How does the power of ~love~ play into your campaign or setting, Veeky Forums?

How does the power of ~love~ play into your campaign or setting, Veeky Forums?

One example: In the world I'm building, some wizard couples can channel their feelings together into a two-person spell of exceptional potency. That, and there is a school of magic based around emotion. Love is just another force, like mana/aether/etc.

It doesn't. Neither does a whole lot of magic so go figure.

Love is a neurochemical con job.

get your magical realm bullshit out of here

We play games here, not just discuss random settings.
If your setting has love as a source of power, you've got something readily exploitable, making it a terrible idea.

t. jaded Veeky Forums virgin

Love is pure, user. No magical realm here.


Did one setting where magic was kind of like how it works in the Dresden-verse, where extreme emotion can impact spellcasting, and pretty much every PC was a spellcaster of some sort. (Gestalt game)

It was a d20 game, and basically how it worked was players were allowed to save up "emotion" points which were kind of like amplifiers for spellcasting. During moments where they could justify it, they could apply an emotion point to get +Xd6 to their effective Caster Level, so a Level 5 Sorceress could get pissed off or emotional and add a 1d6 to their Level 5 Fireball, resulting in a Level 6-11 CL Fireball instead.

I let players earn "emotion" points during downtime and they needed to be able to justify the usage of them, but it worked out quite well.

Playing a pretty weeb game right now where people's bonds are a measurable source of magic. Love trumps friendship on the relationship scale 4 times out of 5.

>cast fireball during orgasm
>entire town wiped off map

So is life.

Orgasm is a physiological reaction, not an emotive one.

There's no love in the grim darkness of the far future.

Only war.

The more emotion points you put in, the harder you got fucked afterwards.

Put in 1d6? Drained for a round or two.

Put in 2d6? Might not be able to touch your magic for up to an hour.

3d6? Days. Lots of days.

4d6? Time to roll a new character, bucko, because you just took yourself out of the campaign.

A series of freak accidents and rolls so improbable they quite literally had our group science-for-job guy spend a while calculating the exact probabilities of them happening, all led over time to two kids who were once seriously inconsequential NPCs getting together and forging a stronger and stronger bond and love through rapid life-threatening situations and world-shifting events along with a lot of downtime for genuine relationship bits and pieces.

Now thanks to even more years-long cockshit courtesy of my players, they're slated by the end, barring death, to become God of a new existence. The power of love is a hell of a drug.

In a Fire Emblem setting I once GM'd, the power of love was intended to essentially save certain characters from being overwhelmed by the spirits of ancient dragons, thus preventing their bodies from being used as vessels for said dragons' reincarnations, and the revival of their dragon leader by proxy.

... I had strange ideas at that time.

What about the people that love war?

>How does the power of ~love~ play into your campaign or setting, Veeky Forums?

It can be used to cure curses & de-spell harmful magical effects, and paranormal or supernatural creatures such as zombies, ghouls, witches, mound-makers, and other boogily woogilies will avoid or purposefully refrain from attacking or targeting people in love.

That's about it.

Love powers most healing and nature magic in my setting, but no one in-setting has proven it, and it's probably just one of those background things that'll never come up.

I don't know if there's any power in loving war. Orgasms, yes, but world-rending power.... I guess if'n you're into Karn?

Fuck love, who else involved political marriages in their session? My character's long term goal is to acquire his own kingdom. There is a princess currently traveling with us; we're going to help her recover her throne, and my character plans to marry her for power afterwards. Unsure if I need to seduce her a la Griffith, or find some other means.

I once had a character that believed true love didn't exist and mind controlled people to 'prove' it. That's about it, though.

Love is devotion and desire, an engine of the human brain for exerting change against the natural state of the universe. It is a neurochemical path towards killing demons and creating the divine.

Friendly onee-chans growing up into mature OLs is my fetish.

The god of love is pretty prominent in celestial politics. He's also CE and is known for killing countless innocents through wars, plagues, and Machiavellian plans leading to the slaughter of whole royal lines, all in the name of love. One big threat is a married pair of liches whom he made that way so they could be together for eternity. But he isn't as big a threat since getting married, his LG war goddess wife keeps him in line.

Had that happen recently. Wild magic sorceress was having some fun with the party rogue, figured "What the hell," rolled on the wild magic table.

He was poisoned for two hours, and now she has a reputation.

It doesn't. Power of love is a shitty meme, right up there with power of friendship.

People have ruined way too many things with the powers of love and friendship.

>Diety of love is of the evil alignment
>the alignment explicitly said to be the alignment of selfishness

t. Villain

But can't Love Bloom?

Love is a force, with its own representatives. Interestingly, those representatives are not opposed by Hate, but by an alliance of Fire, Ice, and Lightning. Mostly because Fire, Ice, and Lightning are salty that their servants get chased out of towns they live in while Love's champions get to be celebrities with happy homes and loving families.

have you played fire emblem recently

I worked almost my whole career in human services and I will be the first to tell you that love can be the most selfish thing in the world if you're not careful. Any time my motivation for something boils down to love I triple-check it just make sure I'm not about to do something stupid or horrendous out of misplaced emotion. Shit decision making will almost always lead to a bad outcome no matter what the motion, but love will do its damndest to convince you otherwise.

It's still a fucking awesome part of being human, but check your plans with a friend first just in case.

It may shock you to know that emotions are also psychological phenomena.

I've got a similar thing with my god and goddess of love being a married couple. The goddess is LN and rules over marriage and other legal partnerships, while the god is a CN god of passion and beer goggles. They get along pretty well despite this.


Fucking gross they're mother and daughter kind of.
Fucking sick of your shit, Veeky Forums. God damn magical realms.