/dcg/ Dropzone/Dropfleet Commander General

/dcg/ Dropzone/Dropfleet Commander General

Battlecruisers edition

Previous Thread

>Hawk Wagame's website, with links to models, rules, and forums

>DZC rules, units, errata, etc

>DZC Phase 2 units
>DZC Phase 2 rules and scenarios
>DZC Phase 2 fluff

>free DZC army builders

>dropfleet preorder, showing prices and lotsa pics

>DFC Kickstarter, lots of useful information to drudge through

>All currently leaked photos of the DFC rulebook, courtesy of the facebook group and multiple anons

Reminder to ignore bait, unless it is masterfully crafted.

Initial Topic of the Thread: What battlecruiser do you like the most, aesthetics wise? Rules wise?

The thing with Scourge is the counters for a Kevin Sorbo isn't to throw their own BB at it, that's literally what he wants.
Instead, throw a pair of Stryx and a pair of Djinn at it and have them munch it down in a cavalcade of Scalding Close Action attacks, because if nothing else it'll force the PHR player to use his Launch capacity on fighters to ablate that, and since you're using Lights and Mediums, his broadsides caliber rule doesn't kick in.

That said, against Scourge I'd probably give them a taste of their own medicine and go for a Minos. A Crippling CAW with F/S arcs, 2+ lock and double damage is gonna give those close combatants some pause before they close, and a pair of Torpedoes mean that you can punch out anything on the board. Hell, you might even want to use them to straight up take out both of those Stryx's. Seems like a waste you say? That's 4D6+8 CAW attacks with Scald you've just removed from the game. You can handle his Battleships with your Bombers.
Then the Scourge player dumps both of his Corruptor torps into the Minos, or he has his BC's beeline for your Heavy Troop Ships and cripple it, and back and forth it goes.

>What battlecruiser do you like the most, aesthetics wise? Rules wise?
The basilisk, and the basilisk. That shark fin crest is lovely, and flows nicely into the tail curves, and I like the "jaws" of the model too. And that much firepower with stealth and full cloak just looks like a hell of a lot of fun.

The nice thing about the Leonidas and the Ajax is that with the caliber rule it takes exactly 12 shots to put 4 damage on a 4+ save frigate, so you don't have to worry too much about overkill

>What battlecruiser do you like the most, aesthetics wise? Rules wise?

As I said in greater length in the last thread:

Atlantis wins out due to it being an amazing multirole ship that combines the best of it's two costituent ships with none of the downsides.
The Avalon is cool, but bloom limits it's lifespan to one murderous hellblast, and then death, and it's too many points for that.

Both are great for taking on mediums and lights. The Bassie has a battleships amount of occulus beams, whilst the Mantie is an invisible Wyvern with a Torpedo. Both will want to kite opponents or hit them in the flanks.

Leo is fine, Skippy is better. It just IS.

The Adamant can do everything, the Palladium can do everything else. Which one depends on what you need in your fleet.

Best overall? Lookswise probably either Bassie/Mantie (the differences are minimal) or the Scipio. ruleswise, either Bassie/Mantie or the Atlantis. The latter for their cloak shenannigans, and the former for it's great multirole nature.


Am I the only one disappointed the Atlantis didnt get all 4 of its heavy guns as a single weapons profile? Now its "just" a Moscow with Seattle launch capacity. It can potentially attack 6 targets at once, so that's cool I guess.

starting hull points under 4 dont need to roll on here, over 10 you add +1 to your roll (this means scourge and shaltari light cruisers are less likely to blow up massively)

Crippling table

I'm so chuffed that this got 3+ armour.

I think you're the first person in this general to say that the Basilisk is your favorite battlecruiser, most don't like the design.

To be fair, it is the only Scourge ship with 3+; it kinda needs it with its larger sig than other factions.

It was seeing it from the right angle, really. I feel the low angles used in the official photos make it look fat rather than sleek, but seeing the basilisk from above (like in pic related) just made it all click.

Damn, that does look much better.

The big bulgy occulus pods are a bit weird, but not necessarily bad imo.


Something interesting to note about the factions, is that only the UCM and Scourge have "tiers" of weapons; the PHR have (theoretically) equal but different weapon variations, and the Shaltari only use two or three weapons, just in varying sizes. All factions, however, use tiers of CAW.

>guns (per turret)
Tier zero:
Light mass driver; 4+ lock, 1 attack, 1 damage
Tier one:
Medium mass driver; 4+ lock, 2 attack, 1 damage
Tier two:
(2) Heavy mass driver 3+ lock, 4 attack, 1 damage
(3) Heavy mass driver 3+ lock, 6 attack, 1 damage

Tier zero:
Occulus rays; 3+ lock, 1 attack, 1 damage
Tier one:
Occulus beams; 3+ lock, 1 attack, 2 damage
Tier two:
Occulus beam array; 3+ lock, 2 attack, 2 damage
Tier three:
Occulus beam phalanx; 3+ lock, 3 attack, 2 damage

Tier zero:
Plasma cloud; 3+ lock, 2 attack, 1 damage
Tier one:
Plasma storm; 3+ lock, d6+2 attack, 1 damage
Tier two:
Plasma tempest; 3+ lock, 2d6+4 attack, 1 damage
Plasma cyclone; 2+ lock, d6+2 attack, 1 damage


I'm in the same boat as you; it would have been even better if the profiles were linked.


>tfw your savior has left you

Moth is the hero we need.

Moth, pls gib UCM color schemes pages!

Post pictures of bright lights to ensure Moth's swift and safe return.



He's Euro, isn't he?
It's at the very least like 2 in the morning over there.

Shit, I did not think of this at all; the alternate color scheme pages would be great to see.

pls do not zap moth


>Palladium hulls are ancient and have been replaced by Sapphires
Where were you when fickle shaltari aesthetics replaced a battlecruiser type with a near identical type?

>Where were you when fickle shaltari aesthetics replaced a battlecruiser type with a near identical type?
We don't know what the Sapphire looks like yet, user.

I posted them all 2 threads ago

Uniform Grey (army painter primer)
or intermediate blue(model colour by vellejo_
over tamiya white surface primer

chrome, white (model air vallejo)

black,bloody red, electric blue, cadmium skin, camo green (game colour by vallejo)

black shad and umber shade (vallejo)


basecoat- platemail metal (army painter)
or chrome (moderl air by vallejo) over tamiya fine white primer

black, bloody red, gory red, glorious gold, dead white (game colour by Vallejo)

black shade, umber shade (washes by vallejo)
green, magenta, plasma fluid (minitair by badger) Airbrush or water down

skeleton bone (army painter)

or aged white (model air velejo)
over tamiya white surface primer


chrome, golden brown (model air vallejo)
black, white, bloody red. electric blue, magic blue. camo green(vallejo game colour)

black shade, wash shad (vallejo)

dragon red (army painter)

yellow (model air vall) and red tone ink (army painter) over tamiya white primer


chrome, white (model air vallejo)
black, glorious gold, electric blue, silver, camo green (GC vallejo)

black, umber shade (vallejo)

>tfw you have been checking your email at least 3 times an hour since last week
>despite having email notifications turned on
Help me.

I think user means the pages where they have the alternate color schemes, like pic related in the DZC books.

There are none only the main colour scheme probably didnt have enough time for it, I would assume those will come in in either 2nd dropfleet book or version 1.1 (may have photos of community fleets)

Oh, well that's a tad disappointing. Thanks anyways!

right im going to bed, for now have the sector bonus rules. someone else can repost the ship profiles from last thread as im lazy


Night dude, thanks for all the pics!




Why are UCM lasers better?






What was the damage on PHR torpedoes?

Same as it is for the UCM torpedoes.

Next faction will have attack 2 torpedoes.

The cobra isn't better than the double PHR laser, but the PHR put a smaller 1 attack 3+ hit burnthrough (3) flash on the Ajax and the BTL frigate


This is great

Our hero returns!


>Ships of the class: Alexander's Ambition, Socrates, Fireheart, Salamis

My dumb theory that the entire PHR faction exists purely to be a MSG reference continues to grow on me.

Fuck, I linked the wrong post. It was supposed to be to

>The Crimson Monolith
holy god that name is metal.

What do you expect for a ship that's a giant, spiky guitar?

Daily reminder that Djinn a best.

I have been dying to see the rules for the Taipei

>tfw I thought the ships were about Armada scale.

>43 points
>d6+2 of CA with a 3+ and scald
>12" thrust and 3" sig

I'm grabbing as many of these fuckers as I can. Fucking lethal little ninjas.

How big is Armada scale?

Don't forget their brothers, user.


>Caliber (H&S)
So heavy and small?

Fuck, I just started getting into DZC and bought a rifle recently. But I've always had a soft spot for space combat games and frankly, I love the Scourge aesthetics and rules. Fucking hell, I may just have to get a starter box. Or two.

L- Light (corvettes and frigates)
M- Medium (light cruisers and cruisers)
H- Heavy (heavy cruisers and battlecruisers)
S- Superheavy (battleships and dreadnoughts)

Yeah, the Scourge are pretty cool. Go for it senpai, 6 cruisers and 8 frigates is a respectable starting force.

>breaking up HCs, BCs, BBs, DN

I don't get it

It just seems like they're making the caliber gimmick a little too wide-ranging. I think Corvettes-CLs, C/HC, and BC-DN would be a better range.

I don't think so, because it heavily plays into how the fleet org is currently set out.

In any case, it's not like the heavy guns will have more targets to shoot at than light guns; at a clash level game, you can have a max of 4 heavies and/or 2 superheavies, if you tailor your list towards it.

The Taipei is just the standard frigate profile, but with Shark missiles rather than Barracuda missiles. See

>In any case, it's not like the heavy guns will have more targets to shoot at than light guns; at a clash level game, you can have a max of 4 heavies and/or 2 superheavies, if you tailor your list towards it.
That's the point. They're overly niche. Just merge H and S.


But there's no benefits to it, only costs, as now fleet balance is potentially thrown off.

Now there's no reason for flag groups, and you'll end up being able to take battleships in skirmish, or like ten battlecruisers in battle, and that entire portion of fleet org is now screwed over.

I mean Caliber-wise, ya dong.

Yes, but my point is that that ship tonnages are not just relevant for caliber, but are instead mostly so for fleet org. There's no benefit to merging H and S, besides saving two characters when typing out "Caliber (H&S)"

The only ship the heavy guns negatively affect strongly is the Perseus, which is just straight up inferior to its alternatives.

The Achilles has been revealed to be very cheap for its torpedo (165 points) and 4 heavy guns aren't amazing but they will out DPS 8 medium shots against HCs, BCs and BBs.

The Minos/Heracles have 6 heavy shots which is just superior to 8 medium shots against all targets and much better against heavies. Its their secondary weapon anyway.

Thankfully heavy guns seem to be pretty damn cheap.

>and 4 heavy guns aren't amazing but they will out DPS 8 medium shots against HCs, BCs and BBs.
Only barely so, by about 10% against 3+ armor. Against 4+ armor, they're identical to medium guns on average.

Which for the Achilles is fine because you take it for the cheap ass torpedo. The heavy guns are a nice way of putting more reliable damage on a ship but with less overall potential.



>scourge torpedo does 1 extra damage per round, not counting the one it was fired in, to the ship it hits for the rest of the game
>but it only does 4 damage instead of 6
>have to have the enemy ship get Razorwormed for 3 turns for a net damage profit

well it was a cool idea

Can the effect stack? Because if so that's how you kill battleships. Smack em with 2, let them get chewed to crippled while you clean up the escorts, then give the battleship one massive whack to finish the deal.

two torpedoes is either a demon (or is it the other BB?) or two expensive BCs. Its a neat combo but it had better for how much it costs.

And even then two normal torpedos can just do 12 damage up front without waiting.

>two torpedoes is either a demon (or is it the other BB?)
Dragon is the one with the torps and launch assets.

True. I think it should act as more of an implicit threat for an opponent to slow his roll a bit rather than come running full pelt at you. I've got a photo we were missing in this thread, anyone have the scourge launch asset stats?

Are you surprised? Scourge have never really been great with long range weapons. They're more about getting up close and shoving their plasma dick directly down an enemy ship's throat.

I got you my dude.

Thanks! So if the torpedo gets into range its pretty likely to deal its damage. I forget, do you have to have the target in launch range to hit them with the torpedo? Or can you launch it early and let it drift forward for a turn?

>I forget, do you have to have the target in launch range to hit them with the torpedo? Or can you launch it early and let it drift forward for a turn?
Launch assets basically get to everything within a turn if they're within 2*their thrust, withing two turns if it's 3*their thrust, and so forth, I think.

Can someone please tell me the appeal of Dropzone/Dropfleet Commander?
I really like Epic 40k and Battlefleet Gothic, so what differences are there between the two?

>Can someone please tell me the appeal of Dropfleet Commander?
Great models, rules co-written by Andy Chambers, gameplay that doesn't boil down to "kill everyone else", along with some unique mechanics that make maneuvering and fighting in orbit much more tactically rich and deep than Napoleonic naval warfare with a coat of space paint.

If you're interested, I'd be happy to detail some of the bigger mechanics present in DFC.

>along with some unique mechanics that make maneuvering and fighting in orbit much more tactically rich and deep than Napoleonic naval warfare with a coat of space paint.

How does it accomplish that? That was definitely one of my bigger problems with BFG.

>difference between epic and dropzone
Dropzone uses dropships to make the game more fast paced, has a smaller scale, and from what I've seen has more complicated rules involving urban scenarios. I'm not super familiar with Epic so I can't comment much on the accuracy of these statements or other things that might be true, but I am unaware of.
>BFG and Dropfleet
Facing some unaware information, but the obvious is a bit more apparent. Because of orbital layers and the emphasis on objectives, frigates and corvettes have a higher importance to them. You're encouraged to play the objective much harder, and these objectives require undergunned vessels that can create a more tenuous balance between lists. Additionally there's a lot of submarine warfare going on, as ships have to extend their scan range to meet the enemies signature. This can lead to some tense games where orders that give you a small scale tactical advantage could give you a bad long term advanage, as you might win a slugfest against your equal but his buddies will now suddenly be able to reach out at a much longer range and give you a kiss on the nose. Turns out 7 or 8 ships firing their one weapon on standard orders can still put down a ship going weapons free to fire all its guns, and the range advantage will be icing on the cake.

>How does it accomplish that? That was definitely one of my bigger problems with BFG.

There are two or three big "selling point" mechanics for DFC, and are as follows.
"range =scan+signature+spikes"
"movement and special orders"
"orbital layers"

>range =scan+signature+spikes
In essence, every weapon except for Close Action weapons (more on those later) has potentially infinite range. The current range of a weapon is determined by the Scan of the ship that is attacking, and the Signature of the ship that is being attacked.

Let us imagine an example where a ship with a scan of 6" has two potential targets; a battleship with a signature of 12" that is 18" away, and a frigate with a signature of 3" that is 12" away.

If our ship were to attack the battleship, it's range would be scan+signature, which is 6"+12" =18"; the enemy ship is just within range.
If our ship were to attack the frigate, it's range would be 6"+3" =9", which is 3" short from where the frigate actually is; our ship cannot attack the frigate.
As you can see, absolute distance means less than relative distance, based on how big of a signature the target has.
In addition, a ship is ALWAYS targetable if it's within your scan range, even if it's signature is 0".

Spikes are status effects that modify the size of a signature, coming in either a minor (+6") or major (+12") form. These are caused by undergroing special orders such as firing all weapons, going max thrust, holding position, and so forth.

Fluffwise, this can be explained as follows; your scan range is the range at which your scanners can overpower any and all enemy attempts at cloaking, stealth, spoofing, or what have you. If an enemy's signature is big enough, even though it's outside your scanners optimal range, you can secure suitable fire control to be reasonably sure at hitting the enemy ship; the enemy ship having spikes on makes it "light up", allowing your sensors to get a lock at longer ranges.

Speaking of fluff, what is the basic rundown of the setting?

>movement and special orders
Every ship in the game has a "thrust" value. Under standard orders, a ship MUST move between half and all of its thrust, and may turn up to 45 degrees at the beginning of movement. In the absence of special orders, this means that ships are constantly heading towards each other or arching around, and cannot stay still.

Special orders, however, modify the movement and actions ship may normally take, a few examples are:
Weapons Free: While a ship may normally only fire one weapon profile (+close action weapons), under weapons free a ship may fire ALL of its weapons systems, at the cost of being unable to turn, having to move between half and all of its thrust, as well as taking a major spike (+12" to its signature)
Station Keeping: The ship may move between none or half of its thrust value, may turn 45 degrees at the beginning of its movement, and may fire one weapon system, at the cost of taking a minor spike.
Course Change: The ship may turn 45 degrees twice at any point(s) during its movement, move between half and all of its thrust, and fire one weapon, at the cost of a minor spike.
Max Thrust: The ship may turn 45 degrees at the beginning of its movement, fire one weapon system, and move between all and double its thrust, at the cost of a minor spike.

I forgot to talk about this last post, but Close Action weapons are basically just weapons that you can only fire at enemy ships within scan range; they usually have a large (but random) volume of fire, but can be negated by enemy point defense in addition to armor.

>orbital layers
The battlefield is divided into three layers, High Orbit, Low Orbit, and Atmosphere.

Most ships cannot enter atmos, and will burn up and be destroyed upon doing so.
Ships firing between orbital layers incur an accuracy penalty.
Pretty much every single objective in the game can only be interacted with at low orbit or atmospheric level.
Dropping down orbits costs nothing, but moving up orbits takes a big chunk out of your thrust.
Weapons fired against ships in atmosphere are horrendously inaccurate, and are increased to hitting on a 6+ on a d6; in addition, ships in atmosphere are drastically slowed.

I forgot this one, but
>attacking, damage, and crippling damage
Every weapon has three values; Lock, Attacks, and Damage.
When a weapon is used to attack, it rolls a number of dice equal to its attack value. All dice that roll at or over the lock value are considered hits, and all those that roll 2 or more over the lock value are considered critical hits.
When a non-critical hits an enemy ship, it does damage to that ship equal to its damage value. The enemy ship then makes an armor save against each individual point of damage.
When a critical hits an enemy ship, the damage is applied to the enemy ship immediately with no saves.

When a ship is reduced to 50% or less of its original health, it becomes crippled and has to roll on , usually resulting it in getting a nasty status effect, taking more damage, or outright blowing up.

The background is that the Humans met the Shaltari (an ancient alien race) the Shaltari gave the humans coordinates for a series of rich systems which came to be called the cradle worlds. This lead to an era of peace and prosperity for humanity. However after some time this was disturbed by the crashing of a small alien object onto earth, a white sphere about the size of a tennis ball. This artifact was taken to a research lab where during study it hacked into the network and arranged for its own disappearance. It then began broadcasting a signal indicating an impending doom was approaching and anyone who was concerned should arrive at certain coordinates at a certain time. This began dissent in the human populous, at the indicated time a large number of dissenters gathered at the coordinates in a ragtag fleet of ships, the EAA Fleet ordered them to disperse and a battle ensued, and the abandonists left once the sphere sent the coordinates they were to jump to. The EAA fleet took heavy damage during the brief battle. Two days later the spheres warning came true and a mass invasion by the aliens known as the Scourge began. The Earth and cradle planets were quickly overwhelmed and occupied. Some refugees made it out to the outer EAA colonies sabotaging jump nodes as they left. These outer colonies formed the UCM (united colonies of man) and vowed revenge agains the scourge plotting a military build up that would result in the reconquest of the earth and the cradle planets.

The game is set just as this reconquest has begun. The UCM has launched a massive assault on the the scourge held cradle worlds in an attempt to reconquer them and liberate the human resistance left behind during the scourge assault. The Abandonists who fled with the white sphere just prior have returned as the PHR (post human republic) and seem to oppose the reconquest for hidden reasons they have yet revealed. The Shaltari are also clandestinely involved

Also, just how popular is it? Is it the sort of game where I have to get multiple armies because otherwise I'd never be able to play it?