Ok, let's cut this bullshit

Ok, let's cut this bullshit.

How much you are holding and what is your price prediction for EYO 2018?

i have 10k stinkie linkies and I want to get maybe 15k. These are the heaviest bags I've ever had but I can't stop buying more.

$0.25 by 2018 EYO


I'm never letting go

25k and i'm expecting 1.5$ EOY 18

Fuck off Assblaster

70k and I expect $2 EO2018 realistically


45k here. Just gonna sit on it until late 2018/early 2019, and basically forget I have them until then.

I'd like to think we can be around $1-1.20 by Q4 next year.

He'll tell his granchildren about this story.

2702 link. yes i am poor

unrealistically 50$ eoy 2018

Only 310

No idea but i have a really good feeling about it after learning more about what it does.

I want 10k of this shit

95k will get 100k and then dump on the first pump

5.9k started at 3k. Slowly making my way up to 10 day trading and buying more whenever i can. I will lock them up once i have 10k

Love fudding and shitting on this token

Ya these cheap LINK are great. Never thought I'd climb the ranks as high as I got but weak hands will make me a whale.

>what is your price prediction



The only way I can see this happening is if the Swift is not confirmed and the project is delayed. Why do you predict the cap will be so low? You don't believe the SWIFT hype?

Post >yfw this shitcoin goes up to 40-50 by eoy 2018
First thing I'm doing is buy a Miata and dropping a turbo in there.
Finally the Veeky Forums meme would have consumed me.
Crypto + ThinkPad + Miata + Gaymen PC + Obscure Russian watch

I'm holding 11889 links
EOY 2018 my prediction is 50$ more or less

I'm thinking at least $5. If SWIFT and mainnet is confirmed, along with adoption, even if just within the crypto space (like with what REQ is doing), it should easily be $25+.

Those you saying LINK will be $1-2 by the end of 2018 are basically admitting that the price is just going to keep going down in terms of satoshis.

Bought 41k today. instantly dropped 10%. I already hate this fucking coin so much despite all its future potential. Guess I am in for the long haul. Ledger arrived today and I am going to store this shit away. No daytrading.

99% sure assblaster = jordan belfort

This is a bad way to think about LINK. If its successful the market cap will likely be higher than we could even conceive of. If it fails it will be a few bucks and isn't worth talking about.

80k and won't sell

Yeah, it will be definitely XX$ EYO 2018 or something bad has been happened. Whole crypto marketcap will rise like madman in the next year.

My prediction is that LINK charts will look like IOTA's chart by March.

>First thing I'm doing is wasting my money
don't be stupid user you don't need a fucking expensive car, you should stop at buying the PC and then reinvest your money somewhere else. think about your future

house / flat is first thing I will buy.

>working product, used by big names like SWIFT means sky is the limit
>anything else = straight to 0

IF the EOY news is some mediocre bullshit along the lines of "hi, guys, we're working hard on the project, everything is going pretty great, lol!", prepare your anus, because the dump is going to be biblical.

>muh satoshis
Love how there's always new exciting ways to FUD link.

5$ (No partnership)
25$ (Swift onboard)

>How much you are holding

zero, can't buy this shit anywhere

if we get swift officially we hit $100 next year.
Buying every dip until $5

These are my numbers too for what its worth. And if we see Swift and $25, wait a few more years and we'll be looking at $200-300 with the volume its processing.

$300 next year

+1, this seems like a reasonable estimate.

Even with no partnership this will raise. The first decentralized oracle, this has so many uses. imo, decentralized oracle nodes is needed to connect to the outside world in most trustless way.


Not bags at all, I could sell now for 50% profit. But I have faith it will reach $1 next year minimum.

130k - i might cash out 30k if it pumps above 3k sats at least....

i know dude, does this coin even exist? it's not on coinbase??

76980 @ 00001501

never selling. going to the moon

It's not FUD, you literal spastic, it's basic logic.

If Bitcoin is x4 higher by this time next year than it is now (which is a very conservative estimate), then 0.00001600 sats (Link's current price, now valued at $0.26) will be valued at just over a dollar.

So people hoping for $1 by EOY 2018 are basically saying they don't mind if the dollar price remains comparable to what it is now in proportion to BTC's expected growth.

Meanwhile, if they'd just held onto BTC, they would have received a legitimate 4x in both satoshis and USD.

And all of this is assuming, of course, that LINK stays above 0.00001600 sats throughout 2018. It could go well below that (and has already done so a few times).

>tfw half of Veeky Forums becomes rich af

It will be a shitfest

well BTC mcap multiplied 90 times in 2017 alone
if the market keeps growing exponentially like this in 2018 too a $5 per link would be pathetic.

0.7$ by 2018 EYO

Sergey played this masterfully. LINK is surviving on HYPE alone, imagine what a single word from him would do. If he just posted on twitter that he's doing ANYTHING... boom

Just like every other alt, but you focus on LINK because you're fucking obsessed.


$40 soon please I wanna be rich

Yup. Its a goddamn pressure cooker man. At this point everyone on Veeky Forums has either been burned by LINK, or decided its a shitcoin. When something of substance appears and its clear its not a shitcoin this place is going to lose its shit.

I am holding 34k. That is a shit ton for me. However I think that this one is a no brainer. It might dip down (I hope it does) but this system will be around for 100 years.

In a year from now when LINK is $100+, people will pull out these old threads and probably commit suicide because they sold at $5 or didn't enter at all, and their shitcoins are worthless now.

Bro a miats is cheap af. Just buy an NA in good condition, and drop a turbo kit in there. Probably less than 6k all together.

When LINK is $100+, I will sell and buy a very fast/nice car and there is nothing you will do about it, you stupid tesla-loving libcuck homo.

Same here pham, I'll probably be getting an S2000 and leave the rest of my LINK for long term.

Tesla loving? What the fuck man. I was defending my position of buying a car once this shit goes nuclear. You should have quoted the guy that told me to hold and reinvest.

Don't worry. Veeky Forumsnessmen who make it usually end up gambling their absurd pure-luck gains away because they think they're a trading god for buying some shitcoin near the bottom and bagholding it for a year.

1k and I don't have any expectations. I bought for the meme. I don't plan on selling.

>How much you are holding
Hi Pajeets!

more like paying off my $20k LOC, my wife's engagement ring, previous stock losses.

Wish I knew about Veeky Forums earlier in life, I was fucking reading PIZZAGATE shit last yr in /pol/ rather than riding the ETH train.

Except you can't just assume bcore will keep going up. It's not like it's never mooned then stagnated for years before.

Especially looking at how futures has already effected it... and this is just the beginning.

BTC is neutered now. Smart money is in solid alts.

Around 10k, eoy 2018 prediction 1$ eoy 2022 8$. Im sure they'll deliver and will start to get used by some of the early start ups like req in Q2 2018, more will come. Also planning on running a node out of interest and some extra passive income

there's nothing wrong with tesla you idiot it's the best car money can buy

What do you guys think of the BMW M2?

What's a good 4 door car that is manual transmission?

Love the WRX or STi, but my wife hates Subaru.

2022 $8? If it's successfully implemented it will be far more than that especially once Sergey releases the distribution schedule on the 350 million and it turns out to be like a decade and people realize each dollar won't represent a billion dollar increase.

Kill her.

But seriously, M cars are awesome.

>What's a good 4 door car that is manual transmission?
Chevy SS

~200 dollars if it keeps up with bitcoin

Depends on the level of implementation. Even the team says there will be no one solution in the market. There will be multiple oracle providers for different things. Even now in 2017 for example ADA, corda and outside of crypto, Nokia, are working on their own solutions, oracles are huge and the use cases for blockchain unimaginable from our current perspective. Smart cities, IoT etc. There will be multiple platforms from open source to private and multiple data providers, this is the consensus in the field.

Listen to you fags argue about expensive cars. Even after I make it I'm still gonna drive a $20-30k comfy car with good mileage.

Most of you are gonna chimp out and spend your gainz of frivilous bullshit. Can't wait for the "I spent my gainz on luxury items and if I didn't I'd be a xxxillionaire :("

Personally, I predict $1-1.20 based on BTC's current fiat price. For argument's sake, let's say BTC stays at $15-16k by that point, I'd expect a LINK to be worth approximately 0.0075-0.01% of a bitcoin.

Anyone else stop showering after they started holding LINK so they can be a true stinky linky?

EOY 2018 is a long time, friends. The main net will be up and running, the big boys will be using it, lots of little people will be using it too. The answer is $10, minimum.

my friend i think you meant 10 rupees

Teslas are faster though. What now?

This so much

>This fucking delusion

with the hype around bitcoin now, no way its going to stagnate. BTC will hit 50-70k by the summer. Y