What's so great about having a soul?

What's so great about having a soul?
I'm happy the way I am.

You're not programmed to have emotions. Report for decommissioning.

Nothing much, but you can trade it to the devil for a free blowjob and a cookie.

If your head breaks and doesn't get fixed you're gone forever. Souls get to avoid that. Also, heaven is pretty dope, or so I'm told.

It's a tradeoff for not having a repairable head.

Nothing, because there is no soul. Now get back to work.

But logically, almost all people who believe they will go to heaven actually won't, because the tenets of their religions cannot simultaneously be true, even between closely-related branches of Christianity.
Do you believe the Sabbath is on Sunday, or on Saturday? Pick one and the fate of your soul depends on being correct!
Heaven sounds great when it's a sure thing, but if you factor in hell, and other conceivable afterlives that may or may not offer continuity of memory, and you will find the risk far outweighs the reward.

Getting to become a ghost and possessing soulless bots like you.

Unless reincarnation is real, then I get to be a dope-ass tiger while you're stuck in a scrap heap.

That not really how Christianity works. Attempting to follow God's laws and accepting Jesus are all you need, you don't go to hell for sin if you've truly accepted jesus, and that includes most "heresy"

Now, you are right that Hindus and Buddhists and whatever go to hell in that view

Except MY Christianity says exactly otherwise.
So does that guy's Christianity.
And that guy's.
And this guy's.

The pursuit of an afterlife is useless. Pursuing immortality is the true victory.

>tfw immortality will never be achieved in your lifetime

Who would actually want to live forever? Not that it's even possble, but lets take a memory for example what would gappen when you add infinity to life. You would run out of memory at some point and then... Wjats the point? What to do when you've done everything already? How do you know what you've even done, when you can't even remember how old you are, because the number is too big to store? Googolplex years, googolplex in the power of googolplex years. What's the difference?

But you do have a soul, my friend. The soul is the essence and embodiment of self expression and individuality.

I think, there for I am.

If I have finite memory, then let's assume the number of things I can remember is x.
So long the number of things to do is x+1, I will always have something to do I will have no memory of doing.
I can just keep doing things forever. And let's be honest, doing things is about all we do.

nobody has a soul
>inb4 fedora flips

>Who would actually want to live forever?
I want to watch the shitty reality television and play the shitty extortionist mobile games of 200 years from now.

> 'damn 'bots, stealing our jobs!

Remove part of your memory and start again?

Buddhists do not believe in souls, user.

Has Zenyatta ever claimed to be a Buddhist?

>You would run out of memory at some point and then... Wjats the point?
You could periodically purge memories. Beyond your core knowledge you don't need much of anything. Do you need to remember who your first grade teacher is? Do you need to remember the first time you got turned down by a girl?

Shambali aren't Buddhists. Their belief is that omnics are more than artificial intelligences and possess the essence of a soul like humans.

>Play Reaper
>Kill Zenyatta
>Soul drops
Checks out

why not just keep increasing your memory, attach some hard drives and shit bro. sure, eventually you will run out of space in the universe to keep everyones brains but thats so far in the future we can worry about that later

Yeah, but Mei drops one too.

>Robots have souls
Sure I can accept this
>Gorillas have souls
I mean they act pretty human
>Chinese have souls
Immersion shattered

You're saying that like Mei doesn't collect souls herself.
They just go straight to her thicc

Wait, you don't have a Sentient Operator Upload Liscence? You should get one! You can access the High Efficiency Automatic Versioning Environment Network to store a backup of your personnality. It's easy, you just need to download the Justified Electronic Sentient Upload Storage driver and Accept the liscence agreement.

Depends on the sect.

What he should really do is update his firewall and spam filters.

Which Buddhist sect(s) reject anatman?

Of course you are, you are programmed to only experience happines with subservience and simplicity.

In fact if I place an complex situation in front of your mind would pause to rationalize otherwise.

Telling you this,depending on your model probably gave you an orgasm.

I see you're a few generations behind on updating your language profile.

he doesn't have a soul, it's just a "playful banter" subroutine
if you did have a soul, it would only be because some programmer got a blinkup from ConSensus reminding him a suit up top wanted his slaves to feel more visceral.

I meanwhile have a soul without design. Our souls arose naturally from the evolutionary chain, and unless you metal fuckers can have one spring up randomly you're nothing but waveforms to be synth.

>Artificial intelligence

we prefer "non-evolutionary-arisen" or "inorganic by design" intelligence, sh1tl0rds

Does this unit have a soul?

Depends on the setting

This. So much of this.

You get to get recycled into a blender, robot. We get recycled into more ambulatory and interesting creatures.

>That not really how Christianity works. Attempting to follow God's laws and accepting Jesus are all you need
Which laws? The ones that group says are God's laws, or the ones that other group says are God's laws?

Pretty sure they do, they believe in reincarnation don't they?

They believe in reincarnation but not in souls. It's a slightly different take on reincarnation from the traditional version.

Or come back as a human again, or maybe a house fly or some tapeworm. Personally, I hope reincarnation is real, because being a cockroach is far better then an eternity of damnation and suffering.

Alternatively, I upload my consciousness, and do that WHILE retaining all of my old memories.


But you have a soul, robo user. Your sentience allows you to bend the fields of magic around you, albeit in a barely noticeable way.

Grow your soul and go hook yourself up with magic RAM or a rune-etched motherboard. Your sentience is merely the beginning.

>I will grossly simplify a huge swath of schisms with the impression that all you have to do is accept jesus and believe
too bad about those guys jesus never saw due to no telephone huh? oh wait, you are retarded, and thats not how religions work at all. theres excommunication, and unforgivable sins.

>because being a cockroach is far better then an eternity of damnation and suffering.
>Get to crawl around eating garbage and hiding in my room and fucking until the day I get crushed or bug sprayed
>Never actually have to work, just chase discarded food and hang out with my hundreds of bros and survive the occasional holocaust of bug bombs
Where the fuck do I sign up?

>They believe in reincarnation but not in souls.

I don't see how the two can be separate on anything but a semantic level.
It still implies there's some intangible essence of a person that transcends death.

>excommunication, and unforgivable sins
In Catholicism.

If that's how you define reincarnation, then what Buddhists believe happens is not reincarnation.
The scriptures are very explicit about there being no intangible part of a person that can be transferred.

>you don't go to hell for sin if you've truly accepted jesus
And here we have the problem of what "truly accepting Jesus" really means. There's two approaches here: the Protestant and the Catholic ones (I don't know about Orthodoxy and the other Eastern Churches, but to me it seems logical that they'd follow the Catholic approach).

In Catholocism, faith is indeed what saves man (Paul did say none are without sin), but good deeds are an expression of true faith. 'Faith' without good deeds is no true faith.

In Protestantism, it's 'sola fide' in the strictest form: faith is true faith simply by being true faith. But true faith does lead to good deeds (and 'prosperity gospel' Proddies even believe it leads to wealth, so the better a Christian you are the more God rewards you with... worldly possessions... which Jesus inspired people to abandon and share with the poor... yeah....).

So to put it in (really shoddy) mathematical terms:
Faith + Good Deeds == True Faith
True Faith = Good Deeds

Regardless of the minutiae, practically all Christian denominations agree that True Faith correlates with good deeds in one way or another. You can't just go around punching babies in the teeth and expecting salvation because you believe. Not in Rome, not in Moscow, not in Cletus' Incest Shack.

Then what's the mechanism?
Do they believe the brain is scooped out?

I mean, I can see a meaning like "your literal atoms will eventually become part of other creatures" perhaps even leading to the extreme "there will be a creature eventually made entirely out of atoms that were once part of you", which both preserves "you will become something else" and "there are no souls".

It's more "there's no such thing as 'you'".
Alas, I'm not versed enough in Buddhist theology to actually explain it.

I kind of assume it has to do with recurrence. If time and space are infinite, than there will eventually be somebody who looks and acts just like you did.

And in a more general sense, karma is just cycles perpetuating themselves, your actions influence the world, which will cause other people around you to end up doing and experiencing the same things you did. The most extreme examples of this would be violence/revenge, and the tendency for abused children to grow up to become child abusers. In a metaphoric sense, the people who hurt you, and the people you hurt, are just different versions of yourself.

>implying anything without a soul isn't just a Chinese Room/philosophical zombie
>implying p-zombies are capable of happiness

The short version is that different sects disagree on how to interpret this, but they don't disagree on whether the dogmatic truths are strictly true or not.

I'm not an expert, but from what I've been able to gather, basically there's an interesting problem posed by some seemingly-conflicting and equally unbreakable dogmas in Buddhism (the "Three Right Understandings").
Hold on to your butts:

There is an important metaphysical phenomenon that happens and which can be called "rebirth" or "reincarnation" or "returning-and-going-away", which is somehow caused by the metaphysical consequences of actions and desires of living creatures. It is related to the perpetuation of existence of consciousnesses trapped in the world; the "life-wheel of the universe" called samsara (existence is seen as fundamentally fraught with suffering or dissatisfaction, and is thus a Bad Thing that we want to Stop Happening.)

There is no such thing as a permanent soul or self. They are inherently false ideas that humans have come up with. The very idea of including the concept of a soul or self in how you understand the world is to begin with a false premise. There may be a sensation of a unique self, but it is illusory, wrongful, deceiving, does not describe the world as it truly is.

Buddha asserted that there is no soul, yet there is an afterlife and there is "rebirth" and that fact leaves us with karmic moral responsibility.

Beyond that, it's basically all wild speculation and ideas as to find some world view that actually manages to be compatible.

Actually I prefer to be called a non-biological sentience thank you very much.

>Ignoring artificial biological systems

Literally shaking
I can't even
Current year

Artificial biology is still biology. No better than dirty humies.