MTG Frontier

modern memes edition

Anyone make a /frontier/ deck yet? It looks like URx Ensoul, Abzan CoCo, and Dark Jeskai will be the early format kings.

Does anyone currently predict a banlist? I doubt anything would really stir up a frontier banlist.

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Did japs publish their top8 decks?

Meme formats are shit. Fuck off.

well there's this
>meme format

gb2 modern general, I hear there's a new way to spend a grand on cards.

is frontier all cards printed with new border or only the regular expansion sets printed since m15 forward?

I want to have a deck for every format so I can play anywhere I go and I am gullible enough to buy into meme formats, evidenced by both of my tiny leader decks.

It's the 10 (once) standard legal sets from M15 onward and adding future standard legal sets. For example, the next addition is Aether Revolt.

neat. I'll start brewing some memes then.

>no sylvan advocate
>no manlands
>no coco
>toolbox approach

That's... Interesting.

Lol I noticed that too

goblins seem like they'd be a decently real deck in this format with Piledriver/Rabblemaster/Bushwhacker

What's preventing this from becoming 4 color goodstuff midrange: the format?

My guess would be a solid red aggressive deck, which Wizards cleverly deprived us of during Khans-Battle so the retard whales could enjoy their 4-5 color manabases and put baby Jace in everything. But now that it's out of their greedy hands, we have Swiftspear, Stoke, lightning strike, and so much more...and there's nothing they can do to stop us.

Oh, and 4 color decks will have more than a little trouble hitting their mana. To be honest, I'm only interested in this format so I can go back to my roots and play rabblemaster and some of the other cards I started with, and it looks like they might be alright in this format.

Nothing because Wizards does not design with Modern in mind, let alone fucking Frontier

>Oh, and 4 color decks will have more than a little trouble hitting their mana

I remember KTK+BFZ standard. Manabases were so good that you could run 4c manabase without breaking a sweat.

Wait frontier is that format with the land battlefield right.
Has that gotten popular or something.

Wait i remeber those stupid japs made a m15 onwards format and used a name that was already taken.
Yeah i put together something for that just a moment.

shit i got distracted sorry

Land (22)
4x Aether Hub
4x Darksteel Citadel
1x Island
1x Mountain
4x Shivan Reef
4x Spirebluff Canal
4x Wandering Fumarole
Enchantment (4)
4x Ensoul Artifact
Creature (22)
4x Chief of the Foundry
2x Consulate Skygate
4x Hangarback Walker
4x Ornithopter
4x Ramroller
4x Scuttling Doom Engine
Artifact (8)
4x Tamiyo's Journal
4x Whirlermaker
Instant (4)
4x Shrapnel Blast
Sideboard (15)
2x Consulate Skygate
3x Ghostfire Blade
3x Keeper of the Lens
3x Negate
3x Orbs of Warding
1x Soul of New Phyrexia

oh and link

looking over desu archive it seems im not the only one that decided to build scisors for this format i would be quite interested in comparing my scissors with some other peoples scissors
it seems to me like there will be several variations on the scissors deck

I hope tappedout adds the new meme format soon i wanna be able to compare my scissors with other scissors.

so it's just modern-modern then?

I run jeskai scissors with skysovereign, toolcraft exemplar, fleetwheel cruiser, bygone bishop, pia nalaar, and some other jank

No Coldsnap, no Innistrad, no Ravinica, no Theos.


You'd be surprised, it doesn't put ensoul first but it has many different ways to dish damage in the early and late games.

I think a lot of people are building ensoul because so many cards are part of the core of the deck you have 1/3 of the deck already worked out that we know works from m15.

And theres so many difrent directions you can take it im building a general artifact deck i have seen thopter tribal with oblisk of urd, user above has vechiles.

It has been a long time since i have seen a deck with this many viable variations.

So how many turns am I looking at?
I have a play set of omenhedral, what can I do with that?


I still say this reeks of merchants trying to get rid of all the KTK block and few Origins cards that they bought back from people selling them.

>Format invented by nipnong card speculators
I mean, it's less immediately solvable than TL was, but nah, I think I'm going to sit this format out. Nips can keep their shitty backstock of second hand Khans block cards.

>I still say this reeks of merchants trying to get rid of all the KTK block and few Origins cards that they bought back from people selling them.

Rumor has it this is Wizards backed, the Kamigawa's just jumped the gun.

Sort/of kind of makes sense when you look at it from their perspective. People bitch and moan about how the net-decks they spent hundreds on are worthless once they rotate out of standard. Frontier gives them an eternal format to play their old standard decks in.

This is going to crash and burn, just like Tiny Leaders. Why bother? Everyones going to play coco and copter.

Are there any LGSes that are even making Frontier events?

Been working on getting some Khan Fetches to make a few decks.

Grixis Prowess, Dark Jeskai and a gimmicky Ghirapur Aether Grid build.

I wonder if anybody is playing the m15 artifact boosted creatures im 80% sure there is nothing strictly better then aeronaught tinkererer or scrapyard mongrel (i did check but im not completly certain if my memory of not finding any is right as i ended up not having anything like it anyway)
I suppose most white ensoul will have toolcraft exempler.

Hoarding dragon will see even less play then it did that standard with all the exile in this format.

Why bygone bishop seems an odd choice with all those 4 and 5 drops
I guess the clues are artifacts.

You would think but ensoul seems to be the popular choice.
I came in towards the end of m15s time in standard how popular was ensoul when it first arived.

I am thinking i should probably try and fit lightning bolt in the sideboard somewhere.
And maybe siege dragon but im biased there because i really like siege dragon

>Oh, and 4 color decks will have more than a little trouble hitting their mana
You wot mate
Between 3 color lands and all the any color generators i don't see much problems.

The only 4-5 drops are the vehicles. The rest are >3 drops that can shit out the artifacts and more easily trigger metalcraft/generate card draw. Bygone bishop is just a card advantage-generating flier.

Makes sense.

It's not even a rumor, WotC people at a recent PT said "post Modern" is a thing they want, just not right now.

You guys realize that Wizards is just going to bring Extended back instead of supporting another non-rotating format, right?

2 Kytheon, Hero of Akros
3 Toolcraft Exemplar
3 Inventor’s Goggles
2 Unsubstantiate
4 Hangarback Walker
4 Ensoul Artifact
2 Prophetic Prism
4 Shrapnel Blast
4 Thopter Engineer
2 Pia Nalaar
3 Bygone Bishop
4 Fleetwheel Cruiser
2 Skysovereign, Consul Flagship

Here's what I have so far.

What should I do for the landbase, though? I have 1x Foundry of the Ancients and 1x Inventor's Fair, along with 3x Darksteel Citadel so far.

Im looking over some decks and am looking at an interesting deck similar to yours.
Stubborn denial seems good at first but i feel like although you will often make the ferocious you will have plenty of mana to just play negate instead.

If your running ensoul you pretty much have to get the full 4 darksteel citadel.

Its insanly good.

It just occurred to me that with all the exile i may need a way to protect my citadels

The obvious one is turn aside but disapering act is tempting as well so i can shuffle my ensouls around.

At the very least im gonna change the negates in my sideboard to disapering act

Scatter to the wind could be good to 8/8 indestructible lands

idk why everybody is hating on this format

I like modern but enemy fetchlands are out of my price range and this format let's me play with non-rotating cards that are higher power level than standard, and I won't be limiting myself in terms of colors and strategies like I would trying to build budget modern decks

To be fair a lot of these frontier staples are expensive as hell like bfz Gideon, but I'm still excited to brew in this format

The good thing is, format staples are going to cap at $20. So much more reasonable than $150 for a goyf

4 Cathartic Reunion
1 Crater's Claws
2 Magmatic Insight
4 Nissa's Pilgrimage
1 Tormenting Voice
3 Traverse the Ulvenwald
1 Dragonlord Atarka
1 Hornet Queen
3 World Breaker
3 Chandra, Torch of Defiance
3 Cinder Glade
4 Drownyard Temple
8 Forest
3 Game Trail
6 Mountain
2 Fall of the Titans
4 Galvanic Bombardment
4 Kozilek's Return
3 Pyromancer's Goggles
SB: 2 Den Protector
SB: 1 Chandra, Flamecaller
SB: 1 Dragonlord Atarka
SB: 3 Fiery Temper
SB: 1 Genesis Hydra
SB: 2 Goblin Dark-Dwellers
SB: 2 Tireless Tracker
SB: 1 Ugin, the Spirit Dragon
SB: 2 Ulamog, the Ceaseless Hunger

Brew I stole from plebbit. Very fun, going to test it some more and make some changes. Sideboard will be the first to go I think. Always been fond of controlly/combo-y red decks and super secret spicy tech, so I think this one's a winner for me. God bless frontier.

Would you say this deck is agro or midrange Veeky Forums
Its sort of on the midway point between them im leaning towards calling it agro with a slight midrange lean.

but why did they choose the sets they did

The m15 border change.
Also probably wanted to make sure they had lightening strike

I see what its trying to so but why the fuck only 3 traverse its already got a highly questionable type balence so its already gonna be hard to fire why make it harder with only 3.

Overall its not a bad idea but as is with only 3 planeswalkers and 5 creatures you almost have to add something to tutor for your tutor fuel.

I would have used the planeswalker pack chandra with its tutor.

Oh and the 3 artifact.

i'm not super impressed with traverse. it'll probably get cut entirely. goggles will probably stay at three as it's almost never something i want to see two of, but i always want to see one.

as for everything else you're saying, i'm not really sure what you mean. chandra, pyrogenius is terribad and liberating combustion is worse.

How good/fun is the 34 Rhinos.dec in Frontier?

Well by the looks of it the idea is to trigger delirium for traverse to fetch your creatures.

Able to have an extra burn spell that doubles as getting a planeswalker out to chuck in your graveyard seems like a good idea.

Also some artifact creatures would help.

If thats not what the deck is then i have no fucking idea what that set of cards is trying to do. do you have a link to where you got it on reddit.

>but why did they choose the sets they did
Because that's what stock they had lying around.

An actual new nonrotating format would start at Battle for Zendikar to both 1) exclude unwanted cards (Rhino, fetchlands, delve cards), and 2) make the format line up nicely with their era of the Gatewatch.

Using M15 and Khans is a mistake. If Frontier ever becomes a thing, Elvish Mystics are Fetches are going to be hell as expensive.

>Elvish mystic
Wait what? I doubt it's gonna be popular enough to make him in any way expensive. If he doesn't get a reprint.
But yeah, having fetches in yet another set would be dumb. Although I like the whole block.

>playing color salad when you can play Mono Green Scales

It's probably the comfyest deck in Frontier.

Since M15 we don't see a 1-Drop Mana-dork. R&D decided that Mana Dorks should cost 2 or more. Probably not getting a reprint in Standard any time soon, maybe on MM sets.

Jesus fuck no do you want to be stuck without lightening bolt for 5 years.

I will take the rhino over that nightmare.

What said. 1-drop mana dorks are now in the same category as 2-mana hard counters and Lightning Bolt where we almost assuredly won't see them printed in Standard legal sets, and those are the only ones printed in large enough numbers to have a significant impact on prices.

They should release from the vault: never again. All the basic effects that will never be printed in standard again.
Lightening bolt
Elvish mystic
The 5 artifact lands

This deck seems fun. I have no idea if frontier is happening at my lgs but I would want to build this if it does. Might throw in a couple energy cards I have lying around because I also want to just slam hydras on the field

This format would be 1000x better if you dropped the Tarkir block for Theros.

Face2face here in Toronto is fighting to make this format a thing. Two guys have also started a podcast about Frontier. I think they switched from having 3 modern nights a week to 2 with Frontier on Wednesday nights.

I've only got my BW warrior shitbrew deck but I'm curios to see what the local meta looks like compared to the lists from Hareruya.

Safe space: the format.

Is this fine senpai´s?


I just want to play WU Heroic again

You can play Heroic in Pauper.
I mean, most Mechanics are viable in Pauper. You just need to give it enough support.
I've made a Bushido deck work once, I'm sure you can make a Heroic.

>bitching about elven mystic never being printed in standard again instead of Llanny "Broken Bonez" War elves
>uttering elven mystic and artifact lands in the same breath as though they are contemporaries

You must come from a strange plane of existence.

Elvish Mystic will never be expensive because it's a friggen common that is abundant across 2 fairly recent core sets.

MaRo keeps whining about how it's all a cycle and we need to power down before we power up, but this is the longest we've been without powerful cards in standard that aren't powerful because they don't know how to balance 2+ colors for shit.
>Urza to Invasion
>Invasion to Mirrodin
>Mirrodin to Time Spiral-Lorwyn
>Lorwyn to ZEN/SOM/ISD

And since then we've been in power down mode. R&D doesn't to design strong cards because they may upstage their shitty planeswalkers and prevent big stores from opening cases like crazy to find all the walkers they need for all the spikes playing exactly the same deck because there's only one powerful card each set nowadays and it's always a mythic.

>another thoughtseize T1 format

Be glad that's all they can do.

>there's only one powerful card each set nowadays and it's always a mythic.

>the fucking copter that's even in the OP's post

You went full spaghetti mate.

that card is pretty trash tho, thoughtseize is way better


You're joking right?

Sure, but Serum Visions disagrees.

Serum Visions was only printed in one set from 11 years ago and a bunch of people dumped it when Preordain came out. Not even remotely comparable to Elvish Mystic.

So I get why people may not want to play frontier. But why do these threads draw in so much shitposting? Its win-win, casuals get to play their shitty pet decks, and the spikes get to brew a new format and dominate. Why can't we have nice things?

Is playing Declaration in Stone instead of PtE really such a huge trigger for some people?

Ponder was printed as common in fairly recent sets and it would be as expensive as visions if it wasen't banned.
Elvish Mystic probably won't be expensive on the first 3 years of Frontier, but it will eventually.

The idea is to ramp and generate fuckhueg mana and value by casting spells like cathartic reunion with goggles, netting +3 cards. Then you just cast big dudes and win after sweeping their board multiple times.

>first turn
>play unmask
>know exactly what to play first turn

I get your point. And I know the circumstances aren't exact but I think if Lightning Bolt was reprinted for Standard right now it would still be a $3 (un)common.

My point is that though supply does contribute slightly, it's the demand (or big stores like Starcity) that dictate prices more than anything. If Elvish Mystic was a must-play it would be expensive.

They will reprint Tarmogoyf forever and the fucking thing will just keep going up. It will dip from reprints but overall it just goes up.

I see.
Seems not good to me but its not the sort of deck i can wrap my head around so maybe its decent

Ponder has had 3 set printings and is played abundantly in almost every U based deck in Eternal formats, it's fairly cheap as far as powerful commons go, Ancient Stirrings is more expensive as is Spell Pierce. Though there is a point to be made if Ponder was ever unbanned in Modern that the price would spike a fair bit. FOIL versions of Ponder though is another story.

Tarmagoyf reprints from Modern Masters value has actually gone down though. Albeit reeeeeeeeeaaaal slow but it has gone down about $30 initially where as the Future Sights versions have gone up due to the different art.

Lightning Bolt if it was reprinted for Standard would fetch a few dollars just because of its iconic power value and sought after demand as every deck in Standard that's R will look to jam it in. Every powerful common/uncommon will do this in Standard which right now are cards like Harness Lightning and Aether Hub. I honestly cannot ever see Elvish Mystic hitting say Monastery Swiftspear prices at their peak in the format but I am however willing to not dismiss the possibility of Mystic hitting about $1 maybe if it ever becomes in high demand.

I hope this becomes a thing so I can play atarka red and red blue tutelage again. That's all I want.

>new format where I can play monoR
Time to brew
I don't even think a LGS near me play this format tho

Mythic rarity was a fucking mistake

I just want to say that there was a time when Tarmogoyf was a $75 card around M10. The birth of Modern only drove up the price. And it has not gone down since. The card is ~150USD now. Not only is Wizards designing the product (less packs/box, higher MSRP, limited printings) the distributors are holding onto product to sell at an absurd markup by claiming there is (short) supply.

Fucking card hasn't gone down at all. It never will.

The market is so stacked against the players it's not even funny. Even though I have all the cards I think it is fucking stupid that people have to pay hundreds of dollars for a single deck. Even though everyone's saying, "Standard is cheaper than ever", it's still fucking hundreds of dollars for a single deck. Being less stupid doesn't change the fact that it's stupid.

I think it's stupid that I have a deck in front of me that averages out to a 75-tall stack of $20 bills. It's not something to be proud of. I actually feel ashamed that somehow this is the state of the game. I can't believe that people continue to defend collector-value when they don't have any fucking people to play with.

I think it's funny that people defend collector value because defending collection value presumes that someone is going to cash out of something.

How the fuck are you going to cash out if there's nobody around to sell it to.

It's like the players promoting the new Commander decks. They are good value, they say. They only have good value if you are willing to waste your time selling or trading the cards away, in which you are investing way more time and effort than the value you gain. In reality, each deck MAYBE contains 5 cards that will move easily whereas the rest is fucking shit that nobody wants even if it sells for a high price.

I've played four or five matches on cockatrice with it so far and I've yet to lose. It's very well poised to go over the heads of all the 4c midrange and control decks that are running around and has some crazy blowout plays, like goggles into fall of the titans.

It definitely needs some tweaking, like the entire sideboard area, but it's crazy fun.