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dropbox.com/s/lsx27fo3rq2x7tk/Codex - Orks 7th Edition Update [Space Odin](2016).pdf?dl=0

First for Duncan, Lord of the Paints and Duncan Lord of the Questions.


Will Horus Heresy replace 40k in the long run?

I claim this thread in the name of the Emperor.

Imperial Guard, advance and show no mercy!

who is carnac and why is everyone talking about him ?

>Orks are a melee race
Why do you people say this?!
They're only I2!

What's the best army to scare away marine players?

Your mum's boyfriend.



You're right, I double checked.

>Orks are now a table hazard if you roll a 1 for mysterious objectives.

tau with plenty of ap2, interceptor, riptides and markerlights

He's an obnoxious Chaos/Necronfag. Used to be a tripfag named TIDF, but he no longer uses it once people started filtering him.

Is it me or all the new terrain is crude and in bad taste? It just looks wrong. Is it the paint work or the model?

Well yes, and their only real power weapon is the Power Klaw. They're a counterpunch melee race, using either high numbers or raw wounds and toughness to be able to take a hit and still win melee. Just imagine all the Orks are really into Roshambo.

I just read the FAQ's and it says that the Librarian Dreadnought shouldn't have the Specialist Weapon rule on it's Force Halberd.

That's fucking awesome. It now does 6A on the charge. With Quickening, that's a potential 9A on the charge. If you got lucky and rolled Electro-shield, you'd be a killing machine.

thanks, i hope i will never actually see him or one of his posts

Oh you will.

Are the IG religious or atheist?

>in bad taste
what did he mean by this?

He doesn't post in these threads as much as he used to, but if there's a new release you bet your butt he'll be here. Especially if it's Tau/Chaos/Crons. You can tell by the way he types.

Like this. Beware his gold medal in mental gymnastics.

Any guides on how to paint blood ravens?

Looks fine to me. I'm new, though. Got nothing to compare it to.

>non-religious IG
Pic related.

wait, don't melee weapons on walkers give +1 attack anyway? that's a weird rule interaction

Is GW terrain worth it? My group doesnt have any trees and I'm looking to maybe get some Citadel wood.

He's made going into AoS general impossible for me.


no, at this point the emperor is a god and you'll likely be run out of town for suggesting he's not. only the marines get away with this

Always buy GW.

It's semi-related, but White Dwarf this month had a large "This Guys Army" article on Blood Ravens. Talked about what he used to paint. Plus nice conversions. If you're interested.

No. Not unless it's cheap. White Dwarf will be bringing back Self-Build Terrain articles, so you might want to wait.

There are also 3rd party companies who sell terrain if you want trees.

I haven't been there in so long. Just how bad is? On a scale of one to full metal Carnac autism apocalypse how are they?
Did the rocks get thrown again?

walkers follow the normal rules for dual wielding, with the exception that they can get further +1 attacks for each additional weapon after the second

Thanks. That's what I believe as well. Space Marines are heretics.


SoB = Catholic
IG = Protestant
AdMech = Orthodox
Space Marines = Jews

I dunno user, I stopped going in. Mainly cause it's 40k for the next months. He's just a prick and I wish he was range banned.

Just post this my dude.

I'll never be good enough to do conversions. Green stuff is the worst.

There are chapters who do worship the Emperor but most still follow the Imperial Truth, and they really don't have to worship him since they are his grandchildren. Neither do the Custodes and no one calls them heretics.

whats a good epub reader for the files in the rules database?

>Defending heretics.
>In 2016.

He most likely has at one point but dynamic IPs and all that sorid Jazz.

They are religious, but in the "normal" religious manner.

They're not necessarily super-adherent to the letter of the creed, but at the same time the idea of knowingly and flagrantly defying the Emperor is seen as the height of immorality and evil and would not be tolerated.

Their religious beliefs are often more "passive" than "active," and yet at the same time are all the more convicted because of it.

In a somewhat related note, I don't think Black Library knows how to actually handle religious people very well - they're either huge cynics or they're die-hard fanatics, and the overwhelming majority of religious people are neither of these things. You can tell the people writing are definitely more atheist as a group.

I downloaded a Firefox extension, but I can't browse two at the same time. Kinda sucks

Kill Team crisis suits. Appropriate specialty for a plasma suit? I've used Reaping Vollry on a BC suit and FNP on a flamer suit already.

>Is GW terrain worth it?

For Fortifiactions and defense lines and such, yes.

For random rubble and trees and such, no. You're WAY better off buying from things like pet stores if you're looking for trees, rocks, etc.

ignores cover

I view it as that.

SoB = Catholic, they follow it religiously, they're super hard on themselves, Emperor is literally God and he protects them
IG = Protestant, they worship the Emperor, but it isn't super hardcore, they do it, but it isn't a full on 24/7 job
AdMech = Orthodox, they view him as a God, but in a different guise and worship him differently
Space Marines = Jews, because they view him as a powerful man, but a man nonetheless. He is not a super natural deity, he is just a man and not worth worshipping.

Apart from shit like Fire Angels and Black Templars, that's the view.

I seriously doubt it. Range banned means he can't use dynamic IP's.

>has the same genes as the sons of the Emperor
>fights for the Emperor
Does not compute.

there's also the admech, the tau, the eldar, and the high lords who probably don't believe he's a god if fairly powerful and tech savvy.

it's almost like it's a work of fiction making fun and extreme circumstances. not to mention in the setting there are gods and daemons around, why not be fanatical? you're also highly likely to hurt if you're not joining and keeping up with the faith

The Ignore Cover one? Putting Ignore Cover on anything with AP2 is going to be a rape train.

A lot of space marine chapters refuse to outright 'worship' the emperor as a god, as most space marines prefer to see him as their genefather, or as a perfect pinnacle of humanity. It's like Catholics and the Virgin mary, they don't actually worship her, but rather just see her as a shared mother to all of the catholics. Same deal with Space Marines, they all share the same fathers, in their Primarch, and their Emperor.

There are actually extremely few chapters that outright worship the emperor, and they're seen as weird fanatics.

Reaping Volley works best on units with maximum volume of fire. A Crisis Suit with Tri-Burst Cannons works best with it, since he can tag 10 different units, 5 with twin-linked shots, and 5 without.

Dual-plas with a Target Lock needs ignores cover to work best, so he can

Are Bullgryins with grenade fists and thoose big ass shields usefull ?
Are they usefull in Killteam ?

So I've been thinking of building a World Eaters hyper-choppy warband. Would an army based around the Maelstrom of Gore and Raptor Talon formations be any good? Not necessarily competitive, but also not going to just get tabled before my guys can chop some limbs.

Also did any of the World Eaters keep their old paint scheme?

Most would adhere to the teachings of the ecclesiarchy, but there's easily room to have more secular regiments.

Highly unlikely.

Fluff-wise, the original WE all still have their original scheme. The red is just blood all over their armor. On the mid-late heresy dudes on FW's HH books, you can see hints of blue under the red.

Will he save CSM?

No, him and his son will.

>IG = Protestant, they worship the Emperor, but it isn't super hardcore, they do it, but it isn't a full on 24/7 job
I would aruge that purging heretics/xenos and dying for Him would be a hardcore way of worshipping the Emperor.
>Apart from shit like Fire Angels and Black Templars, that's the view.
The only known Emps worshipping chapters can be counted on a hand.
>I seriously doubt it. Range banned means he can't use dynamic IP's.
Seriously? Mods!

How is that fair, though? What if someone in that range wants to browse Veeky Forums?

Ignores Cover is a weapon specialist skill. I can't take it at the same time as Reaping Volley (which is on a burst cannon suit as mentioned).

The only people who do not worship the Emperor are the Custodes, Space Marines, the Sisters of Silence, and technically the AdMech. Other than them, anyone who does not worship him is a heretic. The AdMech gets away with it by claiming to worship him as the Avatar of the Omnissiah. Some actually do worship him, but most just don't really care.


>Dual-plas with a Target Lock needs ignores cover to work best, so he can
>with a Target Lock
>Target Lock
>in Kill Team
you're spending 5 points to do literally nothing. each model acts as an independent unit already, letting it shoot a target other than the rest of its unit doesn't work.

He will skewer his enemies on his horn nips.

>The only known Emps worshipping chapters can be counted on a hand.

The older members of the chapters, sure. However, I wonder if the new recruits share the same opinion about the Emperor's divinity. You'd think that newer meat would have been more brainwashed by the Imperial Cult dogma.

Then don't take Reaping Volley. Ignore Cover plasma is your marine slaying nightmare unit. It's WAY more important.

When I play Space Marines, I'm gonna play as fanatical Emperor worshipers.

Only way he's going to leave is if somebody who hates him becomes a mod and does it. Or people mass complain on /qa/. I seem to remember there was a plugin you could use that applies ID's to people. It would mean recognising him once a thread... but useless if not everybody uses it.

Who knows? Since the mods won't deal with him I just ignore him. The daemon can't tempt you into Chaos if you ignore it.

his wife's son*

which extension was it cause i just downloaded one and it doesnt show text

No. Space Marine recruits are indoctrinated in the ways of the chapter, the Imperial Truth, and many other secrets that most are not allowed to know, such as the existance of chaos.

There actually 34/1,000 chapters that worship him.

You can buy a Veeky Forums pass to avoid the range ban. So he could do it. However, upon doing that, his pass follows his bans. Meaning if he uses a pass, gets banned, then changes IP, he's auto banned again.

The only other option is somebody becomes a mod and deals with him every day.

Not him, but Lucifox should work.

That was the meme I was going for, despite hating it, but I thought it didn't really work as he's never had a wife and it's a clone of him.

Would it be better if I put some tanks in to ram them with? Or Vector strike with a Heldrake? Maybe a Flying Daemon Prince? Mutilators? Maulerfiends?

preferred enemy then?

>I would aruge that purging heretics/xenos and dying for Him would be a hardcore way of worshipping the Emperor.

That's their profession, of which their religion is a part of. They don't purge xenos because they're hardcore fanatics, they purge xenos because that's their job - the fact that God Wills It is a bonus.

Also, something to point out about protestants is that they are wildly across the board when it comes to doctrine and devotion. Methodists and Pentacostals are RADICALLY different in how they view the world, and view their faith in different manners. The Guard is similar - the Catachans are faithful to the Emperor, but not necessarily the letter of the creed, while the Maccabeans would not even consider ever questioning the work of the Ecclessiarchy and view their faith as the only part of their existence worth thinking about.

>Implying Chaos won't get you anyways.

You're bound to fuck up.

Meh. Black Templars have been shafted to oblivion. Codex-compliant, 1,000 marines, and can't use crusader squads in any formation.

>Codex-compliant, 1,000 marines

not true, you need to re-read the latest fluff. Hell, in the Beast Arises series, the High Lords blackmail the Black Templars by going "We've heard reports of you having over the allotted 1,000 Marines" or something like that. I believe the number is something like 2800 (4 Crusades, 700 marines per Crusade).

>Meaning if he uses a pass, gets banned, then changes IP, he's auto banned again.

Only if he's stupid enough to use his pass again. He can go back to being anonymous.

I have a question on FWs that do worship the Emperor as the Omnissiah. The fluff for a FW I'm going to some writefaggotry about is one of those, and would they have good relations with the Church or not?

Is the existence of Chaos really a secret in the Imperium?

Nope he can't, as soon as he takes off his pass, he's back to being range banned. The pass bypasses the ban, it doesn't remove it. It'll still be in effect.

No. The Ecclisiarchy hates the Cult Mechanicus due to their differences in faith.

worked thanks

They know Chaos is evil and heresy. They don't know what it really is or any symbols or what have you.

Again just ignore him. No point in paying him attention until he's like Virt.

Yes. Especially CSM.

Yeah, there was a thread where user counted all the chapters that have had fluff that stated they had some form of worship towards the Emperor.

Virt at least got banned and couldn't evade. He's probably back though.

You're welcome.

>not to mention in the setting there are gods and daemons around, why not be fanatical? you're also highly likely to hurt if you're not joining and keeping up with the faith

Yeah...but they still don't understand how to actually WRITE that in a believable manner. Faith isn't something that operates ALWAYS FANATICAL, ALL THE TIME, because you quite simply burn out (and often end up falling out of your faith when you encounter a question you cannot answer, if we're going to be real). Religion and faith simply don't work that way - there's absolutely a time for DEUS VULT!, but the average person simply can't keep that up. It's much more of a backburner simmer (that is very difficult to extinguish however) that is kept largely subconscious, while manifesting itself in turns of phrase and local traditions.

I guess as a person who has studied theology and is very personally religious, it's just very, very obvious to me that the people writing almost universally don't understand how religion actually WORKS.

what about Ogryns ? How do they fit into this theological discussion ?

Ogryns are toddlers. They believe whatever the Commissar tells them to.

They have a pure, simple faith, and should be praised for it. But they're still Abhumans.

I'm glad the Black Templars got mentioned. I looked into them, and they're badass as fuck. I love the way they look.

I'll definitely play them one day.

Can he pay for another pass and continue posting?

>That's their profession, of which their religion is a part of. They don't purge xenos because they're hardcore fanatics, they purge xenos because that's their job - the fact that God Wills It is a bonus.
Now I get it.
Just ignore it and it will get bored.
Just checking.
When was this thread?
