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It's a rabbit.

'That's no ordinary rabbit'

Delicious Stew Components/10

Size/Type: Diminutive Magical Beast
Hit Dice: 5d10+25 (52 hp)
Initiative: +1
Speed: 30 ft. (6 squares)
Armor Class: 15 (-1 size, +1 Dex, +5 natural), touch 10, flat-footed 14
Base Attack/Grapple: +5/+14
Attack: Claw +9 melee (1d6+5)
Full Attack: 2 claws +9 melee (1d6+5) and bite +4 melee (1d8+2)
Space/Reach: 10 ft./5 ft.
Special Attacks: Improved grab
Special Qualities: Scent
Saves: Fort +9, Ref +5, Will +2
Abilities: Str 21, Dex 12, Con 21, Int 2, Wis 12, Cha 10
Skills: Listen +8, Spot +8
Feats: Alertness, Track
Environment: Temperate forests
Organization: Solitary, pair, or pack (3-8)
Challenge Rating: 4
Treasure: None
Alignment: Always neutral
Advancement: 6-8 HD (Tiny); 9-15 HD (Small)
Level Adjustment: —

It is an ordinary rabbit.

>21 Str


10/10 sex appeal
10/10 charisma

I want to FUCK that rabbit!

>white rabbit cop
Yo, fuck dat racist ass shit. Thinks he a rabbit but he ain't nothin but a pig. Muthafucka don't know how it is out here on da heath.

Str 6,
Dex 20,
Con 10,
Int 15,
Wis 10,
Cha 15,

Neutral good.

Scent, Night vision, acute hearing, is knowledgable in botany, law, farming and multiplication.

Fox repellent.

The target must make a Fortitude saving throw in melee (DC 15) or be blinded for 1d4 rounds.


the darts deal 1d4 points of electricity damage and the target must make a Fortitude save (DC 15) or be paralyzed for 1d6 rounds. Reloading taser is a full-round action that provokes attacks of opportunity.

>dream is to be a police officer
>studies hard to follow and support the law to make the world a better place
>literally supports the law for good
>Not LG
Nigga what? What would it take for you to give someone LG? RoboCop?

She has mob connections.

Still though. What would it take for you to give someone that alignment?

Because right now it sounds impossible if even the little rabbit can't manage it.

She also used blackmail twice.

Smolbun, unevolved form of Floofbun.

...well played.

Not him but I'd agree to LG. Despite a few apparently contradictory scenes, her dedication to the law is clear. She might not qualify for paladin, but she's a great example of how a character can sometimes act outside of their alignment, be it for situational, character arc, plot, or oddball reasons.

To put it in Discworld terms, She's not Carrot Lawful Good, but Sam Vimes LG. They both fit that alignment description, it's just that Carrot has a higher degree than the other.

Or like DC, Where Batman is considered LG in Gotham, but as soon as he stands next to Boy Scout, he shifts towards Lawful Neutral.


Representing the Jacksonville Police Department.

Way to go Duval.

Stupid, carrot-farming dumb bunny/10

inb4 gtfo gideon

Class: Meter Maid

I don't wanna hear it!

In this department, we do things by the book!

>Environment: Temperate forests
But's that's wrong. They occure in many other locations.

I don't get it either.

>Built for breeding

Judy is corrupt as fuck, she's in bed with the mob and schemes with low level criminals off the books for her own gain


Bye, book.


Str: 16
Dex: 22
Con: 12
Int: 26
Wis: 30
Cha: 500


In the words of Arthur, King of the Britons: Run Awaaay!!!

Racist bitch/10

Wasn't she more a speciesist?

And even then, she wasn't all that inflamatory. She had a mildly discriminatory outlook shaped by evolutionary history and one or more traumatic bully-related events as a child.

When this was pointed out to her, she was actually distraught and ashamed about this and later even appologised for it to the very individual she offended.

That right there is not the sign of a racist.

Secretly into bondage.

+10 investigation
+10 meter-maiding
+30 multiplication

It was still there closer to the start, but that was part of her character art. Honestly, if I were a rabbit in a land where there were things that would be able to pop me in their maw and eat me I'd be having bear mace on me constantly.

So she's not racist because she apologized for being racist?

Acknowledging your faults doesn't mean that you don't have that fault. An alcoholic that refrains from drinking and apologizes when they get a but a drunk is still an alcoholic.

>get a but a drunk
gets a bit drunk

Thanks, Obama

Perhaps, but it's something she starts working on as soon as it becomes apparent to her that she needs to, eventually even becoming close friends with a Fox and helping him get into the same police force that she serves on. So racist "bitch" is going a bit far. And besides which, as the other user pointed out, it was only ever very mild. She was at most Racist Bitch/3.

Also alcoholism is a disease, but racism isn't, it's just a mindset. You can't not be an alcoholic if you are one, but you can eliminate your racism.

This board has literally devolved into Reddit, holy fucking shit what happened

Lol, so what? Racism is like your version of original sin or something?

Jesus Christ

Thae fact that you've learned about the Rabbit of Caer Bannog from reddit only says something about you, not the rabbit of the reference

Fuck Monty Python isn't funny, British humour is for 90 IQ dweebs who think silly sounds and men in dresses is the pinnacle of comedic achievement but regardless unironically spewing pop culture references to Holy Grail is literally the most Reddit thing you can do besides unironically liking even more cancerous shit like doctor who and steampunk

That's essentially how you live every day though user. Why don't you carry a gun?

This board is a /co/lony. Careful, or else they'll start accusing you being part of the alt right


Sure, kid. Go watch Naruto or whatever bullshit you happen to like and you feel better.

This board is for 18+, user

God I love Farscape.



Quoting Monty Python isn't "Reddit." Setting aside the fact that mouthing off about how much you hate a website is profoundly pathetic (seriously, shut up about tumblr and reddit and whatever the fuck, no one cares,) extensive quoting of Monty Python is something that's been happening around gaming tables since gaming began. If you were playing D&D in the 90s, you'd be lucky to go a single goddam session without people quoting an entire scene, line by line.

It's old meme, but it's ours. It's more ours than anyone else's. Your attempt to police our cultural borders makes you look like an ignorant teenager desperate to prove he belongs by pointing at someone else and saying they DON'T belong. But you pointed at Holy Grail, which is approximately as Veeky Forums as D&D first edition. You fucked up bad.

>Monty Python isn't funny
What did he mean by this?

I will agree that she was never a "racist bitch," but if you have to apologize for making very public racist comments... well there's no way you can pitch that as anything but racist.

Also, I realize that alcoholism isn't a perfect metaphor, but when you are the kind of racist where you are not cognizant of you beliefs at the time you let something like that slip it takes more than just a choice that change it. That's some deep-seated shit that won't just go away.

Original sin implies you are born with it, she was a country bumpkin who was bullied by a carnivore her while life. Her being a little racist isn't a surprise, it just is.

>equates Monty Python and Dr Who
I bet you think Oasis is the same

...did you seriously just use the word dweeb?

Do people still use that word?

>But you pointed at Holy Grail, which is approximately as Veeky Forums as D&D first edition

Heck, it only came out a year after the original White Box.

So what? Once you say or do something racist you are forever condemned to being a bad irredeemable person?

Look man, I realize that you're a kid trying to fit in, but you might want to take a step back and think some things through rather than essentially metaphorically shitting yourself and rolling around in it.

>it takes more than just a choice that change it

Well, she clearly is working on it and has likely achieved it by the end of the movie, because it's a Disney movie and things work like that there.

and it's fucking lame as shit. you know that stereotype media uses with unfunny "well ackshually" dweebs who laugh at their own jokes? those are monty python fans, faggot.

i'm not even whatever teenager attributed monty python to reddit culture, but he brings a fair shake in that, while the source material is funny, quoting it is an easy way to earn yourself the bottom of a pecking order.

Where does irredeemable ever come into it?

If you are racist and work to stop it affecting your life (again), then you are doing the right thing. Stop being so sensitive just because racism can't be wished away.

I agree with that, she's never evil and is an exemplary rabbit even at her worst.

>i'm not even whatever teenager attributed monty python to reddit culture

Sure you aren't.

>quoting it is an easy way to earn yourself the bottom of a pecking order.

I'd more say that only quoting the truly pop culture moments, like the Knights who Say Ni, the Rabbit, or the Much Rejoicing, is liable to do that. But working in some of the less-remembered moments makes you a patrician.

"Message for you, sir!"

That's what you're saying though

>if you do something racist, realise that you fucked up, and work to fix that, you are still a racist forever

>If you are racist and work to stop it affecting your life (again), then you are doing the right thing.
>if you do something racist, realise that you fucked up, and work to fix that, you are still a racist forever

>work to stop it affecting your life (again), then you are doing the right thing.
>work to fix that

Where are you disagreeing?

working in some of the less remembered moments will either get you confused looks as nobody gives that much of a shit about an old movie, or one guy will be like "ha i remember that line that, for fucks sake, could've come from ANY other movie!"

but if anyone who disagrees with your being a pop culture drone in denial is a surly teenager, all i can guess is that you're some old fuck who used to use the internet back when it was nothing but monty-python-quoting parrots and nerds who made a really annoying bubble of nerd culture references that they were infinitely scared to leave. but that's a guess. like how you guess i'm the same poster from before.

>affecting your life
you're saying this like it's a defining trait of the character, that they're a racist in rehab or something
how desperate are you to prove this? are you just trying to get replies? what exactly is the goal of labeling a character a 'racist bitch' and then scrambling to justify it?

Did you get sent to bed without any chicken tendies, user

Is that why you're so cranky

Nope. Didn't get on the web until 2000, and even then for the first few years I stuck around Digimon message boards. Am 29 years old currently.

> as nobody gives that much of a shit about an old movie

Ha, no. It's a Veeky Forums cultural touchstone, as was established upthread; if I'm at my LGS or playing D&D and I make a Python quote, people are *going* to get it, and laugh, and derail things as we talk about a great movie from a great comedy team.

Your underage b& nature is becoming more obvious with every post.

Not just a racist bitch, but a Racist Bitch/10, which seems absurdly high when we have an actual Racist Bitch/10 in the movie.

>racist forever
No, but you are a racist for the few weeks after. The end of the movie is a few months after she, on television, made the extremely racist comment.

>combines 3 user's replies into a single strawman
Someone else said she's a racist bitch

I said she's a racist, and the fact that she is working to not be racist proves it

And you are replaying to someone else right now.

Stay mad forever.

Lawful Good means adherence to a moral code, not the literal law.

Nah, she's clearly an NPC warrior.