Itt we post things from Veeky Forums's past and see how many the oldfags remember

>itt we post things from Veeky Forums's past and see how many the oldfags remember

The Hamlet of Tyranny.
Red Wall.
*CLANG* What the fuck was that?!
The Sisters of Cleaning.
Living Midnight Bliss.
Ray of Mayo.
King Rogers.
Ruby Quest.
Joan Quest.
Tarrasque Siege Warfare.
Peasant Railgun.

Other urls found in this thread:


Love Can Bloom.

Wildcards: Sons of the Gun

Gav and Bob


It's not too hard to remember her when a new comic came out last week.

I know 7 or 8 if those, although I never got into Rubyquest.

also Crazy Hassan, Macha the eternal virgin, the original Dungeons the Dragoning thread

Rood the DoorforgedKNOB!

>inb4 Old Man Henderson

thanks for reminding me of that...

tarrasque with wizard levels, grandpa dreadnought, dranon's delight

and, a ONE

Oh no, not this garbage.

I remember GET IN THE BAG!


man, I've been on Veeky Forums a LOOOONG time...


Was it really 2012? Fuck, I thought it was a lot newer. Time flies.

Though looking back through my collection of caps, 2012/2013 weren't bad for storytimes. Rivals 2010 for quality content.

yeah, I miss the time I spent running Roll and Tell...not all of the smut was low quality porn either...

I liked the Engine Heart renaissance in late 2013/early 2014 personally.


Stairs, mankinds greatest enemy in the 41st millenium.

Plus Creed and Tankred.

Ruined by self-inserts.

so many things are.


Quests in general.

Honestly I still feel Veeky Forums should have Grandfathered House and spreadsheetsDominion in. Shit was running since 2011, goddamn.

I'm a newfag and I know at least half of these

thats because the oldfags keep bringing up old stuff thats kind of neat.

like the Wal-Pocalypse

or OikBane the wear-boar assassin

there are probably others, but those fall outside of my interests so I don't remember them

Man, I miss Walmart Apocalypse threads. And CATastrophe was comfy af. What else was around at the time? That one setting that had american necromancers with oil dinosaurs fighting nuclear russians and the british crown had a submarine/fae realm... I can't remember the name of it.


Was there ever a time when the Harem Knights were merely silly, or were they always full cringe? I recall being an amused lurker at the beginning, but maybe that's just nostalgia.

Yeah, it does seem pretty comfy. I remember getting involved in a group that was going to playtest it on a forum.
And then there were literally zero posts on that forum for a straight month. Then a few years later I find an updated version in a PDF thread and apparently there was some kind of major internal schism over making it not a D20 system.

Anyway, fire in the hole.

I contributed a thing or two and was there from the beginning.
There was a brief moment where it was silly and focused on rubbing elf ears. It didn't last very long. Next thing you know, there's one guy who liked Dark Souls a little too much with a bit of a cult of personality developing around him, races are being introduced by the dozen, and just generally bad fapfic.
But the funny part is that it was markedly unlewd until someone pushed the envelope by writing about milking a cowgirl. The dams kind of burst open after that.

Wasn't boatmurdered from something awful? I know it wasn't a chan because everyone had a name.

it was a dawrf fortress save-game that was passed around between several players.

the resulting fortress was elaborate and horrible and riddled with deathtraps and cages full of deadly monsters

>A Tarrasque appears on HOly Terra. Wat do?

I think this just served to prove that everything is worse with 40k.

Most of the Boatmurdered art I've seen was made here.
I first read it here.
In short, it's ours now, bitch.

I still plan on one day running a heavily modified version of the Dread Rue Tomb.

>Red Crawler
>Creepy Wall
>Unified Setting for Veeky Forums

Man, Crazy Hassan was the best

I remember the name

Man the story time for this was comfy as fuck.

I miss writefags, so so much.

Some of us are still here.
Although my contribution has been minimal in the long term.

Still here, been here since well before RubyQuest.

Still trying to produce decent content.

you think that's bad, think about every metal aun'shi that never got fielded , melted down for scrap, and replaced with resin.

Devil's Dixie, Dieselpunk, and Deus Volt.

Boatmurdered was Something Awful

Suffer not the furfag

I come from space!

Post scrotum or gtfo

Heretical Love Quest. That is all.



You are cancer, user. Not an oldfag.


Pools closed faggots

who remembers when these(CYOAs) didn't have a name or category?

Man, Jonias was just what we needed back then after that fucking glittery cunt


1d4chan exists

I'm going to bruteforce through these numbers and see what's the best combo.

>reducing speed

I'd disagree with you if mail reduced speed as well.
Ofc you're going to be slower when you're carrying a 15 kg plate armor compared to 0. But a mail armor is heavier than that.

Full plate armour does indeed make you less nimble. It also makes you overheat much faster, which has indirect effects on your speed from the get-go (you have to pace yourself, seriously, bring water). Does it slow you down as much as people like to think? Fuck no. Does it make you slower than just wearing leather or a shirt? Of course.

Oldfag? These pictures predate Veeky Forums. Some random drawfag did them for warhammer wednesdays on /b/.

.......fuck i've been here too long as I remember when these were new.

Still nobody has posted the techpriest edit of the jack chick tract of the dude holding the sandwich (the infamous "this sandwich is made of shit and aids" or some such).

Aim= 80/100
Damage= 12 (before mod)
Speed= 20


Mail + Sword
Lets see what this combo beats....
Defeats opponents in...
Unarmored w/ any weapon
Leather w/ any weapon
Mail w/spear
Plate w/ any weapon.

LOL yeah, this CYOA isn't bullshit.
>Mail w/sword beats Plate w/sword....
>Sword in anything short of plate beats any of these w/spear.

GTFO lmao


Tfw been here for like 6 years
Been a relatively notable content contributor
No mention of me

According to a script that tried every combination vs every combination, the one that can win vs the most opponents (15 wins) is mail+axe

Have the upgraded version

Deep Rot was a personal favorite of mine.

>Been a relatively notable content contributor
>No mention of me
Well then clearly you weren't that notable, you self-obsessed faglord


Made me remember the "we are monsters" meme.
Anyone know where that crap is archived?

I remember Veeky Forums turning 3. Having been here since 2012 does not a long time make.

...godfucking dammit I'm too old for this shit. I remember the days of laughing to this while closing pools, and downloading togi-chan pics on a dsl line. I need to retire...

The guy who did this died a few years ago. He was a crazy MFer and a good friend.
"The book" has become a much sought-after magic item in our games.

From the same group. Former gnome was the monkey-bot.



I have that too, here have one with even more options to min-max

Rap battles against the Lich
the story of the guardsman and the SoB
Drew the Lich
Mr Rogers in 40k
threads about how Pokemon was a grimdark postwar hell
Captain Hook was hunting a vampire Peter Pan
the tales of Grendel the Adept
the Illithid Bard
Scrooge McDuck
Wasteland Warrior threads
The Sisters of Cleaning
the Drow and the Paladin
8-Bit Dystopia

also, haven't been around lately, did I miss anything?
is Graveyard Shift still a thing?


I could be a newfag that just woke up from a coma who has just heard of Veeky Forums for the first time and i would still know what Boardmurdered is due to every single Dwarf Fortress community putting it on a silver pedestal and constantly talking about how great it is.

>Peasant railgun

Was this ever a specific thing or are you just referring to the commoner railgun method?

Boatmurdered isn't even a Veeky Forums thing - its fucking goons thinking they are funny. Remember: never trust a goon.

Hmm, what hasn't been mentioned yet?
What about
>Deep rot
>Anal circumference
and the related
>DC 80 escape artist anal spelunker
>Rape factory

And some of the newer ones
>That horrifying meatbread thing
>Hobo quest

Speaking of Anal, wasn't that madman with the marbles on Veeky Forums?

Oh yes he was. Thank God for suptg

>warhammer wednesdays
Made me smile. I had forgotten about that. Now I'm sad though... nostalgia's a bitch.

I suppose I should post the sequel as well.

Radio Wasteland
Server Crash
The Butter Golem
Mr Bombardini
The Moustache Luchadore's pickpocket skill "AMIGO, THIS ITEM HAS A MIGHTY FATE LOCKED WITHIN. WILL YOU NOT HELP ME FULFILL ITS DESTINY?" still makes me laugh all these years later.
The Eight of Hate

It is but lets be real here - Veeky Forums spawned way more quality OC than warhammer wednesdays ever did but I still remember those few moments of purity among the sea of piss that was (and is) /b/.

Remember: moot looked upon the island of Veeky Forums and saw it was unrelated to his interests. Fuck me I just remembered i've been here so long I missed the drama over Snacks by about 2 weeks.

>Graveyard Shift

Eh, I was around for the snacks era, don't recall much of it except for the random bans.
The real question is where were you the day /b/ died(the first time)?


This was the first thread I ever sat in on after arriving on Veeky Forums. How the time does fly.

>first thread

You'll get no argument from me user. I missed out on the glory days of Warhammer Wednesday.

They honestly were nothing special, but the people who posted in them liked to pretend they were. They were really just a drop in an ocean of piss.

>tfw they don't exist

Is this a Clerks RPG or something?

Nevermind, I only saw the last pdf. I'm still confused on how to play.

That's me too.
I don't think I posted before 2011.
I can't verify how long ago I started lurking, it feels like forever.
Eh, I'm a newfag, but I've been here since before OMH was overrated.