Timeline establishment edition

Timeline establishment edition

Previously on Imperium Asunder: This is a 40k alt-lore thread with new legions to replace the old ones, new xenos races in addition to the old ones, and a bunch of other wild shit , new posters are welcome.
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So its the most recent work in the Hawk timeline i've been doing.

Once the Warmaster calls for the Censure of the Oathsworn, Raydon openly rejects the orders - ordering his men to hide / protect the Oathsworn attachments.

He then goes to the Warmaster and hands himself in, for what he sees as an act of 'righteous treason'.

The Warmaster is furious, but sees this as an opportunity to 'turn' the Hawks (after all they did just demonstrate a willingness to be treasonous).

The Warmasters plan is thus:
> send the Hawks away on 'penance quest'
> Heresy occurs
> Ravenloft (closest thing to a home Hawks have) is destroyed, conclusive evidence shows it was done by who we would call loyalists.
> Warmaster beseaches Raydon through Enoch - Come back and help us (the loyal defenders of the Imperium, these traitors are trying to kill papa)
> Raydon is like "Opportunity for absolution, fuck yeah"
> All of Raydons bro's are with the Warmaster except Klaus (who is dead by now)
> Tell Raydon one of the others killed Klaus though trickery or witchcraft.
> Have Hawks fall to chaos

Unfortunately for the Warmaster, Raydon secretly assigns his Vigilator Primus (his top operator) to go the Tournament, where he sees what REALLY happens.

> Enoch seeks out Raydon and tell him his version of events
> Raydon is like "bro you lying"
> Enoch gets mad
> Raydon is like "oh btw, while you've been monologuing I had your ships engines sabotaged - imma go now

Which leads to The Return of the Warhawks, which is their arrival during what I call 'The Exodus' which is the loyalists fleeing East.

part 1

Part II

They arrive and throw themselves into the pursuing forces, this is the first instance of their inner darkness coming out, with the ferocity and recklessness that they throw themselves into this.
>im talking piloting ships into pursuing vessels
>kamakazie pilots
>self destructing void engines to temporarily incapacitate the traitor fleets.
They also do their normal hit & run, space guerrilla fighting as well. Long story short is they feel shit for missing most the heresy, and figure 'the void is our turf' so they do as much as they can to halt / slow the traitor forces chasing the loyalists.

In return they take fairly large losses both in material and personnel, more than they can reasonably bear being such a small legion to begin with, but the Loyalists make it to the East with the Hawks falling in close behind.

I prefer this to null-warmaster

Y'know, I was thinking, what if the Warmaster keikaku'd the whole thing that went down on Armageddon? Or at least part of it.

That is, knowing how Saul would actually react to what Gengrat would try to do. So he sets up Gengy for partial failure, but ultimately it gets him what he actually wants. That is, the Second Sons falling to Chaos.

Post-Armageddon while the battle of Terra is going on I see the Second Sons tear-assing around the galaxy murdering as many planets as they can.

Honestly the way Second Sons fall, and their galactic genocide, I don't see helping the Warmasters plans at all.

I mean, unless he was in some pact with Khorne to produce X amount of kills. But even then, I would have thought Papa Nurgs would be claiming the rad deaths for his own.

It's one less legion fighting against him but more importantly, in the aftermath they're going to be a huge pain for all the loyalists.

Go protect Terra? Or go stop the omnicidal ghouls who are massacring civilians on an outrageous scale?

He expects them to kinda fizzle in the long term, but immediately following Armageddon they're a huge distraction.

Sorry I meant I don't see that method of turning them helping him.

Yes, more supporters is obviously very good for him.

I think Xun is in the Occupied Elsewhere category.

Also you've got Double Enoch on Terra.

>Siege of Terra

>Siege of Luna

>Siege of Mars

>Occupied in other theatres

Maybe since Rubinek is busy breaking Xun's stuff, the Warmaster could order Enoch to push forward and blaze a path to the Emperor, letting him show off some of his supposed relentlessness. Aodhan could step in to keep Engerand and Sarco occupied long enough for the Warmaster to complete his keikaku and strike down Klaus.

Maybe Oramar could be slowing down the Warhawks, hence why they never get to Terra (I'm assuming they didn't literally just fuck off after discovering the Heresy and then come back after everything had gone to shit)? Anshul could be assisting? I donno.

Anshul's job during the heresy is to create and maintain the Ruinstorm. Maybe him and Saul are in charge of killing/sacrificing as many civilians as they can in Pacificus?

So in terms of Heresy theatres, we have:

>Red Road to Terra
>Saul and Anshul slaughtering/sacrificing civilians
>Oramar vs Raydon in basically the most mobile war of all time
>Graha'nak, Balthasar, and Alexios in the Great Hunt
>Rubinek's invasion of Tepectitlan with Xun defending?
>Three Sieges of Sol
Anything else?

>Sarco makes a fighting retreat from Malphas to Armageddon, and then to Terra itself when his brothers turn on him

>Oramar vs Raydon in basically the most mobile war of all time

Could be interesting, The Hawks would traditionally dominate void conflict but with Oramar's warp knowledge and possibly webway access he could have an edge the Hawks would struggle to match

"I come in peace. I didn’t bring artillery. But I’m pleading with you, with tears in my eyes: If you fuck with me, I’ll kill you all."

This is a reference to something, right? I can't put my finger on it.

>Which leads to The Return of the Warhawks, which is their arrival during what I call 'The Exodus' which is the loyalists fleeing East.

Wouldn't they be flying right into the heart of the worst Warpstorm front ever recorded. During that brief period of a few months between the Emperor's death and the birth of the Eye of Terra the Warp would be all but impassable. Imagine sailing a tugboat through a Hypercane, that would be what it is like. And instead of running away from this front, they're running right towards it.

Sounds pretty in character for the Warhawks to me

Yes, but a lot of the Legion will be lost forever in the Warp, or sucked in and cast out across the galaxy. You might even see Warhawk battlegroups emerging decades or centuries later due to the extreme time dilation.

What I wrote up was.


Enoch: Join us Brother, we can give you the freedom you seek. Freedom from Father’s foolishness, freedom to roam wherever you want, freedom! True freedom! Or would you rather be His slave forever?

Raydon: Freedom granted can be taken away, the only true freedom is choice. And I have chosen brother, as have you.

Enoch: You cannot hope to be victorious against us, don’t be foolish – to stand against the Warmaster is to die, you must know this – The Warmaster makes for Terra as we speak. Victory is imminent, mere months away.

Raydon: My Brother, there are two principles that must be adhered to in order to achieve victory; the first is never tell others everything you know.

>> Explosions wrack the Judgement Bringer vessel

Except that dialogue is old. This conversation would take place POST terra, which would modify abit of what Enoch says.

You're just making me like the idea even more

General James Mattis said this after the invasion of Iraq.
ah yes I recall this. Not to undercut the awesome character mment but I'm imagining some straight saturday morning cartoon villain stuff haha

Exactly what I was going for.

>MFW I forgot the subject line

The words Imperium Asunder are in the OP, so anyone who knows how to use ctrl + f will find it.


Then they're dumb

So thinking of > flying right into the heart of the worst Warpstorm front ever recorded.

I am having a lot of fun coming up with the speechs the Hawk commanders give to their men before entering the warp storm. So far I have.

>We will not complain about the wind before us, nor will we expect the winds to change, no, we are Astartes of the Emperors chosen legion, we are Warhawks, we will set our sails and ride the wind like none have ever done before!

>This is the True Storm, the roughest that will ever be known. Let it prove us. Let it redeem us. Let our strength be known!

>There are some great sessons that can only be learnt in the calm of the void. There are others my brothers, that can only be learnt in the storm.

>If my highest calling brother was to preserve this ship, I would never have taken it from its home port. We ride.

>Chapter Ancient: My Lord, our fleet cannot withstand this storm.
>Raydon: No my friend, this storm cannot withstand us.

Many are likely to be famous last words.

Im also working on a character that arrives in the 40k timeline, having skipped the entire 10k gap.

>>Chapter Ancient: My Lord, our fleet cannot withstand this storm.
>>Raydon: No my friend, this storm cannot withstand us.

Brothers, Our gene-father is comatose, our Emperor is dead, and the Imperium has been rent asunder. Terra itself, once a beacon of the imperial truth, has been twisted and corrupted into a mockery of the glories it once stood for.
We have been driven from the Segmentum Solar like beasts before a hunt, but we will go no further. It is here, on Amaranth, on our homeworld, that we will make our stand against the coming darkness. Here we will show our brother loyalists what it means to be an Astartes, and here we will show the traitorous scum the consequences of betraying the Imperium and all mankind.
Though we hold against the might of legions, we will persevere. We will triumph against all comers. We will never die.
Stand with me, brothers! Unyielding! Unwavering! Undying!

>Venerable Chaplain Hadraniel, upon the eve of the Century Siege

I made another shitty map. Territories are smaller, all known primarch homeworlds are there, and there's no more typo segemtum.

Thoughts? Additions?

Whats the dotted lines part?

Otherwise, I like it a lot

weaker or less well defined borders. The Kor Protectorate for example is mostly a loose collaboration of client states, so its 'borders' are dotted.

the chaos marches should probably be dotted as well but i didnt make a backup image and I aint drawin all that shit again.

"Like any scholar, I feel a great sense of pride for my works of literature, my discoveries, my printed arguments. Far more than my military achievements, the knowledge I accumulated on Alexandria is my crowning glory.

Alexandria is, or perhaps was, a place of great worth. No greater repository of knowledge, wisdom, and art exists in the whole of the galaxy. The vaults of Mars, the reliquaries of Holy Terra, the new Library of Constantine, all these venerated repositories pale in comparison.

As the creator of such wisdom, I face a cruel dilemma of will. Would I rather all of my great works be lost for all time, burned by the fury of the Warmaster, or would I rather he recovered them, and put them to his dark purposes?

I find I am unable to answer such a question."

>Musings of Alexios Constantine, preceding his formal address to the First Council of Titans

>Censure of the Oathsworn

997.M30: Four entire sectors brought to compliance and garrisoned by the Oathsworn go silent
998.M30: Reports filter in that the Oathsworn have declared independence from the Imperium
999.M30: A compliance fleet drawn from ??? legions arrives in sector and finds this to be the case and engages in a pacification. Though troubling, the event is seen as an aberration.
002.M31: Six chapters of the Oathsworn are reported missing and are later seen raiding outlying sectors.
003.M31: A massive psychic shockwave rocks the palace on Terra. Custodes are seen on high alert and Sisters of Silence are recalled en mass to Terra.
004.M31: These Oathsworn are brought to battle by ??? and in the resulting boarding action, documents are found linking this insurrection to the one of 997.M30, along with something further.
An additional chapter of the Oathsworn goes rogue, turning on the Judgement Bringers.
The world of Paladins of Kor world of Monarchia is found having been scoured of all life, presumably by Oathsworn gene-weapons. Kor swears vengeance.
005.M31: [Redacted] calls Faustus to account for these acts, but the diplomatic party is returned to Terra as a flesh-ooze. Communications break down and war breaks out on Luna.
The call for Censure goes out to the Legions.
Here begins the Siege of Luna.
Here begins the Censure of the Oathsworn Proper.

So Xun is called to the Tournament and Rubinek is unleashed to keep his forces divided, which doesn't quite work. See the Solar Rim Campaign and the Harrowing of Tepectitlan on the Sky Serpents page.

Siege of Luna
005.M31: Judgement Bringers and Paladins of Kor are deployed as part of the first wave on Luna, with Judgement Bringer forces forming the fortifications and manning the artillery while the rest of their forces ostensibly rotate in. The Paladins bear the brunt of the casualties, alongside forces from the Storm Hammers.
006.M31: The Silver Spears and Eyes rotate in, alongside Sky Serpents and Fists of Mars forces. The Paladins are beginning to be rotated out, but the Fists are redirected to Mars.
Massacre at Cadia goes down.
The full extent of the Heresy is revealed as the Paladins, Hammers, and Knights expeditionary force is exhausted and daemons take the center stage.

>Judgement Bringers

>Helmut Von Sommer, Siege Master of the Judgement Bringers
Von Somme is perhaps iconic of the post-Enoch face of the Judgement Bringers. Drawn from some unremarkable rock, Von Somme displayed a talent for siege operations that won him the regard of the VII Legion Primarch. A dark and brooding figure, unlike his close associate Chelkam Marne of the Behemoth Guard, Von Somme was notorious for his bloody assaults. Despite the often appalling death toll of his campaigns, he was well respected by his men, in part because of his insistence that he leaf from the front. He believed that no man should take risks he himself would not and by the end of the crusade had extensive cybernetic augmentation.
It was he that prepared the bombardment at the Tournament, though he was deployed on Luna at the time, where his talents were in need by the Warmaster.

>(Panzer Kommandant) Romulus Kursk
Romulus Kursk had faithfully served the VII legion since the earliest days, rising to command of the Armored Division. This put him in a singularly difficult position when Enoch assumed command of the legion.
Where formerly Romulus had fought mobile campaigns and heavily employed mechanized infantry, Enoch increasingly made use of artillery pieces. What proper tanks remained were employed as assault guns.
Famously, when Enoch ordered that all remaining rhinos undergo conversion to whirlwinds or razorbacks, Kursk asked his primarch how his troops were supposed to cross the battlefield.
Ever taciturn Enoch is said to have replied "You still have legs."
None the less, Kursk served competently and loyally into the Heresy, first on Luna, then elsewhere, enduring the continual diminution of his command and the ever stranger requirements of the Warmaster.
In the end, it proved too much for Kursk and he rebelled, charging that Enoch was simply the puppet of the Warmaster. After a failed attempt on Enoch's life, Kursk and his company took to the void, fighting their former brothers with an intense hatred.
It is suspected that Kursk linked up with his former comrade Baqar Hadbaal od the XIIIth and was eventually granted a domain in the Eastern Imperium, but this remains unconfirmed.

Wait, so is this (A) a recounting of true events or is it the warmasters recounting, (B) not including the covert actions that led to these events or (C) the Oathsworn WERE actually treasonous.

I thought up until this point they were loyal, Faustus was just being used by the Warmaster to make it look like he went rogue?


I was thinking that it was the Warmaster manipulating currents already running in the massive, decentralized, and fractious Oathsworn Legion. So the Warmaster "helping" things along with Faustus and most of his legion remaining loyal.

Hopefully they meet with thy approval milord.

Quick, post more legion equerries and side characters!

>Cullen Blackburn, Fist Great-Captain of the Bloodhounds, Master of the Legion, Champion of Khorne

Cullen Blackburn is a cruel, heartless monster. Known to imperial citizens as the Butcher of Mordian, Captain Blackburn is notorious for the sadistic way in which he tends to prolong conflicts. Instead of bombarding cities to dust from orbit, he will drop only enough bombs to cause the populace to flee the city, then ride after them in hunting packs, harrying them to exhausted collapse before slaughtering them. Great-Captain Cullen takes great pleasure in letting his victims know of their deaths before it happens, and has been known to keep captives to torture for personal entertainment. He wears a cape of tanned pink flesh from the xenos world of Murder, and bright, ostentatious red armor decorated in rubies to mark his station. Blackburn has a command tank of Land Raider pattern which he calls the Skulltreader, which is often escorted by jump-pack mounted reaver squadrons. His favored weapon is a mighty power talon with palm-mounted multilaser array. As a sidearm he carries one of the cursed Athame blades.

During the Heresy he is charged with the purgation of Tarsis Sinister. Marcus Sinistrum's homeworld was turned into a charnel house for the simple crime of granting safe haven to the Void Lords. Millions of skulls were added to Khorne's great throne, and the oceans of Tarsis ran red with civilian blood. It was on this bloody, red world that Captain Cullen ascended to become the chosen Champion of Khorne.

'Cry Havok, and let slip the dogs of war!'
-Lord Captain Cullen Blackburn, at the cleansing of Tarsis Sinister

Midnight Bumpu

midnight? Only just past 1800 where i'm at.

Weird to think an odd ball collaboration like this is actually spanning the globe.

>Faulk Druger, "The Bear", 2nd Chapter Champion of the Storm Hammer Legion

Faulk Druger is akin to a tempest, if a tempest were eight-and-a-half feet tall and carried a warhammer which could split open a land raider. His moniker "the bear" stems not only from his appearance, both his size and his grizzled mutton chops, but also from his temperance. Druger is brash, quick to insult and cajole, and seems to take great pleasure from getting a duel out of anyone he sized up as suitably worthy, whether it be by formal challenge or heat-of-the-moment coaxing. On the other hand, he is quick to forgive, fast with a joke, and a more loyal and steadfast companion could not be found amongst the entire host of the Emperor's Astartes. Besides his impetuous nature he is also recognizable by his weapon of choice. While the other champions fought with the traditional style of shield and hammer, Druger disregarded a shield and fought with a great two-handed maul. He brought his weapon to the legion artificers to have it fitted with a longer handle and an even stronger powerfield generator, famously stating "What need do I have for a shield if I strike down my foes before they can strike me?"

The last sighting of Champion Faulk Druger was at the Tratior's Tournament, where he was witnessed combating at least a score of Silver Spear, Judgement Bringer, and Iron Heart marines in close combat before the melee was bathed in artillery fire and onlookers lost sight of the indigo-clad giant amidst showers of rock and other debris. Although his hammer was recovered, there was no sign of the champion. Without watertight evidence, the tattered remains of the Storm Hammer's 2nd chapter refused to accept their beloved champion could have found his end by means of "something so paltry as an artillery round", they said, and their confidence infected the rest of the legion.

>Xiphons and Storm Eagles with Drop Pod Assault

To this day, Faulk Druger is not honored along with the legion's dead, nor his he recounted amongst the names of marines whose remains were never found but are considered irrevocably lost. The Bear has become a sort of folk hero to the legion and its splinters, and a common excuse for tardiness amongst initiates is that they "were simply having a chat with Druger". The champion's weapon, which came to be called the Dusk Hammer, holds a special place in the Storm Hammer's relic hall. It is only uninterred when battle is joined with those traitorous brothers who turned their backs to the Emperor, and when it is extracted it is with many prayers honoring friends gone but not forgotten.

>"Know this, Champion. In days of yore it was named the Dusk Hammer not in somber remembrance for the one who once wielded it. It is so called because those who cross you while you wield this mighty weapon have seen their end of days!"
>-Chapter Master Nenderel Augusta Oresv, 607.M37

this is good stuff

One thing I really appreciate about these threads which I felt the Hektor Heresy never really had is that people seem to have a firm understanding of legions they didn't write themselves. I'm relatively confident that any of our writefags could write something about the Angels of Light and get things right, and that's a very good feeling in collaborative writing.

Right, I can't speak for the Hektor guys, But I can tell you that the Angels of Light just can't get enough of sacking and plundering, or that the Bloodhounds can't stop licking tzeentch's nuts

I definitely feel that, though my legion here and my legion there are both pretty straightforward to understand in my opinion.

So what would a daemon primarch of Malal look like?

Most Anons in Hektor Heresy are pulling double duty or in my case triple duty.

For Legions which were written by Anons who didn't create them, see:


I'll get the timeline fleshed out some more. Won't be today though, work, birthdays, etc.

Another thing though. I think this entire project would be a lot easier if everyone started namefagging.
Maybe it makes you uncomfortable or something, but it's way easier to keep track of who's talking to who.

I think they wouldn't have too inhuman appearance, although they might have horns, spikes and possibly no face, the skull being bare and possibly deformed, elongated like the daemon in your pic.

I like the Hektor Heresy, it made for a pretty entertaining read.
Might actually be interesting to compare and contrast a couple of things, like Sarco Funerus and Golgothos (Dreadnought interred Primarchs, Hektor and Redacted (Primarchs raised on Terra by the Emperor and Malcador), the Oathsworn and the Second Sons with the Life Bringers, etc etc.

I'm not saying anything bad about it, hektor heresy was cool. I'm just saying this feels more comfy and surefooted, to me at least.

It had the advantage of learning from the former's mistakes. Of course it was going to be surefooted. For one, the Legion number was always capped at 20 and Legions that were superfluous or untouched were either cut or merged swiftly. There was never a Gorgers/Bloodbound/Crimson Teeth problem here. The Oathsworn did for a while resemble those Legions left out to pasture, but that has changed and rather swiftly.

There was also a lot more willingness to go against canon. The entire setting deviates much further from 40k than Hektor Heresy ever dared, with all that that entails.

I would say that Hektor is more interesting then the Redacted Warmaster, and their Heresy has many more interesting battles than here, but here the Heresy wasn't a Heresy, it was a Chaos Revolution that won.

There's merit to both, though the other has basically stalled to a complete standstill while this one presses forward, though very haphazardly and with plenty of gaps. For example, who is the Fabricator General? It seems that for the Mechanicum, their williness to give over their Independence to the Fists of Mars seems very abrupt for a force that was always deliberate it holding itself separate from the Imperium and remaining a 'State within a State'.

I get you. Might be because I'm actually involved with this one, but from some of the behind the scenes stuff from the Hektor Heresy I saw a much more snobby and elitist attitude.

They do have those sweet ass mugshots for their Primarchs though.

Hektor Heresy is still alive and advancing, just at a slow pace because the writer for the 13th absolutely refuses to let someone take over his writing. Despite the fact he hasn't written anything new in over a year. He remains active, and vocal, but not productive. Considering many people like him, I don't see the situation changing unless the man has a change of heart.

Yeah, I can imagine that bottlenecking the whole project.
I think it's kind of a shame you cut the number of legions down from 30 to 20.
I understand it could be a bit of a hassle, but it was definitely an interesting spin on things imo.

30 Legions was drastically pushing the boundaries of what we were capable of finishing at any reasonable length. Most of the Legions didn't even have concise summaries, and were leaving more fully formed ideas without doctrines - because when you want every to have a niche, it becomes increasingly difficult to manage 28 connections rather than 18. Giving people a proper spotlight in battles was a chore, you pretty much had to math out how many words people got to have described about their particular dudes. Plus if you characterize the Legions with secondary characters, enjoy no one being able to name a single one because if you gave 10 supporting characters to each Legion, a feat most aren't capable of, you now have 280 characters to keep track of IN THE LEGIONS ALONE.

Trust me, the decision to cut down was not taken lightly.

Speaking of spotlight: Kashaln.

I'm thinking he manages to either make a crucial chink in Klaus' armour or damages his weapon during the battle on Sabbatine, and this is why Klaus' initial assault against the Warmaster on Terra, before he's fully prince'd up, isn't able to kill him.

Or, another thing we could do, is have Klaus' willingness to sacrifice personal strength for the cause.

Klaus and Kashaln duel on Sabbatine, and Kashaln manages to skewer his wrist. Klaus, unwilling to draw out the fight and lose more of his men than necessary, bulls through and loses his hand in order to rush Kashaln over the edge of the bridge they're fighting on.

As he doesn't have time to let it heal naturally, he has it replaced with the finest bionics that can be mustered. He's still an incredible swordsman, but throughout the rest of the Heresy he's having to constantly adjust for the difference between his new bionic hand and the original.


Not a bad fit honestly. Nikolaj Coster-Waldau does have a very charismatic face.

Get on my level

Underrated post. Can confirm Enoch the hilarious.

that idea was put forth near the start, a few people picked it up, some didn't.

I didn't realise these ideas werent totally unique. Makes sense I guess, maybe I should read up on the Hektor wiki,

> entire setting deviates much further from 40k than Hektor Heresy ever dared,
I think there is something to be said for more closely following canon. I guess both have pros and cons.

>30 primarchs + supportin cast
Yeah no thanks, sounds confusing as hell. And impossible to be unique in any way.

I like where you're going with this, but to me Klaus is literally the perfect warrior. He is King Arthur ramped up to 11. He and the Warmaster are intended, or at least were intended, to act more as plot devices than actual characters.

Klaus is the ideal. He is something everyone wants to be, and many hate - for his mere existence in such a crapsack world implies others can be better.

Its why his death is such a blow to the surviving loyalists. He lost. His entire gimmick is that he doesn't, nay can't lose.

IF his arms are to be damaged and such, I think it fits better by having it be an act of betrayal ala Lancerlot.

Just my 2c but I really dont like the idea of him suffering any sort of sword related defeat. Maybe im just too protective of what ive envisioned him as though, others as always are free to disagree.

Here's an idea.
If the Warp Raiders are malalites, what sort of ramifications does that have for one who turns against his brothers and fights with the loyalists? Is he like a turbotraitor? Is he the chosen of Malal?

>Jabal Kaine, Imam of the Black Void
Jabal was Amier of the fifteenth circle during the early days of the great crusade. The Warmaster, newly appointed and as yet untainted by chaos, saw Jabal distinguish himself in the Ullanor campaign. On the warmaster's suggestion Jabal was appointed one of Oramar's chief commanders, and he was initiated into the Sahabat.

During the Warp Raider's treaties with the Interex, Jabal Kaine grew to know a number of Kinebrach, who eventually warned him of the nature of chaos. When the Warmaster came for Oramar and burned the Hall of Devices, Jabal Kaine knew he could follow his legion no further. He took his cabal and fled into the webway, seeking to warn what loyalists he could while there was still time. And if that failed, he'd fight the heretics as best he could.

"I will tell you what I told Oramar Elthiran in the smoking ruins of Xenobia: I worship nothing."
>Jabal Kaine to a missionary of the Temple of the God Emperor, ca. M32.

>Cabal of the Black Void
All members of the Sahabat are masters of a Cabal, a school of teaching in the arts of the warp. Jabal Kaine's cabal, called the Black Void, teaches the art of warp damping. Through the arts of the Black Void, a skilled psyker can degate the warp powers of other psykers, and weaken or possibly banish daemonic entities.

Don't the Warp Raiders and the Warmaster find out about the Emperor having to die in order to be able to defeat Chaos?
Isn't that their main motivation for the rebellion? Or has this been changed?
Because this raises the question as to why the rebels frully accept Chaos.

>Don't the Warp Raiders and the Warmaster find out about the Emperor having to die in order to be able to defeat Chaos?
yes that's more or less accurate, but things, uh, get out of hand.

Well, it wouldn't really be him losing, it'd be him going

"Right, I can win this after a sustained combat, or I can sacrifice my hand, win this now, and get back to Terra sooner. Oh well, hand, I knew thee well, but it's time to chivalry."

I don't really see Klaus as invincible in combat. He's one of the three top shitkicker Primarchs, but his big thing is that he embodies knightly virtue. He's the moral compass of the Primarchs. If he had retreated with them to the east, he may have had the natural strength of will and virtuous charisma to actually keep the Crusader States united.

When people in Imperium Asunder are faced with some form of dilemma, they think "What would Klaus Staffel do?"

Gene Lord Bastion, of the Oathsworn.

Once a lowly Breacher Squad Sergeant destined for nothing more than a death on a forgotten battlefield amongst the stars, Bastion became a symbol of defiance and determination not only to the surviving Oathsworn, but to the many worlds that aligned themselves with the legion in what they saw as a brutal attack brought on by the corrupt Imperium. Bastion was in charge of boarding and counter boarding actions aboard his section of The Dauntless. When the fleet was attacked by an armada three times its size made up of Marines and the Imperial Navy, Sergeant Bastion survived by having been aboard a War Hawks ship when the Frigate was destroyed under the weight of the combined fire.

With brothers being slaughtered and the Oathsworn flotilla being slowly destroyed in the void, picked apart by the Warhawks, Bastion lost himself to insanity and rage. Taking his strike team on a rampage, he sabotaged the life support by implanting a biophage into the network only the Oathsworn could have survived before setting upon a massacre of the survivors. With the ship theirs, Bastions men used the powerful guns to turn the battle and later reave a bloody path through the void and warp on a race to Luna.

There against all odds the Sergeant survived once more, and managed to collect the largest gathering of survivors from the Oathsworn, some 200 marines. Later at the gathering of the Primarchs the Sergeant was rebuffed for his efforts and attendance, only for the man to declare himself the Gene Lord of the Oathsworn and the primarchs all manner of foul titles for their involvement in the censure and inability to protect Terra and the Emperor. Where had they been when Faustys and the Oathsworn gave everything to hold the line from the unending tides of Daemons? Where were they when Faustis and the legion sacrificed 99% of their legion to buy time for everyone to get off Terra? Where were they when Faustus, brightest and smartest of them all died?


This is why, imo, the Oathsworn should be one of the more hardcore factions on the loyalist side.

No mercy, no forgiveness, all casualties are acceptable casualties. They should be putting the most horrific gene-tech to work on the traitors. Can't break a planetary siege? Whatever, virus bomb it, take what we need, move on.

I guess I just don't see Kashaln challenging enough to him martially to be put in that situation, granted though - that does fit him to a tee. Even the "I knew thee well" part.

>I don't really see Klaus as invincible in combat.
Yeah again maybe thats just the way I saw him. Literally the pinnicle of both martial ability and noble virtue. Its cool if thats not what everyone else sees when they think of him though.

Awesome, but the Hawks actually didn't partake in the censure. Raydon turning himself over to the Warmaster accepting his punishment for disobeying orders rather than turning on those he considered himself a brother too. But I mean, change that out and I think we have an awesome character, Ill add him to the attendees to the Council of Titans.

In regards to that, is there any topic he would raise in particular? Or just rock up for the sake of representing his legion?

Rock up, call everyone tools, blame them all for the heresy instead of fucking talking to Faustus and trusting the god damn warmaster. No Oathsworn ever trusted the WM, and every single one spent their life to fuck the WM up in some way. Basically being the one to call thrm out on all their shit.

They're probably during the heresy, except their shit is all about getting to Luna and releaving the Siege. At Terta though, none harder. The most horrific shit possible, every crime against nature, everything. Terra is like the worst of Mars underground or Earth in Eclipse Phase. Outside of the safe zones where the Warmaster is the all powerful god who protects his people, its as bad as being in the warp without a gellar field but all 'natural'

Huh. I kinda assumed Klaus, Kashaln, and Aodhan were roughly on the same level in terms of 1v1 me an you bruv. I remember someone posted a tier list a while back for dueling skill that was something like:

Super Top Tier
>Klaus, Aodhan, Kashaln

High Tier
>Raydon, Sarco, Anders, Engerand

Mid Tier
>Rubinek, Balthasar, Xun, Marcus, Oramar, Grahanak, Saul, Enoch

Low Tier
>The Warmaster, Anshul, Faustus

Useless Tier

I thought that was good.

>Did you just say Duelling motherfucker?

As for this sleight.
I'll confess my work with the Zealots has slowed down, the re-writes have gotten to me to the point I don't find it worth changing the wiki page.

However, I've received help from multiple writers, assisting me in culture, doctrine and soon characters.
Believe me when I say I could leave at anytime with the knowledge the Zealots would be taken care of and written to above my expectations.

Hot damn, at this point we might as well start discussing crossovers.

Since we're discussing Staffel and Kashaln, I decided to stat them how I see them.


Pre-Fall of Terra, so no Sinthorn here.

Gonna be honest.

I know absolutely nothing about the Hektor Heresy.

It's much closer to the main 40kU.
The wiki pages are pretty expansive, but like said, it may or may not be up to date.

It's a little less out there compared to this. The weirdest thing there was probably the fact the Emperor somehow tolerated the Black Augurs for as long as he did.

>Black Augurs

Warp Raider type guys with a focus on divination?

I always took them as the Slytherin version of the Thousand Sons.

Yeah, that seems right to me. He seems like the kind of guy of which everyone would say "he was the best of us".

Question, though. Why wasn't he made Warmaster? Like Sanguinius was too angelic for the role.
Is it just that Redacted was a better strategist and had been raised on Terra or was there more to it?

How did Klaus get on with [Redacted], actually? Is there some Sanguinius and Horus going on?

Starting to build up a basic skeleton for the Silver Spears wiki page. I think the main thing that stops people dropping stuff in there is how intimidating a totally blank page looks.

I think that Redacted was pretty much groomed for the job by Malcador.
That, and Klaus seems like kind of guy that's not completely comfortable being completely in charge, he appreciates the simplicity of taking orders from your liege.

Take a look at the pages for the Hektor Heresy, if you need inspiration.


Oh, by the way, Alexios (since you're the guy that has written the most on this), how common do you see teleporter tech and such being among the Warp Raiders? Obviously it's a big part of their combat doctrine, but how mobile are they pre and post Nikaea?

It every Warp Raider jumping around like a Warp Spider? Do they mostly use Webway tunnels to enter the battlefield then march out? Are personal teleporters restricted to specialist or elite troops?

As is implied by the name, I'm imagining the Century Siege is a hundred year long siege of the Amaranth system by traitor forces after the battle of Terra. Warp storms prevent loyalists from arriving to relieve the Scions, so they have to dig in and last. During this time they have no idea what's going on in the rest of the galaxy and kind of assume the worst. Eventually the warp storm subsides and as loyalist legion (probably the Sky Serpents) comes to break the siege.

Another thing, we have chaplains right? Who came up with the idea in this canon?

Who were the top contenders for Warmaster? In canon Horus thought it should have been Sanguinius, and both the Lion and Gulliman thought they should have had the role. I bet it came down to redacted, Klaus for being the ideal, and Faustus for being a symbol of life to the Imperium and his marines beloved even if he sucked at dealing with people himself.

I'm thinking the Arms of Asura could be responsible for chaplains.

Maybe Anders could have been another contender?

Thoughts on the Century Siege? Also, I'm thinking that post-interment the Imperial Scions, as they were then known, took a similar role to the Imperial Fists in the OU.

The Scions do seem like the kind of Legion that could withstand a century long siege, but how would that work out?
Are the traitors actually throwing bombs on the planet for a hundred years? Or do they fall back to restock and then continue bombing? How do the Scions have even supplies to hold out for that long? How to they feed the population? Can the traitors move through the warp storm?

And, finally, why don't the traitors declare Exterminatus?

Not trying to shut you down. The Century Siege sounds really cool, just trying to figure out how it would work.

What do you mean by taking the role of the Imperial Fists? Erecting fortifications?

Perhaps it's the entire subsector that's under siege. The Scions still have a space presence to prevent exterminatus. Or maybe the invastion force just used all of its virus bombs wreaking havoc on the way to Amaranth. I'm sure that the Scions have to restock their worlds with baseline humans afterwards.
Something like how the Fists acted as a reserve to the other legions and redeployed rapidly to achieve breakthroughs and defend against xenos incursions.

Badass. It might be a strangely orderly affair if it's two legions without supply, perhaps atheistic Judgement Bringers?

Every group has to be warp-mobile in some capacity. They appear, attack, and then disappear before any defense can be rallied. This can be managed at a personal scale, with individual marines teleporting about, but it can also be done more efficiently with webway gates or with a single sorceror managing transport for a Raider-like skysailer.

Take it as doctrine though that a Warp Raiders Warband's primary tactical concern is their exit strategy.