Pathfinder General /pfg/

Pathfinder General /pfg/

If you want build advice make sure to say what 3pp you can use, if any.

/pfg/ is officially starting up more ERP gestalt games! We've got a lewd gestalt kingdom builder in the works. What kind of sexy/cute characters do you want to play and see?

Unified /pfg/ link repository:

Broken Shackles Playtest:
Creation Handbook Playtest:
Avowed Playtest:

Old thread:

Other urls found in this thread:


>just want to be a hero wannabe
>but no game will let me

The kingdom builder is not lewd, user.

I just want to see characters strive their utmost to achieve their hopes and dreams.

Shooosh...just give it time...

But there are, user! Kingdom builder? Jade Regent? Rise of the Runelords?

Be the hero you want to be!


A reminder that Rise of the Jade Regent needs Additional DMs to help accommodate the huge number of Applicants there are!

Please be an awesome person and volunteer!

You can set your own timeslot.

We'd prefer it you had the same character creation perimeters of the original. Though you are free to make changes as you see fit.

Level 3 start
25 PB
All 1pp/DSP/SoP allowed
Other 3pp needs to be checked over
2 traits (3 with a disadvantage)
max starting gold for your class plus appropriate WBL (3,000 gp + starting gold amount).
Pretty much open races, provided it's not something broken

Optional rules in use are:

Unchained classes
When multiclassing, fractional BAB/Saves are used
Variant Multiclassing
Background skills and skill unlocks
Stamina is in use, Fighters and Kineticists gain Combat Stamina for free
Commonplace Guns
Words of Power, in case anyone wants to use that
Called Shots
Kineticists use Stamina in place of Burn
Master of Many Styles Monk retains the ability to choose any feat in a style chain path as a bonus feat without needing to meet the prerequisites.
Feat tax rules detailed here (

Link to the base game is here

But user, the only thing that game will lead to is shitposting and disappointment!

Is there any way besides Tetori Monk to make a character who can even pretend to feasibly grapple at high level? I haven't found any other ways to reliably override Freedom of Movement.

Image unrelated.


What if the only hope he has left is to find a new home where he can practice his unbelief in peace and not get tracked down and killed for a crime he didn't commit?

Well that was fast.

Friendly reminder that we've got official testimony that 2hu is a shit player who ruins games: We've also got more testimony of 2hu being a bad player:

>the only thing that game will lead to is shitposting and disappointment!

Oh user, you're preparing for failure when you should be hoping for success! Hope will always trump defeatism, even if it is a little misplaced. If the game dies than it dies, we say our words and move on... But if it doesn't, than that's months of entertainment enjoyed by you and the rest of the thread.

stop witch-hunting nobody cares that much

We are already dead.

You're not friendly, it's not official, and you really need to kill yourself. Nobody except you actually gives a shit, and you made yourself look like an idiot a few months ago too.

My character's dream is unclear.

At least, it's unclear beyond, "I just want to live a quiet life."

Hope is an illusion.

Is he a gestalt Alchemist/Spirtualist?

My character wants to become a perfect copy of his goddess.

I want someone to slap some sense into him, becuase ultimately He's doing it out of a series of body image issues that have been plaguing him his entire life and is under the idea that if he looks like something perfect he'll finally be happy, even though that isn't true, speaking as someone IRL who's dealt with body image issues before and knows that whole song and dance

Should've taken levels in commoner.

No, he's a Warder | Artisan.

Part of me thinks this might actually be a feature for him; he's already realized his dreams, but the spark of adventure caused by Burnt Offering reignites NEW dreams he could follow, and with that he decides to take up the sword once more, for one last grand adventure.

So the doorknob is safe, then? Good.

If nobody cares, then why do we know to ban 2hu from games?

Because /pfg/ is full of pansy-ass passive aggressive shit heads.

Hope rides alone!

So I'm working on my own campaign right now and I've hit a road block.

The party is supposed to investigate the slaughterhouse in town, but there's a barrier of silence around the building.

The barrier of silence is designed to keep the animal noises and slaughter sounds down.

I need a magical item to break the silence for the party so they can search the area, communicate with each other and cast spells.

I've leafed through "Ultimate Equipment" but I have yet to see something that would create a sort-of bubble around the party to help them investigate.

Anyone have any ideas?

Says you.

Hey , can we get some testimony here?

Why so much hate on 2hu?
Also, what the fuck is wrong with you all in this thread?

Does a ravenlord harbinger using veiled moon provide a decent approximation of a shadowdancer that actually works?

Ravenlord Harbinger with Veiled Moon is a better Shadowdancer than the Shadowdancer.

>Also, what the fuck is wrong with you all in this thread?

What are you talking about? This thread's been quite civil.

Is Leakanon going to post more Villain Codex?

I do this, but I think I go too far. My last character was an anarchist communist popularist terrorist exiled son of the nobility played as a toxicant alchemist. I had this entire thing approved by my GM. The character planned on spending a good deal of his money hiring and outfitting people to send back home, and to fund terrorist cells. I would find these mercenaries, hire them, and send them north. I had systems in place for the terrorist cells.

It's like my GM didn't expect me to actually work towards it, or didn't read my backstory. He seemed floored when my character did anything he could to gain international allies in his attempt to topple the nobility and to get as much money as physically possible.

I ended up cooking the books to siphon off cash from the party to send back home, assassinated a governor the party was working for because he was friendly with the nobility of my country, and killed a party member because they were getting too close to who I really was.

My GM eventually kicked me out.

I won't go into detail. I'll just say this. He was bad, but not the worst player I have recruited off of Veeky Forums or even the worst in that group. I would not want him at my table again if at all possible. He seemed like an austist without very good social skills, but not an awful person.

You're all fuckers and shits.

So that's one testimony that 2hu is a shit player.

And we've got another here So what's this guy saying about "legitimately good text roleplayer"?

Why are you witch-hunting? For what purpose?

And why the fuck did you say anything, you idiot?

Does this place have a discord so I can at least know who else here is lewd?

#pfg on Rizon, just ask around there.

Why are you lying like this?

What decent Cavalier archetypes change out Mount?

I said he had problems not that he was shit. He tried user and that's better then some people. Don't lie to these people and drag this down to where we were before.

Daring Champion.

Why risk letting him on board? You said that he ruined the game.

Better safe than sorry. Just ban him.

Because we don't have a Discord, user. I know Veeky Forums has a general Discord but that's a crapshoot, and at least with #pfg you can throw on a throwaway name and ask around for what you're looking for.

Why not ban you?

Because 2hu is cute and I, personally, want cute games!

>Better safe than sorry. Just ban him.

Everyone who needs to know, knows the Roll20 account of 2hu (and no, I'm not going to post it), anyone who wants to let him in will, while those who don't, won't.

Please don't make him out to be the boogeyman he isn't, 2hu is not going to sneak up and ruin your game.

He just needs a firm GM who understands highpower games. There are games where he won't fit but I firmly believe he can RP and if he's diversified from his immensely goal oriented RP that his friend had complained about then he could fit into a game like a normal person. If not then you could remove him before he causes damage to the rest of the game. It just takes a firm hand.

But user, what if it was your game that was shit all along?

I'm thinking Fighter Unchained | Cavalier (Contsable)

So let me get this rollcall straight.
>Old teifling shut in
>Wolfgirl barbarian
>Thicc Ulfen with a sweet tooth
>Old Artisan swordsage
>Travelling lame cat-priest who punches with gauntlets
>Warpriest monk with wisdom to deflection once that punches without gauntlets
>Large breasted Oni sister
>Small breasted bookish Dhampir sister
>Gamagirly punch person
>Heroine emulating male kitsune

Am I Missing anyone?

"Goal oriented RP"?

"How many notches can I get on mah belt"


Large breasted Oni and Warpriest Monk are the same character.

So a powergaming autist who just wants to fight shit and take loot.

Got it. Ruins games.

>wizard with body image issues trying to look like Brigh

Oh shush, just trying talking to the other players for once. I know that may be a hard concept for you, but I believe in you!

Fucking hell, you fuckers. Just discuss the fucking game.

>tfw playing cutie blind oracle daughter

Dwarven conquerer/loreseeker + slowly falling into madness due to the Hungering Dark. Essemtially no lewd.

Think dwarven Oda Nobunaga being driven insane by a sapient shadow.

Pretty sure that the tiefling neet is the same player as the aspiring hero kitsune though they were considering race changing.

>Master of Many Styles Monk retains the ability to choose any feat in a style chain path as a bonus feat without needing to meet the prerequisites.
>Feat tax rules detailed here (
monks can already do this. you just have the option to take the shittier floating feats you have to qualify for instead.

Its okay, You dont have to hide your trip.

Ah. I also forgot large shlonged half giant.

Okay. Noted.

I added them to my list. Don't think you can delete that so easily my dude. My elf eyes see all depressed homebrewer.

I thought aspiring hero kitsune was the crossdressing kitsune player looking up to a female heroine so much they dressed up like a grill?

I have a dear friend of mine that's exactly like that. He enjoys the game at very high powerlevels, and he enjoys it when everyone can keep up with him. We once played a gestalt game, and his character by himself managed to solo a level 15 trigestalt DSP character at level 9 (yeah, our GM was very much into railroading his DMPCs), to give you an idea of how powerful he was. The rest of the party didn't exactly suck, but I sure felt dumb with my cute little Weapon Skald | Mysterious Stranger build.

On the bright side, it was satisfying to see him destroy the GMPC's railroad one DMPC at a time. On the other hand, the GM couldn't balance the encounters at all so everyone could have fun, so the game just ended up dying.

That's actually really cute, user. Any good stories about her so far?

And a cross-dressing shota trap GiftedBlade/PsyArm/WarSoul || Meditant/Pathwalker zenko kitsune!

So does the voice of the void still need to be in the right location to channel a spirit in the morning?

Barring repeats, we've got enough characters for two groups of 5, or two groups of 4 plus change.

Not much so far, but her dad getting pissed off has been fun to play.

>Ah. I also forgot large shlonged half giant.

Okay scratch that , we've almost got three groups of 4!

The shut-in and the male kitsune are functionally the same character. Both are social spergs, both want to become a hero of justice and good, both have no idea what that actually entails, and have the wrong skillsets for it. It's just a matter of backstory details that lead them to about the same point, though both would end up being older than Sandpoint itself.

>Aspiring hero... crossdressing...
No. That's a shit meme to begin with, don't force it on me too.

Oh. I had thought you were the kitsune that had a backstory and goals from before. Alright. You're on my list.

I had thought that you were ^that^guy^

There's also a Shelyn paladin wolf-girl who wants to go on an adventurer like in the stories.

>mfw nobody will remember the completely naive Gunsmoke|Undecided b/w Tinker or Grenadier Android who only wants friends and/or save her dad.

I-it's not like I'll ever stand out with all these sluts bragging about their lewdness.

The actual character itself I am deciding on how exactly to build him. I want to be a face, but it is difficult to do that without charisma. My first idea is to play an Ordained Defender Warder of the Hungering Dark with the conversion inquisition. Then I add hawkguard and use a gun with Tempest Gale. I use a trait to gain Mithral Current. The other half I will likely have an investigator because skill ranks. However I am likely going to give up alchemy to be a Sleuth investigator.

I did consider being a Ordained Defender + Hawkguard + Fiendbound Marauder and having the Hungering Dark be physically corrupting one of the character's arms. Then on the other side instead of being a Sleuth + Steel Hound. Then I VMC into Rogue. Then I'm likely taking two PrCs.

It'll be Awful.

Does your DM do voices?

First off, that attitude ain't gonna win you over any friends. Weakness begets weakness.

Secondly, tell us about your pa, was he a good man?

The PrCs being Pheonix Champion and Noble Scion

He does. He's an aspiring voice actor, and he's really good with all of them.

It honestly makes me jealous, but whatever.

Yes, and she has an incredible range that includes Scottish lass, tasty strumpet, incomprehensible gibberish gnome and refined noblewoman.

Just take a noble scion follower.

Who takes a noble scion follower.

Who takes a noble scion follower.


I'm not lewd at all. I'm just a dwarf who wants to rule the world before his mind rots away.

Another question.

Are your DMs good at making NPCs talk to each other?

I like doing voices, but I struggle to have NPCs talk to each other or have multiple NPCs involved in a conversation.

He manages to make it work pretty well. I'd ask how he does it, but he probably asleep. Come to think of it, I should be too.

Considering all she knows about her dad was that he made her Before falling asleep/dying because he had to give his soul to power her, all she can say is that she's grateful that he made her.

All she wants is to make him better so she won't be alone.

>Are your DMs good at making NPCs talk to each other?

She's pretty gosh darn good at holding her own little conversations, but they hardly go on for longer than two or three exchanges before the conch shell is handed over to a PC; she's a writer, but she knows these campaigns are first and foremost about us.

How many people here do games not online?

When my friends aren't buried under mountains of computer science coursework, I do.

Hey user do you have any other reaction images?

>All she wants is to make him better so she won't be alone.

Oh gosh, these goals are always quality tearjerkers, I wish the girl the best in finding a way to save her dad.

Yes, but I got some I always seem to use regardless.

My group goes from 7-3 every Tuesday night. What you gotta do is make time.

Look anons, a PF game!

Lots of players like cute.

You can have cute without being an autistic powergamer who ruins games.

And you can be a good poster without being a shithead with a vendetta and a witch-hunting complex. Clearly you're failing at that though, so what can we expect from human trash like you?