Today is my birthday but I just fucked up a transaction and lost 99% of my portfolio

So, I know it's my fault. I could have sent a small amount to test. I should have payed more attention. I was moving my coins from one site to another and I had a lot of them in xlm so i put everything in it to send it all at once. But i fucked up the memo. So, it's all gone.

Today is literally my birthday and this is the shittiest present ive ever gotten. I'd prefer if youre nice to me and give me cute pepe's and stuff but I know if youre mean it's cause I was an idiot. what do i do now though? I submitted a ticket but I dont think they can recover it I guess it's just over now.

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Retard KYS

>I could have sent a small amount to test
I do this literally every single time

retarded af kys fuck your birthday you're worthless

this should be a lesson to you. you should of been enjoying your birthday instead of fiddling with your monopoly money

>I dont think they can recover it

I don't think so I think it's recoverable.

Also, here's a kitty... ahhh... such a cute kitty...

i forgot
i hope so but we'll see

Post proof

You sent to an exchange with the correct wallet address but the wrong memo? I think you should be ok, but you will have to wait for them to work it out.

I feel for you, how much did you lose?

Happy birthday you daft cunt

im pretty new (obviously), would the stellarchain thing be proof? i mean it would be but do i need to censor anything? dont remember what's vulnerable.
yes. i hopr youre right.
9754 xlm. about $1,400 in usd. i started with only 600 because im a poorfag and this was a lot of money for me but I know it's very small compared to a lot of people
thanks bro

I started with $450 few months back. On $25k. Just rebuild if exchanges cuck you regarding your support ticket.

I feel so bad för you. First time I bought bitcoin I thought I did the same thing and the amount of anxiety and shitty feels I had for some hours were unbearable. But I did send it right and straight euphoria washed over me. Take this Manlet meme and please try to feel better :(

ok this is embarassing because I fucking put xd as the memo for some reason. i know im autistic I had just woken up and obviously handling money while youre sleepy is dangerous. I only xd ironically (i know being retarded ironically is still being retarded)

i dont think theres anything in this that i shouldnt share and even if there is, it's all gone anyways.
here's the proof

It's okay. You only list about a month's worth of salary at a minwage job. Life will go on.

I thought the memo could be anything...

first time i sent xlm to bittrex i forgot memo. opened ticket, had my coins back thankfully after a week or so

some exchanges use unique memo to identify your deposits since they use one wallet for everyone

Use binance.

wtf that's retarded. so if some intern fucks with the database everyone loses their coins?


The memo is just a fucking message so they can separate your coins from everyone else you idiot. They aren't lost and only really shitty exchanges refuse to find the transaction. Luckily bittrex will usually look for it and credit you. If you use any other exchanges read up or ask support about their rule on recovering transactions on coins that use messages like xrp and nem. Stay away of they don't because its laziness and thievery on their part.

Whats the point of this? Why send a small amount? You can send the small amount to the right address, and then somehow fuck up the big amount and still send it to the wrong address. When Im sending coins I copy paste the address and then check it twice and that's it

oh because i was panicing i misread bitrex's policy. youre rightm it will be fine. wew

its not too late. out the remaining 1% into pic related!

and happy birthday btw

This had never happened to me but it's a phobia. I've had nightmares of it. My condolences.

>1400 USD
lmao u got bigger things to worry about if ur portfolio is, lmao sorry WAS, 1500 USD max
go make me my morning coffee wagie, I have some high volume positions that I need to offload. thx bruh

get your shit together and start over. happy birthday, user. see you in lamboland.

What a cruel, cruel board this is. Have a Pepe.


Sorry OP the first time i bought was yesterday and accidently bougbt ltc at 393 so i feel the mistakes. In the almighty words of the Veeky Forums god Zyzz..

My worst nightmare. Hope you make bigger gains in other coins bro

So nice to see a thread like this without any begging. Thank you mods! Sorry for your loss OP, hope you can get your funds back. No matter what happens, you will have a way forward, keep looking ahead!

>When Im sending coins I copy paste the address and then check it twice and that's it

Dont trust your copy/paste buffer


thank you my friends
turns out i will be fine. you shouldnt be scared either as long as youre smart and if you fuck up like me i guess if youre on a decent exchanfe they can maybe still save you
y-yes sir! right away sir

Could anyone explain this to a newfag?

What's a memo in transaction? Like, a secret question and if you fuck it up they lock you out?


i think it's normally just a note that you can do if you want to write something about the transaction. but some sites use it as a code so that it gets sent to the right place. just make sure to read the information before you make a deposit. if it wants you to do a memo, it will say it. i messed up because i was doing it quickly and didnt read because i thought xlm would be the same as when I did transactions of other coins to the same site

fuck it's only the automated message to far but they say it could take a month or longer. better than nothing

I am sorry OP
have a Pepe

What did you buy?

I'm always afraid I'll fuck something like this up.

Sorry for your potential loss. Happy birthday anyway.

That sucks man. I'm not being sarcastic when I say happy birthday and I hope you recover your 14 hundos soon. It doubly sucks since I think XLM will go up more than it has so your loss (should it be unrecoverable) could actually be 2x that.

at least you're still alive
you can rebuild your trading bank
then lose it in a new way

im at least happy it's in xlm and not some super shit coin that could tank. i have faith that xlm is pretty stable. if it's gonna be a while though i wish it was in req or something

Happy birthday OP!

PS I'm doing your wife

i already know ;)

I...I thought I dreamed that. Was so drunk