If warp is affected by human thoughts, wouldn't worshipping Slaanesh as a godess of purest beauty...

If warp is affected by human thoughts, wouldn't worshipping Slaanesh as a godess of purest beauty, Khorne as god of honor, manliness and selfless help for people, Nurgle as god of life and nature and Tzeentch as god of intelligence and wisdom fix more things than simply bashing them?

I mean: you could probably fix chaos by making it GOOD CHAOS.

That's difficult to do when you live in a whole galaxy of conflicting thoughts, where negativity prevails.

Not to mention the fact that all the gods are also the MOST POWERFUL representations of their given emotions, so the line between "good" and "bad" kinda blurs.

Is that really all there is to khorne? It's like underage bait. All those other gods have a saying, and then this guy has edgy in caps.

It would require all sentient life to do it at the same time and in a zealous manner.
Also what said.

Depends on the edition. Older editions IIRC had him more about martial honor and glory than just spilling blood for the sheer sake of it.

Personally I don't mind Khone being simple. He's born of rage, and rage is narrow in terms of what it motivates you to do, compared to hope, despair, and pleasure.

>Older editions IIRC had him more about martial honor and glory than just spilling blood for the sheer sake of it.

Stop perpetuating this man. Khorne himself has always been maim, kill, burn. His followers are capable of believing whatever they want but Khorne himself has never cared about from where the blood flowed.

Text to talk implies that the fact that some people do is what makes Chaos so horrifying. It tries to be 50 fuckin things and people really only understand one so it ends up a nightmarish abomination that kinda smells like flowers.

Intrusive thoughts are a thing though. And also other forms of life.

I preference the cobster to ask if people lift.

the nurgle saying in that pic is all wrong. He's all about sustaining and decay, not inevitable death. Death is pretty much the opposite of what he wants and represent.

40k is a grimdark universe where there's only war, thusly the chaos gods tend to be grimdark and are constantly at war with each other and the Imperium. That being said for what little good there is in the universe of 40k, there is also good in the dark gods to reflect it, as well as morally neutral matters. While it's no question that overall chaos and it's factions are evil overall, chaos has also caused good things to happen for people all over the universe, a greedy planetary governor might be killed by a champion of khorne for being a spineless, honourless coward.

I think this is the point to take away. There's the slightest glimpse of what human's see as positive in each of them:

Khorne's pursuit of war appeals to our desire to crush or destroy that which we find unworthy of existance.

Slaanesh appeals to our individualistic and communal desires to fulfill ourselves physically and psychically with pleasure.

Nurgle appeals to both our fraternal instincts and our understanding of the temporary nature of all things.

Tzeentch appeals to the desire to plan, control, and foresee the future using our logic.

Even the gods themselves on occasion do things that are 'less evil' than absolute evil; some cite Nurgle's theft of Isha, or Tzeentch actively hindering the other gods plans.

The problem is that they represent EVERY aspect of their portfolios to the utmost extreme all at once together but at the same time with no regard for one another.

It's insanity, true inhuman, unquestionable, insanity; which is just inimical entirely to mortal existence.

To put it in classical terms its why ancient people never just worshiped one of a pantheon's gods. You might like being a warrior, but if you only worshiped the god of war you would live entirely without love, health, fortune, etc. Life would become drenched in an unending thirst for blood and gore.

This is exactly why the Chaos gods must be fought- even if we have need of them; just as the ancient gods needed to be given their due sacrifice but always feared and kept at bay.

They are real, and there is no working around it- the difference is controlling them not worshiping them like the Chaos retards.

Sadly too much war already exists for there to be much positive thought

It's a self perpetuating cycle, that could in theory be broken, but would be extremely difficult to break.

I've often mused that the four chaos gods are just the dominant gods of the 40k known universe because they represent the dominant emotions of sapient life in it, but as you go to other areas of the universe, the dominant emotions of the warp-sensitive beings there exert their own echoes. Both echoes are equally infinite, and equally eternal, because time and space in the warp work different, so neither is diminished in it's infinity.

Sometimes I think this is the origin of the great devourer. If there were a galaxy in which warp sensitivity developed before sapience, or even true sentience, what would be the "strongest emotions" that would be reflected there: the desire to feed and procreate. What would happen when this chaos god and its mortal followers had exhausted all the resources in its own galaxy? Tzeench continues to scheeme, slaanesh continues to party, nurgle continues persist, khorne continues to fight, and The Devourer continues to feed and procreate... into other galaxies. That's why it casts a shadow in the warp, because it's creating a small area where it's own simpler, more primal, paradigm is the dominant resonance in the warp, and the warp-manipulation techniques that are used to the current dominant paradigm no longer work effectively.

This is my personal headcanon.

With so many iterations and changes to the fluff im not even sure...

But as far as i remember as much as Eldar's had their share of a fuck ups with slannytranny it was mostly humans who did most of damage in the immaterium.

I think its a dystopian outlook for our future where everything goes to shit because we as a species bootlenecked our deepest needs, desires and emotions.

With huge jumps in science and then religion we conquered the stars but we paid the great price.

Complete stagnation.

I mean whole humanity spin in w40k was based mostly on Dune so similarities are apparent and abundant.

So my point is that you can spin Chaos gods as a good guy's but i don't think its the point.

Its a case of dark desires manifested, and thats why chaos gods are so strong and fucked up.

Empire is still stagnating, its using Warp travel feeding the gods constantly with the repressed emotions and the vicious circle is closing.

Those gods where born from human emotion and those emotions made them what they are.
It's an interesting question; could we change their forms with changed emotion?
I doubt it personally, or cultists would have accidently shown Khorn puppies by now

Good point.
That would or could work.
But since its fuelled by emotions and human behaviour, i think its isnt easy.
With all the imperial propaganda and the pray of their followers i think its not changeable for a better at the moment.

And besides cults do see them in a positive light, they never changed their initial behaviour. Semms not easy to change them even slightly.

Khorne cares not from where the blood flows or whose skulls are taken, he will have them all.

BUT if you go to a village and kill 100 kids, khorne will take the blood but wont really think much of you, if you go hand to hand and kill a single space marine he will regard you as worth a lot more than kid killer and youll more likely receive blessing or favour of khorne

Since the warp is so calm outside of the galaxy due to no emotions or life feeding it, I assume the warp is a universal phenomenon but is relatively calm most place. Only galaxies with especially vicious nature or fiddling with the warp (attempting to weaponise it) would create other chaos gods in those galaxies

What's underage and naive is thinking, in the carnage of war and in throes of hate, morality, ideals, and honour matters at all.

Khorne is made up from every senseless murder in the history of mankind. He is every hate filled blow, he is the bloody knife that's been dulled on the jawbones of loved ones, he is the release men feel when they vent their fury. So appropriately Khorne is represented to reflect what he is made of.

For some reason having something that presents the negative side of mankind is "edgy". We can't even deal with some subjects like extreme violence without that buzzword. You guys are literally the most cancerous sorts. You want Khorne to have "Honour" because to you the prospect of liking a character who is wholly evil is bad. That's bloody childish. You don't understand that it ruins Khorne and makes him a hypocrite and if Khorne is anything he is an honest and straightforward god that embodies the purity behind murder.

Men who murder justify themselves after the fact with worthless ideals like honour and religious fervor to escape the shame and guilt. Khorne knows what really was in their hearts when the swords fell and the triggers were pulled, it wasn't honour. Dashing men's hypocrisy aside, Khorne will free them from the shackles of ideals and "honour". He will make them embrace what's truly in their hearts, the rage and hate. They wouldn't have to justify themselves anymore, stripped of shame and guilt, they embrace their true calling as warriors and kill and kill in the glory of their liberator. Finally, their hearts rendered honest.

A universe of endless war, is a honest universe. This is Khorne's gift.

This is why Kharn and Khorne Berzerkers are pointed to as Khorne's truest disciples.

You can somehow catagorize the Chaos elements.

In the end they are just forcers of nature. For us they look evil.

So start a really popular cult? That's basically what happened to yahweh

what do you think the whole "Imperial cult" is about?

The Imperium is trying to focus all human thought into a totally awesome human god but heretics just keep fucking it up.

You'd expect that every aspect of an emotion at once would be more than just a bird-man, a pile of disease, an edgy /pol/ nd Tumblr.

What kind of Wicca bullshit is this?

So chaos cultists?
40k kinda covers that. The Chaos Gods came into existence and from them on they were seated by mankind but also could sway mankind. Honestly it's like any organization you join. If you're at the bottom and new there it's likely you'll conform even if you want to make changes. In the case of xhaos, you can't ever get to that point because you literally become corrupted mentally and physically by the warp.

People may try to change the chaos gods, but it ends up being the gods that change them.
Also, it's kind of like the Orks. They believe a lot of things, but when though 'they think it it becomes true lol', there are obviously limits to that. Its probably the same in regards to the warp, where writers would say 'it only works to a certain point', or in other words it only works when the plot demands a device to drive it forward.

This is fucking awful.

>Nurgle as god of life and nature
Where do you faggots get this shit. Nurgle isn't anything good, he is decay and despair. No one in their right mind turns to Nurgle when they have offers from the other gods. He almost sits appart from the others.

While the others tempt with positives, nurgle jovially waits. No strong warrior. scheming politician or depraved but beautiful cultist listens to his offers. But when strength fades, when wealth and power is stripped and beauty ages. when disease comes acalling. the other gods don't care, but old nurgle is still there and just as welcoming and jovial as before.

That image is truely cancerous, I hope you're proud of yourself


Thats just a map through Chaos.

What do you expect. its just a quick&dirty scribble

>truely cancerous,
>hope you're proud of yourself
I am, at least i bumped it with an image, even an OC.

I read that in his Text-to-speech device voice.

Decay, change and hunger are kinda naturall processes.
I can see why someone interprets it like this.
But i agree with you, you cant describe this as good. Its more like chaotic neutral.
And if you are in his way, its more like a evil force.

stick mor emotions here, read liber chaotica before you do

As i said, its just a quick thing and its all interpretable.
Its long time ago i read them. Im not sure if i read all of them.

Were the Chaos gods an accidental invention by the Ancients to fight the C'tan or was it deliberate. I'm sure humans weren't around then.