That power saw model is pretty fucking neato

That power saw model is pretty fucking neato

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They kinda cool, but the monopose bothers me. Place them in a line and they look like they're sunch dancing to "Thriller"

Don't lie. If you were running a Genestealer cult, you'd be dance to "Thriller" all night long. ;)

got me there

Wait these aren't even new models?
What the fuck Gee Dub

>Human Geanstealer hybrids

Fuck I haven't see them in years, are they even cannon anymore?

more from atia

Been living outside tabletop community for a while?

The real debate, Assuming they take the best parts of the human and add them to their brood, what would they take??
Do they have:
>Some sorta spikecock vagine abomination?

Yeap, Lost interest in CW a long time ago.

>dat big guy with the heavy stubber
Damn it GW you make me feel like a beaten wife whose man brings her a diamond. I know you are shit, but the temptation is big.

These are probably the best models GW has put out in ages, but it's pretty sad for them that even 3rd party manufacturers are putting out sculpts at least as good as this these days.

>dat big guy..
For you

Baneposting has legit crossed into metaphysical nature. It's in porn, now it's in miniatures..

Power Saw is cool as fuck but Allah Ackbar 'stealer is boss. Hate the poses though

Tell me about the Neophyte, why does he wear the mask?


because 40k is cybergoth and cybergoth aesthetics revolve around gasmasks.

Are these the same models from Overkill, or are they new? I'm sorely tempted to make a genestealer cult army.

Lotta loyalty for xeno mutant scum!

>in ages
since the tzaangors came out, actually. Or the admech for 40k.

As a matter of fact, pretty much anything that gets designed by Goodwin or Blanche these days is perfect, whereas anything that gets designed by other guys is horseshit.

they're new
Unfortunately there won't be any new purestrains (they'll just be the same old 4th edition stealers instead of the updated retro design of Overkill) and the patriarch will be the same as in Overkill.

Gotta say, pretty impressed with this.

Why are the genestealers slash tyranids attacking Tau?

I thought Nids only went after things with big psychic presences which is why they avoided Necrons.

No, they go after anything edible, which is why they avoid necrons (and also because they rely on the hivemind to act, and the necrons tend to have null matrices on their worlds)

>allowing the genestealers to manipulate objects and even operate simple devices such as touch panels



Yes they are new

I thought Terra or Necromunda was the largest hive world in Segmentum Solar and the whole Imperium.

You guys lied to me.

It is?

Do They get new limousines?

Also, I love everything about Genestealer Cults

I am so glad they brought back Genestealer Cults.


fuck is this some sort of word porn?

Yes it is. Games workshop even invented the word "cybergoth" in Dark Future.

first gen hybrids, the one directly sprung from an infected male/female, infected by a genestealer, would probably either lack genitalia, or have a very mutated mess.

second gen hybrids would probably start to resemble human genitalia, but still with anomalies, although much less so than 1st generation.

Third would look much more human, but with studs and patches of Chitin, I'd imagine.

4th gen would look completely human, with more or less just a change in skin color.

apparently they won't
shame, I loved those limos.

Khalia Eaql akbar!

It's nice to see that GW can still produce decent art...

The old fluff states that only 4th generation hybrids can have sex because they lack the ovipositor.

>patriarch will be the same as in Overkill
you could always kitbash it with the new Broodlord, or convert the broodlord on its own. I believe they have the same height/base body?

Do go on...

We have the definitive word on the difference between a broodlord and a patriarch.

Is this distinct from the old fluff that stated that cultist be breeding like mad, yo?

>Do They get new limousines?
Not exactly...

true, but I'd imagine it still be there fot hem, they just wouldn't use it.

kinda like the appendix - it's there, doing its thing, but can be removed without any danger of upsetting the way you work.

no, the patriarch is larger and has different everything

Nice ork truck

no, same source

really? I thought that the new Broodlord was based on the Spawn of Cryptek model, which seemed to be the base for the Patriarch as well.

Maybe I'm just thinking wrong.

well that's better than the fisher price trucks of the scions
convert it a bit and you get a nice Aliens-inspired crawler thingie

Well, you could use these...


Not loving the vehicle as much as the art version, but it's still the best non-ork, non-walker vehicle they have made.

Cool that kitbashed brood-brothers are given the official seal of approval, even if it's just a head-swap.

>spawn of Cryptek
Crypteks are necron technowizards.

There's a lot of things you thought wrong.

The Spawn of Cryptus is largely the same model as the broodlord from 3rd edition Space Hulk so that's what you might be confused on.
The Patriarch is very different. But you might be able to kitbash them.

Hsss hssss where the white women at.

Still clearly based of the broodlord model if you look at the pose and the feet.

Ugh, how do you fix that misplaced tail?

just do it, dumbass
It's a basic conversion job.

It's not a tail ;)

GW really dropped a ball on that one. A great model with a shitty tail pose. Luckily Greensuff exists

>Trysst dynasty
>inquisitor Chaegryn

wow good job coming up with clever references, GW.
They just too two French words for "sadness" (tristesse and chagrin) and teaked them a little.

>nobody cared who he was before he put on the mask
>he is crashing this planet with no survivors

Dat gun

>A great model with a shitty tail pose.

It looks awkward, but the pose is supposed to reflect the circular Tyranid icon that a lot of cults use. A nice idea that sadly didn't work too well.

What are these?

I need that, I need it, I need it, I need it, I need it, I need it, I need it, I need it, I need it, I need it, I need it, I need it, I need it, I need it, I need it


That's like what, 200 points in modern 40k?


Dat twin-autocannon.

That sex truck.

oh my

I don't know what the vehicles are but cultists seem like they would be the cheap point numbers army.

Breeding stock

Just need 2 Rhinos to finish my SoB army. I could focus on my Retribution terrorist Elves. GW release my favorite army. Now with a Space Communist Esoteric Order of Dagon feeling.

Why? I want to leave the plasticrack


Its close enough that just using a broodlord as a patriarch isnt an issue.


"Hey Benny! SCREW YOU" that truck on the right gives me a total recall boner.

On a scale of 1 to Titus.

How smart is it to want to become a tyranid?

That flamer, surely its going too be an inferno canon or something bigger than a heavy flamer.

It might be melta considering its a mining vehicle. I don't see them flaming rocks though it could be a upgrade

Looks like it has those little pilot lights flamers have.

Its probably an improvised weapon, take the hook off a crane arm and stick a big ass flame thrower on there. Its the kind of simple tech they'd be able to just make themselves.

Er, it's about as smart as having a plan to conquer the world that involves drowning yourself in acid first.

Yeah, larger Melta and flamer weapons look really simmilar. That came into play when I was trying to magnetise all the arm options for a Knight using a Renegade box, and the spare Melta made for a great Acheron flame gun using some plastic tubing and a pilot bit at the front.

It looks like a transport vehicle with a twin-linked Autocannon, and a light tank with a big melta-cannon. Pretty basic combo-kit, but since the Cult can pad itself out with IG stuff, they should have other niches filled by Leman Russes, Sentinels, etc etc.

Fucking hell, I dropped 40k six months ago and I can feel myself sliding back in.

Time for trenchcoat cultists

How would there be 2nd generation hybrids and so on if the 1st have nothing to make more of them?

so, who's going to homebrew Necromunda rules for them?

>Aliens 3 style cult.

That's a fine idea mang.



The 1st generation infect hosts who birth the 2nd and so on.

2nd gens come from 1st gens having bloody ovipositor-fucking sex with selected acolytes...

which is of course, conveniently missed out by GW, on grounds of it being /b/ / /d/ - tier kink hell.

>GW said gorkamorka was dead


You could use them as orlock out of the box. Or add a admech box and use bald heads to make delaques. Or use the admech guns and a little green stuff to make van saar.

I know it is

I'm not sure what I'm so supposed to be amazed by. Should necks and shoulders for humanoids not be identical?

The Inquisimunda crew already did.

I think he's surprised because GW has been doing the retard cutting method to cut down on 2nd hand bit market.

look it up

Man its fucking neat.

>Aliens 3
it's Alien3

A tryst is also an affair, feeding into the sexual nature of cults.

Hello Lord Commander Autismo

Ah, I considered ovi bits reproductive organs when he said they wouldn't have them, should've realized he only meant human parts.

>human parts
or whatever the 1st through 3rd generations of hybrids may have.