What Ever Happened To Combo Elves edition



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> What Ever Happened To Combo Elves

Nothing, because that was never a thing.

When is bolt getting banned?

this thread is off to a good start

Because Bolt the format is such fun.

Anyone ever try non-Red Delver variants?

Can't play Bolts then.

but what if I don't want to play bolt?

>this people obssesed with bolt
And I can understand it but then I want giant growth banned too. And CoCo. And mindslaver because fuck tron.

There is this format you want to play called frontier, go there

Look at the stated ban list philosophy from Wizards. Nothing that warps the format around a single card or combo.
Bolt breaks that rule and nothings being done. Not even mentioned on people's lists.

I don't want to have to play a new extended format just because Wizards refuses to ban a card that breaks their own rules.

Also that format looks weak until new sets come out.

Well we don't want them to ban bolt just because it hurts your feelings, so fuck off

What a clear rationalization of why a card that breaks the very rule to keep modern balanced should be ignored. Cry more BoltBitch, R for 3 damage at instant speed is not healthy for a format if they want it to grow and evolve.

New player here, in the process of making a green stompy deck.
Once while I was seeing other decks I remember a green creature that looked like a goat which addeds tokens for every spell and instant played. I don't even remember the name but I'm considering adding one or two of that instead of 4 kalonian tuskers which could be cut perfectly. If it's too costly I will still cut at least one for a bow of nylea which is a must imo, sideboard my ass. Anyways if you can throw me a bone and remind me of the creature because I can't for the life of mine find it now.

Then you're in the wrong thread

Voice of resurgence. but is WG
Just because your tier 99 deck can't win to bolt it means that is unhealty. it helps to disrupt decks like infect and affinity, and gives fair deck a much needed removal tool. Fuck off and cry in frontier general faggot

Dismember and Decay do the same thing and can't be used to go face. And fair decks don't need that swiss army knife of a tool. You have so many other options that are 2 mana. If this is a "turn 3/4" format then you should have time to play a 2 mana kill spell.

replace it with stevie wonder bolt.

First of all thanks for the name, you nailed it user
Second, fuck i don't want to splash, any budget options to horizon canopy?
Third fucking hell is the goat expensive. I don't know if I should go for it, after all I'm only running dryad with white. Maybe I could add path of exiles instead of dismember. Or maybe I should just forget about the fucking goat and go straight green. What do you anons think?

So path to exile should be banned because it's a one mana kill spell? Same with lava spike and rift bolt?

go straight green

it's likely that Voice will be reprinted in Modern Masters 2017

Go straight green. There isn't really any reason to splash for a stompy deck like that. And tusker is a reason to play mono-u stompy. Being able to put early pressure like is great, and even if they remove it you've only invested 2 mana into it

No. Because Path has a downside, Rift Bolt is only one mana when it's suspended and lava spike can ONLY go face.

You are just vomiting cards trying to justify your position and are failing. All of these cards have down sides or extra costs, that's why they are ok. Bolt has none of these.

Bolt isn't even that good, it's not like no deck plays creatures with less than 4 toughness because bolt is in the format

It's the #1 most played card in the format.There's not a card that is even close.

You guys are right. Even if I want to change later I can do it easily since everything is so cheap anyways.

Can you show us on the dolly where the bad Burn player touched you? Everything is okay, you're in a safe place now

How am I failing to justify that bolt is fine in modern? Your only position is that a removal spell warps the format, which is fucking stupid. You're moving the goalposts, and can't get over the fact that if you play a creature with less then 4 toughness it will get removed. Whether or not bolt is in the format.

But every removal spell has a higher cost or a downside. Bolt does all that for R and can kill a player.

The format is fast enough that small creatures or Goyf are the only options to play. Bolt kills the small creatures so if you want to play creatures you must play Goyfs. Real diverse format.

Path to exile is literally right there. and I hate thoughtseize and muh inquisition way more than bolt

Or you can play small creatures with a small mana cost so that if they do bolt it, who cares, and if they bolt you, whatever you hitting them in the scrptum for more. Just play mono-g stompy, it's the only option

Path is 6% in decks played. And path has a drawback.

So limit the format because one card warps what can and can't be played? Sounds like a card they should want to ban according to the ban list philosophy.

Show me where the burn player touched you

This is the typical BoltBitch a person who doesn't understand what a overpowered card is while they clutch their Bolts and Delvers. They can't hold a conversation because they are too busy trying to find a new netdeck so they revert to shitty attacks.

Tell me one reason to put mountains in your deck that isn't to play Bolt.

When I build a new modern deck, bolt doesn't stop me from playing certain cards, no more than any other removal spell does. If you are so worried about getting your guys killed go play standard. Any creature that bolt can't kill, dismember can and at that point dismember has no downside. The only time bolts are thrown at the face is when you're in the red zone, in which lava spike does the same shit. You're just arguing that removal shouldn't be played unless there are downsides to it
Sure sounds like a standardbaby's temper tantrum to me

Goblin guide, faithless looting

Newbie here, why is everyone obssesed with this card? It looks good but nothing that amazing, I don't get it. It needs some oter cards to transform and you depend on luck.



I like yong pyromancer and monastery swiftspear is my waifu

It's most powerful in casual and pauper where you can brainstorm while the trigger is on the stack and have it flip almost 100% of the time. In modern it's alright. A good aggro creature that slots well into tempo decks.

It's also a 3/2 flier for one mana, because the decks that play it have more instants and sorceries then normal

Which do you guys think is better in the current day and age, Naya (Kiki-Jiki, BMoon, Magus,Pia/Kiran) or Abzan (Siege Rhino, Spike Feeder/Thune, Lingering Souls) Evolution/Chord?

>tfw have goyfs
>tfw don't want to play anything that can't jam goyfs now
This is true suffering

I've been playing Modern since the format started. And even after the first event I said that Twin, Bolt and Goyf should go. I remember being outraged when Nectal got the axe because it was "too centering for creatures" but Goyf, the most over used creature printed, got to stay and still is the only playable threat because of bolt.

So try another attack because you have no argument to defend your little Alpha design mistake.

Ash king the pilgrim

Koth of the hammer


How are you bitching about bolt but defending nacatl? In what world is it OK to have a one mana 3/3 but not have a bolt?


Blood moon

Because Necatl need conditions to be a 3/3 and even then you can always Flame Slash it. Necatl is a printed 1/1. Bolt is just a card that over performs for R at instant speed.

Cathartic reunion

Because, in the eyes of new players, creatures are fine no matter what they do

Spells are bad wrong fun


And spark underpreforms at 2 damage. And nobody plays that's. Like at all

Ha yeah this.

I'd much rather see goyf and several others ban looong before I bother considering Bolt.

They might if Bolt was gone. But more likely they would fine other options.You know, like a healthy format.

But user, he said he's been playing since the beginning of modern! He wouldn't lie like that to defend a ridiculous position would he?

Tibalt, but tbf he deserves the ban hammer too

In modern? Ew. No.

Again, no real argument, just shitty personal attacks. Not surprising from someone defending a clearly broken and format warping card.

That's not what a healthy format is. That's not even close to what "healthy format" means. You really have no idea what your talking about, do you?

Would someone do that? Come to a Brazilian Body- Surfing board and tell.lies?

Most important argument to ban bolt is to drive the price down for pauper, obviously.

Bolt just needs to get reprinted at common again. No reason whit it should cost more then 50 cents

Mana barbs

If bolt didn't exist no decks would interact. Birds of paradise decks would be everywhere. It would be even more creatures the tappening. Are you really this ass pained about a simple burn spell?
>we should play bad cards with downsides
I think you want the standard thread my dude

Could you post dick? I have a tibalt and I don't know how to use him

Honestly I think the only way to help control decks without just helping combo and infect is to print wasteland in modern, and then unban 12 post since tron will be garbage

He was being facetious. Tibalt is fucking terrible unless he's used as some super secret spicy tech in dredge I don't know about

Why do people keep saying Nahiri is bad? She's easily the best walker printed since LotV

If control has a larger meta share, then combo can get a boost in strength because control decks will help police the format and keep them from being over represented.

Also you really don't want cloud post unbanned

That speaks to your ignorance of what cards are open to play in the format. You must be one of those people who just copy lists and blindly defend them without looking at other options.

It's just one shot poster that's been making the same thread for a year. Probably policy fun at the fact that everyone (not just Veeky Forums either) thought she was shit.

Just... Jesus Christ I need a drink

OK bud. It's your turn to provide since points. Which cards will see play?
>lol you just netdeck
Or just go back to your kitchen table

Disfigure, Flame Slash, Piracy Charm, Dark Blast, Flame Pillar.

Those are ones off the top of my head in a few different colors. But all of these cards either see no or fringe play because Bolt does all of these cards roles. And don't shit post about bad creatures, we both know that's not the point.

>bad cards aren't played because there are better cards to use
I'm in awe at how fucking stupid you are.

>Birds of paradise

And none of those cards(cept flame slash) would see play. Gut shot has more of a chance of seeing play then those garbage limited fodder cards

What does it mean for a deck to be "resilient"

It usually means that a deck isn't stopped dead by the opponent's deck trying to disrupt it. Dredge is resilient to removal because its creatures come back. Merfolk is resilient to removal in some respects because the lords are redundant.

I hinder your main plan of attack. Can you keep going or do you flounder and go to next game?

Able to continue it's game plan despite removal, could tera and hand disruption. Take tron, which is fairly resistant. Because it's main game plan is putting out 3 lands and a planeswalker, its hard to disrupt. You can't make them discard an urza's tower, and even if you ghost quarter it it's pretty easy for tron to get another one (via expedition map, ancient stirrings and Sylvan scrying). And it's main win con is Karn Liberated. Because there aren't many removal spells for planeswalker (besides bolt. Hey look at that full circle) he is hard to deal with. And because he is colourless, it's easy to dig for one with ancient stirrings. Basically, make sure a deck is able to avoid having it game plan get fucked by your opponent interacting with you, and if they do it can quickly and easily bounce back

Why is Punishing Fire banned in Modern? Can someone tell me why? It doesn't seem like life gain is running rampant even with lifelinkers, maybe there is a way to force your opponent to gain life? (I'm new to MTG in general)

Grove of the Burnwillow

See: Legacy Lands

Grove of the Burnwillows allos you to infinitely recur it and grants inevitability to decks that can run it. Also it makes x/2s a LOT worse because you can kill them basically for free, but in an actual serious way an not like that meme'ing retard who was bitching about bolt earlier

he's not

Is RG Tron good for a beginner? I haven't been playing Magic very long and the idea of a big mana deck is appealing. There are also so many decks to chose from in Modern and it's hard to pick just one

That's good. I was having a momentary existential crisis there for a bit

Tron is pretty brain dead. Basically your entire game revolves around assembling tron and then slamming any big threat you draw

Not really. Even though the deck is super linear, it's really unforgiving when it comes to making mistakes, and is positioned poorly in the meta right now. If you like big mane, try eldrazi. You'll be casting 4 mana creatures on turn 2, 5ana dudes with haste and protection on turn 3. Plus tron is pretty expensive to build "just to try out" because almost none of the pieces can go into other decka

Ayo hol up I agree with you on most of that post but don't you go dissin' my disfigure. Fight me irl nerd

Thanks friends, I didn't know about this land, i can see why punishing fire would be banned now, since you could freely pop any x/2s with ease and put people on a faster clock

are there any other old lands to watch out for?

Could Ghostly Prison work in G/W Tron?

Sure. Test it out, let us know how it goes. Your part of the wild west user

Ghostly Prison is ok but its a little expensive and won't stop aggression in the early turns as well as you'd expect.

You should give this a try, now this is a floodgate that you can get up on turn 0 and instantly suppresses the enemy and as a bonus its one-sided oppression that won't hurt your own guys

Nah; control has a great combo matchup, so wasteland -> more control -> less combo

Also cloudpost in the face of wasteland and without any of the legacy haymakers the deck uses (mud staples/ the mud concept is garbage in modern) and the dedicated twelvepost deck has 4x candle abra of tawnos along with al kinds of rad legacy lands. I think a modern twelvepost with wasteland in modern basically makes it playable tron