What are some good one shot systems? One of my players is missing for the second session in a row...

What are some good one shot systems? One of my players is missing for the second session in a row, and I don't want to do anything important without him.

>inb4 Everyone is John and Actual Cannibal Shia Labeouf
We already have played both of those, looking for something new

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Maid RPG
freeform ERP

Final Stand. It's a really great beer and pretzels martial arts RPG, take a look.

I haven't played it so I'm not sure, but have you considered Paranoia?
I think there's even premade character sheets in one of the rulebooks

I don't hate you.

Seconding MAID.


>Maid RPG
I mean, I would, but a couple of my players are under 18
Any other thoughts?

Well, they can be cute genki maids.
Unless they are just under 18, in which case they are probably gonna be turbolewd maids.

Group is:
GM (me, 22)
19 yo, 21 yo, 16 yo, 17 yo
So yeah, probably turbolewd

Do it anyway. If nothing else you can get the alcohol to wash it all down and forget about it.


Fire up a session of Lasers & Feelings. Or Tactical Waifus


My favorite are:

>Survival horror that uses a Jenga tower for resolution. Really easy to learn, and the tower is a great pacing mechanic.

10 Candles
>Tragic horror where everyone will die but you MUST keep the hope burning. Really good for atmospheric stuff.

>Think Coen Brothers films: a bunch of people have plans and they all fuck up in glorious fashion.

>A great high politics system. I run live action games with it. Great if you wanna do some Game of Thrones shit.

>P J Denee
Thanks, dude.

Had a blast playing The Quiet Year last night. You use a play-generated map to tell the story of one year in a post-apocalyptic community, before the Frost Shepherds inevitably arrive.

Paranoia. It also helps get all those PVP impulses out.

>What are some good one shot systems

Any system your group is already used to with pre-built characters and a one-shot adventure.

Still gonna throw this out there though: GURPS Lite. No. Really. Just copy down a character template and have at it. 3d6 roll under, for EVERYTHING.

Also, these might interest you: dungeoncontest.com/



SHFT (Super Happy Fun Time)

No Leveling, Mostly based on D&D.

You roll up the 6 stats for D&D, but instead of Using from 1-20, you use from 1-6. Roll a d6 for each stat.

1-2= +1
3-4= +2
5-6= +3

Armor Class is the same.

You always start your characters in a "Beginning room," Be it a room you make, or literally the room you are running this in. They then have to make/find impromptu weapons/armor, then you run the Session.

Ryuutama or Tenra Bansho Zero

Need more GURPS in here!