I got a phone call, and some test results back

I got a phone call, and some test results back.

Evidently, I'm autistic.
Like, legit autistic. They gave me an MRI and IQ tests and everything, and they are examining my DNA.

So, uh...

You guys have any good advice for autistic gamers?

How autistic are you OP?

Don't be a dumbass or That Guy and you'll be fine

You'll fit right in. No worry.

Apparently we were just trying to help you all along

dont annoy other people, and they will treat you just fine

Not very.
Little enough to live for 30 years without anybody pointing it out to me (except for idiots who don't even know the meaning of the word autistic). But enough to look back on my life and realize "Oh yeah, maybe that was the problem."

I try not to be.

We all have slight autism dont worry.

I mean what ever doctors say what it is today/

Can't relate to the autism itself, but I know how that "shit I guess that was what my lifetime of problems was about" goes. I was diagnosed with a few things, including schizophrenia.

You're not alone. Loads and loads of people I know have autism spectrum diagnoses, and a lot of them are into tabletop stuff.

The big thing which separates the good from the bad, in my experience, is whether people use it as an excuse or to. I've known people with incredibly severe autism who've been fun to spend time around because they work hard, are honest about their issues and acknowledge when they've screwed up. On the other hand, I've known guys who seem to get by just fine, yet they use 'I have autism/aspegers' as an escuse for absolutely any mistake on their part, as well as a reason not to try. It pisses me the hell off.-+

At last, you are one of us

Welcome disciple

A ton of my players are. They're usually some of my favorite people to game with. Just put a little more effort into being socially conscious and it'll be fine.

Autism as been reclassified as a spectrum to now include even minor shit. There's big money for Big Pharm even in minor cases since they'll still try to sell you overpriced medication you don't really need.

You can be (mis)diagnosed for so much as enjoying organizing trading cards, where the psychologist will then bait you into providing other information to stretch into your mental condition so they can sell you more expensive pills. (gods forbid if you so much as hint a hobby that can be construed as "asocial")

Every time I see a post like this I feel so fucking grateful for living in Europe. All my mental health care is state funded and I've never had anyone try to sell me anything. Well, nobody officially employed to help me.

Ireland's part of Europe and we don't have this.

Sorry to hear that. Have you been able to get the help you need?

I think Buddhism helps. I've been trying to practice mindfulness, so I can be aware of my own thoughts and actions and how they affect others and how they affect myself.

Seriously? That sucks arse. I'm in the UK (soon to not be part of Europe because hurr durr) and despite all the bullshit being pulled I still get free mental healthcare.

Mindfulness is awesome. My mother is actually a psychologist who uses it in her practice, and she's been getting amazing results with it. It's always nice to hear how people are benefiting from it.

>you can be (mis)diagnosed for so much as enjoying organized trading cards
Do you have a source on this? I'd like to read more about it.

Yep, I pay out the ass every month for lifelong medication for Crohn's Disease. You can get a medical card which pays for stuff, but you need to fit into very specific parameters to get one and I happen to not fit in them. Yet here's my arse, unemployed and paying €140 a month for meds. It's bullshit.

Specifically-trading cards was an example(though one that happened to a friend) so I don't have an article to link on that, but aspergers is now classified as autism-spectrum, and less ethical docs are happy to stretch the truth for a buck.

See, in this case I found out from a researcher.
I signed up to participate in a study because I needed an extra $100. They paid me. They get their money from government grants.

So, I guess I'm glad about that though. Not too sure about what I'm going to do about this diagnosis though.


Same, it was Jews for me.

Well I'm on meds now that help. It's not a panacea but things are easier to deal with. Also made progress in my life situation to match and I've ascended to the vaulted realm of "kinda ok".

You can be a total dick and when someone gets upset be like 'Sorry I'm autistic".

I got nothin else.

>I've been trying to practice mindfulness
Definitely helpful, but not intrinsically related to Buddhism.

Speaking of which, mindfulness goes great with mnemotechnics

Congratulations. Seriously though their probably full of shit. Doctor tried diagnosing me with autism and aspergers, but the doctor that did it apparently didn't do it it right and so they gave ADHD instead. Don't seem like I've got it but I've got it apparently. Seems like they will give the label to anyone who seems a bit weird. People It's a trend disease and don't believe what they tell you or it will become a self-fulfilled prophecy.