/dcg/ Dropzone/Dropfleet Commander General


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>Hawk Wagame's website, with links to models, rules, and forums

>DZC rules, units, errata, etc

>Phase 2 units

>Phase 2 fluff

>free DZC army builder

>dropfleet preorder, showing prices and lotsa pics

>DFC Kickstarter, lots of useful information to drudge through

>All currently leaked photos of the DFC rulebook, courtesy of the facebook group

Reminder to ignore bait, unless it is masterfully crafted.

Subject for the thread: How much DZC do you currently own? How much DFC do you have coming your way?

Other urls found in this thread:


Own the starter sets for every faction, with 1000 points of UCM and Scourge. Getting everything painted up for demo games.

I have just a starter set, along with the bonanzas, for DFC. Only thing I 'splurged' on was a civilian cruiser.

w2c 2-player DFC started set preorder in the US? Is thewarstore reliable?

Thewarstore is pretty good

Does the UCM frigates box really come with eight frigates?
That seems massively out of proportion to the starter set's 4 fr/3cr and the cruiser pack's 2cr.

Might be. Check the other frigate boxes.
Reason for that is frigates come 4 to a sprue, I wouldn't be surprised if they packaged two sprues for the frigates box.

Has... Has anyone tried doing a single-player game fighting fauna?

No, it's 4, same as everyone else.


Whoa. Neat.

Can you make four of any one kind, or do they only have enough doodads for one or two of each?

Yeah, it's probably so that you can build a full squadron of frigates with a box.

someone get Andy chambers in here.

>No, it's 4, same as everyone else.
No it's not, all frigate boxes come with two sprues, which is a total of eight frigates.
Each individual sprue can only make up to two of each class, so by including two sprues you can make a full squadron of two different types.

2 each, as you can see here. So if the frigate boxes have 8 frigates in them, you can build 4 of a kind.

Nah, each sprue can make a max of two per type, with a total of four.

>Scenery: 8x Card Cities and 8x Card Debris Fields
Are these 3D cardstock like the DZC buildings or just flat cards?

Just flat cards; little tokens to represent ground assets and such.

Posting sprues just because







Hrm. This 2-player starter set doesn't seem to be nearly as good of a deal as DZC's.

How so? what are you going to need big cardboard assets for in a space game?

Keep in mind that you're also getting a whole bunch more resin, and that both the frigates and the cruisers can be configured as any loadout, making them useful for every possible fleet.

Keep in mind it does come with more modular vessels then dropzone. Being able to buy a 2 player starter fleet and make a heavy cruiser and 2 standard cruisers for the UCM is a bit more than what you could do with the starter sets in dropzone.




Serial image posting: ending threads early since 2003





Hawk should really have combo deals for their models to bundle them with dropships.

I kind of want to agree with you, but I think it's fine as is.

its not inconceivable that some kind of bundle boxes could exist in the future -- but would likely be web exclusives possibly to serve as smaller, more modular versions of the old KR multicase kits that used to be on the site.
Dave wants to keep D_C friendly for local retailers (which is very smart) which is one thing that is driving the dual kits (keeping SKU count low thus minimizing shelf space and safer investments).

Is it UCM or PHR?

>blocky and angular
UCM, definitely

brb painting my UCM army this color

Too many angles for PHR. It's UCM for sure.

>tfw you love all the studio colors and schemes
>the green, grey, and blue of the UCM
>the soft tan and silver of the PHR
>the orange and gold of the Shaltari
>tfw you love the Scourge fleet scheme, but just aren't impressed with their ground colors
I wonder how ground Scourge would look in THANKS DOC colors.

But user, my complementary DZC army for participating in the kickstarter arrived in the mail last week. Haven't you received yours?

Now I just need to figure out where $300 from my checking account disappeared to.

>Armoring the gun barrel
Pretty dumb. Could go either way.

>love the PHR studio scheme
>can't seem to get that perfect shade of tan right

I think that's for stealth, user.

It's okay user, Hawk and their painters promised to put out a painting guide for DFC.
please let it be true ;_;

Who detects tanks by radar?

>that faint and subtle shade towards the edges and the front
t-time to get good with an airbrush :,^)

Whoever they're fighting.

Presumably anyone who has a radar and is near a tank. Radar is the bees knees, you can use it to detect all kinds of things.

I'm still surprised that it's Poland making this space age looking experimental stealth tank, of all places.

Poland will do the invading next time.

>Poland cannot into space
>but Poland can into global imperial domination

>Copper Scourge
Also, looks like greenstuff is going to be essential for a good few of these ships, especially the PHR and Scourge.

>hairline gap down the center of a PHR cruiser

So, my autism got the best of me and I did this; which version do you think looks better, top or bottom?

Top. By a long way.

Top, definitely.

That's what I was thinking too, thanks anons.

Threadly reminder

>twelve cannons
>six shots

At least the Dark Matter Cannon is solid gold.

6 attacks*, not shots
I'm a bit let down too

>$200 of PHR forces and $25 in magnets on their way
>DFC dispatch confirmed
October is going to be a busy month.

Was looking at the Furnace Cannon from the early preview stuff as was thinking about the 4-shot mode: What happens if you roll more than six damage and some of them are crits and some are not? How do you determine which dice you use?

Example : You roll four dice, say they all come four (so all hit but none of them crit). You roll four dice again, and get two fives and two sixes, for a total of 6 normal hits and 2 crits. But your Burnthrough cap is six. What happens?

My gut reaction would be to select what dice to keep in your pool and what to remove, letting you keep the crits and toss the weaker hits.

You'd probably just roll one dice at a time until you hit the cap.

Citation needed

Isn't that what a JSTARs does?

actually I airbrush a lot of my stuff, and i was still considering doing those subtle accents via a brushed glaze
Plan was after priming to go ahead and pre-accent those areas by hand (dark areas brown and light areas yellow, then airbrush on a pearlescent red (masking off the metal bits of course) and then glaze the high/low lights over as needed.
In reality i would likely get bored of doing so and just airbrush over that and overdo it but meh

and that whole plan evaporated when one of my buddies begged to buy my PHR off of me and I finally caved :\

Yeah, I think the Minos will get taken more. There's not really much point in closing with the Heracles, because the heavy broadsides are so underwhelming that it's probably better to just sit at the rear and snipe with the Dark Matter Cannon.

Meanwhile, the Minos wants to get close so it can shred things with its crippling close action weapons, and the Neutron Missiles + the broadsides will probably add up to really nasty damage.

The way I'm seeing it, the heracles is basically a vehicle to let you DMC things, with the broadsides being there as a bit extra for when it's in slugging matches, but the main purpose of it is still going to be "Aim at biggest enemy ship, fuck it up with the DMC"

So at a guess, the more heavy ships present in a force, the better the DMC, while if its lighter to medium ships mostly without many heavy ships, the minos might be better. I still want to try the heracles though.

I thought the rules now were that once you roll a crit in a set of dice, all hits in the next set of dice rolled are crits.

Was looking at the dark sphere website to see if they've updated their release dates now the KS is reaching conclusion. They still list the plastic & printed stuff (starter box, starter fleets, rulebook, map pack) as 30th September. Does seem unlikely, feels like that's a placeholder date that's been left up. Maybe we'll be surprised, but I'm not getting my hopes up as a non-backer that I'll see kits anything like that soon.

By comparison, they list the battleships and sectors as available on the 29th October, and the launch assets and space stations as available on the 26th November. Those seem more realistic, and feel like actual dates they may have received from Hawk.

Nope, you have to roll dice in pools. If you have 4 attacks, you roll 4 dice. I'd assume that you can toss non-crits (and crits) if you go over the limit.


>2D6+4 3+ attacks that reduce effective armour by 1

I'm sorry, but how is this remotely balanced?

This thing can put out more damage than most heavy cruisers without going weapons free.

Attack Helicoptors mainly I imagine. Stuff like Apache Longbows and similar designs by other nations.

The range is only 6 inches (it's close action after all), and with a threat of at most 18 inches (full thrust + CoA shot), it's mostly about manoeuvring to keep away from it.

Has to do it within sensor range, has shitty armor and an effective 4 hull before crippling, and CAW can be countered by PD.


It only has 2 PD, 8 HP and 5+ armor. Not to mention Scourge have the highest sig ratings.


That has nothing to do with what they're talking about. Read it again.

>has higher sig rating than scan rating
>2 PD
>5+ armor save and 8 hull means one BTL will pretty often cripple it.


>a little over being twice as expensive as a frigate, just as fast, and able to put out a fuckton of shots

>dies to equal points worth of escort carriers
>two scourge frigates do the same damage with double the PD while being able to go in atmo

>Strix has a better gun as well, as well as being less likely to be alpha'd like frigates

>the page with burnthrough rules has nothing to do with how burnthroughs work
Yeah, okay, I highlighted the wrong bit having thought from "early preview" that user hadn't seen that page, calm down.

>less likely to be alpha'd
>can't hide in atmosphere

If you can split weapon shots within an arc surely the best thing to do with the Heracles is snipe two cruisers a turn with it? Just sit there shouting BOOM HEADSHOT FUKKEN OWNED NUB into the void as a PHR admiral mainlines Doritos and noscopes anything that gets a spike

Can't do that, Jim

well that sucks

You can't split, and a Heracles will very rarely if ever cripple a cruiser with a full broadside, let alone splitting it on half.

>taking an entire turn to get down to atmos, and then an entire turn to get back out

Quads confirm.

>it's going to take two turns to get into effective range with CA anyways

I was thinking the DMC, which is 2 shots.

Putting one on each of 2 ships would fuck Scourge right.up

Wasn't there some comment that you go really slowly in atmosphere, "like swimming through soup" or something?