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>Shoot straight
>Conserve ammo
>And never, ever cut a deal with a dragon

Punching shit. What's your favourite way of doing it? Cyber? Adept? Bio? Some sort of possession-based deal?

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With my brain.

fugg :DDD I lost the original herolabs one.

I'm idly shitting around with an idea for a Harvester Elf Blade Adept, and doing infiltration and combat. Glass-cannonish, basically.

Failing that, a Mutaqua Troll Adept with Surge, and going full mutant.

I made a troll bruiser with biocompatibility:bioware, prototype transhuman, a bunch of social and uneducated penalties, and as many muscle and reaction enhancements as I could fit.

It was pretty boss, actually, since he more or less ended up being better than any adept I've ever played, but he was critically glitching social tests like a literal madman.

Following on from another thread , how would you fit a story about a guy being involuntarily turned into a female cyborg hooker in Shadowrun?

>What's your favourite way of doing it?
with an AXE...

I have never made an unarmed melee character in any system for any reason...

Ignoring the magical realm aspect of this, because sleaze is an element of cyberpunk and Shadowrun in particular with it's Bunraku and Porn BTLs, the question you've got to ask yourself is why would anyone do this, there's no shortage of natural born females desperate or unfortunate enough to end up in enforced prostitution, why go the extra expense of converting a man? There's got to be a motivation for someone to do this, as some sort of perceived slight or ironic punishment for the character's failings/misdeeds. Perhaps the character ended up with a debt he couldn't pay to a particularly sadistic Triad/Mob/Yakuza boss and they had it done to him as way for him to work off his debt while simultaneously being a humiliating punishment?

Speaking of muscle wizards I've been messing with one today.

>why go the extra expense of converting a man? There's got to be a motivation for someone to do this, as some sort of perceived slight or ironic punishment for the character's failings/misdeeds.
Or instead of a motivation, a reason for him to do it himself? Maybe he used to be rich and to convert himself all the time, then fell from grace while a woman, leaving him stuck that way. Or he needed to replace his body at short notice, to go into hiding or because of injury, and the only nearby option was a bunraku.

Or he had skills that meant it had to be him, not a natural born woman. He was needed undercover as a woman, and nobody else could pull off the job. A mob boss decides to save on hired whores by turning his personal hacker into one.

I am no longer able to ignore the magical realm aspect.

Come on, that's hardly any more magical realm that your ideas.

why not all three?

alright guys, just downloaded my first shadowrun book (and what i think are all the supplements) now... is there a working fixable character sheet?

and more importantly a good character building guide?

*fillable, my bad

>Punching shit. What's your favourite way of doing it? Cyber? Adept? Bio? Some sort of possession-based deal?

Maybe I'm being overly practical here, but why would anyone ever think this was a good idea? Any ironfisted, mystically powered trollmonk you can think of is always going to be made 100% better at getting things dead by putting a sword in his paws. For the rest of us who don't fall into the freaks of nature column there's APDS/ Ex-ex rounds.

Download Chummer, chummer.

a) that's not me

b) The first one definitely more magical realmy, as you haven't addressed why they were converting themselves all the time - especially when the setting doesn't really support that approach to cyberware, you can get swappable limbs but full cyborgs seem to have been retconned in 5e and were never within reach of a base starting character anyway.

The second undercover one is more workable, but I really find it stretches plausibility that there wasn't a woman with that skillset available, as the 'ware required makes you more detectable.

Like I said in my original post, sleaze is part and parcel of the genre, so you can work those elements into a character without it being too weird/creepy, just try and make it fit in naturally without feeling forced

Mainly because fists are a lot easier to smuggle into places than swords, plus there are always going to have a better base damage, but because they have a fixed accuracy, and unarmed is based on your physical limit, trolls can easily exceed maximum potential of a sword with unarmed, and get comparable if not better damage and penetration with cyber/bio weapons.

cool... and if I'm on mac?

Get a real computer, or get a better OS, or search for a Mac version.

>you can get swappable limbs but full cyborgs seem to have been retconned in 5e and were never within reach of a base starting character anyway.
How is a swappable limb unit more appropriate for the setting than units for intimate organs? They don't even needs stats, as they're essentially fluff.

>but I really find it stretches plausibility that there wasn't a woman with that skillset available, as the 'ware required makes you more detectable.
If you're seeing 'ware as so significant that their body is all that plausibly matters when picking someone for a job, doesn't that effectively make all individuals interchangeable mentally?

I do like your debt+humiliating punishment story, I just wanted to brainstorm some other possibilities too for variety.

>getting fannyflustered because ham fisting your shitty fetish into the setting doesn't make any sense

>your shitty fetish
Let's hear how quality your sexuality is then.

I'm really confused about chummer, what does it want me to enter for the "value" when I select a moderate addiction or an entertainment - outing in an advanced lifestyle?

>How is a swappable limb unit more appropriate for the setting than units for intimate organs? They don't even needs stats, as they're essentially fluff.
Because the swappable limbs are cyberlimb options that fit within a mechanical limb, and I was more thinking of the body re-structuring aspects (hips etc). I have looked into this inspired be the skin toner in chrome flesh I've tried to build a chameleon cyborg before, and had to improvise to represent some of the novel cyberware they would require.

what you're addicted to (novacoke, jazz). And where you went on the outing.

Oh geez, thanks. And do you know why the costs for like adding entertainment to like going to the zoo isn't included in the monthly cost in chummer?

you can get to advanced lifestyles by hitting the little triangle on the lifestyle button and selecting advanced lifestyle. Never used it myself, can't vouch for how well it works.

I got it! It just wasn't adding beforehand, after I finished everything it added it all together. Works well!

>and I was more thinking of the body re-structuring aspects (hips etc).
He could have a slight build to start with and more than that could be fluffed as simply advanced surgery, not anything mechanically significant.

I don't think improvising to represent novel 'ware is bad, especially when it's for story purposes.

So, dwarves and trolls have thermographic vision. Does this mean that they are incapable of seeing like a regular person? They can't be blind as bats when in a sauna or desert, can they?

No, it's in addition to the normal visual spectrum of a human.

Bad news, Yekka. Infected Initiative Die bonuses aren't stacking properly with other initiative boosters like Improved Reflexes. They're meant to stack, as far as word has been given so far and from what things seem to be.

Alright /srg/, give me the craziest and wildest characters you've been able to get away with in the shadows. The more obscure/unique the better.

I want to know how you got away with them without being caught near instantly for being so out there.

Oh thank god.

I was asking that since I'm making a drugfiend street sam dwarf for which I asked some skill advice in the last thread.
Speaking of which, I have a preliminary list of drugs to buy in character creation. If you guys have any nifty addition (be it mechanically great of fluffy) please let me know, but yeah, on to the current list: kamikaze, cram, jazz, betameth. nitro, long haul, woad, dopadrine

>implying Magical Realm is bad

Magical realm is defined by being bad.
If it's not forced in by the GM or snuck in by a player, or in general put into the game against the other players' will by someone scheming, deceiving or bullying their way into getting it in there, it's not magical realm but just plain fetish material.
In this case, making it too fetishy is bad because it makes the focus of the game slip, might skew the player's priorities and might make other players uncomfortable (don't give me any "thin-skinned" bullshit - sure, someone who can't take a hint of sex in Shadowrun shouldn't be playing it, but there are many other possible reasons, including the character's player, why someone would get freaked).

On the topic of the character themselves, I tend to juggle that concept a lot - I find the concept interesting in a non-sexual way, but I unfortunately also have a fetish for it, so I've tried to practice the fetish out of my writing.
My usual go-to would be the unstable rich guy - a lot of money and not a lot of common sense, some kind of tragedy or alienation in his life combined with plenty of drugs and bad friends lead him into getting a few operations "for the hell of it", and he finds himself out of money, having alienated his own friends and keeping himself together through a mix of personafixes, drugs and shadowrunning to blast it from his mind that he really isn't who he looks to be.
One could go with a "cyberpunk otherkin" - a decker who got obsessed with a certain fictional character or kind of fictional character, whether because he spent too long with BTLs or got scorched by some black IC from one of "those" corners of the Matrix, and is now half-successfully trying to act out a sexy female character with 20% skill and 80% desperation (think an otherkin in full makeup and fursuit, except this actually looks and sounds real).

>I tend to juggle that concept a lot - I find the concept interesting in a non-sexual way, but I unfortunately also have a fetish for it, so I've tried to practice the fetish out of my writing.
What's the non-sexual interest? How do you "practice the fetish out"?

And I'm just going to keep on running my mouth, because I started writing and now I can as well keep on doing it.

A perpetual sore loser with a female rival of some sort, who's never been able to shake the doubt that he's only ever won because he's a man and his rival's a woman. He chooses to get the operations to "bring himself down to her level" and prove to her that he can shadowrun just as well no matter what body he's in. Of course, someone who doesn't feel too strongly about their new body and is planning on going back would likely be fine with lying back and thinking of England for a few hours a week, as he doesn't have the connection to his body or gender that makes it demeaning.
A yakuza bodyguard who got the boss' young trophy wife killed on a job, and was thus biosculpted into her as revenge, humiliation and compensation. He was supposed to be operated back after a year had passed, but three months in, someone capped the boss and everyone else decided that they thought looking at this shithead flunkie squirming was more fun than paying for the operation.
The idea of a character adapting to a fundamentally new situation, having to reconsider their views on life and having to match an external identity with their internal one just appeals to me. I also like to write tweenaged, edgy and image-obsessed characters who have to deal with actually having powers and responsibility - the idea of a character having to deal with a new form and identity with its own strengths and weaknesses just appeals to me. The only part about this that gets fetishy is TG, and that's because women are and will be women, really - it has a sexual element to it because I'm straight, and as such I need to focus on the parts that interest me from a writer's viewpoint rather than from a fetishy viewpoint.
In short, if I get a stiffy, that's where I press Ctrl+A and then Delete.

How the fuck do I fit drone racks into my GMC Endurance? the thing seats eight so do I just tear out some seats in the back and install landing racks? Do they get put inside the fucking walls of the van? are they attached to the roof? HELP ME!

And just off the top of my head - it's a concept that a lot of people seem to need a bit of backup on, seeing how quickly it gets condemned as fetish shit.

An honest-to-goodness misogynist who's had it up to here with hearing how women have it much worse than men and how you wouldn't understand unless you're actually a woman - so he takes out a loan for a full biosculpt, good-looking at that, and goes out running the shadows again as a woman to prove that it's not a tiny bit harder.
A deep-cover infiltrator, or at least someone who considers himself one (probably just a self-conscious sneak with a detective license and a lot of money) who takes on a female identity for a few months and dives into a job that turns out to be way more than he can handle. Keeping his identity hidden is more than enough work for him, and he has no choice but to let his mission slip if he wants to not get killed by the people he's deceiving.
Or for the more edgy crowd, a criminal who kidnapped or killed a victim and is now masquerading as her in order to disappear in a realistic way and absolve his old identity of suspicion. He's been drawn to the shadows in his search for a deniable job in which he can easily fake his death and have a corp extract him without anyone knowing better.
A stuntman or publicity double for a major corp (you can't have Maria Mercurial play all of her concerts with that pay, but you can buy the rights to her vocal skills, record them on skillsofts and plug them into a body double) who gets his operations for free, and considers shadowrunning like that on the side a lot more desirable than having to pay for being operated back every single time. At some point, he's planning to use his shadowrunning money to take back his old self for good, resign from the corporation and use his experience with lies and disguise to start Johnsoning.

I'll stop now.

How fucked are you if you lack a SIN?

If you can't get a fake and need to go into middle class or better neighbourhoods or corp territory, it's probably not going to be a whole lot of fun. But there are no murder squads that go around hunting SINless in general, if that's what you're thinking.

What if I'm capable of moving at... 210 meters per turn, without sprinting?

>If you need to go into middle class or better neighbourhoods
>or corp territory
... So middle grade lifestyle or better neighbourhoods.

>there are no murder squads that go around hunting SINless in general
Just beat cops with riot guard shotguns.

If I dont want to jump into vehicles or drones (instead giving them commands or driving manually) do I really need a control rig? seems like I could just get the vehicle qualities like vehicle empathy to replicate the same thing.

>Of course, someone who doesn't feel too strongly about their new body and is planning on going back would likely be fine with lying back and thinking of England for a few hours a week, as he doesn't have the connection to his body or gender that makes it demeaning.
This is a character I'd like to explore.

>He was supposed to be operated back after a year had passed, but three months in, someone capped the boss and everyone else decided that they thought looking at this shithead flunkie squirming was more fun than paying for the operation.
I'd add the twist that only the boss new about him replacing his wife, so the rest of the gang don't even know he's not the trophy wife. They could be seeking the bodyguard in order to access the boss' documents/cash, not knowing that he's among them as they plan.

This is along the same lines as the mob boss idea but bodyguard instead of hacker and with the trophy wife to help explain it.

>The only part about this that gets fetishy is TG, and that's because women are and will be women, really - it has a sexual element to it because I'm straight,
The TG is only your fetish for featuring a woman?

>In short, if I get a stiffy, that's where I press Ctrl+A and then Delete.
Bit harsh! Why not just adjust it a little? Or keep it as erotic writing?

I like the deep-cover and publicity double ideas.

I'm very interested in the idea of TF and identity changes in the first place, and the fact that the end result is something I find sexy (especially if there's a strong contrast) makes it tip over.
And I'm really not very good at erotic writing, nor do I want to be. I don't consider it worthless, but I do know that I don't feel like spending much time on writing it, I don't want to be expected to write it and I'd rather not encourage myself to do it.
I do adjust most things that end up slipping into dubious territory, but once in a while it just goes too far and I can't extricate the creepiness from it, so I have to ditch the whole thing.

I just feel sad that cool, original ideas get lost. I know there's more ideas on Veeky Forums alone than I'll ever read, but for something to be lost forever, unknown to anyone but its creator, who wishes to forget it... It's an unpleasant thought, especially when it's an idea of a kind I like too.

I always save my character concepts even if I never get them very far or go off them, so that they're not lost.

Best audio and visual enhancements to get, assuming you don't have/want cyber stuff?

Earbuds with Spatial (2) and SSF (1), Laser Mic with 6 points of whatever floats your boat.

Is there an equivalent of an auto injector for inhalation drugs?
Though it would be funny, I doubt having two inhalers in each hand would be tactically viable in a combat situation.

DMSO or equivalent for injection vector?
Does contact vector apply when injected or is it ONLY when put in contact with the skin?
Because I assume the former

The previous run I sent my players on had them sent to protect some "expert systems" kept in a nearby building for a Hatsune Miku concert.

Said expert systems turned out to be a decker who'd been kidnapped and surgically modified/augmented him to be a Hatsune Miku lookalike, except for his schlong, then mindfucked with magic into thinking he was Hatsune Miku. Then told to go enjoy his new body while on stage in front of everyone virtually.

The resultant masturbatory show in front of thousands of people and millions online after the guy hacked the concert with his avatar made Horizon's shares tank after the pure AI "Miku" loved by many turned out to be a lewd futanari decker. The team's currently extracting him and hoping to hell that they're going to get paid.

It's a lewd game, but I thought you might like to have heard that due to your interest in that sort of thing

I think it's only through skin. I doubt a drug that can penetrate troll skin would be pleasant when administered intravenously.

I noticed that concept as soon as you aired it.
Of course, it's something that could and would happen in Shadowrun, but let's be honest, you couldn't blame someone for cringing out of the game and possibly into thoughts of a restraining order if you pulled that in a not explicitly ERP game.


Nah, while DMSO is usually applied to the skin in some countries it is apparently used intravenously or orally
However it is usually mixed in in very low dosage due to it's toxicity

Maybe talk to your GM and fluff an external Auto "Injector" as simply applying the mixture to the skin instead of puncturing it and applying internally

Which is a good reason to have explicitly ERP games.

Hey Yekka! Say, what with the drug discussion and all, are there any plans for someday including drug grade system in Chummer5?

JAV shadowrunning.

I have no shame. To be fair, the players are loving it.

There's unlikely to be a huge host of TF/ID change writings out there.
One thing I would recommend is not deleting stuff just because it gets you hard - a writer's got to be somewhat invested into their work. If it's not actually porn, then that could be some decent writing. Or for that matter a good RPG lead-in.

I wish he'd just share his lewder character ideas. Even if he doesn't like them, I bet lots of other people would, judging by his concepts ITT.


I don't actually delete shit that often, because I tend to keep to things that can be enjoyed by both people who get off to it and people who don't. I get very awkward when writing smut of any kind, and I prefer to use my effort on writing novels (though they're all painfully dense), so I usually go the path of least resistance, most pride and most potential usefulness - I want to make something that I can show other people, and I prefer to tell stories rather than risk getting uncanny when inserting my fetishes.
I do have a little bit of intentional TF I've written, but in the end I just feel more satisfaction when working on a story that's not skewed by my own fetishes.
I draw a line between "invested" and "sexually aroused by", because I can notice the difference in my engagement when writing the two. When I get off to the content, I think of the plot and the universe's internal logic in terms of what would push my fetishes to the fore, and I prefer to write hard sci-fi and urban fantasy deconstructions where there's no place for anything but supernatural powers/cybertechnology having to deal with the rules of the real world.

It's not as much the concept as the approach.
Go about the ones I've posted with a dirty mind, and you'll know my "lewd" concepts.

>There's unlikely to be a huge host of TF/ID change writings out there.
You would be seriously mistaken. 1d4chan's smut index has a quite a bit.

It's like... 80% complete? Most of the heavy lifting has been done, some minor display stuff left to do. Practically done if you don't want to be able to turn the drugs on and off.
Mm, I had a suspicion that might happen. Not a big deal, just need to add ignoreprecedence. Trying to think of an easy way to rebuild all the Movement code, it's rather messed up at the moment.

>It's like... 80% complete?
Sweet. Know that you are making a ton of people's lives RP much easier. Thanks.

Neat. Aside from that, I think that the Infected are at least tentatively semi-fixed up a bit?

>There's unlikely to be a huge host of TF/ID change writings out there, that isn't smut.

>I draw a line between "invested" and "sexually aroused by", because I can notice the difference in my engagement when writing the two.
All right, fair enough. Sounds like that's a good line to draw for your works.

I'm smack in the middle of a case of writer's block at the moment, though, so if I ever decide to write something "different" to get out of my rut (CYOAs explicitly designed to piss off the /cyoag/, magical girl RP systems, social realism novels and one almost 500-A4-page whopper of a cyberpunk novel, all of which I've worked on to the point of utter spiritual exhaustion), I'll be sure to come by and drop it here.

Don't bother, you'll just get a ban because writers aren't allowed to post on Veeky Forums.

Good luck with the writing! Feel free to advertise your novel, too.

If anyone would read it, I'd post it.
When I say it's dense, I mean it's dense.
Bans never stopped me, to be honest.
I don't get banned often anymore, and all my standing bans have long since run out, but I actually post more when banned than when not. If someone's that angry, I must be doing something right.

Movement, initiative and the Essence loss things seem to be the only standouts at this point.

>I want to make something that I can show other people, and I prefer to tell stories rather than risk getting uncanny when inserting my fetishes.
You can share erotica, you just have to pick your audience.

>I can notice the difference in my engagement when writing the two.
What is the difference?

I think of plot and internal logic that pushes my fetishes too, but I don't think that makes it less realistic necessarily. It just means the focus is on the parts that apply to my fetishes, such as this specific magical spell having a lewd use or a technology being used in one way that in other circumstances would be used in another. So I don't really see that distinction you describe.

Do you include TF in a less arousing way in your novels or not at all?

It's creativity, that's the important part. Your creativity wove the possibilities into those ideas. That's something that helps the imaginations of others. I could decide to use twists from one of them in a game I play or story I write that I couldn't have without you having woven the ideas in the first place.

Writers are different, really. It's that as soon as I get engaged in something in a lewd way, it becomes a lewd story - if there was any kind of realism left, it would go away from that or have parts that I consider a turn-off, but instead I start feeling the story leaning towards writing more lewd because I'm on it anyway.
Really, it mostly has to do with that I want to write something that doesn't inherently alienate people who don't get off to my fetishes, something that can be enjoyed by at least a reasonable number of people and (as a little bit of selfishness) something that people won't just beat off to and forget.
There is TF in my novels, of course, but all of it is relatively non-sexual. Cybernetics and minor supernatural transformation is quite present, but I like it better that way - I'm the kind of guy who likes looking at a girl with clothes on more than a naked woman, and that's how I write. If people want to dig into the potential in my story, then that's fine, but I want a buffer zone to make sure my priorities don't get skewed and that people can still enjoy it even when they don't get off to it.
I'm really fucking bad with flattery, so I'll leave it at a "thank you" and not embarrass myself further.

Yep, as far as I can tell.

They're modifications chummer, throw them where you want.

I would grab one anyways because it let's you run programs from it for all your drones, gives noise reduction and lots of other cool stuff

>something that people won't just beat off to and forget.
There's no re-reading like re-reading erotica that hits in the fetish.

>There is TF in my novels, of course, but all of it is relatively non-sexual. Cybernetics and minor supernatural transformation is quite present, but I like it better that way - I'm the kind of guy who likes looking at a girl with clothes on more than a naked woman, and that's how I write.
I'd like to read, or at least know more specific examples. Relatively non-sexual transformation with room for the imagination of the reading to send things lewder sounds great to read. I like looking at a girl with skimpy clothes the most, and that balance between explicit and modest applies to my taste in writing too.

>I'm really fucking bad with flattery, so I'll leave it at a "thank you" and not embarrass myself further.
But I hope that explanation shows why I like hearing what your imagination can do to settings featuring TF. That's why I always try to encourage people to share ideas, whether they're on the non-sexual side, very explicit, or anywhere in between.

Depends on how big the racks are that you want, and the type of drones. I've had rotodrone landing pads on the roof (though that is kinda obvious), wheeled drones in the trunk of a sedan, and a rack for microdrones in the glovebox.

By RAW, you don't lose seats if you put in the drone rack, if it's a big drone assume that either you rearranged the seats to fit in the rack, or you fit it somewhere else (like underneath the chassis, with a raised suspension).

I've still got it. That chummer sheet looks like a proper 1:1 copy, though.

>Punching shit. What's your favourite way of doing it? Cyber? Adept? Bio? Some sort of possession-based deal?
Bio+Adept. You go bioware for Bone Density Augmentation (Or Bone Lacing if you really want the armor and can stand the .3 additional Essence it costs) and as many pairs of Striking Calluses as your GM considers rules-legal. As an adept, you take Critical Strike, Killing Hands, and one or more of the powers that further enhance your unarmed strikes, like the elemental ones.

Do whatever it takes - bioware, adept powers, whatever - to get your strength up to your augmented maximum.

And then just start fucking taking people apart with your bare hands.

Personally, whenever I make a melee character I have to resist (or not) the temptation to give them cyberlegs for the enormous mobility advantages they provide, but your mileage may vary there, especially if you can hook yourself up with Channeling and a possessing spirit with the Movement power or something.

What IS a "sprawl" anyway? Some kind of a hell hole I suppose, but what exactly?

An urban hell hole

Yeah but is it like a Dredd-esque slum building or is it more like a major part of the city?


a sprawl is simply another word for a metroplex, basically a large city complex
the hell hole sprawls are the barrens

more like chinatown

It's a term for a megacity. You have urban cores centered on what used to be independent cities, then you have infill covering the land between them.

>how would you fit a story about a guy being involuntarily turned into a female cyborg hooker in Shadowrun?
I've actually played a character like this before, so let me explain what the core backstory element of my particular character was.


The character had done something to earn the spite of an organized crime group. Where the point stopped being practical, and instead became personal revenge, meant to cause the character pain and humiliation. So, they kidnapped him, personafixed him, and gave him a sex reassignment. He started getting turned out in a bunraku parlor, and was there for many years.

But, see, the revenge having been had, eventually his abusers started thinking more practically again. He had a particular set of skills that could be exploited now that they had him chipped. They hooked him up with 'ware, like poisoned cyber-blades, auto-injectors full of combat drugs. Combined with his bunraku 'ware - skin toner, false face, breast implants 2.0 - he could change his appearance, kill with ease, and flip out on Kamikaze and Betameth as needed. The character was still a cyborg hooker, but now also an assassin.

The character ended up changing hands a few times after that. They were chipped before Crash 2.0 and ended up owned by a new person after that. They got sold to a rich asshole who wanted a fuckable and utterly loyal bodyguard. He traded him for some gambling debts to a bookie who used him as a glorified fleshlight and occasional enforcer. After the bookie ended up on the bottom of the bay, the character ended up back in a bunraku parlor - in a different city, with a different organized crime group.

Long story short, when the character finally suffered an unexpected failure in the 'ware keeping him personafixed and memory-blanked, he was on his back in a filthy motel, with some fat old man grunting away on top of him. His new pimps didn't even know he was augmented.

They found out that night.

The character was sad.

I think I get it?
Like, not all sprawls are barren like but pretty much all barrens are a part of a sprawl?
I just mixed sprawl with barrens since it's a separate knowledge skill that is being offered (sprawl life).

Obligatory suitcase full of novacoke

>Like, not all sprawls are barren like but pretty much all barrens are a part of a sprawl?

Yep. "Sprawl Life" basically means that you're a city person-you know how to work the automated ticket dispenser at the subway, what streets are always blocked off for parades and shit, etc..

>dwarves and trolls have thermographic vision
They also have special art that only people with natural thermographic vision can truly appreciate. Someone with thermographic goggles can kinda appreciate it too, but that just elevates it to the normal visible spectrum, rather than being the seventh color it's supposed to be.

That picture makes me unreasonably annoyed. And its not even the shitty resolution. Its the fact that the robots are all copy pasted, don't even belong in that shot, one of them is just a mirror of the other two meaning its gun is on the wrong hand despite being the same model.

I don't even know if pasting some shit on the foreground one and tweaking the lighting on the one behind it makes it better or just feels like an additional poor attempt to disguise the laziness.

Also visible AR screens on a machine being? It has those diagnostics fed into its 'brain' already!

Oh yeah and while I'm at it, that's not even remotely close to enough of a magazine for a minigun, and the writs looks like it'd bend from the weight of the gun alone!

Who gave Manservant schematics to Chinese bootleggers?

This is the Seattle Sprawl
See the areas labeled Puyallup and Redmont?
Those are the Barrens

Great combo right there.

The thing about natural thermographic vision that i don't get is, shouldn't they be almost as easily blinded by IR light sources as artificial thermographic?

If they blind one they ought to be close to as bright to the other, or the other is way less sensitive and thus kinda shit.

I mean, if i shine a red light in your eye bright enough to be blinding, it doesn't mean you can pick out my blue pants behind that glare. Except now you dont have a switch to turn off the red lamp's spectrum so you can see fine again, all this visual input just swamps the same pathways.

How do you play a vehicle rigger without running into a problem the minute you have to go inside a building or anywhere you can't take your vehicle? Because it seems to me that a vehicle rigger without his vehicle is more of a liability than anything else.