Roll20 Battle Maps & Assets

I need art assets for roll20, let me see your best

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Gonna run LMoP? these are essential

Also I take pdfs of battlemaps and such (you can find a shit ton in /pfg/'s Mega) and convert them to maps for roll20

Not running a game/setting in particular, i just need more art assets

Does anyone have maps made to look like 16-bit SNES RPGs? This is one I made using the FF6 tileset.

I have a lot of rpgmaker stuff.

Shit yes, RPG Maker maps would be perfect. If only it was free, it seems like it's easier than dicking around with Gimp and Tiled.

There was a rpgmaker 2k version floating around back in the day, maybe that could be dug up on some forgotten site.

Looking for something in particular? Dungeons, battlemaps, buildings, overland, battlemaps?



Anything that's kinda blank. I like to place things like chests and furniture and traps as their own objects later on.






These are all great, thanks a lot. I'm running a D&D 5e game that draws inspiration from 1990s JRPGs, so I've been looking for maps and making tokens out of SNES sprites, and these will help maintain that feel.





>iso maps
You knuckleheads


Line up the tiles, done.





most house maps have lot's of junk in them



























100% serious, if I was in a game and a DM used these, I'd leave.

Have SOME respect for yourself. Show you care about your game a little bit.

It's caring for a consistent theme at least.

How do these people make such good maps? Does anyone know of any good tutorials? I've been experimenting with photoshop but no where near as good as this. All their textures and everything fits the same visual style and blends so well and they have so many well done and unique assets.

anybody got any sewer maps with decently wide tunnels? i want to run an encounter with a fairly large monster in the sewers but every map i find has thin (i.e. 1 square wide) tunnels or is just a tiny 1 or 2 room map which does not an interesting encounter make.

How about you just scale up some of the sewer maps?

What if it were a JRPG-themed game?

I've always dreamed of GMing a classic Zelda-style game using (perhaps randomized) 16-square "screens" made using tiles from the original NES game (and/or maybe from LA/OoA/OoS).


tried that, it just makes them wonky. i dont know why people make sewer maps with tiny tunnels in the first place, that's how you get your shit clogged up






If anyone's got sci-fi/cyberpunk type stuff, it'd be much appreciated.

Is that a floating island? If so, it's nice to see something that isn't dungeon after dungeon.

Yes it is!

Nice! Saved. Now I just have to work one into my current game somehow.

Look into grabbing a tileset and making your own map. This one has the "normal" sized corridor as 4 squares wide, but you could make something wider if you needed to.