave as a person.

Just how much do you really plan on featuring the not-sacred band of thebes anyway?

If your setting has women in the military, you could have most of the couples be hetero, and downplay the homosexual aspect

I find in my experience, none of the people I ever met online or IRL for games, has such harsh opinions on things like people who post on Veeky Forums. I have three groups now and I'm sure it would fly with all of them with no major issues.

So I guess the 'how' depends on who you play with and why they would think such a thing.

Plus the SJW tag says more about the person using it, than the person it's referring too, usually.

>if I introduce an army of faggots people would think it's a hamfisted SJW move and not a homage because most people are uneducated swine

Well see it's pretty fucking simple to fix this.
>Don't start off saying their gay as in that's fucking crucial
>Don't shove an agenda down the players throats
>Give a logical reason why culturally this is ok if them being gay does come up

Seriously I don't get how this is fucking hard.

By explaining that the concept of sexual orientation as an innate immutable aspect of your identity that dictates your actions is less than 200 years old, and before that it was just a temporary description of your actions.
The ancient Greeks weren't having casual gay sex willy-nilly with full acceptance, there were social rules for it (ex: anal sex was for women and slaves), almost all such relationships had a significant age difference, and those "gay" men were still expected to have wives and children due to high rates of infant mortality compared to the present first-world.

But then your band of lovers end up with half the group gettin preggers

Please fuck off.

There is no reason why it culturally wouldn't be ok in a universe where Christianity doesn't exist.

This would require a culture that's already accepting of homosexuality. If you don't have one of those in your setting already, you're pretty much out of luck.

Right, here's how you do it.

>Run the game you want to run
>Tell people who have issues to go fuck themselves
>Party like the goddam Ubermensch you are

There you go, sorted your problem for you.

And, here's the part where the thread inevitably turns to shit, because liberal idiots with no understanding of history try to promote their revisionism because they literally can't breath without trying to promote their agenda.

Yes because Christianity is the only thing in human history that made being gay a taboo.


Could have left out liberal and it would have strengthened your argument but I see your point.

Make them lesbians and it's 1,000% better.

>Put in gays
>REEEE SJW agenda
honestly people who feel the need to assume everything as SJW that has any "liberal" bend are almost as annoying.

Just be a normal guy who doesn't seem to be trying to force political propaganda

The only time I thought something was bordering on SJW was a lesbian transgendered orc paladin

>Don't start off saying their gay as in that's fucking crucial
But it is crucial, that's the whole reason it was a thing.

Don't assune the people you play with are the sort that REEEEE about SJWs, gays, blacks or whatnor.

That being said, just do them as you see fit. They are warband foremost, and overplaying the gay is bad idea.
You might not even explicitly tell it, maybe more indirectly?

Nust say every man is a blood brother and passionately, Intimately care about each other. Insinuate rather than state outright that they're gay

Not if there's some for of effective contraceptive.

I just realised how Space Marines are just Sacred Band in space
They just toned down homoerotism a bit

It was ok with Celts, Romans, Greeks and Japanese.

>Don't shove an agenda down the players throats

Like introducing an army that had homosexual practices, and then applying a modern concept of "gay" to them?

Sacred Band had wives and children. The practice was a systematized pairing of an older mentor and a younger attendant, and actual penetration between the two was discouraged and even punished. It's a far cry from the idea of a troop of homosexuals, if using the modern definition of individuals with an innate, involuntary, immutable sole attraction to the same gender.

OP's pic is also extremely slanted, exaggerated, and even apocryphal.

It wasn't. It was punishable except in specific circumstances, often by death. Every single culture has had taboos against homosexual behaviors, even the most lenient ones.

You really need to stop with your backwards revisionism that's essentially blind propaganda.

>homosexuality punished by death

you're retarded or something?


>The Sacred Band of Thebes (Ancient Greek: Ἱερὸς Λόχος, Hieròs Lókhos) was a troop of picked soldiers, consisting of 150 pairs of male lovers which formed the elite force of the Theban army in the 4th century BC. Its predominance began with its crucial role in the Battle of Leuctra in 371 BC. It was annihilated by Philip II of Macedon in the Battle of Chaeronea in 338 BC.
>male lovers

Unless they're lesbians, expect your players to react with utter disgust. I'll happy shit on my DM if he pulled something like this, whether it was historically possible or not. I'd probably mock him for being a faggot, too.


Dude, this is really a thing.

Your average player is male and strictly heterosexual. Do you think anyone's going to be happy about the introduction of an all-gay unit?

Like, my immediate thought would be that the GM's jerking off to it.

It was also provisionally okay in China, the usual provisions being "don't scare the horses and make sure you have an heir".

Male homosexual behaviors were punished in Japan, with the majority of exceptions being in pederastic or pedophilic circumstances. Hoping to equate pederasty with modern homosexuality is failing to understand the significant differences between the two and the cultures that surrounded them. Two adult males were severely discouraged from sleeping together.

>male lovers
How did you manage to miss this entire section?

>Sacred Band had wives and children. The practice was a systematized pairing of an older mentor and a younger attendant, and actual penetration between the two was discouraged and even punished. It's a far cry from the idea of a troop of homosexuals, if using the modern definition of individuals with an innate, involuntary, immutable sole attraction to the same gender.

They were "male lovers", just like they were technically "homosexual couples", but they were not couples that consisted of "homosexuals". To not understand the distinction is failing to recognize the dramatic difference between the modern concept of immutable homosexuality and the ancient understanding that horny men will fuck anything, including animals and young boys.

You really need to stop with your backwards revisionism that's essentially blind propaganda.

No, they really didn't. Your own historical revisionism should be addressed.

I'm white, male CIS-scum. I just don't see the problem. Then again, I am a Swefag...

You repeated yourself.

Bruva there is nothing wrong with me and my fellow veterans pinning down and oiling up a new member of the company, how else can we be sure he'll be able to fit into his battle armour easily and also take it off easily

What if the heterosexual Sacred Band consists mostly of male/female couples who've already had all the children they'll want, and part of the initiation is herbal sterilization?

Now, not only are the couples fighting to protect the other, they're fighting knowing back home are the only children they'll have.

That's makes you gayer than most ordinary faggots.

And you didn't listen twice.
Apparently, you're just here to spread your propanda and further your agenda, and that's why you can fuck off.

What propaganda? That it was just situational homosexuality, not pure, true man-on-man love? That's propaganda?

I think he's saying that insisting the Sacred Band were a group of butt-fucking slobber-kisses is revisionist when they were really just men that really, really liked each other. Kinda like Frodo and Sam in Lord of the Rings.

It's the same kind of revisionism that made Boudicca out as some heroic liberator figure when she was actually just a brutal, shame-fueled monster that pretty much destroyed the genetic and cultural diversity of tribal Britain by bringing the fury of Rome on it.

Well yeah, I assume it was basically a prison thing and Greece's alarmingly loose morals. And I agree that Boudicca was just a madwoman.

They were an army of faggots who buttsexed each other on nightly basis.

Yes, they really did, including long Buddhist criticisms of homosexuality, including some against pederastic/pedophilic practices, with most condemning adult practices. It was a common topic when discussing Mappo, the "latter" or "degenerate" age, or the 10,000 years where we are all beyond salvation.

People like to confuse modern homosexuality with past homosexual practices, and where a society might permit adult males to have sex with younger/lower class males, this isn't the same as an open-armed embrace of all homosexuality.

> they were really just men that really, really liked each other.

It went beyond that, but the revisionism is to try to call them "homosexuals", using the definition of individuals with an innate, involuntary, immutable sole attraction to the same gender.

They kissed and fondled each other (but penetration was discouraged), but were expected to stop after the younger man reached a certain age. In the case of the specific Theban Band, the age was somewhat higher than that of their contemporaries. And, they were still expected to have wives and children, and to enjoy sex with women.

If you play them coherently with how they're supposed to be the players can't possibly think of hamfisted SJWery.
Greek rambos that occasionally indulge in man-love =\= /lgbt/ activists.

>anal sex was for women
Why don't women these days know this?

The Abomination of Desolation.

They wouldn't necessarily advertise it, right?

Wait a second, in "The Golden Ass" by Apuleius, the main character is described as receiving "a boy's pleasure" from the maid during one of their nightly fuck-sessions.

Was this describing him getting a blowjob from her, or getting to stick it up her butt?

Up the butt.

This tended to prevent pregnancy.

Desolate dat ass, maybe.