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Rolled 1, 2, 3, 3, 2, 2 = 13 (6d6)


This is perhaps the deadliest generic HQ I have come up with yet.

Archmagos Reductor, 155
+Cyber-Familiar, 15
+Augury Scanner, 5
+Abeyant, 25
+Djinn-Skein, 25
+Machinator Array, 25
+Master Crafted Paragon Blade, 30
+Melta Bombs, 5
+Four Cyber-Occularis, 60
+Rad Grenades, 5
+Power Fist, 15
+Volkite Charger, 10
Total, 400

BS5 WS5 S5 T6 W4 I4 A2 Ld10 2+/3++

Independant Character
Master of Destruction
Move Through Cover
Very Bulky
It Will Not Die
Hardened Armor

Rad Grenades let him ID T4 at initiative with his Paragon Blade, Power Fist gives his paragon blade an extra attack or vice-versa, machinator array makes him T6 and gives two extra S+1 AP2 Shred Unwieldy Armourbane attacks, an Inferno Pistol and Flamer, Abeyant makes him W4 and a whole slew of other rules. Nothing will Deepstrike near him. Nothing will harm him with his 2+/3++.

How deadly would you rate him, per his ridiculous points cost?

And now to make him even more ded-killy.

Rolled 6, 1, 3 = 10 (3d6)

>Unseen Strike
Rerolling stat advance, already has WS5. Rerolling the 2 on the WT chart, as we already rolled a 2.

Pretty nasty, might be able to take some of the weaker primarchs if he charges. Most will put him down though. About right for the point cost.

Rolled 1, 6, 3 = 10 (3d6)

Dang it, need to reroll both. Already has I4 and already have a 3.

Now how will you fluff the dude out?

Rolled 6, 3, 1, 1 = 11 (4d6)

Thanks mate!

+1 Attack, nice!

And I need to reroll the 3.

Just going to roll a couple d6s instead, first non-2/3 number gets it.

We need to fix some of those advancements. Some are garbage and some, like the last two morale ones are actually detrimental.

Here's my first run at it:


Night Stalker: Add “You may choose to have Night-fighting rules automatically in effect turn one.” as the first sentence.


Here I Stand and Enemy Ground: Replace +1 with -1


Ferocious Escalade: Replace with “Enemy units charged by this Character and his unit suffer -2 to their leadership until the end of the turn.”

Preternatural Reactions: Replace with “When Charged, the Character and his unit gain +1 initiative.”

Hey guys, I'm thinking about starting an Emperors Children army. Love their fluff. I know they excel at close quarters and the like but what else are they proficient at? I really like FW's Eidolon model over Fulgrim's. Additionally, I think Kakophoni and Palatines are cool but I heard a they're pretty gimped statwise.

Pic related is my Uni. Funnily enough it's known for crazy debaucherous parties, Roman aesthetics, and militant fanaticism. All this in addition to the color scheme made me realize EC are for me.

Alright space friends. I think I can call it here and start working on the base.

HAVe you tried reading this sys.Veeky Forums.org/derefer?url=http%3A%2F%2Fpastebin.com%2FTm2P4QLp

ECs are proficient at everything. That's their shtick.

>Warlord Trait: Coordinated Assault, Warlord and all friendly units within 12" reroll to hit rolls of 1 in the Assault
>Immovable Object, Warlord gains IWND and Fearless
>Master of Offence, Warlord gains Furious Charge
Which would be better? If IWND stacks, then it's definitely better. If not, then is Fearless worth it or no? Furious Charge plus Rad-Grenades makes him strike at S7.

Which sounds better?

I'm not sure. My favorite Forge World is Stygies VIII, and I'm thinking of having this guy be a loyalist character, seeing as how both the good Mechanicum characters are traitors, as well as both being for the Legio Cybernetica, whereas Calleb Decima is for the Reductor.

I've heard a bit of chatter about Stygies VIII at the Open Day. It's the FW that the Traitors nearly take in the Heresy until the Eldar intervene, and it has Eldar Titans going up against Traitor Titans. Apparently it's getting a BL Short Story sometime soon.

Dorn is cheaper, and not having EW means Siggy will fuck him up. But comparing him to them is unfair -- the last time someone wawnted a character that could kill Siggy Templardust Scoria was born.

So, your dude kills mostly every unnamed character ever, and Sevatar & Kharn too, since they lack EW themselves. Said it before, Reductors are monsters.

Who will he be handing out his Master of Destruction rule to, user?

Wait, really?

Screw it, this is probably the only time I'll directly buy from BL.

That is dead sexy user! that black is delicious

What is everyone else working on?

I am currently finishing up some ursarax and a corrupted knight for my dark mech force, praise Scoria!


Because the HH Series books have to have an Imperial Perspective, the Eldar and basically the third party neither side expects or understands that shows up from nowhere to save the day.

Thorpe wants to write it because he's the Eldar Fanboy, but nothing is decided yet.

>Furious Charge plus Rad-Grenades makes him strike at S7.
That would only matter if the enemy is either a bike or another Mechanicum, and they'd still wouldn't be ID by it.
>...the Emperor's Children favour a fast and hard-hitting playstyle. "Fast" as in their troops run quicker and get multiple bonuses to initiative, "hard" due to their access to AP2 at said heightened initiative, as well as their several bonuses to combat resolution, meaning they are quite likely to overrun opponents
>...they also have access to a plethora of alternate deployment methods, by virtue of Fulgrim's strategic acumen and their absolutely reliable outflanking available from one of their unique RoWs.
>The downsides to the IIIrd Legion are not particularly bad, as being rather generic at ranged combat is a fair price for their plethora of close combat bonuses, but they could very well dissapoint you: Their special characters and unique units usually have a single thing that they are good at (or "obsessed with" should we say) and need to work with the rest of your army to get the best out of them, lest their misuse make their disproportionately high cost be noticed.
>Also, the best part of the IIIrd Legion's Legiones Astartes rules is pretty much the old Furious Charge rule, so players are encouraged to master positional play and timing to have their units charging at the right moment while being supported with the right buffs, lest the enemy rob your forces of their melee advantage and your Children end up playing akin to generic Legion marines. They already hit hard and fast - it's up to you to make them hit often.

I'm not sure. Maybe a Knight Magaera or Styrix. Or Atrapos. Tbqh I just want lightning cannons and maybe a Knight as an LoW.

This army will be composed of Cyborg Skeletons and Lightning! And they will be Angry and filled with Rage. Angry about traitors!

>This army will be composed of Cyborg Skeletons and Lightning! And they will be Angry and filled with Rage. Angry about traitors!
May your dubs bring (You) blessings, user. Go forth wuth confidence

Actually, Rad Grenades would make Marines T3 and Bike marines T4. So he could ID most marines, and a good amount of non-Mechanicum stuff. And if he used his Power Fist, he'd get S10 strikes with the enemy at -1 T. So Bikers and a good amount of Mech stuff would then be ID'd.

You realize S6 already IDs marines, wounds bikes on a 2+ and to ID the later S8 is required, right? Furious charge isn't giving you anything you didn't have already, or at least not much, because you also have a S10 Sunder powerfist with AP1.

That's true. But how does S6 ID marines when they're T4? Unless I'm misunderstanding you. Oh, wait, you're talking about the rad grenades too. Yeah, you're right actually!

I'm starting to lean towards Coordinated assault, have him near some Ferrox Thallax whenever possible and rip apart some Spess Mehreens. Or is Fearless worth it?

Any rumors on when Thousand Sons will get their own special rules?

February 9th.

That's some seriously nice work user, I love the lacquered black effect. What are you doing with the base, out of interest?

Next open day, which is in January I believe.

>Oh, wait, you're talking about the rad grenades too.
Heh, Magi have so much wargear it's sometimes hard to keep track of what they can do, right?
I'm starting to lean towards Coordinated assault, have him near some Ferrox Thallax whenever possible and rip apart some Spess Mehreens. Or is Fearless worth it?
I don't know about Thallax, and I'm sorry I've still not delivered the math on them I promised ago. But you gotta use Thallax and I know this:
They are Stubborn, and the Archmagos is Ld10.
Fearless is indeed useful...buuut you're Stubborn Ld10 already. Again, your dude, I'm just saying.
Dread Rites would make him immune to Fear, CAUSE Fear himself and have Adamantium will, on the ground that he's simply seen and done some serious shit.
Found on the Mechanicum codex.

>Dread Rites
I don't think Archmagi Reductor can take any rites, unfortunately.

But yeah, going with Coordinated Assault then.

They have it all memorized in their memory banks.
When the curse of Inferno ends.

Not a Rite per se. Warlord Trait IIRC, so you can have it.

Oh! I see. Unfortunately, it's only a 1/6 chance to get it. But I do like it. I like it a lot.

What was more difficult to produce: Spartans or Mastodons?

user, when making a character for the Character advancement thingy you're rolling there, (YOU) get to PICK the Warlord Trait from any list your character is elligible to roll from. Of course, then that trait gets set in stone like how it happens for special characters. Enjoy. Pick the one you want.

Mastodons because they're superheavies and have void shields and stuff you don't see in any other vehicle, their cost should be an indication.
I'm basing this info on absolutely nothing, I'm an user on the internet, and this account is a lie.

Well yeah, but if we follow the rules for it, I couldn't choose that one. But screw it, let's just take it anyways, this characters a huge boss.

Yet the Sallies were able to deploy nearly 150 of the things.

I'd say the spartan because that is an actual vehicle, whilst the mastodon is a bunker on tranks with voidshields.

Making a tank that can hold 25 marines can't be that be that hard. It isn't Warp science.

This is perhaps the deadliest generic HQ I have come up with yet.

Archmagos Reductor, 400

BS5 WS5 S5 T6 W4 I4 A3 Ld10 2+/3++

Augury Scanner
Machinator Array
Master Crafted Paragon Blade
Melta Bombs
Four Cyber-Occularis
Rad Grenades
Power Fist
Volkite Charger

Warlord Trait: Dread Rites*
*The Warlord, and any unit they join, both cause Fear and are immune to it's effects, and have the Adamantium Will special rule.

Special Rules:
Independant Character
Master of Destruction
Move Through Cover
Very Bulky
It Will Not Die
Hardened Armor
Adamantium Will
Unseen Strike*

*The character and their unit add +1 to their initiative characteristic in the phase they charge.

How deadly would you rate him now, per his ridiculous points cost?


There's a good litmus test for this kind of stuff, ask yourself this; Can this thing that costs as much as a Primarch kill Sigismund who costs half of it? The answer for your dude is no, because he doesnt have Eternal Warrior, therefore he isnt killy enough for his points.

>It isn't Warp science

user, the Spartan hull is the same size as the Phobos. The ramp extends a little further out, but that's it. And it sports twice as many lascannons. On the Crusader variant they made more room inside by getting rid of the lascannons, and that gave them 16 slots of transport capacity. Spartan doubles the lascannons and ups the capacity by 150%.

It's not Warp science, it's fucking Kraut Warp magic.

Actually when you read the fluff in the AOD armylist in the spartan's unit entry it sounds like it is. Even mentions that the materials required for a spartan exceeds the requierments of most super-heavy tanks

Wha-really? When?
>Building a moving fortress is cheaper than making a big tank
I don't quite agree with your reasoning, you see. Especially because in this case that bunker is made out of the same thing the tank is made of.

>the Spartan hull is the same size as the Phobos

no, it's larger

Sigismund is a disgusting creature. I have no need of him or Scoria!

Besides, narrative-wise, he'd not fight ol' Siggy, as both are loyalist characters.

Thanks! I unfortunately got suckered into the Sector Imperialis bases. Their cast quality is noticeably lower than regular GW plastic, so I'm going to put down a basecoat and then I'll see if can spice it up with some rubble or something. (My army's fluff is about fighting on Terra during the Siege.)

I want brutal, in your face ripping and tearing. The problem is, I already have Iron Warriors, so I want loyalists. I've got a bunch of mk IIs on the way, so melee or just short range in your face shooting is ok. I;ve narrowed it down to Ultras for dat glory to Rome, Dark Angels for that Extermination rules, Imperial Fists for the bolter drill, and Blood Angel for that blood lust. Help?

Not my reasoning, it literally says that in the Spartan fluff.


paint one marine in each, decide afterwards

Scale in the game isn't true, user.
Not as large as its size should indicate, user.
And the Mastodon's fluff says they can survive Titans and are veeeeery rarely deployed, since deployment itself was a major operation on its own.
>Besides, narrative-wise, he'd not fight ol' Siggy, as both are loyalist characters.
Yet more blessings to you, user!

Kharaatan Campaign.

Do Ultramarines. They're literally just better Iron Warriors.


>Loyalist Mechanicum

Is this actually a thing?

-The Word Bearers had to use public transportation. They had to call an Ere-bus.

-The Black Templars held a hill against heretics. It was a Sigis-mound.

-The Space Wolves were suffering from armor corrosion after fighting among some citrus plants. They called it Lemon Rust.

-You'll never catch the leaders of the Alpha Legion. One's too Al-far-ius. The other one's long Ome-gone.

What were the requirements?
Do not tell me what is and what isn't Warp science. Do you know how many daemons I had to bully until I learned about how the Warp works by how daemons poof back into the Warp? More than I am proud to admit.


Yes. Why wouldn't it?


>I don't know wether to cringe or moan at such retarded jokes.

Yeah, the tracks give it a slightly larger profile. Meanwhile the hull is about the same size with only the ramp being slightly more extended out.

Well, it's more difficult to produce than the Macharius and Malcador, that's for sure. Maybe even more difficult than a Baneblade even if they cost more. But Mastodons are like a step away from those IG moving fortresses.
But I don't have FW niggas on hand, so I'm berating you today, sorry user.
I fail to see the problem.
Nigga, half of the Mechanicum remained loyal, and most of the Reductor is loyal. In fact don't they help on Cadia?

>Not as large as its size should indicate, user.
It's wider and longer, as well as having an extended ramp. I believe it's also noticeably taller?

Like, it's as big as it needs to be.

I like them a lot.

The Dark Angels have a secret agenta, but they're Lion about it

I have a whole bunch of possessed marines and retro Chaos Renegades in my possession (kek) and I was just wondering if I could reasonably make some sort of traitor force out of them.

Was it only the Word Bearers who had a number of gribbly, spiky, mutated chaos marines at the mid-late point of the heresy? Or did legions like World Eaters or Emperor's Children have their own "Gal Vorbak"?

Or should I just sell them on/use them in a 40k project?

It goes from 10-man capacity to 25 in a few tabletop-scale meters
>I believe it's also noticeably taller?
Spartans being two-story lorries confirmed.
A combination of the Mark I tank and a double decker bus. It's like Britain squared - the vehicle.
>Captcha bus stop.

The Sons of Horus started making their own knock-off Gal Vorbak called the Lupercii.


Non-American detected.

The SoHs had theirs and you're in luck with the Lupercii. They were modern day Possessed and thus sucked.

>Spartans being two-story lorries confirmed.
Nah, like the ceiling of the hull ain't as squashed down.

Basically the minivan to the phobos' station wagon.

The best part of the Admech is how their total confusion over how things work spills over to the fan base. We have no idea if bolters and lighbulbs really have machine spirits. We don't even know what machine spirits are exactly. Or what prayers do things. Maybe they all do things. We're subjected to tales about that one guy who used the wrong ointment on his Dark Age microwave and then millions of people died.

Depressingly often in a setting it's possible for fans to say "the characters are retarded, they could just do X with all the Y they have sitting around and solve everything!" 40K has solved this issue by making it so that nobody actually knows what Y does and misuse will literally damn mankind to an eternity of suffering. Even if Y is a plunger.

I'm sure there's more than enough room in the legions for more mutated groups. Maybe use Blackshield rules for a mutated bunch that's shunned by the rest of the legion. Or make WB and use a Diabolist and Dark Channeling to turn units into mutated monsters.

I'm sure there's bound to be more demonic crap coming to traitors in the future. I really hope I get to field some Nurgle daemons with my DG at some point.

I'm a mexican talking about british stuff on a japanese-owned website using an american-invented system, thinking about buying chinese stuff.
Globalization happened decades ago, the awe has long passed.
Well those extra termies have to fit somewhere. Maybe it IS warp tech.

I'm pretty sure all Land Raiders have two stories, since the crew compartment is positioned above the transport space.

Aha, really? Cool cool. Another quick Q, when did they pop up in the timeline?

I've got a small Salamanders army based on Cassian Dracos, but I'm not sure how much more time I want to put into them at this stage. SoH might be cool, but I guess I'd have to make my mook marines a bit more gribbly than your standard Legionaires so they wouldn't be these specialised "Lupercii"... Hmm, I dunno, I'd have to say the army is set at the very end of the Heresy or something for it to make sense.

>Was it only the Word Bearers who had a number of gribbly, spiky, mutated chaos marines at the mid-late point of the heresy? Or did legions like World Eaters or Emperor's Children have their own "Gal Vorbak"?
Like other anons mentioned, as the heresy progressed the traitor legions started to use more and more chaos stuff, but regarding Gal Vorbak, not even the WB had them by the end of the heresy, because the Cha0s gods didn't care anymore. Thus, all possessed have sucked ever since.

Who was the last true gal vorbak though? Was it argel tal?

>Well those extra termies have to fit somewhere
You can easily fit twice as many people in a minivan compared to a station wagon.

The patrol officer might not like it, but you can do it.

Him and his chapter, The Serrated Suns. They were the original red Word Bearers, with Bare Ceramite meme pauldrons.

What about the wheeléd phonebooth? How many people can you fit in that?

too many

Yeah, but did any of them survive past Nuceria, or was Argel the very last of them to die?

Going by "Vengeful Spirit" the Word Bearers were teaching the Sons of Horus how to create Lupercii around the time of the Battle of Molech (008.M31). For reference Isstvan III happens in 005.M31 and the Siege of Terra happens in 014.M31.

Probably one of the Serrated Sun chapter that were turned into Gal Vorbak alongside Argel Tal.

I dunno. There were only about a 100 to begin with, iirc.

I see you're a Mexican. I'm pretty Mexican myself.

Pretty sure Argel Tal isn't dead. I'm fairly certain he got Jon Snow'd and will come back somehow to fulfill the vision Lorgar saw of him being killed on Terra by Sanguinus.

>mfw Papa Sang gets to remove Word Bear

What is the change you would most like to see in the rules?
Please don't turn into a huge autistic argument about RAI vs RAW.

Can anyone identify this small bit used as a cyclone missile launcher? I feel like it's from a vehicle sprue but have no idea which.

Thanks, anons. You've been real helpful! I'll have a think about it for now.

user, you fool! Delete this post.

Domitar and Domitar Ferrum points costs reduced.

Lightning Cannons fire twice instead of once, if only to make regular Krios and the Knight Magaera somewhat more viable options.

So, an orbital phone booth is a Kharybdis?
My gift to you.
What about termie Cyclone launchers?

Whatever rule allows for toe clipping in front a building and still getting cull cover saves from it.

nah it's a third party bit. I forget which and I am phoneposting like a loser.

Check the standard stops like Kromlech and Puppets of War

Something to make Fortifications better.

t. Imperial Fist player

I kind of suspect Papa Sang is going to remove more than that, just to set up a massive Worf Effect chain type thing.
>Sang beats daemon Angron at the Eternity Gate, maybe Ka'Bandha as well. And daemon Fulgrim at the same time, because fuck it why not.
>Horus beats Sang.
>Emps beats Horus.