Made, saw and played thread? These are always fun

Made, saw and played thread? These are always fun.

Aaaannnnd template.

Posted this last thread, might as well again

He was only played for a session, because the novelty wasn't going to last forever and I wanted to cash in before The Trumpening happened.

Made this for Dungeons the Dragoning 40k 7th edition






Turns out that actually playing these games ends up as a weird mix.


Is this what you've been doing instead of making CYOA's LGN?
I mean i get. Playing games is fun. But it's been like a year or two man!


>Gene Wider
>Richard Pryor
Dunno user, your players seem pretty cool to me.

Its more a matter of that Pryor and Wilder had very grim character concepts in the monsters hunters, but turned into this comedy duo.

The profit focused marv bruiser had to leave the game for personal reasons. Divorce and then having a kid, and I have three new players to throw into this lineup when I have the chance to update it.

Wait, found one I had updated before, not with the latest player though...all I know is his first pic is going to be Bender in a cryotube.


so, you gased everyone?

are you the one user, who told us that a replica of two edgelords, make a great comedical duo?


Made an undying warlock for a 5e game.

Rogue who eventually developed into the One Sane Man who tried to keep it all together. It was a good time.

Chimera driver with "psycho" demeanor


Mayhaps. Did I tell of accidental marriage, burning orphanages, adoption, and bantz. Bantz for days.

So... basically pixie wizard turned warlock

Old character. I'll dump the current party.


Made a sniper style gunslinger in a pirate game, ended up basically playing Revy from Black Lagoon and dual wielding pistols.



It's been an interesting campaign so far. The rest of the group's characters are: The Lone Ranger, a confectioner, and a magical girl with gravity powers.

>gravity powers
What game? Space/time magic (as opposed to elemental magic) is my shit.

Anima: Beyond Fantasy. A little bit of homebrew from our extremely experienced DM has made the whole thing an incredibly good time.

Made a beastman/inumimi avenger for a friends 4e/etrian odyssey game styled after a Ronin from the game series. The game is still going on, but some recent bombshells basically say my character is in for a lot of suffering ahead and there's nothing I can do to stop it.

I would have taken it that he spent his time clubbing rats and inhaling paint

Plus stalking someone habitually

WoD always turns into "Supernatural Commando: Break into the Thing and Don't Get the Cops Called."

Y'all cowards don't even push psychic powers.

I wasn't even trying to play the moral compass of the party, I just wanted to cast some cool spells and make potions

I can second this. Any Hunter: The Vigil game I'm in ends up with our Cell "Assassin's Creeding" our way through rogue vampire covens and werewolf packs that are at risk of putting The Masquerade at risk.

I love these kinda characters, probably because my characters tend to go the exact opposite direction.

Go into a LARP planning on tricking a town full of folks, wind up going legit and making bank filling the niche of a Town Crier.



Wanted to make a close combat mech pilot, DM saw a gundam weeb, but I was the only one to make to the end of the game with the same character.

You two are more on the money.

What game?

But those are all the same thing

The single least threatening dragon slayer in Fairy Tail. Until she absorbs air infused with massive amounts of magical energy, at least. Then she becomes terrifyingly adorable.

DM homebrew from years ago. I just had a flashback when I saw this thread so pic was an approximation.

Made a defenseless scholar in a harsh world. Ended up discovering metaphysical secrets that predate the rise and fall of several civilizations.


It's been really weird.

For my group it always ends up as just how big a thing can we do without the cops being called, or just what exactly can we get away with.
Last campaign we leveled several blocks, cumulatively. Good times.

Just emphasized certain elements of The Donald over others.


I am angrily disgusted.

Fucking Pathfags.



Can I have the source on the What I Made pic? Shit looks badass.

Liked the character, shame the game never worked out.

>that big boss
oh hey, didn't expect to see that edit again. i didn't think anybody would save it.

I've got two.

But now with Divination powers!

DM decided that if you didn't have force powers, you were going to be an NPC for one of the two jedi characters instead. The other five characters, myself included, are not looking to force ourselves into having a little more plot relevency, because talking to the man has gotten us nowhere.

What version of the Star Wars RPG? Because if it's the WotC one, you can do some dumb shit with droids and vibrosaws to make yourself the go-to guy for damned near everything.

The Fantasy Flight Games. Mind you my character's already broken, my GM only seems to have skimmed the rulebooks, because he's handing out around 500xp a session, where we aught to be on about 75 at a stretch. He's just a really shitty GM.

Mostly in these threads I'm just looking for sensible chuckles. It's rare that I really want to hear more. In this case, I do.