/dcg/ Dropzone/Dropfleet Commander General

/dcg/ Dropzone/Dropfleet Commander General

Crew Morale Restored edition

Previous Thread

>Hawk Wagame's website, with links to models, rules, and forums

>DZC rules, units, errata, etc

>Phase 2 units

>Phase 2 fluff

>free DZC army builders

>dropfleet preorder, showing prices and lotsa pics

>DFC Kickstarter, lots of useful information to drudge through

>All currently leaked photos of the DFC rulebook, courtesy of the facebook group

Reminder to ignore bait, unless it is masterfully crafted.

Currently running polls:

Initial Topic of the Thread: Do you plan on magnetizing your ships? To what degree? Why or why not?

Other urls found in this thread:


One of the greatest tenants of strategic naval warfare is having to fight the war with the navy you have, not the navy you wish you had.

So I will be committing to my ship choices fully with zero magnets and ship names given to each individual fleet member.

It is the bravest method

Tbh, I agree with non-magnetization now. Except for turrets, I want to magnetize my turrets.
This will also give a good excuse to buy more ships than I need.
Online downside is all those perfectly good bits going to waste.

>Online downside
Wew, only*

>Not kitbashing space stations out of spare bits
Admittedly you'll get space stations that are 90% gun, but still.

I have to say. I was going to be all magnet, but someone said naming your ships so they all tell a story. So I think I am in your camp now.

You could attach them to rocks to make asteroid bases.

Or just have smaller things that serve as orbital platforms.

Maybe if you're clever about it you could make them look like drifting wreckage.

That's my plan, especially with UCM cruisers as there will be lots of leftover hull/tail sections

This would be great for starter set APCs

Wouldn't the wreckage disperse among the orbit in a cloud of destruction? Like in Gravity, more or less intense as you please.

Since Asteroid fields aren't realistic nor do they make sense, the game DOES have debris fields (as your multi-kilometer long ships shattering into radioactive bits flying around at 4000km/hour seem like they'd be hazardous), making UCM cruiser wrecks all over would totally work for that.

Unfortunately, you'll have to be pretty damn clever about the light cruiser and regular cruise tails, due to their smooth bottoms; I presume you could make that the burned/destroyed part, though.

Well yeah but that wouldn't look nearly as cool now would it.

>Like in Gravity,
Any time you say this, the answer is no

The frigate sprues should be pretty easy to convert into debris, thankfully

Scourge will definitely work, for the most part, as the only piece that would give you any trouble is the top of the ship, which is required for every cruiser anyways. Everything else lacks big attachment surfaces.

Scourge frigates will also be exceptionally easy to turn the bits into debris.

Turning all these spare bits into debris is going to leave you with a fuckload of debris.

PHR cruisers don't look to be that hard either

Nor their frigates, as well.

Shaltari will probably be the outright easiest

As well as their frigates

There's going to be a lot of floating wrecked mothership cores, alright.

So with the bonanza bonus I was thinking my one cruiser should be the mothership for Shaltari, just for folks to mess with all their unique mechanics at once. Sensible?

>From the update:
>“...We are able to confirm that we have just received our delivery of printed material. This means that we have begun to pack specific rewards, and will begin to dispatch very soon...”
>“...The dispatch process should take an estimated 3 weeks due to the quantity of shipments and collections...”
>Read casually this implies that all rewards will have been dispatched three weeks after the update, looking at it again it's clear that isn't actually what's being said.
>I should avoid reading updates casually in future.

>To paraphrase the update:
>"The rule books have arrived, we have some packing to do, once that is finished we'll start dispatch, dispatching everything will take three weeks"
>Therefore time until dispatch = packing time + 3 weeks.
>I assume the 'packing' is jamming rule books into the 2 player starter boxes so they can be sent to us and the retailers since they say 'specific rewards', which is entirely fair.
>The "and will begin dispatch very soon" is the key part, what does 'very soon' mean? A day? A week? A month?
>Hawk's recent updates are full of such comments that don't mean anything, a sort of advertisingese that boils down to nothing, it's part of why people have justifiably complained about them.

Say it ain't so, /dcg/

I think Dave is learning a lot about preferred vendors. He's not dumb, just inexperienced.

Things are getting better all the time.

I came here expecting a game about ship girls and minis for such, I feel partially betrayed. (moreso since that Moscow bote design looks really cool)

These models are rather expensive. What kind of scale is this? (I ask since the Ferrum Class Drone Base costs more than a GW Space Marine Rhino)

>I came here expecting a game about ship girls and minis for such, I feel partially betrayed.
Sorry user, have a battleship as recompense.

>These models are rather expensive. What kind of scale is this?
Dropzone Commander is 1:183 scale (10mm) and Dropfleet Commander is 1:9150 scale (0.2 mm).

(all of these prices are before discounts, which run between 10% to 20%)

As for the ship models themselves, ships as of now come in 3 hulls; frigates, cruisers (light cruisers, cruisers, and heavy cruisers), and battleships.
Frigates come in a set of 8 frigates for about 38 dollars, cruisers come in a set of 2 for about 30 dollars, and battleships come by themselves for 45 dollars (unlike cruisers and frigates, they're resin, not plastic).
In addition, there are fleet bundles of 4 frigates and 3 cruisers for
60 dollars.
An "average" sized fleet will be comprised of (depending on how much you take of each) 12-20 frigates, 8-12 cruisers (of the three sizes), and 0-2 battleships, and should run a total of around 200 dollars.

For Dropzone Commander you can expect the same price point for an "average" army, being 1500 points, at 200 dollars.

The Ferrum is a rather expensive unit and you generally won't be taking more than one (maybe two) in an army.

The models are a little pricey. They are made in the UK vs China and the base dropzone stuff is mostly resin and metal.

Dropfleet is mostly plastic. You can see prices here for a starter fleet:


Thanks for the answers.

I don't know if I'll properly get into the games, but I might indulge in some of the models for hobby reasons.

If I'm rough-measuring correctly, the turrets on the UCM cruisers (such as the Moscow) are about 20mm from barrel tip to turret back. A bit on the small size if I were to try making a boatgirl at heroic scale. Oh well, guess that idea gets shelved until I get sculpting skills.

Yep, that's about the same length I got as well.

20 mm is very nearly an inch. More than big enough for 28 mm scale.

Oh, and just so you can see the aesthetics of the other factions, here are the other three battleships.



20mm is close to the size of a Spacemarine's boltgun, which is rather small if the intention is to make a heavy gear rig for a lady such as in the OP image. (And even worse should I try to use 30mm figures for her)

The Scourge ships kind of remind me of Dark Falz and related minions from PSO.

Thanks for the dump. Unfortunately the other fleets' designs aren't quite my cup of tea, though they do look nifty.

>Thanks for the dump. Unfortunately the other fleets' designs aren't quite my cup of tea, though they do look nifty.
Fair enough, the UCM are a great choice regardless

>2/3 a person's height is awfully small for a weapon that you're going to have several of
People like you are ridiculous

People like you are weebs.

So, newbie question.

I've seen that Shaltari seem to have a shitload of gunship style aircraft. Is it possible to run an army centered primarily around them?

Like, some infantry, of course, but a shitload of aircraft to support them.

>Disliking anime-style bad proportions makes you a weeb

In all honesty, they only have three gunships; don't get me wrong, they're great gunships: the firedrake is excellent at melting tank bricks and the firebird is great at popping big stuff, they're not really the "gunship" faction.

However, if you can fit two firedrakes in a list and maybe two or three squadrons of firebirds, you'll be second only to the UCM in terms of aircav.

You could do those and skimmers, which would seriously oversaturate enemy AA weapons while leaving their AT with few to no good targets.

UCM is Gunship Land Bruh

Forgetting something?

I tossed this together based on what you said, maybe some other anons can give some critiques.

Rapid Response
Clash: 1496/1500 points
Standard Army
Standard Roster [1496/1500 pts]

Gate Group [126 pts]
Spirit Gates: Spirit [43 pts]
Spirit Gates: Spirit [43 pts]
Haven: Haven [20 pts]
Haven: Haven [20 pts]

Court of Elders [286 pts]
Gharial: Gharial(Warchief) [210 pts]
Yari Squad: 2x Yari(+Light Ion Cannon), Yari(+Microwave Gun) [76 pts]

Swordpoint [194 pts]
Tomahawk Squad: 3x Tomahawk [114 pts]
Firebird Squad: 2x Firebird [80 pts]

Swordpoint [194 pts]
Tomahawk Squad: 3x Tomahawk [114 pts]
Firebird Squad: 2x Firebird [80 pts]

Warrior Clan [214 pts]
Firedrake: Firedrake [130 pts]
Pungari: 4x Pungari Auxiliaries [84 pts]

Warrior Clan [214 pts]
Firedrake: Firedrake [130 pts]
Pungari: 4x Pungari Auxiliaries [84 pts]

Speartip [268 pts]
Yari Squad: 2x Yari(+Light Ion Cannon), Yari(+Microwave Gun) [76 pts]
Firstborns: 2x Firstborns [96 pts]
Firstborns: 2x Firstborns [96 pts]

>No kukris
Absolutely not

Drop a squadron of firebirds, drop 1 yuri from each squad, and replace a pungari with a brave.
There's you're Kukri

When the turret housing is half the length of the piece, a 10cm turret barrel is indeed a bit small side for the intended ridiculous context.

Is there even any reason to have yaris?No, that puts it at pretty much the size seen in the OP image, which is great

>Is there even any reason to have yaris?
Fast as ALL FUCK, cheap rapid response AA, and command radius.

>you'll never have a map this cool

This guy in new jersey has one. You just have to believe in yourself user.

But I can barely make things look not-bad with a clean scheme, how can I make things look dirty and ruined without it being bad? Where do I even start?


>guy casually walks out of a building with his hands in his pockets after you brutally killed most of his unit
>better blindly charge forward and crush him like you did his friends, this couldn't be a trap at all
PHR technology is wasted on PHR personnel.

He was two splatter kills from a new perk unlock, cut him some slack.

I've never actually read this story, where do I find it?

>Menchit pilot gets him and his AI melted by plasmafire because he was trying for a new highscore and toying with destroyers
>Siren literally playing with a Shaltari firstborn, letting her own hand get cut off just so she could set up an epic trickshot
>Hades pilot letting legionaries think they had brought it down, because flaying them alive in a whirling cloud of nanomachines and methodically stomping on the survivors; got itself killed because it wanted to get one more point in

I'm not sure if I love or hate the PHR, but I'm fully expecting this attitude to be present in their fleet as well.

>"Admiral, that bombing run took out the last of the primary maneuvering thrusters on that Abandonist battlecruiser."
>"All ships, converge on that ship and finish the job!"
>Leo casually drifts through the gauntlet for two minutes before popping out its secondary fins and initiating rotational freefire

>just finished watching fate/zero because I'm a pleb and a weeb friend forced me to
>tfw Alexander


You missed out on some good threads back when it was airing. So much OC and insightful metaposting.

Fun facts: the episode where Iskander gets skewered aired within 24 hours of when the real Alexander died in Iraq, and THAT episode with the airliner and the rocket launcher aired on Mother's Day. UFOtable does good work.

Those poor Shaltari.

Are there any collections of printable 10mm terrain files around? I recently came into possession of a great deal of cardstock.

Hawk should have some on their website, check at the top of downloads and they have a choice of roads or buildings. should have some stuff there.

>1 yuri

>[lesbian spine rustling intensifies]

Looking over the Apollo - newbie that I am - I'm not sure what purpose the Manslayer Cannon option serves.

I have the impression infantry typically won't be hoofing it around out of cover unless your opponent is already in a poor game state, and there don't seem to be many ground vehicles greatly threatened by E6.

Is it an option meant entirely for bullying other light flankers and scouts?

It's good for taking out light vehicles, but ignoring soft cover is pretty nice against infantry too.

The thing I always worry about with Through Cover weapons vs infantry is you need them to come to the walls in order to be able to shoot them. Sniper has a similar problem, exacerbated by normally having a MF of 0". It's why Flame seems so much better than Through Cover, you can go after infantry even if they're hiding in the depths of a building.

True, but the mobility of the Apollo allows you to hunt down and molest any infantry at the walls or outside a building, even if they're far away. Flame is better but flame weapons tend to come with their own weaknesses.

It was in one of the news letters a while back.

Are you looking over the current rules? They got updated to be less shitty. Now they can fire off more rounds, take out groups of light vehicles and glare threateningly at infantry in buildings.

What's that Skippy? user's made another strawpoll?
(Multiple answers allowed, as there could well be overlap.)

>no option for all the cannons
I can tell that they're probably going to be subpar compared to the more specialized BTLs and bees, but I still love guns on ships.

That said, anti-ground guns are also rad.

Have we seen rules on bombardment yet? I would be interested to see how effective they are and how they will work in nodes that have both friendly and enemy troops

Not entirely, but looking at the ganymede's stats it seems to be just another weapon system, so it presumably shoots using the normal rules just at ground targets. (cont.)

So, I plan to start PHR in DFC if when the scene starts to form, the game proves itself. There are couple of kickstart backers in local meta, but one of them seems to have a hard one for PHR and plans to buy the freebies from others. So starting from scratch, what is the current view of what you need for a full fleet? One starter with extras? Two starters and battleship? Something other?

As for the targets, the different sector types seem to have hull and armour values just like ships. What I don't think has leaked yet is how troops take damage, whether the different types have different resistances to the "falling masonry" (for want of a better term) or if they just take direct damage from the bombardment.

>Two starters and battleship?
I'd say three starters and a battleship; 12 frigates, 9 cruisers, and 1 BB looks like it sits right in the middle of the projected ranges.
We'll just have to see how it works out when the rules and points costs come out.

I feel two starters is a solid way to go to begin with, it allows you to build a variety of ships, learn the game and see what sort of things work for you. One starter is a bit too limited, you won't be able to try out most options.

You can't use a battleship until you're playing the middle tier of games (Clash) so I'd be cautious about buying one right at the start. But that's just me.

Yes, but what does a hit do? Does the Ganymede just roll 6 dice, and remove one enemy token for each 3+? Who chooses which tokens to remove? Are there crits for orbital bombardment? Must all of the shots be fired into the same sector or just the same cluster? What if friendly troops are present? Can the cluster or sector itself be destroyed to deny it to the enemy? Are enemy armor and troop tokens treated the same way? What about orbital defense tokens (the ones delivered by bulk landers)? How close does it need to be for orbital bombardment?

How does this moon work? I presume it's in high orbit. Are space stations in low orbit? Do moons and space stations move? If they are low enough to be on the map then they should move quite quickly.

I wouldn't do it that way. I would get two starters and a battleship, then wait on corvettes and battlecruisers. Maybe pick up some destroyers later when those get released. And of course dreadnoughts will be coming at some point. That should be fun.

>Yes, but what does a hit do?

My bet is it's something like shooting at buildings with infantry inside in DzC.

>I wouldn't do it that way. I would get two starters and a battleship, then wait on corvettes and battlecruisers. Maybe pick up some destroyers later when those get released. And of course dreadnoughts will be coming at some point. That should be fun.
True, but you'll probably be missing out on full sized 1500 point games until then if you do that.

I'm honestly expecting 1500 point games to be about 2.5 SS +BB, so getting 3 and a BB will give you some room to play around with.
Besides, it's an excuse to have MORE ships than you need.

Having a few extra cruisers should also let you get more of those sweet, sweet light cruisers that make poorfags cry.

>How does this moon work? I presume it's in high orbit. Are space stations in low orbit? Do moons and space stations move? If they are low enough to be on the map then they should move quite quickly.
Note that it's followed by (LSO), which I would guess means "Large Satellite Object".
It's probably actually a phobos/deimos tier asteroid or "moon" in high orbit.

As for the stations, it's presumptive that they have the same gravity nullifiers as ships and are as such able to hold position.

This as well.
>tfw you're vaguely thinking about how to add on to the fleet if doing so without magnets and names
>considering just buying and building entire groups of frigates as I need more.

Is it best to jump is straight to 1500 points? Especially if you're not magnetising. I kind of feel it's better to play a bit at lower points, trying out some different compositions and ships, than make a 1500 point fleet and then start wishing you'd built that cruiser as a bombardment ship rather than another BTL, or whatever.

>It's probably actually a phobos/deimos tier asteroid or "moon" in high orbit.
Well it clearly needs to be much smaller than Earth's moon or it would be a whole map on its own. Luna is exceptionally large though.

It wouldn't even need to be as small as Phobos. Phobos is only a little over 20 km in diameter compared to something like 700-1000 km for the length of a map edge

>One of the greatest tenants of strategic naval warfare is having to fight the war with the navy you have, not the navy you wish you had.
It's a bit different when you're making your navy to order as you go and the ships are clearly quite modular.

Fair point, but I don't think you can really go "wrong" with more general fleet compositions.
But yeah, it is implied that you'd play a few 750 or 1000 point games before taking the jump to 1500.

We'll just have to see how big the moon is (or whether it comes in multiple sizes) on scenarios to be sure.

So, to that one user who was wondering how to make energy fields, I found this post.


My guess would be that it's shown to scale with the clusters in that image, as that seems to be pushing the limits of reasonable size for gameplay purposes and I can think of no reason for it to be shown bigger than that.

I'd have done a hex pattern on the shield, the flaming PHR logo is a bit corny.

Not to say it doesn't still look rad as fuck, though.

You aren't thinking technochad enough

He couldn't use his impressive technique for something better than shitty orange/red with a blue shield?

To be fair, they're supposed to be lava themed.

I figured and it's...not super appealing to me.

Technically impressive but the actual scheme is odd

I agree. I think a hex pattern would have been better. Also if there was some way to make the rest of the shield be more transparent. Still it is quality work.

I'm with you, each ship is getting a name and a record of their achievements. If that means I end up owning way more ships then I every need then so be it.

Related note, what are people doing for naming schemes? I put together a list of cities and famous people from the country the ships class name is from. Makes it tricky that there are four US cities in there but ah well.

>Related note, what are people doing for naming schemes?
I have half of an idea for each of the factions, but I want to see the famous/infamous/known/encountered names for each class before thinking up lists and lists