Hektor Heresy

Civil Discourse Edition

We're happy to welcome new contributors. If you'd like to have a read of the project (and please, don't pitch an idea without having read anything!), there are a few possible starting points. The main page is:
1d4chan.org/wiki/The_Veeky Forums_Heresy

While the Primarchs and the Legions are firmly locked down at the moment, we welcome any and all with ideas for Successor Chapters, Xenos Empires, Great Crusade Era Factions, Ork WAAAGHdoms, Eldar Craftworlds, Imperial Army/Guard Regiments, Knight Houses, Mechanicum/Mechanicus Forgeworlds, etc.

Want to know how to get into the Successor Chapters?
Welcome to the only two links you need!
1d4chan.org/wiki/Veeky Forums_Heresy_Successor_Template

For real though, take a look at the Imperial Army!

The forces of Lost and Damned need some love, and no one is writing for them! Get in on the ground floor!

Know what I said about grounder floor and no one writing?

Check out our IRC for the latest discussions, get in on the grounder-er floor!
channel: #hektorheresy

Previous thread Today's topic: Talk about whatever new ideas and pitches you have

Other urls found in this thread:


I just hope that one day there's Hektor Heresy homebrew for the FFG RPGs.

Well then get working on it, it's not too late to start

>We're happy to welcome new contributors.

Well considering we just brought on Ronin and vulture, your doubt is misplaced.

We do have a rules guy, he could probably build something.

I'm a long time time lurker and I don't know exactly how i should do this. Should I always post it here before adding it onto the wiki?

Well posting at least a rough draft or idea here helps people keep track of what you're doing and any potential issues that may arise, so I would recommend it.

Obviously the bulk of your writing goes onto the wiki, but general ideas and feedback should be posted in the thread or discussed in the IRC.

So how should the Warbands of Ostish look and dress, among other things?

Not sure, but I'm guessing they're somewhere between icky and disgusting.

I imagine the Bazen Circuit as being kind of Shadowrunner style brutal cyberpunk look.

The plague hawks I'm thinking kind of a nausicaa OTFOTW look.

The tzeench boys should be like half 70's disco half 90's view of the future, with all the plastic and vinyl of a tron movie. And LASERS. Lots of lasers.

I'm thinking of the slaanesh boys as trying to look aristocratic, but being from collapsed resource deprived urban hells, they don't actually have the luxurious materials to make it work so they just seem like pompous well tailored hobos.

The singers? Haven't given it much thought. I'm thinking the choral theme would still fit, so maybe those catholic white and black singing robes?

Quick thought/something dawning on me. I know there was a discussion about lack of Slaaneshi dudes, and realized that Fight Club actually deals with a lot of the ideals of the gods. Hear me out.

Tyler Durden and the Fight Clubs and Project Mayhem are at their core about letting go. The clubs allow those who fight to get lost in a moment of pure violence and adrenaline. The goal isn't decadent, but it's about bringing that vision to all of humanity. It's excess of a rather unusual sort. Not the decadence normally associated with Slaanesh, but the ability to just lose yourself in a different kind of pleasure (namely the adrenaline rush of a fight or survival) is also right in line with His/Her/Its ideals.

So why not do that? A warband or horde that runs amok looking for a fight, ANY fight, just to feel that surge of hyperawareness. They collapse worlds to share the beauty and exhilaration of losing everything to all those around them.

Maybe it's retarded, but it's just a thought, and it's a bit outside of the standard Slaaneshi box.

That's a pretty cool idea, like how the oldschool emperor's children were, but looking more for the state of being than just the experience.

Also it's interesting to think that what you're talking about is a middle ground between Khorne and Slaanesh. It sounds a lot like Kharn's take on Khorne's philosophy as the eightfold path (GW is as original with their naming as ever) of losing yourself to transcendant violence, losing all though and hesitation.

If it weren't such utter heresy, it'd be cool to write up a slaaneshi/khornate warband along those lines.

Alright, I'm setting a deadline for the 13th for myself.
I'm a lot busier than I'd hoped, but I still have enough free time, so: Sunday 27th November.
If I haven't finished and cleared up the page by then, I'll relinquish the slot and leave the project.

That'll give people time to write out potential replacement ideas for the legion if they have any as well.

I wish you luck.


>leave the project
can't you just like
drop the slit but hang out?

A bunch of people are taking this whole thing super seriously and businesslike, I honestly don't think it's necessary to just up and leave just because you're going to be busy for a little bit.

Should we start thinking of some not-primarch daemon princes?

Yeah, sure! We can always use more non-marine chaos characters. I think we only have ten or twelve now, so more is always good.

You'll want to introduce your ideas here or in the IRC so we can all have a good look at them

Might as well show off some concepts of mine, then.

>a Khornate Princess who commanded a Titan all by herself, and eventually crushed an entire planet with it's firepower
>Khorne ascended her after the final kill, spreading her flesh throughout the entire titan into a horrific daemon of incredible size

>a Nurglite Prince untouched by disease; rather, he focuses purely on Nurgle's aspect of despair, armed with an aura of melancholy so thick even objects begin to buckle under it's weight

>a Tzeentchian Prince who's only accomplishment in his mortal life was filling a whole planet with birds
>since birds are Tzeentch's favored animal, this pleased him enough to raise him into daemonhood

>>a Khornate Princess who commanded a Titan all by herself, and eventually crushed an entire planet with it's firepower
>>Khorne ascended her after the final kill, spreading her flesh throughout the entire titan into a horrific daemon of incredible size
Oh shit nigger what are you doing

>>a Khornate Princess who commanded a Titan all by herself, and eventually crushed an entire planet with it's firepower
>>Khorne ascended her after the final kill, spreading her flesh throughout the entire titan into a horrific daemon of incredible size
Well, it's been nice knowing you lads, it's been an honor, but I'll let Zorg take it from here.

Love the Nurglite idea.

These are fucking golden

But quick question; in general what's more important to you guys, the Legion or the Primarch?

The legion. Always the legion.

>>a Khornate Princess who commanded a Titan all by herself, and eventually crushed an entire planet with it's firepower
>>Khorne ascended her after the final kill, spreading her flesh throughout the entire titan into a horrific daemon of incredible size
Zorg's going to have a field day with that one.

The Legion, personally.

There's some backstory to Uriel's post. He's been around for a long time and he's considered leaving more than once.

Personally I think he just doesn't handle writer's block well and takes it out on himself too much, but that's only my opinion.

space marine blanks

Troll harder.

If you know the "destroy something beautiful" scene, you can't say there's nothing Slaaneshi about that.

But I don't want you to leave. Even if you do relinquish the slot...

I just wanna say something else. Popped in a while ago and saw something about bringing in a god of fear, but I think that's already covered by the four major powers. Because I'm not going to be on all night, I'll just summarize my thoughts and let everyone figure things out and debate them here.

As was discussed, Nurgle does represent fear of death. It's also fear of change. Nurgle cultists are like old people and doctors who are just wishing they had a little more time. They just want to extend things further a little bit, but they won't change themselves with that time.

Tzeench is fear of fear of the unknown, stagnation, and of losing control. His followers are like stage IV cancer patients deciding over death by cancer or going through living hell (chemo) and possibly dying of cancer anyways, all while hoping for a third choice.

Khorne followers ultimately fear fate and societal progress. They want their deeds to matter in the long run. They might not want to live forever, but they want their actions to. His cultists are men shouting "I matter" into the void.

Slaanesh is fear of outside control, and fear of loss. That's the hardest one to explain, I think. It's rebellion from expectations and needs because you might not be able to indulge yourself later. I don't have a pretentious follower comparison for that.

How are we doing the Adeptus Sororitas? I don't see anything about them on the wiki.

In the OU, they don't show up until M36.

We're introducing them in late M31, but it's WIP. Background at 1d4chan.org/wiki/Maria_Vespa and 1d4chan.org/wiki/Second_Vetrovnak_Incursion

Another idea: marines that are chicks





Both of you get in the IRC. Promptly please

I think it's kind of hilarious that the imperium's best response to space vampires is power armored catholic nuns.

We're really having our sexy space vampires fighting sexy space nuns?

We're going to have some interesting writefagging from this.

>We're really having our sexy space vampires fighting sexy space nuns?
You say that like it's a bad thing.

>Slithering Tongues can treat Khorne advancements as Slaanesh advancements for that close combat goodness
>Plague Hawks start with a jump pack, and can release spores from their bodies and into the air
>Crimson Circuit characters get bonuses to modify and create weapons and armor, and can get a "psy rating" for the purposes of summoning daemons into things and putting arcanery into weapons without pissing the big K off
>Kaleidescions get bonuses on any fire damage they deal, and can more easily hit Zealous Hatred with weapons that deal heat damage
>the Unaligned Singers are a psyker class that can boost the rolls of themselves and any who can hear them by singing

>Slithering Tongue: Drummer, uses bones and drums made of skin.
>Plague Hawk: Bass Guitarist
>Crimson Circuit: Keyboard and Synth. (duh)
>Kaleidoscion: Lead Guitarist (a laser amp and pyrotechnics)
>Singer: Vocals. (duh)

Would it be too special snowflake to make 22 successor chapters of the War Scribes? The plan is to make them allied, and each be representative of a Tarot Card.

The Hanged Men, The Fool, The Tower, etc.

Between them they have an artifact left to them by Arelex Orannis, a Tarot deck they use to plan their movements. Before the chapters move out they perform a reading and send out an allied force accordingly. The Tarot Deck itself would actually be a building sized calculation machine the chapter beleive directly transmits the will of Arelex himself, having foreseen a time where he would no longer be able to command them.

The World's Master Librarian would perform the readings, communing with the the prediction machine.

There are a thousand space marine chapters by m40 in the OU. The Ultramarines literally have thousands of successors.

The biggest problem I see with this plan is that it closes off War Scribes successors, and that means that at some point someone who wants to make a Chapter with Orannis' gene-seed is going to get told "no, you can't".

A THOUSAND chapters in the OU. [/spoler]

Chapters come and go, so there would have been more founded than that. But if we ever hit the thousand chapter mark in any given time-frame, I'll think of something.

No nigger, that's cool as fuck and I want it bad

That sounds like legion-building to me and that's heresy.

You aren't heretical, are you?

It's a pretty neat idea

I would suggest a compromise that these 22 chapter were simply the first 22 successors and were created at the same time. This way more can be added later.

Not to cramp anyone's creativity here, but I'm not really digging it.

Tarot cards don't really have anything to do with the War Scribes, they're very much the opposite of mystics.

Also, unless I change it at a later date, Arelex's brain still winds up as part of the controlling cogitators for the Sol Invictus battlestation, though he still can't talk to anyone.

Yeah come to think of it if any successors were to be based off the tarot it'd be the Eyes of the Emperor.

And personally, I feel that culture references weaken one's writing, but that's just my opinion.

Okay y'all, I need help. I need some names for a couple Heralds of Hektor Rites of War.

One is pretty standard HoH stuff, with phalanxes of infantry holding the line and deep striking elites being the hammer to their anvil.

The other is focused on helping out allied forces, giving bonuses for cooperation.

1: On Chosen Ground

2: Fraternity of War

Is that anything like what you're looking for?

Yeah, I asked the question about ten minutes before I noticed the entire "Notable Formations" section on the Herald's page. That first one is pretty good though, I actually have something pretty similar as one of their legion rules.

>>a Khornate Princess who commanded a Titan all by herself, and eventually crushed an entire planet with it's firepower
How does that work? Even trained, experienced, augmented Princeps need Moderati to help them command titans.

anything is possible if you believe in yourself

As if this didn't already scream anime enough.

Chaos handwaving, presumably?

>The forces of Lost and Damned need some love, and no one is writing for them! Get in on the ground floor!
This part is no longer true, we now have four people writing them.

I'm a lazy copy-paster, sue me.

Is it possible to have Lost and Damned that existed pre-imperial contact that fit within the context of the larger heresy?

Nothing's impossible as long as you write it with respect to existing concrete lore.

Mary sue wank.


>she's basically sprinting around the Titan in a panic trying to do everything at once

Zorg here, to let people know I'm still alive, it's just I've been busy with work. Zorg-nowrimo may not be as successful as I initially hoped, but there's always National Guilt Trip Month. Nagutrimo

Nah, I'll stick with mai waifu Anorexia.

What do you think of the Warbands that have been made so far?

Oh come on dude!
She wants to blow up the world because emperor sempai won't notice her! She's sprinting around the titan to silly music while trying to run 8 different battlestations at once! Khorne decides she's so adorable that he blends her with the titan so she's tall enough to reach the highest hab blocks now! She's khornes tsundere Waifu!


Contrary to popular belief, I tend to separate my weeb tendencies from my regiments, warbands, etc.

I wasn't paying attention to anything but the Plague Hawks these past few days. They're a cool idea, btw.

>The plague hawks I'm thinking kind of a nausicaa OTFOTW look.
My nigga

I'm thinking that the Thunder Kings and the Heralds of Hektor will be the ones who have storm shields in our 30k. Thunder Kings because it's established in their lore than they have them (plus it gives us an excuse for the shield's name if the TK are the ones who first widely used them). The Heralds would get them because they're phalanx based, and because they're tight with pretty much every legion, so I can see the Thunder Kings giving them a few.

Have we decided on a name for the warband of songers?

If I remember correctly, options considered were.
>Chorus of the Faithful
>Singers of the Word
>Unbound Voices
>Cantors of the True Song

I like Chorus of the Word, myself.

Not really.

Once this was a cool idea.

Now I think it needs to die

Who do you people reckon are the best Astartes warriors in our AU? Basically, who's our Sigismund? Who's our Sevetar? Who are the ones you DO NOT want to see coming for you on the battlefield?

Can't say for certain, but odds are they're a Black Augur and a Thunder King.

Well since it appears the Caligor has gotten back on the horse, we may have a trippier Sevetar if he continues to crib from the Night Lords

Heralds of Hektor legion list first draft is pretty close to done! Only have to add a relic or two, integrate them into the allies matrix, and add usage notes on their formations and unique units.

Also did some work on the Black Augurs and Sons of Fire, but they're far from done.

Tomorrow I'll give the Loyalists some love, probably starting with the Steel Marshals and Silver Cataphracts.

Cool. You posting any of it now, or waiting till everything is finished first, or what?

Things get posted on my 1d4chan userpage (link below) as I finish them, save for primarch rules which are all done and posted on their userpages, and get thrown in there as I work on legions.


Has he?

If there was homebrew for the FFG games, what classes and things would you want to see made?

Progress is being made on both pages, and they're much more organized than his previous ones

Are you talking a unified homebrew, or is this for a specific group, like the books they've made so far?

All five systems.

When is it set?

Whenever, I guess. It would depend on the campaign.

Well in that case...
>all our new cultists ( ) once they have sufficient lore
>a chaos space marine class for Black Augur blackguards (melee sorcerers)
>Thunder Kings unit champion
>Void Angel photojournalist hipster who's too cool for his chapter
>Relic Hunter/lore master class

Anyone in the IRC?

There's a surprising amount of people. People that are not talking.

It's disconcerting

I would be in there if I could figure out how to make it work

Get an IRC client (or KiwiIRC), connect to irc.thisisnotatrueending.com, use the channel #hektorheresy

Boom, you're now in the secret Snake Cabal that runs the Hektor Heresy


That's a bit of an exaggeration. The Dreameaters page has been made with a synopsis and index, and he changed a few words on the Zan page. None of the feedback I've seen offered by other contributors has been taken into account.

Cool shit you should see.

>go on Kiwi
>go as far as to copy-paste the IRC address
>1 users
am I stupid, or is nobody there?

There are three of us in there right now. Trying using
www. instead of irc.

IRC can be pretty finnicky, so it might take some time. I'd suggest using another client, as I could never get kiwi to work for me. Personally, I use byrd.

What browser are you using, and are you on mobile?

My bad, it would seem that the channel is case sensitive

Microsoft Edge
not on mobile.