All of the males in the kingdom die except for a tiny percent at random, such that the male-female ratio is now 1-300...

>All of the males in the kingdom die except for a tiny percent at random, such that the male-female ratio is now 1-300, and none of the surviving males are from the royal line
What happens to society?

Other urls found in this thread:

Men become deified and all have massive harems

Just see Paraguay. This exactly what happened to them in the War of the Triple Alliance or Paraguayan War. 70% of its adult male population died in the war, effectively destroying Paraguay as a country. It didn't recover until fairly recently.

90% according some estimates.

Man this granpa is a stud

Have you read Outsider?

Wasn't there some small island in Pacific where the whole population could be tracked to a single male ancestor couple generations back? Some escaped sailor or mutineer landed there, and declared himself their god or something along those lines.

Things get bad. Then they even out eventually.
Assuming things don't get any worse, the Princess likely calls dibs on the best remaining dude and ensures the royal bloodline continues.
Guys probably get seduced or paid to cheat, young men may even be kidnapped, but everything evens out, faster if the population is relatively small.

Adopt Muslim Faith. Polygamy solves the problem.

Polygamy doesn't really fix it so much as doesn't make things worse as much as monogomy in the most extreme cases

Just keeping personal relationships and your role as communal sperm donor separate

Bust open those sperm bank reserves?

Nearby kingdom invades and rapes all the women and kill the remaining men

Immigration and migration happens. Then the society is rebuilt. Gender dynamics don't change radically but harems could possibly spring into existence in the region.

Honestly, why do you people act like this brings on some weird Nazi femdom society like D&D's Canon drow?

I don't think there has ever been a case of colony or town that came entirely from a single couple. However, smaller populations with small gene pool increases hereditary traits leading to higher changes of genetic diseases passed from one generation to the next. Isolated islands have a tendency towards inbreeding as the gene pool, already small, never gets renewed. 497-1000 individuals is the preferred number for a genetically healthy population.

The Micronesian Island of Pingelap was hit by a giant typhoon which only left 20 survivors. One of them was a carrier of total color blindness. As result, 30% of the islander are carriers and 10% of the entire population is color blind today.

Other cases includes:

-Martha's Vineyard had an abnormal number of deaf people (not many tourist or outsiders until the 20th century).
-I believe the Amish have a tendency to having more than 5 fingers.
-75-80% of fundamentalist Mormons are related to Joseph Smith or John Barlow (Fumarase deficiency).
-The modern day inhabitants of Pitcairn Island, are all descendants of the Bounty Mutineers (several generations of inbreeding).
-A disease that make children to be born with female appearance but develops male genitalia at age 12 has an higher incidence rate in the Dominican Republic than other places. Nearly all of them are descended from a single colonist from Colombus's time.
-Even im Europe, 10% of the people has a mutation that makes them inmmune to certain strains of HIV. This mutation is related to the Black Death.

>children to be born with female appearance but develops male genitalia
go on...

Just read about IS user.
>Intersex, in humans and other animals, describes variations in sex characteristics including chromosomes, gonads, sex hormones, or genitals that, according to the UN Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights, "do not fit typical binary notions of male or female bodies".
tl:dr Gene Magic don't allow for gender to have strong enough features to be fully male or female. Often sterile due underdeveloped puberty

>children to be born with female appearance but develops male genitalia

This arouses me

Just image all the /ss/ that would happen!

>I believe the Amish have a tendency to having more than 5 fingers
True. Amish tend to have some funky genes because of their closed breeding.

>Women put all their energy into self-impregnation technology.
>Kill off males
>Amazonian Paradise

Testicles form a pseudo-vulva, while the penis resembles an oversized clitoris. They even have an incomplete vagina. However, the only part that actually works is the male reproductor system, as they don't have Fallopian tubes or uterus.

Women form orc-like raiding parties, and proceed to kidnap and rape men from neighboring kingdoms

> What happens to society?
Assuming medieval society, it dies completely, as women weren't employed in manufacture of essential produce during medieval.
The society reverts to some sort of semi-tribal agricultural society, and civilization proceeds to crash and burn.

Massive improvements all around. The less toxic masculinity in a society (note: all masculinity is inherently toxic), the better off that society is.

A period of peace for ~25 years, then business as normal. And then everyone forgets there ever was a quarter century with no men, because that makes no goddamn sense.


You don't have to go that far, Russia experienced a "mild" deficit of males as a result of WW2, It still hasn't recovered.

the neighboring kingdom raids and kidnaps as many women as they care to take

IF the kingdom survives, it will be based on how many women the remaining men managed to protect

Your belief that masculinity exists and has characteristics that can be defined as toxic is inherently problematic.

Or all of Europe in WW1.

>dare you enter?

If you believe evolution has equipped you with nothing that is ill suited to modern society, thousands of miles and hundreds of thousands of years removed from the steppe of Africa, you're ignorant, delusional, or lying.


And this has to do with masculinity how?
Or did men somehow get all of evolution's now-outdated remnants while women are left purely equipped for the modern world?

Whoa bruh, I didn't say anything about that.
I'm just saying that there are things that don't work great these days.

To say nothing of how anything taken to extremes is usually awful.

That's a completely gender-neutral claim. Chill.

This thread has so much bait in it I could fill a tackle box.


They look like a girl on the outside until they hit puberty, and then the development that normally occurs in utero occurs in their teens.

As adults they are completely normal.

Well, according to my japanese mangos this is when the orcs invade and set up human dairy farms.

Every day with these stupid shitpost threads

Not the other user, but didn't you open your arguement with the statement that masculinity is toxic? That seems like it is not a gender neutral position.

In all honesty it is theoretically possible to recover in one or two generations, at least as far as population I'd concerned, because ultimately the bottleneck for population growth is the number of uterus in the population. Assuming your willing to change your social models, their is no reason each women can't have children and the population can't be restored relatively quickly, in a purely theoretical scenario.

Depending on the size of the kingdom, it gets invaded by a nearby kingdom or the scarcity of competition brings in migrating groups. If this is a fantasy setting then the entire kingdom might be extinguished and another species takes over the region.

In the interim before other groups can muster it would be business as usual in the lower classes whilst any middle class will take a massive hit. aristocracy and upper classes will be looking to bring in males.

>As adults they are completely normal
Not meaning to be obtuse but how do you mean normal?

You still wouldn't get laid.

I wasn't that guy.
Honestly, that guy sounds like obvious bait, which our naive young friend fell for.

In doing so, he responded with what effectively seems to be 'masculinity doesn't exist' and/or that it doesn't have anything that could conceivably be defined as toxic in any situation, which seems almost equally delusional to the initial bait.

Honestly, IDK what the fuck toxic masculinity is, but my default guess as someone who knows nothing but hasn't already drawn conclusions is that it refers to things like generic action stars doing absurdly violent things in entertainment, or similar moral panic things like that. /pol/&friends are very fond of moral panics.

This might be true but it doesn't make the local amish girls around their twenties any less good looking.

Gender reversed birthing farms.

The Queen takes over, has all males are locked up in a fortress and "milked" day and night for sperm while the women start to try and figure out how to use a small dose of said sperm to inseminate themselves without outside assistance.

Men are given mainly water and soft food to keep themselves hydrated for "milking". If a man can't get it up or does not want to the guards are free to take steps to do it for him - prostrate massage, etc.

Before you ask no, they don't fuck anybody, that would be a waste of the limited sperm supply, they have to cum into cups and buckets.

Hope I fulfilled your fantasy.

>What happens to society?
Nothing, look up the Paraguayan war. Just because 90% of men died doesn't mean women suddenly start treating men like they're valuable. The only issue is that none of the remaining men are royals.

Zone is way too prude to be anything of Slaanesh

conforming to the standard or the common type; usual; not abnormal; regular; natural.

At that point I'd figure a harem would be unlikely. Women too heavily outnumber men. I'd expect really that marriage vanishes completely. Of course the society is going to end up utterly destroyed by any society with large amounts surviving men within a few years anyway. Or just collapse for whatever other reason.

And look how happy he is.

>none of the surviving males are from the royal line
They are ruled by the eldest female heir.

Or any of the abrahamic faiths really. The Old Testament allowed polygamy because the female population outnumbered the male population (due to wars and what not).

Slaanesh better learn to be a bottom, because she's out otherwise.

All the more reason why she can't into Slaanesh

I've read this h-manga
Fuck I've read 20 different versions of this h-manga.

There was an episode of Sliders where they visited an alternate reality like that. What I saw of it was interesting.

I want to say Veeky Forums briefly brainstormed the idea of psionic peacock people where the women were dull colored but took a majority of the various roles in society while the males were psionic and colorful but had to be kept in check by the females least all the males tried to outswole/pretty/kill each other.

Then of course we had space harpies where males would do nearly suicidal acts of daring do to attract large harems of females to his side.

They look like and function like a regular male. The locals call them surprise boys, because once they hit puberty, the false vagina becomes a scrotum, the testicles descend, the clitorus becomes a penis, and the penis grows to normal length (well, normal for a mostly Native American population in Central America).

They can, and do, father children.

Their mutation prevents the in-utero expression of a hormone signal that helps differentiate the physical form of the genitals, the individual tissues and glands all develop normally, but the physical framework of the male genitalia doesn't get expressed in these individuals until their testicles start to produce significant amounts of testosterone, at the beginning of puberty.

The kingdom next door takes over.

Why are you asking the traditional games board?

>That last panel

Fucking badass

The female that is the closest living relative to the previous male ruler becomes next ruler. She chooses the best male from her limited options as a consort, who fathers the next King/Emperor/Whatever. All of the noble houses follow suit. The middle class and peasants make do with the best they got.

So, basically, you're saying that Africa (and thus Africans) is the progenitor of all evils in human society?

Wow, you're a racist fuck.

I don't know about you, but having a 2 inch dick and a pseudo vagina where my balls are supposed to be does NOT sound normal.

Maybe to you, but sure as hell not to me.

Have your You, now get out.

Oh no...I have more than five fingers! I have ten! I must be Amish!

Some of the women will struggle to help society recover from losing nearly half of its population, while the surviving scientists and diviners will try to discern the cause of the mass deaths. Once they find out who or what killed all the men, many female adventurers will go into the wilderness to avenge the deaths of their friends and family.

WHY did you need to make a thread? This is a shit thread, I just want you to know. You're a shit person for posting this.

This question could've easily gone into a worldbuilder thread, instead you made a thread because of your shitty fetish. You are the cancer that is killing Veeky Forums and I hope someone destroys your computer.

>i haet fun and whoever is doing fun wrong. I also have no impulse control ans had to come in to rant instead of closing thread and moving on.

Or enslaved, raped non-stop, and not permitted outside so they can't be killed or stolen. And I mean stolen not kidnapped as they're a resource now.

I remember reading a manga called Ooku a while back which pretty much explores this idea in feudal Japan.
It was weird, but a decent enough read.

>What happens to society?
welp, monogamy's not going to be a thing for the next few generations.
> And all the surviving men are like: "Well shucks gosh darn it, I don't know how we will ever cope, I guess we'll just have to muddle through somehow"
Otherwise, if any of those men have a rare genetic disorder/condition, that's not going to be so rare in the coming generations.

If I remember correctly, the women inherit the land and are married off between families (usually to richer, powerful families) to ensure their linage continues.
Peasant women are pretty much fucked and "pay" male prostitutes to help them bear children (and stay poor because of it).

I think this had gone on so long (since a plague wiped out most of the males) that people had forgotten about how it used to be.

kill your's elf

>Implying we didn't foursome'd Paraguay to oblivion because we weren't scared of their budding industry, wanted those sweet, sweet lands, and the UK asked us nicely.

Nice guy orcs ensuring that the women are fed and have a roof over their head, when they don't have human men supporting them.