
Stinky Linkies not welcome

I’m sorry. I bit the bullet and bought 10000 just now. Fuck it.

u guys think there's room for more growth?

Yes but it's risky as hell right now. Could potentially leave you holding the biggest bags in history.

whale here, I'm all in.

Sorry your shitcoin is a pump and dump

Why did it surge in the first place?

who bought at 3k+ here? be honest


it will dump back to 0.25usd, 24h from now we will see the pinkest bagholding wojaks in crypto history

Buying Ripple now is like buying Digibyte when it was 4 cents.

Enjoy holding those bags.

go do your wishful linking somewhere else, stinky

>goes back to 0.25
>i buy some more
>coinbase announcement happens on Friday
>price shoots up to 4 dollars
>even more pinkwojacks who sold at 0.25

trendline still not broken, i wouldn't hold my breath

That's my fucking car!!!!!! Fake news it's all a fake news pump! Goddamnit my link bags are heavy!!!! AaAaaAaaAaaaahHhhhhhhHH!!!!

Sold bags at 3005, looking to re-enter.

I tried to buy earlier but couldn't. I managed to buy 218 now.

XRP between 0300 - 0900 this morning.

pic related.

I bought 410. In a year that'll be worth thousands.

Cashed out slowly at 0.44, bought at 0.19 ages ago
Hoping to get in below 40 cents again, but given how it slowed down I thought it was too risky staying in there

Oops, didn't mean to quote

Sold with a nice profit.
Looking to repurchase soon.

better get out right now

Everything below 50cents is an absolute must buy. 2018 will be the best year for ripple and xrp.
In 6 months time, prices like today will be far out of reach.
I am very happy to see the most hated coin on Veeky Forums slowly but steadily getting so much momentum. Good luck everybody, you’re all gonna make it.

Better get in right now

got in at $0.23 a few days ago, debating whether to hodl or not

Wondering the same here and I bought 20 minutes ago


Im sorry. Bought all their Bags at 21c

Just cash out the initial investment then you can only win

where do I buy this fuckin coin?

People thinking it will be on coinbase because of some fake scam. Worked nice for a good pump though

don't buy this shit cripple

GTFO newfag

fucking normies flooding Veeky Forums

fidget spinner coin. ask about it on facebook

oh you fags don't want me to dump into it? ok then

dump yourself dude we dont want u here
