Pathfinder General /pfg/

Pathfinder General /pfg/

If you want build advice make sure to say what 3pp you can use, if any.

What's your character's vice?

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first for pathfinder a shit

>What's your character's vice?


And the fact it's all an act to look more confident and charismatic to others when she doesn't have any real experience

>What's your character's vice?
Chronic masturbator

being an Eldrich Scion

oh wait thats more of a crippling disability.

>What's your character's vice?
He's a necrophile.

>What's your character's vice.

Eating and drinking (non-alcoholic), he's an Elan that has been without food for years.

Second one is stealing (and returning), but had a Warder that with Stoneplate and a Tower Shield had an armor check penalty of -2, and pumped a lot of points into Slight of Hand and Stealth. He has very good at stealing.

Guys, what in your opinion is the most unique class?

>What's your character's vice?


Violence and Gluttony.

Falling asleep in the sun, and even though he tries to avoid it, the herbal menace called catnip

"No sir knight! That's for my Glaucoma!"

Magus, really. It's the only truly effective and ~working~ gish to have shown up in the entirety of D&D since githyanki were a thing.

Interestingly enough, Catnip has a soothing effect on humans when brewed as tea and/or smoked.

Magus is hamstringed by a shitty spell list tho

Kineticst overall

Honorable mention goes to Incanter, show me a more dippable front loaded class..

>What's your character's vice?
Depends on the character. My current one is into powerful weaponry.

My favorite one is collecting sexual conquests of a more bizzare and monstrous nature. So far her strangest has been a female drider. She's hoping for an even bigger male dragon than the last one, but it's unlikely at this point.

Not really - it does the job its intended to do, which is channel spells through weapons and hit areas of effect hard, and give some minor utility (flight, detections, intel). Remember, gish were originally githyanki warrior-mages, so anything utilitarian was covered by other classes in their troops. If you needed utility spells, you were already fucking up the raid.

Its more that they rely way too hard on shocking grasp. In many ways it might as well be their only spell.


>What's your character's vice?

He's a homewrecker; He sleeps with married women and the unmarried daughters of said women with flagrant disregard for their honor or social standing.

That's standard with ALL oni my boy. What's her personal vice?

A little *too* dippable, in my opinion. One level can get you 3 bonus talents, +1 caster level to 1 sphere, and the minor power from two different cleric domains. Oh, and you can all knowledge [all] to your class skill list.

Cheap cliche ridden copper store romance novels with flip out illustrations.

>tfw dawn of the last day for WotR
>tfw no selections
>tfw will never protect a Wilder's smile

>tfw your wilder's smile will never be protected

It hurts but i'll get over it

Wait, isn't oni-girl's younger sister the one *writing* those cheap copper romances?

I'm building a two handed wolf style user, any tips?What feats can I take to max my AOO damage (besides PA)

If she is, she's either really happy, or mortified at the possibility of her sister discovering that she writes Oni girl's "lewds".


What would be cuter, zenko kitsune or archon blooded aasimar for PsyArm/PsyWar gestalt? He'll be a trap either way.

Honestly, I think you have spared yourself some disappointment because the base wilder is fairly underwhelming. Tried it once and that was what happened to me.

All those characters lost, like tears in the rain.

>NTRing the DM

This is a level of magical realm I didn't think possible

What's lewd about awkward young women reading cheap dime-store romance novels possibly written by their younger sister?


Depends on your definition of gish and willingness to accept 4e as D&D.

Here's an important question i have for you folks.

For Oni-Spawn; Sacred Fist of Irori, Onryou Kaijistu, Master of the Many Styles of the Sacred Mountain.

Would it be worth it to get a permanent Enlarge person spell cast on her?

The magus should have been far more "build your own", and the fact that medium and heavy armor require you to hit 7/13 to use just feels like a slap in the face. Not even getting into how garbage your options are for spells.

>Want feature
>Games likely to die before you get it
>Don't want feature
>Not allowed to trade it out, few archetypes that do trade it are worthwhile

She's big enough as it is, user. If she gets Enlarge person cast on her than only centaurs or giants will want her.

Enlarge Person doesn't work on Outsiders anyways.

Oh... well that sucks.

It *does* if you take Pass for Human, though.

I'll probably just wait untill Wish is available to me.

You can try to use psionics and Expansion!

As an oracle that needs the CHA to AC bonus do I go 'lore' or 'lunar'?
I'm not super eager to risk slowing down a combat with the lunar animal companion even if I have the macro's set up and all the tricks written down.
Lore seems nice and it gives me a lot of bonuses to booksmarts, and lets me keep some fun emergency spells in my back pocket.

>As an oracle that needs the CHA to AC bonus do I go 'lore' or 'lunar'?

What's the party make-up? Lore lets you become the best skillmonkey in the land.

That doesn't mean that's what they are now.
And the shocking grasp issue brought up by is on point.
I ran into the same issue with duskblades in 3.5, and worse, it was a game where later on, everything was resisting lightning damage. I thought I would cry after the 7th different enemy had resist 10+ lightning.

That was probably your DM actively doing that.

Not sure yet. I wouldn't want to step on peoples toes by taking to many skills though.


the problem being that as a class Magus has way too much of a reliance on lightning damage via shocking grasp.

This could probably be solved via an arcana that trades points from the pool for a temporary element change tho

Is the Brutal Slayer any good? I really want to play an action-movie style hit-man which is an easy way to say, "kill as many fuckers between you and your contract."

Commission a Wizard to research a new spell, Enlarge Monster, Its probably either Level 2 or 3.

Pay the guy about 4000 for research labor, then another 3000 for a permanent cast on you.

Elemental Spell is already a thing.

How is that any different from usual PC behavior?

>Solved via arcana that trades points from the pool

Fucking NO, that's an awful idea. It could be solved by Elemental Spell not being +1 for no good reason, or by there being actual variety in the spell list.

I might be going solo for most of the fights, and I don't want to look like a heavily-armored monstrosity while doing so.

This guy's gotta look professional, you know?

usually doesn't have space on a magus going MAXIMIZED EMPOWERED INTENSIFIED SHOCKING GRASP

but yes, elemental spell is a thing, its also annoying because its not worth it and you have to take it multiple times for more than one element.


>Enlarge Monster, Its probably either Level 2 or 3.
Animal growth is 5th level...

For what it does, and how much it costs. Animal growth should be lower i think... But then again, T-rexes are also animals.

Slap on a 25-100 gold material component and think we're good for enlarge monster

How could I forget about that enchantment.

>Not heavily armored

Chooseth one, knave.

Suddenly I wonder. If the 1pp Magus could take a feat or second Arcana that made it that, so long as he had a point in his Arcane Pool, he could make a pool strike for free, would that make it actually a good ability? With the ability to spend a pool point as a free action when using it to double the damage.

Maybe? it would make them less nova-reliant

I just rewatched John Wick so I'm in a bit of that funk, user.

>dm gave the party 20 point buy
>gave me 15 point buy
why tho

Honestly, it sounds like a solid plan IMO. Dunno if any GMs would actually go for it. If I have to be honest, the more I look at Pool Strike, the more it looks like it should have just been a base part of the Arcane Pool itself, though then then probably would have had to get lower damage scaling.
I'll probably try pitching the followup arcana to my GM, should I ever get to try playing a magus. Freeing myself from the shackles of shocking grasp memery sounds pretty legit.

he can smell your faggotry.

what's the difference between you and your partymates?

Either he thinks you're going to break the game, or he hates your guts.

Well, my health issues may be improving enough that I can finish up the last few archetypes. I apologize to everyone who was waiting on my play test There weren't many of you, but I am extremely sorry to those that there were. I have been a bad homebrewer and generally a bad guy when it came to informing you all as to the state of the playtest. My illness did not keep me from making that minimum effort of being transparent, it was my own fault that it occurred.

So, hopefully next week we shall return and the playtest shall begin, and the archetypes (hopefully) will be done by the end of the week. I know I've said this before, but this time I hope I mean it!

>tfw DM is oddly pushy about a male character hanging out with mine
>tfw I just learned in one of the most awkward Skype conversations of my life that he thought, since my guy turned down a potential romantic interest, he must be gay

It's too early to drink the rest of this Kraken.

>not taking said man to pound-town

Its not gay unless balls touch you prancing la-la fancyman

Hey hey, I didn't say I was opposed to it, just kinda salty since I never saw this character as being gay.

Your character isn't gay? I remember last time I played a homosexual It was a hobgoblin who the party never found out was gay because there were no goblinoids around and he wasn't attracted to humans/elves/orcs/etc.

I'm an experenced player and GM and they are bunch of noo...


No, the area we were in (it was a FR game) had creatures with resistance natively, right out of the MM.
Stop being so quick to think every DM is a shitter, user, because and are both correct.
Time to talk to the DM, user, because that isn't cool.
It's NEVER too early for kraken, user.
>fucks up the quote
>prancing la-la homoman
>no boy molesting, tho

>that pic
I just realized that would be a creative use to Immovable Rods.

What other creative ways are there to use magic items and spells for making Gains?

You were too strong. You know what you can do though? Be an absolute monster.

What class are you? I'll minmax dat point buy

warpriest of gorum

then your dm is a faggot, you can help them doing betterwithout getting cocky, first level character have not enough power to make a difference

>Race: Archon-Blooded Aasimar
>Racial Traits:Immortal Spark
>Base stats 16/12/12/9/13/9
>With racial: 16/12/14/9/15/9
>With aging: 15/11/13/10/16/10
>With age resistance: 16/12/14/10/16/10

Easy peasy.

So tell the dm to fuck himself then put together a 10 point buy SAD caster and break the game.

>what's your character's vice?
rampant debilitating autism

>SAD caster
what is a SAD caster? I'm not an english speaker, we talk about roleplay in our own language
I'm not

Single Attribute Dependent.
Aka a spell caster that only needs one stat to fuck the world.

A-user, I don't think that is what vice means.

Good taste user.

You can still play on 15PB as either a aasimar or a hobgoblin, aasimar is better however.

Rings of Sustenance. Perfect nutrition at all times.

damn. Nice.

Oh, John Wick's easy.

Assuming firearms are no bueno and PoW is allowed, he'd be a Scarlet Throne focused Warlord prestiging into Landsknecht with all the proper Style feats.

Oh THAT had to be a joy for the rest of us to read.

Personally, I kinda just not think about what my character's into unless there was a specific flaw/preference rolled up (whether that's "obsesses over dryads" or simply "is an extremely snobby fop and won't settle for anything that doesn't have princess in its name at least three times").

Inevitably, the campaign ends far before anything would ever come up anyways, *OR* something just clicks when you see it, after multiple sessions, and you just go "I'm gonna run with this"

Most recently:
>Huh. I wonder if I could enchant *that* dragonskin the same way I did the armor few weeks back

>*It's at that moment the player realizes his character was staring at the dragon disciple's "natural armor" with great interest and decides eh, fuck it, why not

The ten point buy is more to make a statement of you don't need to gimp me if I want to break the game I can, so let's put everyone on equal footing.

what are the best items for a two weapon unchained rogue?
he is an elf, not a drow, I didn't find an art with short hair of a normal elf


how would you build him with nonpow?

I think Slayer would do well. High martial capability, good skills. Overall pretty good hitman esque class.

Human fcb with the warpreist give syou 3 fewer feats than the fighter OVER 20 levels

Stay human.

Slayer, easily.