Infinity General -- Chinese Inquisition Edition

Infinity is a 28mm scale futuristic skirmish game by Corvus Belli where face tattoos and other body augmentations don't automatically fire you from your government job.

>All the rules are for free. Buying the books is only relevant for fluff:

>Provisional Catalog where you can look at pretty pictures of the miniatures you're thinking of getting:

>Rules wikis:

>Rules Wiki Offline Backup!Dxs3VbKQ!_tRgLeIszkdMBvnpCFE4xHELtngLRL26cexppwmAIws

>Official Army Builder:

>Token Generator:

>N3 Hacker Helper:

>N3 Reverse Index Web App (a bit outdated as of HSN3 but still a bit viable to look at)



>Faction Rundown:

>All Consolidated Rules:

>Operation Icestorm Scan (beginner missions)!AkkG0ZZA!CE-YzCWIWVROcSnnlkZI8SMWxWoNb1LkFbWI-LamYR8

>The RPG Kickstarter

>WIP Tactica

>RPG Character Creation

>Faction colour scheme creator here:

Previous thread:

Other urls found in this thread:

Preview of the "Manga" Pre-Order mini I didn't see in the previous threads. Sniper shot from this week is likely it, unfortunately.

So, am I imagining things, or are Wu Ming loadouts in large chunk of profiles rather arbitrary:
- the one Chain Rifle/SMG. profile and the one Combi-rifle/EMitter/AP Mines profile are only availiable with Duo
- Boarding Shotgun only with Tinbots or FO
- Panzerfaust and a light shotty for 0.5 SWC
- HRL or HMG for 2 SWC?
- MR only with some flavor of grenade launcher
I mean, I like the sculpts and the lore, but that seems rather dumb overall. Also, the fact that no model actually carries a rifle is odd.

At first I thought he was Julius fucking Caesar since the hair kinda looks like a laurel wreath.

I'm right there with you user, something similar was my first thought upon seeing that head as well.

I wonder if this is Knauf. Looks neat. I would preorder the manga anyway.

>PanO sniper Caesar
Hold me, it's beautiful.

The Duo profiles can be used in Core as well. 2 SWC for HRL/HMG on HI is standard. Wu Ming overall have very unusual profiles, making them more versatile than normal HI.

How do i make an army list that is only mercenaries?

QK sectorial of Haqqislam, or you could just simply do a friendly and agreed game of only mercenaries picking whatever army you want.

Its for a league, if its a narrative league than i wanna play mercs

Then QK. Or if you want guys that are mercs in fluff but not marked as such, Corregidor.

Some corregidor units pop up in other sectorials (ariadna and haqq), i'd say that marks them as legit mercenaries.

Hell, I don't really get what's with the merc label, since most of them can only fight with one or two factions, so they pretty much belong to them.

Everyone works in Corregidor, be it for Nomads or other nations. Construction, mining, etc. A number of their personnel happen to be pretty decently skilled soldiers. Provided that their home doesn't need them to fight, they'll instead be fighting for the highest bidder.

One of the neater parts of Corregidor- they get shit done, and are very competitively priced for their services. This means you have Nomads running all over the place doing shady shit for cash. If their employer (whoever it may be) takes advantage of their services they send Brigada pain trains to take over the employer's facility and ransom it back to them.

Pretty much all Corregidorians are mercenaries, no doubt about it. Only thing they're missing are catgirls.

Not all nomads are disgusting bakunin vermin.

Is it just me, or do all ariadna sectorials essentially have the exact same units for the exact same niches, but with slightly different skill loadouts.

Like, here's a paratrooper commando in russian, celtic, french and american flavors. They all do the same job in the same way, but this one has one more point of armor, this one doesn't have terrain and this one has a light shotgun instead of a boarding shotgun.

And it feels the same with other unit types, too. It's like all the sectorial are homogeneous as fuck, fighting the same way with nearly the same units and no proper focus.

if only there was Russian sectorial. There is more then enough models to make a kazak sectorial, yet CB keeps hating on Russians, which is again an example of how western people hate everything that is superior to them.

I'm amused that the currently existing sectorials actually have less unit variety than the Russians which don't have a sectorial.

Old thread and all, I had to go to sleep.

>...Better than everyone moving at once
Oh yeah, it's fucking rad. I 100% agree that infinity's turns are awesome. The issue I have is introducing it to other wargamers, boardgamers and videogamers. Infinity turn structure is different, and a new paradigm, which doesn't translate well into a simulation which people can use their prior experience to understand.

>That is a problem with being new. Maybe you should stick to quick 200 pts... People should really stop trying to get into the game with 300pts right away.
Game becomes a lot faster once you remember all the weapon ranges and bonuses.
I've only played around 30-40 games of N3(not including Icestorm misson runs, then it would be around 150 games), but that's not a good argument against my opposition of the game. It's rules heavy. It has some really left field questions which you have to answer. Is has a lot of number checking, measuring, and interaction. I can't remember the weapon bands, the statlines and hacking table off the top of my head, I'm never going to be able to. And, yes the game is faster at 200 points, and my favourite point level is 150 on super dense boards.

>...It's a high lethality game... When all that's left on one side is a Tikbalang and a Machinist at the start of turn 3, you kind of see why there's no need to go any further.
Nope, not always. I've seen 300 points games that end at turn three with only 50 points of casualties on both sides. How that happened? I have no idea... They both had advent calendar lists, so it's not an interaction I'm used to. My concern with the turn count, it's an arbitrary end point, that hasn't always felt like an appropriate conclusion.

My argument, Infinity = Awesome. Infinity = Rules heavy. I'm moving towards liking rules light games, which I can introduce to friends and play a deep tactical game after only a short introduction.

>Only thing they're missing are catgirls.
He says when the ORIGINAL catgirl is a full Corregidor borne and other doctors have cat robots. And half the combat units are named aftet cats.

>Game becomes a lot faster once you remember all the weapon ranges and bonuses.
I've only played around 30-40 games of N3(not including Icestorm misson runs, then it would be around 150 games), but that's not a good argument against my opposition of the game. It's rules heavy. It has some really left field questions which you have to answer. Is has a lot of number checking, measuring, and interaction. I can't remember the weapon bands, the statlines and hacking table off the top of my head, I'm never going to be able to. And, yes the game is faster at 200 points, and my favourite point level is 150 on super dense boards.

It has nothing to do with points or army size, and more with then, Infinity is not w40k. It is realy hard for some people to unlearn habits from other games. For example we had a dude that was constantly checking ranges to everything, and no amount of telling him it is illegal could change him.

A lot of that does make sense. But only in a link.

The filler Duo model gets short ranged shit, either cheap or upgraded. You pair it with HMG for balance.

Shotgun is either filler objective grabber or filler tinbot monkey - in either case it's a touch cheaper than a rifle and adds utility and a range band.

PFaust+shotty is just a cheap ARO guy who can do short or mid range. M Rifle alone is rarely worth the points, but throw in grenades to fuck your opponent's LI linkteam into oblivion, and now he's versatile and the second choice leader when the machine gun dies.

2SWC for rockets sucks though.

I've heard CR + SMG and FO shottie is a fine DUO for room clearing and take and hold.

> My concern with the turn count, it's an arbitrary end point, that hasn't always felt like an appropriate conclusion.

Agreed. It's really artificial and spoils the storytelling aspect of the game when it's so circumscribed.

Where's the robophile module? Where?!?

I find it great. It forces the players to move their asses to score and only turtle to protect objectives.

As opposed to endless stalemates.

Sure, but heaven help you if you're caught out in the open with your pants down.

I was hoping for Hexa, but I'm totally fine with this

Also Corregidor.

Cheap superficial body mods are not where it's at.

Also zondcats/remotes don't count.

Neither do unit designations.

You lie.

>Hell, I don't really get what's with the merc label, since most of them can only fight with one or two factions, so they pretty much belong to them.
It's a holdover from N2, where Mercs were a separate faction with special rules.

>How that happened? I have no idea...
>They both had advent calendar lists
That's how it happened. Everyone was sneaking and mucking about instead of fighting. It's like an MtG Control vs Control or Fog vs Fog, where both sides are all about deflecting rather than dealing damage.
I've had 300pts games in which by first player's turn 3 every single of my units was slaughtered.
Damn dirty monkeys.

>I find it great. It forces the players to move their asses to score and only turtle to protect objectives.
That's a pro argument for any game having a turn limit. One of my friend says a turn limit is one of the biggest sins of board games, as "the game often ends just as you're starting to get everything going smoothly". By then the game just becomes pointless. Pressure is good here, it forces the player to actively find a win route.

>That's a pro argument for any game having a turn limit. One of my friend says a turn limit is one of the biggest sins of board games, as "the game often ends just as you're starting to get everything going smoothly". By then the game just becomes pointless. Pressure is good here, it forces the player to actively find a win route.

You can make pressure without having a turn limit. So you could have, on the board benifitial terrain/areas on the board that will give advantages to the player who takes the initiative. Having bounty 2 containers near the center of the board or having one way saturation zones. Or having negative modifiers to staying in your deployment area.

You have a reason to move your ass (objectives) and a reason to do it fast (The game is going to end if you keep setting up). Games only really end "when it's starting to get good" if the players aren't making the game good from the first turn because they are too busy wasting time fucking around.

It's literally an issue with the players and not the game.

Impulsively bough red veil, are there any canon yu jing uniforms that aren't yellow or orange?

Not to mention that miniature games tend to take a long time regardless. Infinity is a "fast" game and it still takes an hour and a half to two hours to play.

There are some ISS ones in the HSN3 fluff book, but I don't have it on hand to scan.

Plus if there was no turn limit, the game would turn in to people spaming TR hmgs and snipers, and sucide camo/TO dudes trying to take objectives.

The HSN3 book has two alternative schemes, Jinyiwei (Emperor's inner security, red/yellow) and Shence (infamous from pacifying Factory Revolts, black/blue).

Shence is exactly what this guy does:

Red and white.

Does anyone else have that picture of the alternate scheme of the Geckos?

And does anyone have a picture of the Jinyiwei scheme



Not much, but it might help.

Is it really going to be made of plastic though, or is it just a sample cast?

They 3d print their master, then use it to make moulds.

Just assembled dat new Garuda. Love it. HUGE improvement over the old.

What are you guys working on?

Sure, closet furries.

I have se me Janissaries on table.

you keep them in a closet? kinky

Stripping the rv hsien.

Can you take a pic of the new and old cranes next to each other?

Trying to figure out how to do a porcelain-like look for the armor of my Onyx dron deluge.
The open flesh was easily done, but all attempts at the ceramics looked like ass and will require me to strip three unidrons and a overdron.

guys what do you think about this for a starter 200 pts army

Myrmidonetta /hacker/
Machon Lt
Myrmidon chainrifle
Agama Rocket Launcher
Agama Mk12
Thorakites FO Sub Machine/Chain rifle
Net Rod

It is a wee bit low on models and orders, but I could get it realy cheap, over lets say 200 pts of nomadds or ariadna.

I'm going to be playing in an Infinity RPG game soon. I need character ideas. Anyone feel like helping out?

my main opponents aka brothers army looks like this right now
1xhardcase with shotgun
1xfoxtrot Lt
2xkrakot renegades with chain rifles
2xChaseur Fo
Spetznaz with hmg
Uxia spec ops.
Spetznaz with shotgun AD

A bakuni net news man addicted to cat modfication surgeries, and some sort of rare drug.

Needs more orders. 10 is recommended and 9 can work, but 8 just isn't enough for 200 points, especially if one is a Netrod.

A guy convinced that he's a CA sleeper agent, and wants to sabotage his own mission but isn't willing to kill himself to do so. He may or may not actually be a CA sleeper agent.

sho fo

Reminds of Phyrexians which are my favorite guys in MTG. I approve.

You already said it: too low on models/orders. But mostly: You're WAY over the swc allotment for 200pts. I recommend dropping Phoenix for Eudoros, and maybe even dropping one of the agema for some cheaper orders.

Don't rely on those Netrods too. I've have many that jumped off the table during deployment.

>I need character ideas.
Isn't that what the lifepath's for?

Damnit now I want to paint my ISS but can't because my airbrush is borked to all hell.
Dire Foes :D


I cant wait for this. Also dat HVT

how to change the list, any advice ?

Now that I'm seeing Zhuang's actual painted model rather than a render... I still don't like it. The pose doesn't fit the model, it uses that stupid knife reverse grip that CB seems to have a hard on for these days, and it's going to clash with the far less dynamic CGs he'll be linked with. It's a shame.

The other stuff is good though, especially that HVT.

I need the agama. turn one my brother normaly has 4-5 dudes near objectives, and his army is full camo, aside for one para trooper spetznaz.
Would it help if I took out phoenix, took a chain myrmidon instea dof him?

- YJ guy looks fairly boring and has an ugly haircut, but the pose is alright. Ambivalent on the bots.
- Haqq cutie is overall pretty good, if somewhat unremarkable.
- HVT looks kinda odd, like a Disney villain or something. Maybe it's the paintjob.
6/10 overall, I'd say.

Agreed on all counts. Also Zhuang just looks like he's squinting to look more Asian.

I don't mind the knife, but the pose is fairly odd (and reminds very much of another Infinity mini, though I can't pin down which one) and the armor looks somewhat overdone.

how about this
Machon Lt
myrmidon chain rifle
myrmidon spitfire
Myrmidonetta /hacker/
Agama Rocket Launcher
Agama Mk12
thorakites FO SubMacine/Chain rifle
Net Rod
Net Rod
Warcor 6th sense

I agree. I really did not like his Krakot pose. The painted version only exaggerates the the bulkiness of the backpack, and clumsiness of the pose.

Leila is ace though. Both model and profile.

Krakot. It looks a lot better on the monkey imo. It's not an inherently bad pose, but Zhuang's bulky armour and gun don't mesh with it and the constipated facial expression doesn't help.

I need to do proper photo sessions of everything I've painted recently.
That means a Bandit, Intruder, Tomcat, 3 Fusiliers, Joan, Mulebots and Tikbalang.
I think I'm going to take a break for a while, at least from Infinity.

He does, doesn't he? He's probably a guizi, trying to blend in.

Forgot pic

The resemblance is uncanny, except one looks good and the other doesn't.

A Reverend Agent that used to have a lover that turned out to be an ALEPH spy.
I actually rolled something like this in the character creator. I've not saved the sheet though.
Also you can never go wrong with a thrill-seeker bounty hunter, like Miranda Ashcroft.

Yeah, that's the one. I wonder if they used the same pose in the CAD and just rolled with it or if it's a actual conicidence. I mean, the resemblance is uncanny.

First timer here, just got Red Veil. Holy fuck these things are tiny. I don't even know how to start putting them together. Do you grab them with your fingers? The tip of the nails? Needles with a flat head?

So here's google's first suggestion for "game for ants".

I recommend dropping an Agema. 1 is enough even in 300pts. Do you have Nesaie or Thrasymedes? Try to fit in a cheap Thorakitai 4-man fireteam. Running multiple enomotarchos teams will really help with order efficiency

>that face


Fingers or tweezers. Use superglue to stick them together.

To be fair, it matches his screaming expression ...better than Pheasant's girl squint

Dunno, I think it looks like he's shouting in anger.
Also he's quite handsome for a Chink.

She's just having a standing power nap. When you're an agent in the field there's not much time to sleep.

I only have the models listed and an extra thorakites, phoenix and eudoros.
But could you an example list with nesaie or thrasymedes. Christmas will be in 2 months, so I could get them then.

I dont play 200pts often but...
>Group 1
Thorakitai FO
Thorakitai FO
Thorakitai FO
Machaon LT
Myrmidon AHD
Myrmidon Chain
>Group 2
Warcor Aerocam


Gonna have a special profile?

I'd maybe give one Thorakites a light rocket launcher instead of having the warcor. Much better ARO and gives you some nice flame templates to play with.

Sure, but FOs are cheaper, they're a specialist, doesnt cost a swc, and ths Flash Pulse have the same position range bands as the LRL.

thanks. I will rethink my army, and maybe my brother will let me play with proxies.

I'm not saying they're better than the FOs in every way, but in that specific force you've already got 2 FOs in the link and you're not doing all that much with the extra points/SWC. Flash pulse is nice, but blinding someone is not as good as killing them and burning the camo off their friend.

shit, he says no to proxies. Ill try to play with what I have now, even if it is weak. Going first is going to be realy bad only 6 orders to work with on turn 1.

>no proxies
>in a game where most models don't even exist
Kill him, it's your only choice.

But is that enough?

I´ve been reading on the need to peg some pieces because the contact zone is way too small for the glue to hold properly.

Won't work, he is older and dad wants him to inherite his transport firm. Plus we are only half brothers, my dad was forced to marry my mom after he got her pregnant.

Are we talking no proxying a unit as a different unit or no proxying a unit as that same unit with a different weapon? Because that second one is a lot more limiting.

The ALEPH Lhost Dog Warrior that is technically possible.

Almost done with a Bandit Hacker, need to work on Moira box, Wildcat HRL, and Lunokhod for a friend, but for my self I have Shaolin monks (painting one of them like Aang), a Pheasant Rank Red fury Girl, 2 Yuan Yuans, and some Haqqislamites I'm not in an immediate rush to paint like the Hunzakut, Al Hawwa (who right now is my test model for purple hair), and I've yet to assemble some Muttawi'ah (hoping they're as good as everyone says, they were a bit of a sale impulse buy).

Looks too McDonald's. Don't like it. Don't like the other one either. I think I'll just stick to the Vanilla scheme.

You could always try your own. There's no need to stick to studio schemes.

I do my own scheme for JSA (majority dark red) and sometimes I try out what I can (I made my OOP invincible who proxies a Daofei purple, and one of my Tiger soldiers have snow blue/white pants) but I like the orange armour anyways.

Apparently CB are testing new sectorial specific rules for Lt selection.

All we know so far is that USARF lists are required to select the unit with the lowest WIP as Lt.

Fuck off, commie. This is a good thread.