I'm not shilling Veeky Forums because it has low metrics, low eyeballs and low impact

i'm not shilling Veeky Forums because it has low metrics, low eyeballs and low impact.

i'm writing this because i bought bitcoin at $100, ethereum at $8 and eos at $0.8x on period #0.

i'm writing this because you're my internet brethren. i'm writing this because i care.

i sincerely believe the overall market cap of cryptographic assets will eventually shoot into the trillions and eos will be #2, second only to bitcoin.

once again, i'm writing this because i care. i'm 30something and have been "rich" for years. i've been deeply immersed in troll/hacker/entrepreneur subcultures long before and after the inception of Veeky Forums.

eos will eventually make you a millionaire if you buy 5,000 or more, and hold it.

i'm writing this because i care. i already have a huge position.

i'm writing this because i care. please don't fuck up, guys.

ask me anything about eos.

Other urls found in this thread:


please pay attention.

>i'm writing this because i bought bitcoin at $100, ethereum at $8 and eos at $0.8

Show us some proof.

why/how is eos going to beat litecoin ether iota bcc ripple dash monero

what does it offer that stands apart from these

If you actually read the white paper you will see that it's 100% centralized, and not temperproof.

nothing crazy. on my iphone. some old profit taking.

How can it compete with ethereum when its an ethereum token itself right now


decentralized free transactions scalable to millions of transactions per second with a 1 billion dollar capital injection program. google: eos 1 billion war chest

>everything cryptocurrency is trying to fix
>thinks it will succeed

eos is decentralized. dpos is decentralized. why are you lying? or are you misinformed?

I live in London.

A few months ago I saw EOS advertised on the side of a f-ing black cab - I wasn't happy seeing that.

So why have they got this huge advertising budget and who's advertising on the side of taxis in London (UK's not the biggest crypto player as far as I can see) - that's quite a budget for crypto.

This project is really really good, first time I'm seeing it on biz (neets tards don't push these projects).
I wanted to buy some but it's already up 250%. Currently dipping but waiting for a good entry.
Any idea where it should go back ? Don't want to miss this one.

they are backed by serious, serious money. this isn't a game, guys.

advanced enterprise programmers will sing praises of eos / webassembly smart contracts. when the smartest programmers in the room talk about the ethereum killer, the mainstream media and institutional money talk about the ethereum killer.

i beg you motherfuckers to listen to me. hold eos for 2 to 5 years. i'm writing this because. i. care.

Shitcoin scam, the token has no reason to appreciate in value and the devs admit it was for fundraising purposes.

IDGAF when you bought BTC or ETH, you're still retarded. I bought at $200 and $7, respectively, but at least I know it doesn't mean shit when it comes to my analysis of a project and it's potential returns. FUCK OFF PAJEET

IOTA is centralized and plutocratic.
Think you're mixing them up, fellof Veeky Forumsraelian

wrong, do some research

why dont I just buy it in 2-5 years and hold them while its gaining

>centralized and plutocratic.
if true free win

The token has every reason to appreciate in value, sandniggur.

What do you mean the token has no reason to appreciate in value? Do you mean the ERC20 token or the coin they will release in the future once it is launched?

Is this legit guys? Planning on investing some big cash

What does this even do and why would it kill ETH when it has loads of corporate backing already? Also does it allow staking, saw someone post about DPOS here. What's the yearly ROI

eos will appreciate in value as it is actually used for enterprise development. the market cap of eos is going to fucking explode. eos is internet real estate. people will be able to rent eos to developers if it's "too expensive." eos will appreciate because nobody who understands eos has the balls to sell.

eos is *the* fastest and enterprise friendly blockchain to have *ever* existed

not only is eos *the best and fastest blockchain in history* but they will be injecting ONE BILLION DOLLARS INTO EOS PROJECTS.

It's a Larimer project so you know it should be fairly solid and there will be an end product at least.

>hold eos for 2 to 5 years.
No, hold it until ethereum is about to start sharding or even just transitions fully to POS with functional plasma. That's when the "ethereum killer" illusion will die and EOS will dump hard. People will fomo EOS before that point though, so strap in for a ride.

Do you mean the ERC20 token or the coin they will release in the future?

the ethereum enterprise alliance can make all of the trendy partnerships they want to. that's easy.

even if ethereum does scale in 3 to 5 years it will always require transaction fees.

you cannot build facebook on ethereum. you can build facebook on eos.



I put £2.5k speculative money in BTC at $700 last year as I was watching the capital flight in China pushing the price up.

I'm thinking now after the crash what's a hold for the next 5 years because I don't need to cash anything out, don't want to faff around with CGT and don't know the risk-reward on all the stupid money.

So I'll ask you this:

If like EOS, what do you think of PPT and VERI?

ethereum can shard and scale all it wants to, because ethereum will always charge transaction fees.

once again, even if ethereum scales, it's not cost effective to build facebook or run nasdaq on ethereum.

you can run facebook and nasdaq on eos.

transaction fees killed ethereum long before single threading and crypto kitties.

i'm. writing. this. because. i. care.

please. fucking. listen.

why the fuck do you care so much about loser neets.....

i will invest 5k into this if you show me some proof of your claim. How much are you holding OP?

the erc20 will be frozen and eos tokens will be redeemed on the community selected, permanent, eos blockchain.

What's the point of a decentralized facebook? How many app ideas are actually improved from the average user's point of view by decentralization?

Same here, willing to go totally in on this one

fuck off faggot no one wants to buy your Steem scamcoin

People consider this a valid token?

Holy shit.

because i'm a neet in spirit. i was bullied in school. i ended up leaving home at 18 and becoming successful online in the early 2000s and beyond. against all odds.

i want you all to be positioned to elevate yourselves above everyone who ever doubted you like i have.

i care because i like underdog stories and epic comebacks.

If you believe in the potential and the tech, why are you so finicky about an entry point? look back at the doofuses hemming and hawwing about $5 here and there on the price of bitcoin. Either you care about short term or long term, focusing on both is how I've lost all my money in the past.

when will the change from eth blockchain to EOS take place?

lack of a single point of failure.

>Holy shit.

I like the fact you don't like it - however do you have any critique I'm always curious...?

june 2018

And how ecactly does that work? you can change your old EOS erc20 for new ones on EOS's own blockchain or what? (thx by the way)

I think you need to register your EOS tokens until June 2018 using a smart contract

>lack of a single point of failure.

That's a very basic plus - but I understand if you're looking to make the winning OS for dApps there's a lot of centralised service industries you can suck money out of which makes it pay.

But who is the big money behind this? What previous examples would you compare this to if you've been at this since the noughties?

you register the public/private keys on a non-us ip address at the eos.io token distribution web interface. then you write those keys down. then the erc20 tokens will become useless and you will have your ticket to *the* blockchain.

I'm really tempted to buy 2000 of these shits. Seems too good to be true

hey OP what are projects u think will go 10-50x? How many EOS u hold? Thinking of picking up 10k but waiting for pullback.

i've seen nothing like eos dude. i can't really compare it to anything. it's powerful.

Do you have any suggestions on price action and good buy in points? I can imagine that if this blows up everything is a good buy level right now.
I'm an idiot and bought only 15 tokens back when it was under 1$.

i honestly only care about major long term holds. i only care about eos right now. if i were to diversify i'd probably put 15% into iota in the event they deliver. i would like to own equity in the hashgraph company too but that's not for sale and there's no hashgraph ico. i would advise you to keep your eye on hashgraph projects, though. many of which i'm sure will have icos.

i'm all in eos for the long haul.

average out your eos buy in over the next 10 months and wait.

ok whatever im shilling



It's just you understand back in the day of personal computers kicking off there was some tense shit going on seeing which OS would succeed in getting the network effects for super-dominance - this scene is far more frenetic.

I have a full time job and I just follow this shit like all other finance because I hate the idea of not having a rough idea what's happening since 2008 since the financial fabric of the globe is something which affects us all whether we like it or not.

So I'm not literate on all of it - I don't know who can be now, I just have to gauge it from motivations and intuition on the macroscopic.

So including some tech perhaps I'd like to ask:

1. What have been some of the formative insights you've made which let you make such calls.

2. Small picture: What's some of the basic competitive tech out there and what should I be sufficiently literate in to judge?

3. Big picture: What does the world look like 5 and 10 years down the line if EOS succeeds vs an equivalent?

noobish question

is there any benefit to going through their ico offering as opposed to binance/bitfinex?

>i honestly only care about major long term holds

Same here - I can't do this intraday stuff I haven't the time.

Why non us ip? I want to believe you but this is Veeky Forums

Lol this is such a shitcoin.

I emailed them about a vulnerability 4 days ago and they won't answer.

They really can't into security.

where can I best get my hands on some good good eos?

> 1. What have been some of the formative insights you've made which let you make such calls.

i've historically run with pretty smart hackers and internet entrepreneurs. i've also historically been good at spotting future trends early. music, crypto, sex, etc. i weigh variables such as hearing about something from a neutral source i'm unassociated with awhile after hearing something from a respected source. i can sense buzz and i understand trends, technology and greed.

> 2. Small picture: What's some of the basic competitive tech out there and what should I be sufficiently literate in to judge?

hashgraph and iota

> 3. Big picture: What does the world look like 5 and 10 years down the line if EOS succeeds vs an equivalent?

the world looks the same. people won't understand valuable data and asset transfers and holdings are facilitated and hosted by distributed ledgers. it will become less mystifying and experimental. it will just be.

how critical? no response? drop a full disclosure.

So if they've got the billions incoming why do they need any money from us?


they don't, but block.one is a business. a very successful one.

how likely is it that ill be a millionaire in a few years because of one shill on Veeky Forums.... hmm...

Meh, I've got some time off now so one of things I was planning to do was sell the forks from BTC and put it into something for a 5 year medium term bet - I'll weigh this one.

literally a scam
20+ posts on reddit discussing obvious scam in the past 2 months

i'm not shilling. i'm really, really not. i'm sharing the good news, except instead of jesus it's eos and it actually exists.

future me says you're welcome.

guys, i really do care. i'm leaving this thread now. stuff to do.

i wrote this not for personal gain or to rationalize my holdings, but because i genuinely care.

eos will enable you to shit all over anyone who ever fucking doubted you. fortune favors the bold, and crypto favors the patient.

pay attention and you'll be ok.

if you want to day trade this go ahead but long term? no fucking way, the developers admit that you're not buying anything of value with this coin, it has no value whatsoever.
"7.1. No Rights, Functionality or Features. EOS Tokens have no rights, uses, purpose, attributes, functionalities or features, express or implied. EOS Tokens do not entitle holders to participate on the EOS Platform, even if the EOS Platform is launched and the EOS.IO Software’s development is finished and the EOS.IO Software is adopted and implemented. 7.2. EOS Platform. Buyer should not purchase EOS Tokens in reliance on the EOS Platform because EOS Tokens are NOT usable on the EOS Platform and do not entitle Buyer to anything with respect to the EOS Platform."
why would someone invest in this? how can this take off if it has no foreseeable use or value?

20 baseless knee jerk conspiracy theories about recycling funds by bitter skeptics. all bullshit. eos isn't a scam. not even remotely. they'll eat their fucking words and so will you. i promise.

hahaha leaves out as soon as he's called out gj bro keep

>how likely is it that ill be a millionaire in a few years because of one shill on Veeky Forums.... hmm...

You'd be surprised if you pick the right shill, plus I don't get a shill vibe off this guy I believe he's sincere whether or not he's right.

What I don't like is I spotted EOS being advertised which I don't trust - why offer a money-maker to plebs when you have that sort of money behind you.

If you're on a winner in this sort of thing sure there's the tech and the talent however a lot of premium is just asymmetry of information - why spend that up a wall if there's billions coming in anyway...

legal. and the erc20 tokens serve no purpose. they'll be frozen, and if you didn't register your eos blockchain keys by then, you're fucked.

i'm sorry, dude. i hope you get over your eos skepticism.

scam, just like all dan larimers projects

Damn user, I wont be able to buy 5k...but I wanna be there! Any tips on trading up in crypto?

still here. call me out. still addressing everything.

Weird you say this. Saw this on a semi normie forum regarding ltc today.

sarcasm i pray. steemit is a scam? that's the only "killer dapp" there is. excluding the ethereum breaking crypto kitties, i guess.

what makes you think EOS will fully deliver within the next years? isnt there a good chance this project is one of the many coins that wither away after ICO


i have invested in PPT at 3.50$ and VERI at 30$ +. Both are solid diamond god tier tokens that have a great future ahead of them.

I would like to invest in eos but have to little funds left to spend (i had to take out a loan to buy a decent amonut of PPT).

Crypto billionairehere, I personally know OP and in good faith can assure you that he truly does care. Please ignore the fact he has absolutely no factual evidence or reasoning behind why eos should moon, but he cares, so please buy eos and dont think at all thank you.


why does coca-cola buy super bowl commercials? they already have huge distribution contracts with international vendors.

eos will be the coca-cola of blockchain. to be fair, bitcoin is king. let's call bitcoin cocaine.

wow 1bn project
4 contributors
no activity since november

>not a scam

yeah i've seen this. read all of the comments. unfounded flat earth tier bullshit. people don't want to believe institutional money is stealth accumulating > $2mm eos per day for a year.

dan is a one man army. you think a blockchain architect / programming god like dan needs anyone getting in his fucking way and tampering with his code? please.


stay poor fag

Hi, I believe you but poor. Can you help a poor user invest? ill s your d or anything

reddit.com/r/ethereum/comments/760oqz/eos_might_be_a_money_laundering_scheme_suspicious/ reddit.com/r/ethtrader/comments/6px8mq/35_btc_just_disappeared_from_my_liquiio_account/ decentralize.today/the-ugly-truth-behind-steemit-1a525f5e156 reddit.com/r/ethereum/comments/6qm0y2/is_the_ethereum_team_defending_their_ground/dkyk94c/

Yeah you see I am a semi-normie - thing is, because we're not pure-bred Veeky Forums autists we've got some spectrum which we draw from as intuition - I put in on BTC in October last year because of chinese capital flight, I'm not sure the autists here pay attention to that stuff - medium picture thinker..

I've invested in EOS long before there was threads on BIZ, but I've made thread on EOS last month, EOS isn't anything new but its just not talked about for some reason.
Its a solid coin people want, it'll rise in value and reach the top 10 coins, I'm only here for that money

this looks so shady.... but i think OP can prove me wrong... r-right op??

First BitConnect and now EOS. Can investors be any more retarded these days?

Best way for us who have us ip's. I've been looking in to this recently and see potential. Also, best way for someone in the US to buy. I know it's on Kraken but the part about exchanging on their site is a little confusing.

Also glad to hear about your opinion on iota. I got in when it hit bitfinex. Currently waiting for the reclaim process to release but interesting long term possibilities there.

>I made money
I don't understand, I made money off EOS, and I'll continue to make more money off of it. And and look EOS is going up again.

So much FUD against EOS from mETH heads. Don't worry just keep accumulating EOS and watch what happens next summer when EOS is realeased with 100's to 1000's of working dApps with blazing fast tx per sec.

I own EOS and I will be a millionaire

How about FUD from Vitalik himself?
Is this then real?