Pathfinder General /pfg/

Pathfinder General /pfg/

If you want build advice make sure to say what 3pp you can use, if any.

What's your current character's art?

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Was thinking about using this.

he looks so nervous

>What's your current character's art?

Edgy. I know.

Yes that's the point.

I've made the mistake of playing a monk. Although the GM banned Wizards and most of the other Tier 1 classes.

Dwarfess Stonelord (?) represent.
It's my first female character in like... 3 years. I wanna treat her nicely.

Making characters is always awkward for me, because i need lore and manuals to get a spark. With blank datas like the PFSRD i just can't. And with VolcanoHound dead (or arrested) it's getting so hard to get new stuff, so i have nothing to get creative off.

someone will take over. Believe.

For a synthesist is it easier just to put everything onto one char sheet orr?

Make two sheets, one with the eidolon on and one without. Ideally you'll never be without it, but it's important to have it in case.

sounds good

>What's your current character's art?

She's a middle-aged knight that married young and, now an empty nester, finally has the chance to explore beyond her county!


He's a ratfolk Necromancer/Lich who just reached his goal of lichdom, so this is his brand new icon. Funny enough hes a lot more friendly then he looks, though this isn't to say he's not essentially emperor Palpatine in the form of a rat skeleton, he's just polite.

I LOVE that image. What is it? can you tell me more? Is there more art of this race?

>What's your current characters art?

I'm a Dwarf fighter that was born into a religious order of economic peacekeepers, but was thrown out because he was far too stupid to understand the nuances of law and trade.
This is the source
It is just a goblin

Anyone has the latest pf releases on PDF?

Alright, continuing this because why not, the everfull argument on what constitutes "real D&D games", their feel, presentation, et al.
The folks of this thread play this instead of D&D for a reason, what is that reason?
Considering how close it is to a version of D&D, do you feel it outD&Ds D&D?
Does the presentation of mechanics draw you in, or is it the lore behind it all that piques your imagination?
How do you mentally digest the wild differences in how the game is presented and it's expectations, cleaving to high fantasy in some areas, grounding itself firmly in ordinary reality in others?

Very unique and cool goblin concept.
Its like out of treasure planet or something.

It's literally just 3.5 with a new coat of paint and marketing behind it. Nobody would've given it a second glance if it wasn't released to compete with 4E.

>The folks of this thread play this instead of D&D for a reason, what is that reason?
Because everyone else plays this because everyone else plays this because everyone else plays this because everyone else plays this.... Seriously, it's a vicious cycle. I can't find anyone that wants to play anything else, because they only know pathfinder because that's all anyone ever wanted to play with them.

>Considering how close it is to a version of D&D, do you feel it outD&Ds D&D?
Not at all. I think it's a perfect representation of everything wrong with third edition, but still offers enough material to at least make character creation combos interesting.

>Does the presentation of mechanics draw you in, or is it the lore behind it all that piques your imagination?
Neither. The lore may possibly be worse than the mechanics, and that's saying something. Neither is anywhere near as bad as FATAL (actually it's the mechanics that are the worst there) but Golarion is badly made even for a kitchen sink and the mechanics are rife with traps and choices that only a xiaositect who's been snorting pure chaos for too long would ever consider balanced.

>How do you mentally digest the wild differences in how the game is presented and it's expectations, cleaving to high fantasy in some areas, grounding itself firmly in ordinary reality in others?
The same way everyone else in the campaign does all the time, even while they're flatly ignoring any suggestion of ever touching a different system as if I hadn't even talked: By bitching about it in the middle of game nonstop.

I joined Pathfinder for much the same reason as everyone else; 3.5e was bloated and dying, Pathfinder was sleek and streamlined in comparison, and 4e was an absolute departure from everything 3.5e and Pathfinder was.

By the time 5e came out we were already invested.

pf is a decent improvement on 3.5, i like 3.5 despite its flaws.

so thats why i enjoy it.

I'm in your same boat user.
I found the newest CotCT by luck, but nothing else.

>tfw i've already made two characters for the rotjr campaign


I want to play a Blood Alchemist!

Tell us about them, user.


I want to make a multiclass trip character for a short low level campaign.

Any suggestions for classes?
I'm thinking Fighter (Lore Warden) with a either a level in Witch or two in Alchemist.

no pats

>mfw all these characters I have shelved that would be perfect
>mfw some of them would be pretty damn good with spheres/PoW gestalt, or at least really fun
>mfw I will never actually get to play any of them

Why must the ideas flow like water?

>What's your current character's art?
This was done for me from a request in a drawthread. the game she was made for has since rebooted, so I'll have to use the character art again for a different character, because it's WAY higher quality than I had expected.

Magus, grab a whip, grab True Strike.

>mfw I will never actually get to play any of them

user please, the campaign won't open until January, that's plenty of time to create a concept or three.

Not that user, but could I get a link? I'm curious.

>that's plenty of time to create a concept or three
>my problem is having too many concepts
>"dude lmao just make more"

user, I don't know if you read my post correctly or not.

What if I said that I'm planning a E8 DSP/spheres/1pp campaign that I'm planning on inviting pfg anons to?

Not gestalt though
Also it's a mercenary company setting so people can trade out characters between missions

I'd say it's cruel of you to lie like that when the other guy's so desperate and vulnerable.

Kicking people while they're down is a petty little fetish.

I'm about to start GMing a new campaign, but one of my players can't show up this week. Assuming you had teh start planned out for all players equally, how could I believably "delay" the group? My original start had them on a cart on their way to a bustling city. My new plan is to have the cart-owner apologize for the delays, but they'll have to stay in this small village until his merchandise arrives.
What kind of fun stuff could I get them to do in this session until the "cart-owner" is ready?

i mean

i'd probably maybe play it

i dunno

e8 kinda hurts my soul.

and I'm kind of obsessed with gestalt at the moment

>user, I don't know if you read my post correctly or not.

Nah I read your post correctly, I was just focusing on you saying "I won't get to play any of them" more than "I've got so many concepts holy shit."

You've got a shot at playing one of them, user.

It's pretty mean to doubt my efforts user ;_;

Only if the campaign is set in the middle of their world's version of the 30 Years War!

Is there anything close to a Divine Magus, 1pp? Something naturally more melee inclined than a cleric.
I was thinking about Warpriest, but with Spellstrike...

Are there even enough divine blasting spells to merit divine spellstrike?

Warpriest, Paladin, Inquisitor, and melee Cleric/Oracle are the best you're going to get.

probably not, especially because divine magic isn't really blasting friendly in general

Most recently played character's art.

Show the houserules!


Just have the players take the cart and have the new player show up in the city.

If I've learned one thing play, it is don't delay the group because of one person.

Give us the character creation rules and a basic blurb about the setting so we can make some characters, user-sama.

And the only reason I want to see characters getting created is so we can actually have more character discussion in these threads that isn't centered around plump red breasts or tight woof butts.

The big houserules:
>Initiator archetypes that don't have 6th level casting or an equivalent are boosted up to full initiator progression, equal to Warder
>Any non initiator gets Martial Training I and II free, and more easily qualifies for III, with any mental stat as initiation mod
>Lots of feat tax removals
>Some free custom campaign traits to choose from
>You can rebuild or swap out characters between story missions, which generally won't go on longer than 3 sessions each
>Variation of ABP with more stuff, effectively more WBL
>Calling out the name of your attack/maneuver/spell/etc is a +1 bonus to your attack rolls

Nothing else changes play that much.

Basic setting is that you're in an upcoming CG mercenary company in a mashup of hollywood Venice and hollywood old style Japan, and the city is rife with the interlocking schemes of many influential factions. There's the city military, a group of rich wizards, a gambling ring of exotic races, a psionic spy network, and an eldritch church, with the PCs' small mercenary group weaving through the crossfire doing their own stuff on whatever they're hired to do.

A Divine Magus would just be a buffer. I have a Magus that does the same in combat.
Mirror Image > Haste > Blade Tutor's Spirit. After that, Power Attacking Blasting.

This intrigues me, considering how mathematically minimal my odds of getting my Gunsmoke|Trench/Grenadier Android doll in. Tell more.

And saying nothing on how my current campaign started out slightly similar, up until the part where we made a pact with a dragon to save the city from becoming some lich-pope's playground. Pic related, that be my dude.

A divine magus would be a buffer oh my god it exists its called the warpriest and it can swift action buff itself

>super path of war game

Not for me then thanks.

>path of war
>additional buffs
You see...the problem is that for any sense of danger CR+20 encounters will have to be the norm.

That's not what I'm talking about. Divine Casters can also buff allies yo.

I like Path of War a lot as a system though it does have its flaws I'm on the lookout for; these homerules are an experiment for me as well, though.

I'm hoping that it brings everyone up to full initiator level in combat without getting silly.

Forrest and others experimented with a homerule nerf where all full initiators were reduced to half initiators, and while that worked for balance, they found it wasn't /fun/.

So here I am trying the reverse direction, and throwing a bone to non initiators as well.

>the problem is that for any sense of danger CR+20 encounters will have to be the norm.

>mfw each martial gets to carve through dozens of mooks during an encounter

It's like the Dynasty Warriors game we never got, it's beautiful.

Not gonna lie, user, this sounds pretty fun.

How lewd would you allow concepts to be?

...You do know that that takes fucking forever and gets boring fast?

Let videogames do what they are good at, ok?

The end result is that you need to throw a bone to the whole damn monster manual now. Simply putting you up against CR+? enemies isnt the same.

Higher CR enemies have bigger numbers, but also things like different movement modes, senses, types of attacks, action economy...

Actually, more like CR+4-8 depending on actual party capabilities (not all initiators are created equal) and this mostly from extra enemies (as too much of a CR difference can land a few level 4-6 characters in "So he casts mass dominate, Will DC 27" or "literally invulnerable" territory.

That's the trick with PoW: they kill fast, but the action economy's the same, and they're only slightly more resilient to rocket tagging than regular martials (thanks to having an extra chance with counters) but not as much as casters. Most things that can shut down martials hard given enough of a level difference will do so exactly as easily to initiators, but if you give them a dozen lieutenants instead of "two mooks and the dragon boss", you'll get a good fight out of it.

>How lewd would you allow concepts to be?

Mercenary companies were notorious for their camp followers, user.

I am thinking of making a mostly stable and party-friendly mythos cultist, probably one of Yig. Is there a way to put a venomous bite on a constrictor snake? I want something bigger and still poisonous. So far all I can think of is using the primal companion hunter for evolutions (or naturally the summoner, but I want a more divine-focused build). I was hoping for a way to do it with a zealot vigilante, inquisitor or a serpent shaman druid.

I thought about getting evolved animal companion twice for the poison evolution, but I think it only gives several 1-point evolutions if you take it multiple times.

I have some neat ideas for combat.

(Full initiators barely get any buffs really besides the reduced feat taxes, so a party on these rules probably won't be much stronger than a normal full initiator party. Not that a full initiator party isn't pretty strong already, I admit.)

That's one idea, yeah.
Initiators are often surprisingly low on multi-target abilities unless you keep them in mind while building though, so it's not always going to be the ideal solution since that can take forever.

Again, it's experimental for me as well and I'll be trying out a handful of different things.

I only said lewd as a just in case really, but I'd say anime level lewd.
I'm no stranger to lewd games though

> anime level lewd

So maximum over lewd then.

I'm simply not interested in a game where a system that I already find to be broken and that I do not enjoy is made mandatory. I already find pathfinder warped horridly by pow, and a buffed version where I must use it leaves a foul taste in my mouth. I wouldn't even want to play a full caster because it would put them in a situation where all the caster can effectively do is play the GOD style, which I also despise

It's just not for me, I hope you find players that will enjoy it.

I really wonder what kind of schrodinger's wizard touched all of you as a child. Yes, at level 20 they are creating alternate dimensions, but at lower levels they have a lot less power than you all seem to think they have.

Most of the time their "win this fight" spells just don't work. That on top of them forevor being one grapple of critical hit from death...

A very tiny chance, but yes, there's a shot at it. Picking one to play is the hard part, though.

>The hotheaded, dragonblooded dude that's tapping into his anger so he can ENTER THE DRAGON, because clearly being a dragon is a massive upgrade from being just some street urchin
>A naive construct, taught to be a scholar and a healer, left to fend for himself when his creator vanished
>a shut-in with dreams of becoming a hero, and who was mentored by an intelligent sword his family had picked up long before he was born
>What amounts to an awakened animal with shapeshifting, who has no real understanding of how humanoid races work, but darn if that alley cat he took in as a familiar won't educate him

Alright, you have my attention at least, though I'm a little unsure about that. Never was much of a fan of the E6/E8 rules, since a lot of classes I had interest in never even got their cool shit until 10-11. Not that I've gotten to that level before anyway, but still.

>Spheres is available, and Free Martial Training
>calling out the name of your attack gives a bonus
>feat tax removals
>mfw this shit is perfect for the kind of magus I've always wanted to play


What is the best Path of War discipline for dealing with swarms, specifically ones immune to weapon damage?

Party is a Witch lacking in AoE, a "hair fighter" White Haired Witch 2/Magus 6, a Vitalist, and my stupid idea of Aegis 4/Barbarian 2/Warder 2. I forgot to pick up maneuvers, so I can grab anything.

Was a regular fisherman until a Ancient Red Dragon came out of nowhere and burnt everything down. It ripped out her heart and claims that if he wants to live a normal life, she has to take it back from him.

Elemental flux. Alternately, the two ranged disciplines work if you grab a few vials of alchemist fire or acid.

That is some obnoxious looking boobplate.

That's fiiinnee, I'm not trying to run pfg's perfect game, I'm just running something that I personally think is fun and hoping it works out. I hope you find a game you like too.

(Another big thing that isn't an official rule I forgot to mention is that I do want a soft cap on damage numbers, nothing like 'if you exceed a certain DPR you're out', but definitely something like 'primal fury+broken blade full attackers pls go')

I do have some smaaaalllll leeway for 'If there's something you would get at level 9 you really want we could work something out', but yeah, it's a bullet I had to bite to allow for rotating character builds and potentially rotating players because of sporadic running schedule and modular story arcs.

Pretty much.

So Dragons Dogma.

Is it straight up "you are locked at 8 no matter what" or is it the kind of e8 game where can you still get additional feats and such afterwards? I was considering something involving mithral current, which would only really work if the 3/4th BaB class I was going to use could get Mixed Combat somehow for the free action re-sheathing mid fight.

I dont actually have a character. But i wanted to contribute... GM is me and i am a GM/spoiler]

Could be cool, I've wanted to play p8 for quite some time, because I like bullying wizards

It's the former.

Mithral current will work fine though, there are at least three ways:
1) Every Mithral Current stance except one allows you to resheathe as a free action once per turn
2) Lightning Swap is almost the same thing and is BAB 5 prereq
3) You can pay 400gp to retrain an earlier feat into Mixed Combat, as per the feat retraining rules.

No probleeemmm

Stop bullying wizards

Fair enough, I guess. Though in hindsight I realize I would have to choose between Mithral Current and Elemental Flux and not get both from Martial Training, so the question is kind of moot.

I want to hold the wizard's spellbook over her head and make her reach for it!

Anime isn't lewd at all, it's just a bunch of contrived scenarios to get a glimpse of titty before the show goes back to vague references of being together.

I'd much prefer Game of Thrones style lewd where character exposition occurs mid-fuck, or filthy romance novel lewd where smouldering lust becomes burning passion at the first chance they get.

Anime understands that anticipation is half of the excitement.

Basic economics, user. If sex comes easy, it cheapens in value.

i'm not saying you should make pfg's perfect game, i'm just wondering if you're actually considering fully what the game you're making is going to be like

Like i'm fairy certain unless they super twink out on one spell, the most a caster will ever be able to blast at is 12d6. An average of 42 damage. Cr8 enemies often have -way- more than that! And it wouldn't shock me for a martial to easily blow past that at level 8.

plus CR8 enemies will get rekt by the pow boosted martials and shit, even half casters that will have a lot more.

I mean, if you want a game where its kick down doors and murder lots of shit and mages don't really do anything because the fights are either over or the danger to them is significantly higher than the martials around them i guess that's fine.

Just be prepared for every single character to be an initiator, if not a full initiator.

Edging that long isn't healthy, user.

Last time I edged too long I was jizzing blood for a week. You need to find a healthy medium between relationship build-up and culmination, but if you're character's a whore by profession... Well...

Is there a way to use CHA or STR for my stealth checks. I don't wanna have to use my -7 dex but I think that's how it's looking.

-7 to dex

thats not even possible.

-7 dex or dex score of 7?

Blasting will have less of a niche probably, yeah. I doubt anything will outdo a full initiator in all day damage, but casters will have their niche; AoE and crowd control particularly.
Personally I see Gambler Kineticist as the most viable blasting option, if people really want to run with that theme.

To an extent I tailor battles to party composition too, so there will be more glass cannon mooks to take out if someone wants to invest in AoE blasting, etc. And I'm definitely not running normal CR8 encounters.

In general I'm not so worried about party damage, I'm more on the lookout for utility tricks that blindside me. But hey, that's a standard danger in PF.

I assume he means 7 dex (-2), since you die at 0 Dex.

No you don't, you just can't move. You only die at 0 con unless an ability says otherwise.

I have a 7 but if it matters, also an ACP of -2

So get rid of your ACP and get some magic items to boost your stealth check then.

why do you have that low of dex.

i mean i blabber on in these threads about them that its not a big mystery

Wulf punchgirl and now i'm having fun making my ryuko expy

IC? I have an old wound in my leg that throws off my balance.

Meta? I have an ability that lets me use Cha in place of dex for my AC and my REF so I figured I could save some points by leaving it low.

So we're using background skills. I'm playing an unchained human rogue and invested up to 14 int. I also am spending my FCB on it.

I have 18 dex and 14 charisma.

So I have 12 skill ranks per level to play with I am thinking of going with the following:
>disable device
>knowledge (local)
>sense motive
>sleight of hand
>use magic device

I could drop my charisma down to 10 and lose the charisma skills except for UMD. Then bump my wis (it's only 12). Then I grab anlther knowledge skill, maybe spellcraft, escape artist, and survival.

What are must haves what should I drop?

Also what should I skill unlock?